What is Trump's End Game attacking the F.B.I?

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
I don't claim to be a political expert, not even close. That is why I'm asking you, the way more knowledgeable Americans, what is up Trump's sleeve with this latest move? Is it an ego trip? Does he know something about The F.B.I's practices that they don't want to be made public here?

This Wray guy is the very leader HE appointed in the seat after firing the other guy to begin with. And what is so damning about this memo that his own office is suggesting he doesn't release it, his own office is telling him this. I get the feeling that Trump has some major dirt to throw at the F.B.I here that he's been holding on to in case this whole Russia investigation kept going on, his ego is too great to let them step on his toes. Should be interesting to see what happens here.

What is in this memo?
I don't claim to be a political expert, not even close. That is why I'm asking you, the way more knowledgeable Americans, what is up Trump's sleeve with this latest move? Is it an ego trip? Does he know something about The F.B.I's practices that they don't want to be made public here?

This Wray guy is the very leader HE appointed in the seat after firing the other guy to begin with. And what is so damning about this memo that his own office is suggesting he doesn't release it, his own office is telling him this. I get the feeling that Trump has some major dirt to throw at the F.B.I here that he's been holding on to in case this whole Russia investigation kept going on, his ego is too great to let them step on his toes. Should be interesting to see what happens here.

What is in this memo?

Something to do with the FISA court and the investigation on Trumps campaign. It's a nothing burger if you listen to CNN, but if you listen to Fox and Friends it's Watergate all over again.

All I know is Trump is a closet Democrat, cause the way he's going and with half the Republican's leaving, they don't stand a chance in the next election.
I read the memo. They tried to undermine the FBI by saying that they left out who funded the Steele Dossier that was one part of what was used to convince the FISA courts to allow the FBI to spy on Carter Page who was part of Trump's campaign team.

Ironically Nunes left out a ton of other information, like Page was already being investigated before the dossier and that most of the people who were interested in Page were lifelong Republicans.

It's bullshit.
I read the memo. They tried to undermine the FBI by saying that they left out who funded the Steele Dossier that was one part of what was used to convince the FISA courts to allow the FBI to spy on Carter Page who was part of Trump's campaign team.

Ironically Nunes left out a ton of other information, like Page was already being investigated before the dossier and that most of the people who were interested in Page were lifelong Republicans.

It's bullshit.

Yeah the whole "well the investigation started three months earlier" is kind of a big detail that isn't being mentioned. Never let that get int he way of discrediting an investigation though. You know, because when you're innocent of all allegations, you go through this much trouble to discredit the investigations.
It's really just populism and playing to his audience. There is definitely something to the Russia allegations, and Trump knows it, and I think deep down, Trump supporters do also. I think the question is how severe are they and is Trump directly involved in them. The problem particularly with the left-wing is they cannot follow the innocent until proven guilty mantra and will throw horrendously awful criticism at Trump that only invigorates his audience and potentially earns him new support. This is why Trump won the election in the first place.

The FBI has some dirt, and Trump is trying to use flailing as a call to arms for his supporters, since that's what a big number of them like.

If you don't like Trump, and want him gone, don't go political kamikaze, that plays into his hands. Be surgical in how you criticise him, don't attack him on bad grounds (looking at you CNN) and just be smart. His goto strategy will crumble that way.
Trump's plan is a childish plan, however, it often works for him and looks like it's working now. Whenever anyone calls Trump out on something that he's said or done he comes back with oldest retort in the book and that is, "yeah, but what about.......?". And it works for him.

Reporter: "Trump, you were recorded saying that you can get away with sexual assaulting women because you're a celebrity. Any comment?"

Trump: "Yeah, but what about the host? I've heard blah blah blah." It worked.

Reporter: "Trump, are you white supremacists? You're comments seem to be highly in favor of them and they seem to support you as well."

Trump:. "Yeah, but what about Obama? He did this......" It worked.

Reporter: "When you fired the head of the F.B.I. was it because he was investigating your campaign? Was it obstruction of Justice?"

Trump: "Yeah, but what about that one thing he said that one time about that one topic that I don't understand. I hear it was very very bad. Yeah, but what about the fake news? I've heard that billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars was spent on fake news in the last year. YEAH, BUT WHAT ABOUT!"

It's ingenious when you really think about it.
Trump is trying to create drama when there isn't one, in order to make himself look like a hero who battles injustice. That's his end game. That has always been his end game. Trump panders to the average American who think that his country is blessed by God or whoever, and that Americans are so mistreated and everybody mistreats them and doesn't respect them and it's the world against them and all of that shit.

So Trump is making it seem like the whole world is against him, so he tries to act as a hero, rather than a politician. He puts everyone in the enemy line and makes everyone seem like an enemy so that he can appear as an underdog.
Trump is trying to create drama when there isn't one, in order to make himself look like a hero who battles injustice. That's his end game. That has always been his end game. Trump panders to the average American who think that his country is blessed by God or whoever, and that Americans are so mistreated and everybody mistreats them and doesn't respect them and it's the world against them and all of that shit.

So Trump is making it seem like the whole world is against him, so he tries to act as a hero, rather than a politician. He puts everyone in the enemy line and makes everyone seem like an enemy so that he can appear as an underdog.

Which boils the whole thing down to the problem with Trump's presidency: it's all about him. Nothing he's done has been for the sake of fixing the country or making things better for the masses. It's all about making Trump look good and furthering his brand or whatever he wants. If he has to wreck the lives of millions of people so his poll numbers can go up and people will love him more, that's just an acceptable consequence because it doesn't matter to him.
No real "end game", just the simple age old tactic of trying to attack the character/legitimacy of those who attack you. Trump loves him some ad hominem attacks.
Oh, and before anybody decides to call me out on the fact that I'm not from the USA, well, Trump is all over the news and what happens in the US affects like 90% of the planet. So I also have the right to have an opinion on this.

Also like KB said, it's all about him. Which is scary. If for example he presents North Korea as an undoubted enemy, I don't really know what stops him from activating those nukes.

Don't be surprised if he sends an entire military force into Mexico to "save them" from their ongoing crisis with the cartels. I'm surprised that he hasn't even mentioned something like that yet.

Although when it comes to military action, he seems to br all talk and no actions, judging from the fact that Obama did 2-3 wars and Trumo hasn't really done anything of importance yet.
Oh, and before anybody decides to call me out on the fact that I'm not from the USA, well, Trump is all over the news and what happens in the US affects like 90% of the planet. So I also have the right to have an opinion on this.

Also like KB said, it's all about him. Which is scary. If for example he presents North Korea as an undoubted enemy, I don't really know what stops him from activating those nukes.

Don't be surprised if he sends an entire military force into Mexico to "save them" from their ongoing crisis with the cartels. I'm surprised that he hasn't even mentioned something like that yet.

Although when it comes to military action, he seems to br all talk and no actions, judging from the fact that Obama did 2-3 wars and Trumo hasn't really done anything of importance yet.

I'm not from the US either but live close enough, just two hours away from the border at Niagara Falls. What stops him from using the nukes, as you call it, is the fact that it would ultimately cause the deaths of 100,000's of thousands of South Korea's. Kim might be able to hit the US with some of his missiles but the collateral damage would be immense.

China and Russia would be brought into it as well, and that would most likely be the start of the third World War. China has already said if Kim launches first then he is on is own, if however, the US launches first then they will be all in. Kim even though he is full of bravado and himself knows that if he pushes the button he is a dead man. He loves himself too much to do that.

Trump on the other hand is two clowns short of a circus. Good thing for all of us that he has people who do know what they are doing who surround him, and will hopefully save us and him from himself.

Yes the US would wipe North Korea off the face of the map, but is the cost worth it.
FBI thing is easy. Undermine public faith in them = less blowback when Mueller reveals criminal stuff and Republicans don't impeach him. Though I don't expect this to save Republicans from losing the House.

Honestly, I think he hasn't launched nukes because then he would actually have to do shit. All he wants to do is Twitter and golf. The dumbass probably didn't even want to win.
Not from the USA either, but I do own a television so it’s not too hard to keep up with all of these developments.

I totally understand the Trump hate, and I do agree with some, but not all, of the rationale behind it. But at the end of the day, you foolish people elected him to a four year term (which I fully believe, Navi, will end up actually being eight years, but that’s a separate discussion). And the amount of effort being undertaken to change and rewrite history is nothing short of flabbergasting to me.

Regarding the whole FBI thing, I don’t understand why everyone is all upset about things. Granted when there is smoke, there isn’t always fire. But there are enough potential shenanigans within the FBI that at least warrants further investigation and exploration. I don’t consider what’s going on to be “Trump attacking the FBI”. It’s simply a matter of the potential misconduct of the Bureau which should be looked into. If there was nothing improper going on, then it all goes away. But if there was, people should be held accountable. Things were definitely done in a shady manner regarding that FISA warrant, there’s no doubt about it.

Fox tells us it’s Watergate all over again, clearly a gross overstatement. But CNN and MSNBC are far too quick to dismiss it all as a nothing burger, which is equally wrong. I say put it all out there, and let the chips fall where they may. If there’s no there there, it all goes away and people can be confident in the integrity of the DOJ and the FBI. But if there is fire there, people should be accountable.
Regarding the whole FBI thing, I don’t understand why everyone is all upset about things.

Because the upset people either believe that powerful members of the US government released cherry picked classified information in an attempt to subvert an investigation in to a foreign government trying to manipulate our elections thus making it less likely for our foreign allies to work with us and further less likely for our law enforcement to want to share with our Congress


You have less trust in our law enforcement.

Both things worth being upset about if you are an American. But you own a tv so that should be able to figure that out.

Granted when there is smoke, there isn’t always fire. But there are enough potential shenanigans within the FBI that at least warrants further investigation and exploration.

Like what?

I don’t consider what’s going on to be “Trump attacking the FBI”. It’s simply a matter of the potential misconduct of the Bureau which should be looked into.

That's stupid. Do you really think Trump cares about the FISA warrant system? Was this one of his campaign issues?

If there was nothing improper going on, then it all goes away.

Then why do you release a memo of cherry picked classified information to the public as opposed to holding an investigation if you want make things right?

But if there was, people should be held accountable. Things were definitely done in a shady manner regarding that FISA warrant, there’s no doubt about it.

Actually there is a lot of doubt. Four page memo seems pretty abridged to me. Do you really believe that is all to the FISA warrant?

Fox tells us it’s Watergate all over again,

I'm pretty sure Fox isn't using Watergate as its analogy. It wasn't exactly something that worked well for that Republican president.

clearly a gross overstatement. But CNN and MSNBC are far too quick to dismiss it all as a nothing burger, which is equally wrong. I say put it all out there, and let the chips fall where they may.

So you agree that Nunes held back information? Shouldn't that tell you enough?

If there’s no there there, it all goes away and people can be confident in the integrity of the DOJ and the FBI. But if there is fire there, people should be accountable.

Because there hasn't been much there there. Some agents don't like Trump. They can get in line. It doesn't mean that they tried to take him down because of their dislike. It also plays in to what foreign governments want - our institutions to in fight and break down thus hurting our ability to move forward, prioritize, and protect ourselves.
Not from the USA either, but I do own a television so it’s not too hard to keep up with all of these developments.

I totally understand the Trump hate, and I do agree with some, but not all, of the rationale behind it. But at the end of the day, you foolish people elected him to a four year term (which I fully believe, Navi, will end up actually being eight years, but that’s a separate discussion). And the amount of effort being undertaken to change and rewrite history is nothing short of flabbergasting to me.

Trump won't win again. He definitely lost moderates. Razor thin margins in swing states plus democratic enthusiasm means he will definitely lose. Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania could all easily swing back. It raining in Detroit on Election Day could have cost Clinton Michigan. That's how little Trump won by there. Trump is historically unpopular (not hyperbole).

He lost the popular vote. The stupid electoral college elected him. Not us.

Regarding the whole FBI thing, I don’t understand why everyone is all upset about things. Granted when there is smoke, there isn’t always fire. But there are enough potential shenanigans within the FBI that at least warrants further investigation and exploration. I don’t consider what’s going on to be “Trump attacking the FBI”. It’s simply a matter of the potential misconduct of the Bureau which should be looked into. If there was nothing improper going on, then it all goes away. But if there was, people should be held accountable. Things were definitely done in a shady manner regarding that FISA warrant, there’s no doubt about it.

Trump calls what he is doing fighting back. What he is actually doing is called obstruction of justice. Mueller wants to interview him about that. He'll probably want to interview him about Russia late this year to sometime next year. Firing everyone investigating you is a gigantic red flag.

Oh and:
Jim Comey - Republican.
Andrew McCabe - Republican.
Chris Wray - Republican.
Robert Mueller - Republican.
Rod Rosenstein - Republican.

FISA warrants have to show progress in order to continue using it. FISA warrants literally require the least amount of evidence to obtain. They only require probable cause. So you don't need to do shady shit to get one.

Part of the FBI did actually have a bias. For Trump. A FBI office in New York caused the reopening of the Clinton email case. This involved Anthony Weiners' (or his wife's computer, can't remember) computer having the same Clinton emails they already had. But this office instead never analyzed them without Comey's knowledge. This was done on purpose. Meaning they had to reopen the case and analyze them. 538 believes this cost Clinton the election. This isn't a nut job theory. Somehow Rudy Juliani knew something with the Clinton case was going to happen. This was that something.

Fox tells us it’s Watergate all over again, clearly a gross overstatement. But CNN and MSNBC are far too quick to dismiss it all as a nothing burger, which is equally wrong. I say put it all out there, and let the chips fall where they may. If there’s no there there, it all goes away and people can be confident in the integrity of the DOJ and the FBI. But if there is fire there, people should be accountable.

At this point, I really don't see how people can think Trump did nothing wrong. He definitely did conspire with Russia. Keeping up just on TV isn't going to give you everything. There's stuff reported a year back that TV news is just picking up. The only reason this case is moving as fast as it is is because Trump is a moron. Republicans are defending him because they are scared of losing their base. But they are alienating moderates in the process which will hurt them.

Don't equate Fox to CNN, MSNBC. They aren't conservatives. They are far right wing lunatics who complain if people on welfare have refrigerators. That's not a joke.
I'm late to this thread, but I just want to say the Nunes memo was a complete joke. And Trump has likely crossed the line on a potential obstruction of justice charge if he were a regular citizen.

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