What is the most overused spot in gimmick matches?

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
There are some spots that make an appearance in every match such as a chop and headlock. Those are fine as they usually are just used as fillers to move the match along until the climax comes. However gimmick matches are a different story and you often see a certain spot repeated on each occasion. These would include the face first of shoulders in Hell in a Cell, the fall from the ladder through tables in TLC matches,as well as some others. With the number of matches that take place under these gimmicks we see spots that are used too much. By doing it over and over again they loose their appeal and shock factors. Very similar to flips in spot fests, and strikes in last man standing matches.

My pick for the most overused spot in gimmick matches is the GLASS POD SPOT. In Elimination chamber matches we are constantly reminded that they are made of pexiglass ( I don't know if that is true or not) and they claim it to be the hardest glass in the world. From the inaugural match up until the last chamber match the spot has been used multiple times and lost it's effect. I will admit that the recent SD chamber match had great use of it, the other occasions have not been very exciting. I went "holy shit!" when I saw Kane put HBK through it, but since I had seen it too many times already by the time Lashley speared Big Show through I was not bewildered and surprised to see it.

In your opinion what is the most overused gimmick match spot in pro wrestling? Why?
I've got two and they both involve Ladder matches. The one where two competitors are on the top fighting for the title, and then some jackass comes by and knocks the ladder over. Either sending both competitors into the ring ropes or strategically placed tables outside of the ring.

The other is one that's come around recently. In MITB matches they always seem to throw someone through the ladder and break it now. Ive seen it in every MITB since WM 23. I think anyways. They're not bad spots, in fact they are awesome. It's just that they've been overused so much that they seem to lose their luster now.
In your opinion what is the most overused gimmick match spot in pro wrestling? Why?

The Spanish announcer table being broken. At times, it seems like they set up the table just to break it. We see this spot atleast 7-8 times a year and sometimes more. The first couple of times I saw it I found it interesting and unique. But seeing it used almost every PPV has taken the sheen out of this spot.
I've got two and they both involve Ladder matches. The one where two competitors are on the top fighting for the title, and then some jackass comes by and knocks the ladder over. Either sending both competitors into the ring ropes or strategically placed tables outside of the ring.

I couldn't agree more. Every ladder match has this spot, but there's no way of having a ladder match without one.

I also agree with the pexiglass pod in the elimination chamber. Although now, they seem to have people bouncing off them, which looks brutal.

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