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What is WWE doing right?


Old School Legend
I've been seeing a lot of negativity (on both sides of the fence, I'll do another one for the other fed later) and arguing amongst sides of both professional wrestling brands. It's like the Monday Night Wars of the IWC.

Anyway, I wanted to ask a simple question. I wanted to step away from the negativity a bit and get some positive opinions. What do you think WWE is doing right? No guidelines really here, just simple, honest answers. Thank you.

As for what I think they're doing right? Quite a bit, actually.

The "youth" (or new faces) movement.
I'm enjoying the number of fresh faces out there. Usually it's the younger crowd that takes to that, but I see a lot of the younger crowd complaining. I'm no spring chicken, but seeing new guys getting pushes, making their mark good or bad, and being built into the next generation of veterans is actually awesome to me. I was getting a little "blah" w/WWE before it happened, I'll admit, but when this started up I took notice. At first I was a little skeptical like some, but a lot of the guys are growing on me. A hell of a lot. It's almost like I'm a kid again. Which brings me into my next subject...

The PG era.
Say what you will about the PG era. I like it. Don't get me wrong, I was a younger guy during the Attitude Era and had a lot of fun and enjoyment during that time, too. I loved ECW that ushered in the attitude era. It was fun for what it was, and for the time. But I'm really enjoying just a fun, lighthearted approach to wrestling. Maybe you could say it's because it's what I grew up watching and that even with the new faces there's almost a "nostalgic" feel. But whatever the case may be, with television always seeming to want to push the envelope, or push constant drama and hatefulness, or be "shocking and controversial", and actually being that way for quite some time, I like a nice, laid back, simple, not so attitude-laden attitude. It's great, it's fun, and it shows you don't have to shock and offend to put on a good show.

The global talent.
I'm digging the fact that there seems to be a multitude of regions being represented in the WWE at the moment. A lot of people might not even think about it, but they have stars from the United States, Scotland, Ireland, England, Africa, Wales, Canada, Mexico, Japan, India, Russia, Italy, Puerto Rico, South America, and from what I just heard, New Zealand. That's a pretty good global market if you ask me. It's a nice blend of different cultures that can only be seen as a positive. Could it be? WWE brings world peace? lol

Cena. I know, here come all the Cena haters. Blow me. Now that that's out of the way, I'll tell you why.

He's a star of impeccable caliber and stature, and just a hell of a good role model in a time of rap stars singing the praises of greed, selfishness, pride, hate, ignorance, etc. etc. Most of those rap artists should be rotting in prison somewhere, not "chillin' in their cribs". But anywho, I like the fact that kids have a guy like Cena to look up to. Dedicated, determined, hard work ethic, considerate, respectful to others, humble (from what we can tell), happy go lucky, positive attitude, energetic, the list goes on. I think jealousy is one of the main reasons a lot of guys hate on him so much. Their gfs talk about how hot or great they think he is and it gets them all defensive.

Cena's been at the top of the game for a while now. The good thing about a Cena vs. a Hogan is that I have seen Cena lose, he's been in and out of the title picture, he doesn't hog the spotlight (he's put there, he works there, he excels there, but I don't think he politicks to be there.), and he's not afraid or unwilling to put others over. He lets his work ethic keep him on top and there's not one thing wrong w/that. The hardest worker normally gets appreciated, and it also helps others step up their game. If you have a guy in the lead that doesn't act like an arrogant prick, then even the guys not as high on the ladder are going to be happy to be around you and happy for your success and feel like you deserve it.

And I don't know about you, but I haven't been hearing about tension or stress or frustration in the locker room of the WWE much at all. MVP maybe, but compared to how you used to hear about it with people almost having to look over their shoulders or be on their guard constantly, even w/the crazy workload the superstars seem to have a genuine, positive attitude overall.

I guess you could also say hard workers in general. Whether at the top or not, there are some pretty hard workers in the "E". Doesn't matter if they're on top, or getting ME pushes, doesn't matter whether it's more behind the scenes or in the ring or both, it seems like there's some very dedicated, determined individuals putting forth their all.

Those are the 4 things off the top of my head. I also like their fairly simplified, to the point storylines that are allowed to run their course. Coherency and flow seem to be pretty good, and it's easy to sit down and enjoy a night of wrestling from the people at the good ole WWE.

Discussion, thoughts, on the positive side. And yes, I will do a TNA one too.
Totally agree dude, i like cena too actually, i liked the attitude era and ecw more than any other time in wrestling but i dont hate pg, there is a lot of joking around it seems and less blood which there is nothing wrong with so i see nothing wrong with it, but i gotta say my positive is, the champions, the wwe has edge (who is just the man when it comes to smackdown) holding that brand down as a face with some awesome feuds and actually making me care to tune in on friday nights, helping push the young guys, and miz, although i think he is a midcard not main eventer is helping produce some good feuds (although lawler and he is a little annoying but hey jerry is the king) and is making mania seem more interesting, we all knew batista would lose to cena because batista was man handling cena, but miz is taking cheap shots he makes it seem like he could actually retain, so i think its the champions atm that are making wwe seem good, john morrison is helping a lot too
I basically like everything the WWE is doing right now. The PG era is alright. Who cares about seeing blood. IDK why anyone would want to see it anyway, who cares its stupid. And cursing, doesnt really bother me that its not on the shows, here it enough from myself and other people to make up for it anyway lol.

The youth movement is awesome right now. The WWE is doing this wonderfully.
WWE has a process, they get something started, and even though it is predictable and lame, we all just tune in next week to see whats going to happen, because we all know WWE pulls something right out of their ass when we don't watch. The WWE panders to the crowd, they listen and they almost always deliver, thats what they do right, they know what we want before we even realize we want it. We wanted change, in comes Nexus and Miz as champion, we wanted returns, in comes Nash, Booker, The Rock, Trish..yeah you get my point, they have a way of giving us what we need in a quality show. Sure there is a ton of negative things we can say about how the WWE operates in the crap stories they throw out. But we can't let that overshadow what WWE is doing positively.
WWE is reaching a wider possible audience then ever b4 and bargening for a future in the younger audience, not to mention being publicly traded they have more drive to succeed to keep the shareholders happy

PPV's are watchable, not necessarily worth the cost but they are watchable. I'm sorry but TNA PPV's are not.

There is some semblance of leadups and timelines on fueds and history

There is newer stars and once on the precipice to carry some of the load going into the future.

They do the right blend of nostalgia while not taking away from the present.

gone back to a good blend of actual "Wrestling" and entertainment not far too much talking and far too little action like they were doing for along time

alot of lighter entertainment and comedy which was something completely missing from the attitude era.

Less generic wrestlers and the reamergence of actual colorful characters.
No need for the over the top Adult orientated crap, that was fine in the attitude era when that's all there was, but as Pedigree mentioned and furthermore
You don't need swearing
You don't need blood EVER!!!!!! well except in a first blood match
You don't need people being crippled for ratings

Theres enough extreme violence, anti-social people in the world, don't need for everyone in an entertainment field to be the same aswell.

They obviously read IWC site despites there anti-IWC spokes person in Michael Cole
To use an example time and time again, things Justin and Josh have talked about as possibility for a direction of a character or storyline on CSR have either become reality or very close to, specially when comes to the Please Vince segments.

Overall the product has more things that are watchable in amongst the obvious blunders.
and worth tuning into each week.

And lastly but not least the amount the stars give back to the community in charity, appearances is off the page
Excellant thread topic!

1) I'm thrilled with the current youth movement. The company has seen the need to develop future stars and they're taking major steps to address it. They're a bit behind on it, but they're working hard to catch up. The Nexus angle was a stroke of genius, making a large group of developmental stars relevant.

2) The PG era. At first, I was worried that they would sterilize the product, but those fears were for naught. They have shown that you don't need to be raunchy to be entertaining, and it's nice not to have to 'defend' the product anymore.

3) Establishing and maintaining great relationships with former stars. I think it's great to see stars like Booker T, Kevin Nash, and Trish Stratus back in the fold. I think the various arrangements are mutually beneficial to all parties and I hope to see more of it. And that also applies to talents like Chris Jericho, who has such a great relationship with the company that he can pursue other interests and then come back refreshed and renewed later.

And we can't forget the Rock obviously, another win-win situation. Dwayne Johnson reinforces his fanbase within the WWE Universe (and a nice payday), and the company gets a Hollywood rub for it's biggest event of the year.

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