What is the scariest movie you've ever seen?

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Dark Match Winner
Have you ever seen a movie that scared the crap out of you,Then watched that same movie a year or so later and think to yourself :wtf: was i ever scared of?

The first scary movie i saw was The Exorcist. I couldn't sleep at all, It was just to creepy and scary for me. After a few years later I watxhed it again and thought the movie was funny. Another movie that got me scared was Darkness Falls. Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe in the Toothfairy, But that movie was just spooky. I saw the movie again a couple of weeks back and it is now one of my favorite suspense movies.

So again to make it clear, my question is:

What is the scariest movie you have ever seen, And when you saw the movie at a later time, was it still scary?

for those that have not seen any of the movies I mentioned here is a picture of each I will pick the creepiest ones I like

here is The Exorcist

And here is Darkness Falls

Hmmmmm interesting topic. I would have to say Jaws. I watched this movie when I was like 6 and it scared the shit out of me. It scared me so bad that to this day I cannot go into the ocean. Hell for awhile I couldn't even go into lakes. It was that bad.

Now I know the odds are not great that I would ever be attacked by a shark let alone a 30 foot great white, but the idea still terrifies me. However, when I watch the movie now a days I always think to myself "what the shit? Why am I so scared?" The movie does not scare me anymore in fact it hasn't for many years. The thing is though that it did kind of traumatize me as a child, something that will always stick with me.

Another movie would have to be Cannibal Holocaust. I remember when I viewed around Christmas time last year. I was pretty disgusted by the very realistic and graphic violence and the animal cruelty. Now I am no supporter of animal cruelty but when I think back on the film now I wonder why the hell it bothered me so much. I have yet to watch again but intend to view sometime soon.
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) directed by Francis Ford Coppola used to scare the shit out of me when I was kid. Gary Oldman as Dracula was just beyond creepy to me. The whole film had an eerie feel to it. I didn't watch it again until I was either 14 or 15. Too bad now a days when people think about vampires they automatically think about Twilight........

More recently, The Exorcism Of Emily Rose was also scary. For a horror movie, this was well done. The acting from almost everyone was very good. This film is loosely based on what actually happened in real life, but it's still good. There are hardly any gross moments in this film because it's PG-13(I think it was released on DVD as unrated), and most of the time the suspense keeps you on edge. Also, Jennifer Carpenter did a great job playing Emily Rose.
House on Haunted Hill (2000?) because that was really the first horror movie I saw, I had really conservitist parents growing up when it came to horror movies. It just freaked me out how they were facing the House. It was like trying to beat an element or force that just wanted your soul. Now a days I just don't like that movie because I've seen it a lot of times. I can understand that is scared me then but now I just kinda don't care for it.

But one horror movie I love is Paranormal Activity. I only saw it once just because there's no point seeing the ending again. I don't think this way with every movie but I just loved this one so much that I wish I'd never seen it just so I can go through the journey with that couple again. That movie was pretty creepy for me and I just loved it.
This is going to possibly get a lot of :confused: faces but I'm just going to throw this one out there and give my reasonings-

Gremlins. Yeah those things.

I was really little. Practically the first "scary" movie I had ever seen. These bastards were small, mean, and could multiply. Oh and they also kill, not because they have to, not because they have a strange sense of morals ex. Jason and Michael Myers. It was just because it was FUN for them, and they got a kick out of it. And their main weakness was the sun. That means they were nocturnal, meaning they could kill you while you tried to sleep ala Freddy Kreuger. Did I mention they were the size of domesticated cats?

They even looked evil. Who remembers the narraration in the beginning and the end of that movie? Disturbing is the only word I can define that by.

Sure, a year later or so I saw the humor in the movie and didn't think of them as scary. But I was a child, deeply impressionable about the things that go bump in the night. That was the only movie that made me afraid of the dark. Nothing comes close.

Jaws? I live nowhere near an ocean, and as a kid I found Anaconda a lot scarier. But scariest was the little green people. Those things were demented and had a sick twisted sense of humor. A humor I would enjoy throughout the years.
The scariest movie I ever saw is probably not real well known. The movies is called "Fire in the Sky" and stars the T-1000 (Robert Patrick?). The entire movie isn't scary, but there is one scene that still horrifies me. The story is about a man who is abducted by aliens. The scene is them conducting their experiments on him. It involved sealing him to a table with some kind of plastic body wrap, forcing a metallic instrument down his throat, and climaxed with them inserting some sort of drill in his eye. He was totally helpless. It still freaks me out. I have seen a video on youtube for Tool's "Rosetta Stoned" that has the scene in it.
The scariest movie I ever saw is probably not real well known. The movies is called "Fire in the Sky" and stars the T-1000 (Robert Patrick?). The entire movie isn't scary, but there is one scene that still horrifies me. The story is about a man who is abducted by aliens. The scene is them conducting their experiments on him. It involved sealing him to a table with some kind of plastic body wrap, forcing a metallic instrument down his throat, and climaxed with them inserting some sort of drill in his eye. He was totally helpless. It still freaks me out. I have seen a video on youtube for Tool's "Rosetta Stoned" that has the scene in it.

Wow that is insane, I didn't think anyone else on the planet saw that movie but me. That movie fucked me up pretty bad too. There are a few scenes I think where the guy is having flashbacks of what happened where you see the crazy shit going on. "Fire in the Sky" is based on a true story apparently as well. Just the idea of that happening messed me up, I tried watching it again but it was just too fucked up and I haven't seen it since.

The movie that really flipped my shit when I first saw it was "House of 1000 Corpses". It wasn't the gore that got me, it was the mental torture, the pure insanity, and how creepy and off the characters were. You just knew these people were bad fucking news and that the people were screwed. It was one of those movies that truly disturbed me. I could feel an uneasy unsettled fear inside as I watched that movie almost as if I was in the movie myself. It seemed more real than anything I've ever seen before. I thought to myself "these are the kind of people that are really out there, and this is what they are into, and this is what they actually do to people." I get a frantic feeling just reflecting on the feeling I had watching it the first few times for that matter, the horror I felt thinking that this could be me, and then the comprehension of the physical pain and mental torture and what it would feel like. It was the most authentic fear I have ever felt from watching a movie.
But one horror movie I love is Paranormal Activity. I only saw it once just because there's no point seeing the ending again. I don't think this way with every movie but I just loved this one so much that I wish I'd never seen it just so I can go through the journey with that couple again. That movie was pretty creepy for me and I just loved it.

I didnt get paranormal activity at all. I watched it and everyone around me was shitting themselves, I just sat there like 'What the hell' I didnt think it was scary, I didnt think it was good...I thought I wasted $13 to go see it.

What was it you liked? Coz im trying to understand why it was so popular
Hey Yo!

Scariest movie for me and i just don't understand why anymore was The American version of The Ring the first one. I was younger back then and i just thought that all that shit would happen to me, seriously it ravaged my childhood sleep, i would make sure sometimes to pull the TV from the plug just in case even though that wouldnt make a difference. I watched it again with my girlfriend and i couldn't understand why in the blue hell i was so afraid. LMao.
I didnt get paranormal activity at all. I watched it and everyone around me was shitting themselves, I just sat there like 'What the hell' I didnt think it was scary, I didnt think it was good...I thought I wasted $13 to go see it.

What was it you liked? Coz im trying to understand why it was so popular

Well I guess since I've never seen the blair witch project, the home camera feel was pretty cool for me. Like when you just hear stomping in the room but nothing was there Plus I've always had an interest in supernatural stuff so this movie about possesion and demons was fun to watch and was getting excited that all the events happened around 3 AM. I also grew up going to church and so the fact that the antagonist was a demon and evil just made it better for me to get into. I also like the Exorcist.
To me this movie was really neat. You knew something was going to happen but you didn't know what it was going to be. The camera sped up when they went to bed then slowed down and I was just thinking here it comes. I can easily understand why a lot people don't like it but for me it was just up my ally.
Antichrist (2009)

This film scared the living shit out of me. The cast was literally just 2 people (William Dafoe & Charlotte Gainsbourg) and yet it never stopped scaring me with how disturbing it was.

It dealt with emotions such as misogyny and witchcraft. Basically the story of the film begins in black and white colour with a married couple(With no names just referred to as "He" & "She") having sex and while that is happening their child climbs off the bed it is on and climbs out the window falling to it's death and exploding into alot of gore and at the moment of the childs death, the woman is shown in sexual climax. After this the film is split up into four chapters: Grief, Pain, Despair & The 3 Beggers.

Basically the man takes his wife back to a wood cabin where she did a thesis on Gynocide. At one point while driving to the cabin he comes across a deer with a dead deer fetus hanging out of it. Things get much more strange and disturbing as the film progresses. One point which got me really scared was when "He" wakes up and finds his hand covered in dog ticks.

Things to consider if deciding to watch this:
It is extremely graphic, sexually and violently. It is not a popcorn film, but one to be analyzed and pored over. The pacing is a dreamy drift but not sluggish as the slow motion might suggest. There are two jump scare scenes, but the horror is a vast, oppressive thing, not a series of "Boo!"
The extreme vulgarity of the film are an artist's tantrum, punishing the audience, but the expert craft work cannot be denied. Stunning and challenging.
Here is the trailer :

Scariest movie? I don't think I have seen a movie that has scared me. I used to love watching Chucky as a kid, I can't get enough of scary movies. with that being said there has only ever been one movie that has made me jump. that's Nicole kidman's The others. (yes I know it's not scary) But I was home alone and 12. I was watching that movie and where she goes to open the door and it swings open, My Lounge room door swung open and my rottwieler walked out growling. I have watched it since and not flinched but yeah..
Is, always has been and always will be Hellraiser.

They're disgustingly gory and terrifying, because that depiction of "hell" is exactly what I'd never want to experience.

The fist time I ever watched Hellraiser, I had pnemonia which made things so much worse for me because I was already loopy on drugs – combined with the fact I was watching something that disturbing and gory around the age of 12? Yeah... Hellraiser it is.

Runners up: The Hills Have Eyes, House of 1000 Corpses, The People Under the Stairs, etc.
To this day, even though I know its not anything big to some, but Poltergeist. I know some may think its nothing, but over all, the thought that a house is a sanctuary, and the closet opening up and swallowing and sucking the child in like a vortex, it just scared the living daylights out of me as a kid. Another thing about that movie was the scene in which one of those Paranormal researchers is in the bathroom and starts scratching his face and chunks of it starts falling off as the light gets brighter and brighter. But I think what sealed my fate for me was the kids, Carol Anne and Robby (in the movie) had this very creepy clown doll that sat in a chair at the end of their bed, and the doll came to life later on in the movie. One Christmas, my sister and I (who shared a room at the time) we got a clown doll that looked EXACTLY like that doll from the movie from a family friend. Needless to say that gift was hidden under a stack of clothes in the closet out of sheer fright that it would come to life just like in the movie. :wtf: Mind you were were only like in grade school at the time and still having those wild imaginations. But to this day, at the age of 30, I still have trouble watching that movie remembering that freakish looking clown doll. :wtf:

I was never scared by slasher movies, they are all to unrealistic for me to suspend my disbelief. Jaws on the other hand, doesn't have alien monsters, no demons or zombies returning from the dead, no scientific experiments gone wrong. All it has is an oversized great white shark. But not a ridiculously oversized one, just a realistically oversized one.

And that is exactly why it is such a terrifying movie. Because there isn't anything in it that isn't possible. It is based entirely in our world with no science fiction elements getting in the way of our belief. Not even going to mention the thousands of people that never went in the ocean again because of that movie.
Im saying paranormal activity i was as scared as a black guy at a blink 182 concert would be. me and my best friend were holding pillows and biting them. The suspense was just crazy. Dont shit on me i know a lot of people dont think its scary guess it just depends on the kind of person you are, but i was always home alone when i was pretty young cause both of my parents worked at the same time and i would be lying in my bed at night hearing random nioses and being scared to death so maybe thats why paranormal activity freaked me out but ya
If you had not had mentioned it, I would have forgotten (whoever mentioned first) but I too feel Fire In The Sky was one of the scariest movie's I've seen(especially since I saw it as a kid.)

I'm a big fan of Halloween movies, and I believe Michael Myer's is one of the scariest characters ever created (Ugh, Halloween was the one series Rob Zombie should have never touched. It would have been better off if he was asked to remake Texas Chainsaw, Hills Have Eyes, Last House on the Left, but instead they give him Halloween and he makes it look like a combination of the said titles.)

The title that really came to my mind that I have not seen mentioned is Stephen King's It. Now that is a scary movie. Fking clowns, man.
The Hills Have Eyes (2006) will have to be the scariest F'n horror film I have ever seen.
Now I have not seen that many horror movies but I have seen a few. This one will always creep me out because when I go into an abondoned area or ghost town I always think about those mutated people. Sometimes I feel like those mutated people will just come after me for some reason. Plus, when I first watched this movie I was less than 2 feet away from the tv screen and I had earphones in my ear to hear it better. Plus it was late at night around Halloween. I just thought it was pretty freaky.
I've honestly been frightened by only one movie, and that was the Ring. It was probably cause I was 8 years old though. After rewatching that movie, I kinda thought it was shit, and I feel like an idiot for being even slightly frightened by it.

My all time favorite horror movie, and shame on all of you for not mentioning it, is the Shining. Now THIS movie would have made me shit my fucking pants if I had saw it 12 years ago, and everything about it is just great. The plot is fantastic, and quite realistic, the acting is superb, and they don't overdo the violence. Fantastic horror movie.
Damn, I feel like a weirdo here.. Okay, I grew up Bruce Campbell, Full Moon and doll killer movies. Child's Play III was the first movie I remember seeing in the theaters as part of a double matinee. I was four and I was more puzzled why Sister Act 2 was the other movie in the line up than I was scared of Chucky.. Then I watched just about every other horror movie.

So, long story short, I don't get scared by movies. BUT these two scared the hell out of me:

The Dentist

Good f'n lord, what would lead anyone to make a movie like that? Isn't going to see a dentist scary enough? I am getting creep'd out thinking about it..

The Vault

I really can't explain why this movie scared me.
I didnt get paranormal activity at all. I watched it and everyone around me was shitting themselves, I just sat there like 'What the hell' I didnt think it was scary, I didnt think it was good...I thought I wasted $13 to go see it.

What was it you liked? Coz im trying to understand why it was so popular

I never really saw a movie that scared the crap out of me...
I wanted to get scared by the Exorcist when I was a kid but...it's just a movie so why would I be scared?

House of 1.000 corpses is the movie that I wanted to be scared of...but it let me down, so that's my choice a movie never scared me but I wanted this one to scare the crap out of me

and paranormal activity? I agree why were people scared? They would turn off the lights and the door would movie...or you would hear a thud, nothing ground breaking there
shazam cause shaqs acting is frightening...lol
not really, it would have to be excorcist or poltergiest, why because both are a real life possibility. anoither one was the blair witch, personal it rather sucked, but after i left the place i watched it at and was traveling though a area with no lights and nothing but cornfields and forest, yea it did kinda creep me out
But one horror movie I love is Paranormal Activity. I only saw it once just because there's no point seeing the ending again. I don't think this way with every movie but I just loved this one so much that I wish I'd never seen it just so I can go through the journey with that couple again. That movie was pretty creepy for me and I just loved it.

Haha really that movie was scary to you. I laughed the whole time because of the sound effects and the way the camera was positioned. The whole movie was just hysterical if you ask me. But, I guess we all learn something new. No movie is really like shit my pants scary to me, but if I had to pick my favorite it would have to be The Ring. The storyline made a lot of sense and it was a pretty good movie overall.
Lol, yeah, when I went and saw Blair Witch Project when i was 18. I remember going to see it for a midnight showing the night before i was leaving for college I think it was the fact that the danger u couldnt see that really had me freaked out. Or maybe it was the fact that we saw it at midnight with 6 other people in the theatre.

The funny thing is, after the movie was over, I made my friend sit with me at Dennys til like 4am cause i was scared as piss to drive home. Needless to say, I got made fun of for 2 hours, but darn it, I knew someone was going to come out of the trees near where i lived and get me! lol.

Twelve years later, I can see that movie and think about how stupid it truly was, and cant understand why it freaked me out so badly. Ive been grossed out by gore in many a movie, but this was the only movie that truly "scared" me. I know why I was scared at the time, but especially after seeinh the second one, I cant understand why, which Im not sure if that is funny, or just plain pathetic! :shrug:
A movie that scared me insanely for years was Childs Play. I originaly saw it when I was 4 years old in preschool. The school called my parents cause I went to school and talked about it and bitched out my parents even though it was my older brothers fault for showing me. But the fact that a doll could do that and being so young I had an active imagination I was scared of that movie till I was probably like 10 or 11 so it had a long effect on me. Another that ranks up there and has been mentioned is Jaws.
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