What Is The Best Movie-Going Accompaniment?


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Everyone that ever goes to the movies, has certain things that they need to buy. Whether it's the classic popcorn and soda, or nachos, or candy, we all have our staples.

For me, it's Goobers, SnoCaps, and Mountain Dew. I've never been a fan of popcorn anywhere, much less the over-buttered, mushy variety served at theatres. I'm also not usually a big fan of SnoCaps, but there's something about having them at the movies that works for me.

I saw Dark Knight 3 times last summer, and each time, I had the exact same thing. Maybe it's routine, but I like it.
Being a huge fitness and nutrition guru, i very rarely have cheat days, or what I refer to as "fat boy days". So the food gotten at the movies is damn sure a part of the fun of going. I ALWAYS get a huge, extra butter popcorn, a BIG ass Dr.Pepper, or Cherry Coke, and the sour neon gummy worms. The best. I might be simple, and traditional but fuck it. that shit is delicous
For years and years the only way I could go to the movies was with my father on Sundays and he'd refuse to ever spring for anything due to the outrageous prices. So once I became an adult and had money of my own, it was open season at the concession area. Now I currently go with the barrel of coke, medium popcorn with butter and ketchup (I put it on almost everything) and I'll bring a stick of sweettarts in my pocket.
Well for me its an odd combination depending on the mood. Either

Cookie dough bites/Soft pretzels,Root beer
Popcorn, Nachos w/jalepenos,Pepsi
Soft Pretzels, Starburst, Lemonade

The Regal cinemas are OVER PRICED, where I live, so I tend to only get popcorn and bring my own 20 oz pop, But the local theater downtown Buffalo has great popcorn and cookies, so I go more towards those.
The essentials for me before going to a cinema is:-

a) Get stoned before going in, preferably outside the cinema when you know the 20 mins of trailers are playing (although the fuckers didn't play any trailers before 'The Wrestler'), because basically, i enjoy new stuff a LOT more when i'm baked in the dark lol.

b) A Tango Ice Blast, essentially a slushie that either comes in Raspberry, Bubblegum or a combination, in normal size cups or in like a metre long tube (but after 10 minutes you're basically drinking liquid)

c) Revels (preferably having not eaten them all before the filom actually starts, but that's difficult usually after completion of step a).
I never used to really like popcorn that much, but over the past couple years I've started to quite like it. The first time I actually brought some into the cinema with me was when I went to see The Dark Knight at IMAX. I'll also have coke.

Alternatively, I won't have the fat wad of cash that is required to buy food in the actual cinema, and I'll have to settle for some crisps and a can of coke from the local newsagents.
I rarely go to the cinema. Infact the last time I went to the cinema was back on November 1st when I went and saw Quantum of Solace. But whenever I do go to the cinema, I like to splash out. I usually go for a big ass packet of chessy Doritos, a bottle of Coke and maybe a tub of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice-cream. Normally feel kinda rough afterwards but it's good shit to eat and drink when your watching 007 kicking ass. Be adviced, don't get cheesy Doritos' when you've taken a girl to the movies... bad times.
I think for me going to the theaters means getting a giant bag of popcorn to share, and a giant pop. Theater popcorn is usually top notch, and is the most satisfying thing I can have.

Popcorn- Large bag, no salt, no butter. I like the popcorn to be crispy, and crack in my mouth. Not a salt, and not a butter fan, so it is perfection when it is like that for me.

Pop- I usually get something like Orange pop. Iced tea would be my drink of choice, but I drink it much to fast to have it last.

Side- At my theater they have a deal where if you buy the Large Pop and the Large Popcorn, you are given a free candy. I love twizzler red licorice. So I get a pack. As I am sharing the popcorn, and the drink, I take the twizzlers for myself, as Robyn does not like them. They are a great treat, that I usually save for the mid part of the movie. We also get a free refill with our selection, but neither of us are willing to leave once a movie is started. I wont even miss the previews.

So that is that, and I will probably get the same deal when I go out to watch Terminator Salvation in a couple weeks.
Crap's too expensive. I only drink pop when I go out, so I usually get a bottle of Mt. Dew, smuggle it in, and leave the bottle in place to piss off the power hungry usher/janitors. If money was no issue I'd get a big drink, and a box of Skittles. Popcorn is a waste, the bottom 3/4ths of the bag/bucket is trash.
First and foremost, if they have pretzel bites available at the theater I go to, I always get those; I effin' love soft pretzel bites!!! But, more often than not, that is not an option. So, I usually get a medium popcorn and a medium coke or cherry coke. Also, I never get butter on my popcorn, as it has a funky taste, has the consistency of engine oil, and makes my stomach queasy almost every time that I consume it.
Pretzels. Enough said. I can do without popcorn, but I gotta have me a pretzel if I go to the concession stand.

Candy. This is usually more of a "My girlfriend wanted candy, but she won't eat all of it and is forcing me to eat it instead." Not that I mind, she usually picks some pretty good candy.

Coke. Well, yeah. You can't have a pretzel without something to drink. Doesn't really matter, just not Diet Coke. Coke/Dr. Pepper/Sprite/Cherry Coke/Diet Dr. Pepper all work. It really just depends on what first pops into my head. Or whatever my girlfriend wants. (She thinks I'm whipped, but it's more along the lines of "I don't care, get what you want because I'll roll with it.")

Popcorn. This is usually more for when I go with the family. They always get a huge thing of popcorn, and require me to eat some myself. Ugh. But i do, in between taking bites of my delicious pretzel.

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