What is your favorite Gimmick of all time?


Everybody Has A Price!
I actually have 2 gimmicks as my favorites. The first gimmick would be The Undertaker's gimmick as the deadman which he played for the majority if his career. The other gimmick that is one of my favorites is Randy Savage's "Macho King" gimmick.

My first favorite was and still is The Undertaker's gimmick. He is the deadman and he plays the character/gimmick so good that I don't think anyone else could pull off the gimmick and keep it relevant for more than a decade. Whether it was him doing promo's, wrestling a match, or doing anything else he was always intriguing in my opinion. I never once lost interest and he had me captivated throughout whatever it was he was doing. His deadman gimmick will remain as my all time favorite gimmick and I don't think there's any other gimmick that in my opinion is better. The Undertaker's deadman gimmick will definetly in my opinion go down as one of the best gimmicks ever.

My second favorite gimmick is Randy Savage's gimmick after he defeated Hacksaw Jim Duggan to get the King of the Ring title. He went from the "Macho Man" to the "Macho King". He went from one of the most hated heels of his era to an even more hated heel. He was what a heel should always be and that would be someone that the fans hate or dislike no matter what and someone that is always getting booed. He was always getting heat for his tactics whether it was putting the beautiful Miss. Elizabeth in front of himself because he knew his opponents wouldn't hit her just to get to him. Another heel tactic he had and did was using the Scepter he received in his coronation from Ted DiBiase as a weapon. He used it numerous times in order to assure himself the win over his opponents and he used it to sometimes harm others. Another thing that was great about his gimmick were his promos. Even though they were already awesome before he was a heel and before he was the Macho King, you still believed and bought into everything he was saying when he was a heel. His promos were just pure gold and epic. His gimmick will too go down in history as in my opinion one of the best ever and he played it so well and I don't think there is to many people who would be able to pull off the gimmick as good as him and still make it believable just like Randy Savage was able to do when he played that gimmick.

So my Question for you is: What is your favorite Gimmick of all time?
I have to say Sting's Crow gimmick. Sting was great before, but that switch made him the Icon, and WCW's counter to the Undertaker.
I'd have to go with Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. He pulled off the rich gimmick perfectly and his theme song was the balls. The best moment I remember is when he had a little black kid dribble a basketball 20 times. If he succeeded he's get some dough, at the 18th dribble, DiBiase kicked the ball away and laughed evilly as the kid went home a worthless peon. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
I'd have to go with the Undertaker and Kane........ really you can't replicate it. WWE tried to recycle Taker's gimmick with Kevin Fertig but it failed to get over.

Ted DiBiase SR. he pulled the rich man gimmick perfectly and is what I based my Efed character out of.

Rick Flair. no matter how many times someone wants to nobody can pull the suave partier over as much as he did. and he's another guy I based my efed character's gimmick of.
I have 3 fav gimmicks
1.Eddie's lie,cheat,n steal gimmick was hilarious
2.Randy orton's legend killer gimmick was what put him on the map
3.Kurt angle's gullable gimmick is what made ppl notice n made him seen funny especially when he was with Edge n Christian F*cking hilarious
I was a big fan of the Million Dollar Man gimmick back in the day. Dibiase played it wonderfully. I was a huge fan of the strange though. Undertaker is a classic one that has stood the test of time--the original is great, but the "bad ass" one blew. The Papa Shango one when it debuted was one that I really got a kick out of. And one that still is a big one was the Quebecers. And who doesn't love their theme song?!?! :drummer:
My, my.... I tell you, this is quite the challenge for me.

For me, It has to The Nature Boy gimmick. When Buddy Rogers introduced it, it was somewhat of a maverick concept. A man that could kick your ass... But also knew how to party. He played the role so damn well. He was the original player, and would really help mold the way wrestlers work, even to this day. Buddy Rogers, I feel, never gets the credit he's due. He was also very skilled at drawing heat during interviews, with a smug "to a nicer guy, it couldn't have happened" being his catch phrase of sorts whenever he was victorious. With age, he mellowed and became a very respected veteran. Rogers was considered the first total package wrestler. He had all the looks, physique, personality, and ability promoters wanted. Hell, it's said that Vince McMahon's power walk was taken from Buddy Rogers. You know you have swagger when the owner of the only show left has stolen from you. He was the original play boy, and reveled in how much he was hated.

And then, once his day in the sun ended, Ric Flair was there to pick up where Buddy left off on. If Buddy Rogers invented the gimmick of "The Nature Boy", then Ric Flair definitely perfected it. He personified what it meant to be what women wanted, and what men wanted to be. rom the late 1970s, Flair wore ornate fur-lined robes of many colors with sequins during in-ring appearances, and since the early 1980s, his approach to the ring was usually heralded by the playing of the "Dawn" section of Richard Strauss' "Also sprach Zarathustra" . I tell you folks, if that is not an epic entrance, I don't know what is. I argue that it rivals Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Kane, and even Stone Cold for greatest entrance of all time. This man let you know that he was the man, and that he was the alpha male. Even in his later years, people still wanted to be The Nature Boy. Shit, his sequin robe would be placed in the pop culture section of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. after Wrestlemania 24. Read that again. The Museum of AMERICAN HISTORY. The man lives in lore with fucking George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Elvis. Yes, fucking Elvis.

Without a doubt. Must be The Nature Boy.
1) Goldberg. The man came to the ring. Beat ass. Left. Simple and made him a super duper star.

2) Hollywood Rock. The Rock during the latter stages of 2003 when he was beating Hogan's ass at No Way Out then feuding with Hurricane and Stone Cold. That was my favorite Rock character

3) Heel Jim Ross. This is a great gimmick. I wish they'd go with heel JR more often. It was great, especially having him with Dr. Death Steve Williams.

4) The MOUNTIE! He was great. Stereotypical Canadian and had awesome wrestling gear.

5) Old Goldust. The Goldust that debuted during the Attitude Era was great. He was genuinely creepy.
That's a tough one but I gotta go with The Boogeyman. There was just never anything like him. I was in love with the gimmick from the first time he appeared and still don't understand how WWE could release him. But I guess they frown upon gimmicks nowadays. It's sad.
I would still stick with the Undertaker gimmick. I saw on another thread with the In Your House results. I remember that undertaker vs Kamala match distinctly. It was one of the first matches that I ever said, holy shit this is awesome. I'd been into wrestling for about a year or so at that point, and never been wowed as much while watching on tv. But watching a live show, it was just amazing. Redefined my thoughts.

Back to the Taker, just everything about him. He's melodic in appearance to the ring, great skill, power, and the whole fear gimmick that he gives to wrestlers when he comes to the ring is just powerful. I remember buying the old WWF intro theme cd just to hear the Taker theme. Wasn't really a fan of his American Badass gimmick, but meh, everyone has their flaws lol.
Stone Cold Steve Austin. Who the hell didn't wanna beat the hell out of their boss? Well he did it. Add in a beer.... And another beer....you get the picture. Not to mention his promo's were amazing and he came up with some phrases that we still hear today. I can't say enough about Stone Cold.

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