What is the most Prestigious Title?

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The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
It is as the title says.

What is the most Prestigious Title in the wrestling world?

We have today the WWE, WHC, TNA, NWA. In the past was have had the WCW, NWO and other titles for other organizations.

I know there are title for the FCW and ROH also, no offence ment.

I want to know according to the fans What is the most Prestigious Title?

Personally I believe it is the NWA title evrey organization at one point or another were affiliated with it they also gave credit to the title at different points. Also look at the list of wrestlers which have held the title.

Because I believe that I also believe out of respect and respect alone the WWE should give credit to any former title holder of that title.
the big gold belt...soo much history behind that belt, it represented the NWA, WCW and now (even though WWE denies it) it carries its lineage through champions in the WWE
If you're going by continuous, long term name recognition and relevance among the vast majority of pro wrestling fans, then the WWE Championship takes it hands down. It's the original World Championship of the largest wrestling company in the world and that automatically gives the title a lot of prestige. It's been held by some great wrestlers and some not so great wrestlers, but the same can be said for every other World Championship that's out there. Not every champ or reign is going to be the stuff that legends are made of.

In terms of overall wrestling history, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship could easily get the nod. However, let's face facts, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship has been largely irrelevant since late 1993 when WCW severed ties with the National Wrestling Alliance. It's true that the title was made exclusive to TNA in 2002 but it wasn't until TNA move to Spike in October 2005 that the NWA Championship really became relevant again. After all, now TNA was on a network in which potentially millions of people would know & see that the NWA WHC was even around. Plus, TNA & the NWA went their separate ways in mid 2007 so the title was once again relegated to relative obscurity.

So, overall as of right now, I have to go with the WWE Championship.
I have to go with the company that has maintained it's relevance over the years and to me, that is easily the WWE Championship. I won't give it to the NWA Title because even though it's still going, it hasn't been relevant in years. The WHC is still going, but it doesn't really seem to garner the same prestige that it once did. Besides, it took some hits that I really don't think any title has. David Arquette and Vince Russo?

But the WWE Championship is the one title that has maintained it's level of importance throughout the vast majority of it's existence. The only time it really took a hit was during the Attitude Era when Vince won it, but it was immediately held up and awarded to a tournament winner. Other than that, the title has been consistently booked to be the biggest championship in the world and in my opinion, nothing really comes close.
Every Championship Goes through Good and Bad times so my Winner is...

Hardcore Title! For being consistently Bad

Only Joking I would Say TNAs Tag belts I cant Remember Any Bad Holders of it. Except Book and Scotty, Team Pacman and The Band. Most of the other Belts hav had consistently bad times E.G Cena The dude knows less moves than a pokemon or a tad more. Say it with me. Shoulder, Shoulder, Set up for 5 knuckle shuffle (suplex thing) 5 knuckle shuffle then the AA. More predictable finish than HBK And Matt Hardy (when he dont get his ass handed to him)
No title compares to the WWE Championship in terms of relevance, prestige and longevity together. Many legendary wrestlers have held the title and it's the the top coveted prize in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. To me, winning the World Heavyweight Championship is still not equal to winning the WWE Championship just because of all the history that's been built into it.

Second title that I find to be quite prestigious is the ROH World Championship. Say what you want to say, but you can't deny the fact that this title revolves around constant competition and the world. Wrestlers actually defend their titles successfully numerous times and only win the title once each (with the exception of Austin Aries). It just goes to show how seriously they take the belt. Also, it may not have the lineage of the original World title, but it packs so much wrestling rather than entertainment that it makes its own prestige.
The NWA championship has the best lineage to the early part of the 20th century. The current WWE, former WWF, former WWWF championship was regional until Superstar Graham/Bob Backlund and eventually Hulk Hogan took it around the world. PWI Magazine didn't acknowledge it as a WORLD title I think until 1985.

The ROH and TNA championships have been defended aroudn the world so they deseve the tag too.
Here's a curveball - I don't think a prestigious title exists any more.

The NWA Title- Shane Douglas threw it on the ground and spit on it. TNA used it as their title for a while and then abandonned it in favor of their own belt, which relegated the NWA Title back into obscurity.

The World Heavyweight Championship- The belt that Ric Flair bought with his own money out of need, and then brought with him to the WWF in 1992? The belt that was at one time in WCW simply called "The Big Gold Belt?" The one that was unified with the WWE Title to form the Undisputed Title, only to be unmelded months later, and most recently hot potatoed from Christian to Orton, resulting in Mark Madden echoing the sentiments of Vince Russo by calling it "a prop?"

The WWE Championship. This has the best shot, because it was originally the WWF Title and then became the WWE title, with just a short stop as the Undisputed Title. But again, this is the belt that has been shifted around this way and that and won on last minute challenged by Money in the Bank Winners, turned into a gaudy peice of bling with a spinning mechanism on it, etc.

I don't think we can ask the most prestigeous title. Just which title has lost the least prestige. And in that vein, it's the WWE Title.
The NWA World Heavyweight Championship, hands DOWN, is the biggest title around the world. I don't care if you say "It's not on a major network so it's not legit" because I will stand here and tell you that's bullshit. NWA has been up and going since the beginning of pro-wrestling and so has its World title. That alone makes it the most prestigious title that you can hold. So other promotions have World titles, that's good and all, but without NWA's world title there wouldn't be a WWE world title nor a TNA world title.

And if you don't believe that the NWA means something, tell me why NWA can still sell out arenas. Tell me why when the NWA title is on the line in Japan or Mexico, fans come to see the title defense. The NWA itself may not be in the best shape in terms of TV ratings, but if you're a TRUE wrestling fan and not a Male Soap Opera fan then the NWA title is the most prestigious title of all time.
I may get shot down for this but I would go with the TNA heavyweight championship and here's why. The NWA championship currently held by Colt Cabana is not on tv or contested over even at big wrestling shows.

The world heavyweight championship JUST got hot potatoed again with Christians 5 day reign, And it has been hot potatoed alot since 2007.

The WWF championship with all its history granted I give it that, But I remember a 1 day reign by Batista in 2009. Randy Orton and John Cena passed it back n forth to each other between sep to oct that same year.

The TNA heavyweight championship always have 4 to 6 month reigns before it is passed on to the next person. As I remember that championship has never been thrown around, Plus you do get a few TNA heavyweight title defences on impact which some people may say there should not be world title matches on free tv but it makes the champion look like a fighting champion with those free for tv title defences along with the ppv ones.

And I add I watch TNA but I am NOT a TNA "mark" Its just the way I see it.
I may get shot down for this but I would go with the TNA heavyweight championship and here's why. The NWA championship currently held by Colt Cabana is not on tv or contested over even at big wrestling shows.

The world heavyweight championship JUST got hot potatoed again with Christians 5 day reign, And it has been hot potatoed alot since 2007.

The WWF championship with all its history granted I give it that, But I remember a 1 day reign by Batista in 2009. Randy Orton and John Cena passed it back n forth to each other between sep to oct that same year.

The TNA heavyweight championship always have 4 to 6 month reigns before it is passed on to the next person. As I remember that championship has never been thrown around, Plus you do get a few TNA heavyweight title defences on impact which some people may say there should not be world title matches on free tv but it makes the champion look like a fighting champion with those free for tv title defences along with the ppv ones.

And I add I watch TNA but I am NOT a TNA "mark" Its just the way I see it.

You seem to have forgotten WWE/World Title matches take place WWE RAW and Smackdown too, Miz Vs Morrison, Edge Vs Dolph Zigggler, and just recently, Cena Vs Miz and Orton Vs Christian, but anyways I think the Intercontinental Title is the most prestigious title in wrestling right now, the title just has a great history, and its a shame its not main event quality like it used to bee but its always good to see younger guys go at it for the title aswell.
You seem to have forgotten WWE/World Title matches take place WWE RAW and Smackdown too, Miz Vs Morrison, Edge Vs Dolph Zigggler, and just recently, Cena Vs Miz and Orton Vs Christian, but anyways I think the Intercontinental Title is the most prestigious title in wrestling right now, the title just has a great history, and its a shame its not main event quality like it used to bee but its always good to see younger guys go at it for the title aswell.

I haven't forgotten that the wwf and world titles get defended on free tv it just dosn't happen as ofton as on impact. Back in 2009 when Rey beat Jericho for the IC title I thought that was going to be the start of bringing prestige back to the title, But it wasn't :disappointed: I cant believe what thay have done to that title. It wasn't contested over at a wrestlemania from 2003 to 2009, I remember back in the day when someone won that belt you knew it was a matter of time before they won the wwf title. Nowadays people win that belt and it does nothing for their careers like Kofi, Carlito, Morrison that belt is not what it was.
To me it's the NWA world title. It's the one title that has been defended around the world and through the territories of yesterdays, Harley Race, Ric Flair would defend that title against other promotions/territories/federations(whatever you want to call them) top guys and sometimes drop the title to them to help get them over, and then win it back. It was used to elevate talent world wide not just in its own federation.
There are different ways of viewing this. The way I see it, the Titles in order of prestige are:

8. WCW International – 1993 – It was a World Title nonetheless. This may be a better representation as to where the Smackdown World Title came from. HA!!

7. ROH – 2002 – In my opinion, the ROH Title has not yet surpassed the level of prestige the ECW / WWECW Title hit in the past just yet.

6. ECW – 1994 – In my heart, 3rd place. in reality, 6th is reasonable.

5. AWA – 1960 – The 3rd oldest Title in history. It was one of the Big 3 before WCW and ECW existed.

4. TNA – 2007 – The TNA Title has come a long way from where it started and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon.

3. WCW / World Heavyweight – 1991 – The WCW Title has a great history and, in my opinion still continues today on Smackdown as the World Title.

2. WWE – 1963 – I consider the WWE Title to be the most successful offspring of the NWA Title.

1. NWA – 1948 – The oldest, richest prize in Wrestling. The “Father” of all the other major World Titles.
for me its the nwa heavyweight championship as a poster above me said its the oldest and richest prize in the game guys like ric flair harley race lou thesz dusty rhodes i mean the list goes on and on of the greats to wear this strap because of its history and lineage i say nwa heavyweight championship
The WWE title is easily the most prestigious championship, because it belongs to the biggest company with the biggest fanbase. you never have or ever will see 93,000 people paying to see a NWA championship match like fans did for wrestlemania 3.

To me the prestige of championship is decided by the champions and the reigns they've had.

All of other championship have had their glory days, but no one comes close to WWE. Buddy Rogers, Pedro Morales, Bruno Sammartino, Hogan, Savage (OOOH Yeah), Warrior, Andre, Bret Hart, HBK, Ric Flair, Taker, Nash, Austin, Rock, Foley, HHH, Jericho, Angle, Eddie, Edge, Cena, Orton, Batista, Miz. That to me is enough. And I don't care about any arguments about other titles being superior.

After that is WCW, NWA, and WWE WHC which are considered for 2-4 places in ranking.

NWA heavyweight championship could be No.2, but because they went on with the belt after 2000 in TNA and even Da Truth has won it, will be No.4.

There's gonna be a close fight between WCW and WWE WHC. If right now was 2009 I would say WWE WHC, but In past 12 month reigns like Swagger and Ziggler and Christian has made it look like WCW, a title that is prestigeous but is booked not so reasonable, so I'm gonna go with WCW because it has bigger names but I think 2-3 years later WWE WHC will be No.2.

My Ranking:

1. WWWF/WWF/WWE Championship, Biggest Champ: Hulk Hogan

2.WCW Championship, Biggest Champ: Ric Flair

3.WWE WHC, Biggest Champ: HHH

4.NWA Heavyweight Championship, Biggest Champ: Ric Flair

5.WWE Intercontinental Championship: Honk... no no no, Chris Jericho
The WWE Championship gets my vote. It has the most history, having been around the second longest after the NWA title and has been fought for by top tier wrestlers going back from today for more than 3 decades. The NWA title has not been fought for by top tier talent in recent years. The World Heavyweight Championship, TNA World Championship, and ROH Championships are still new and gathering prestige. The WWE Championship also contains the WCW Championship's lineage in its history alongside all of the WWF history. It has the entire attitude era represented, so it definitely has the most prestige out of these titles at the moment because the belt with the most significant history behind it should get the nod as the most prestigious.
The NWA title is defended in front of 50 people, and I'd bet even most devoted wrestling fans are unfamiliar with whatever indy wrestler holds it now days. It isn't 1970 anymore. Honestly, I would put the ROH World Championship or even the CZW championship above the NWA title. Those promotions seem to have bigger stars, and a more active following.

The WWE Championship is the most prestigious title. I think anyone who answers otherwise is being a bit bias. But ultimately, whichever title is being contested on RAW is probably the most important, as that is the WWE's flagship show. A few years ago I would have said the WHC.
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