What is the best FPS?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
A number have come out over the last decade+ that will surely contend for the title here, including very popular games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2[/b], Halo 2, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Rainbow 6: Vegas and Rainbow 6: Vegas 2, but which is the best-of-the-best, and why?

For me, it's Rainbow 6: Vegas 2, because while all the other games are fantastically entertaining, none rely on the realism that R6V2 did/does, and none factor in enough for real-life factors like recoil, weight, amount of cover, speed, etc.

Call me crazy, but when I play a FPS game, I don't want to just run around like a mad-man shooting everything in sight. I play tactical shooters for a reason – I enjoy that über military aspect, and the realer it feels, the more intense the game-play to me.

What are your choices?
For me it would be Modern Warfare 2, for the fact that not only do you have to be quick on the trigger at points in the game but you must have stealth.You have to be able to take guys out with one shot and in the head at points in this game.You can take cover of the snow to hide.You don't just run around shooting everything which makes a good FPS.I like how instead of a health bar your screen goes red but at the same time it can be hard to see if your in the heat of battle.But this game is my favourite FPS.
I'm not gonna settle with just one, because it'd be hard to do, but I will say that I consider the whole series of Call of Duty the best First Person Shooter game.

It has great graphic that continues to improve with every release, which I think is a major plus to Activision and Infinity Ward, with the same type of release (different missions of course) they have managed to keep this series popular and something that makes you wanna play the next one when you're done with the current one, or just play through it again.

Call of Duty is the one First Person Shooter game I have bought every single game in the series of, with exception of the Call of Duty 3 (which is simply because I hate playing First Person Shooter games on a console, I prefer it on a computer)
If anything it's going to be either Duke Nukem 3D, Doom or the original Wolfenstein. These games paved the way for the Halos, the Call Of Dutys the lot of them. To put it bluntly there is very little you can add to an FPS game, you shoot stuff with guns, that's it, so aside from adding different guns and a different story you're going to be playing the same game over and over again.
Call me crazy, but when I play a FPS game, I don't want to just run around like a mad-man shooting everything in sight. I play tactical shooters for a reason – I enjoy that über military aspect, and the realer it feels, the more intense the game-play to me.

If that is the case, you should check out Operation Flashpoint, it takes Rainbow Six's realism to another level. It is especially fun with 4 players. It does take alot of patience and common sense to be decent at though. Personally I prefer Vegas 2.

If anything it's going to be either Duke Nukem 3D, Doom or the original Wolfenstein. These games paved the way for the Halos, the Call Of Dutys the lot of them. To put it bluntly there is very little you can add to an FPS game, you shoot stuff with guns, that's it, so aside from adding different guns and a different story you're going to be playing the same game over and over again.

Why is it going to be? The topic is best FPS, not most influential. While all of these games are definitely fun, it would be crazy to rank them above later FPS's like COD, Halo, RBSix or even Goldeneye. Granted some people do have more fun with the classics, but in the end, in a gameplay sense, the genre has expanded plenty. You do not get such a wide selection of guns in Wolfenstein then you do in COD, you do not have a fantastic online system and everything that entails such as tournaments, ranking systems, teams, character customisation etc. with any of those classic games, the AI has expanded rapidly and we are long past the days when a Nazi or a Demon will just run straight up to you with no thoughts of cover (usually). On that note, games have long passed the days when YOUR OWN character cant duck or jump. Yes you shoot stuff with guns in FPS shooters, but even that has been expanded on in amazing games like Portal. This argument could be used for any genre, in a racing game you race, thats it. In a puzzle game you solve the puzzle, thats it. In a strategy game you eliminate the other player, thats it.

Of course those comments are extremely ignorant and unfair, just like your generalised comment on FPS games. While I love Wolfie Doom and Duke, I dont understand how you can honestly argue they are better then some of the fantastic FPS games we have today other then on nostalgia value, give me Vegas 2 over Doom anyday.
If that is the case, you should check out Operation Flashpoint, it takes Rainbow Six's realism to another level. It is especially fun with 4 players. It does take alot of patience and common sense to be decent at though. Personally I prefer Vegas 2.

Why is it going to be? The topic is best FPS, not most influential. While all of these games are definitely fun, it would be crazy to rank them above later FPS's like COD, Halo, RBSix or even Goldeneye. Granted some people do have more fun with the classics, but in the end, in a gameplay sense, the genre has expanded plenty. You do not get such a wide selection of guns in Wolfenstein then you do in COD, you do not have a fantastic online system and everything that entails such as tournaments, ranking systems, teams, character customisation etc. with any of those classic games, the AI has expanded rapidly and we are long past the days when a Nazi or a Demon will just run straight up to you with no thoughts of cover (usually). On that note, games have long passed the days when YOUR OWN character cant duck or jump. Yes you shoot stuff with guns in FPS shooters, but even that has been expanded on in amazing games like Portal. This argument could be used for any genre, in a racing game you race, thats it. In a puzzle game you solve the puzzle, thats it. In a strategy game you eliminate the other player, thats it.

Of course those comments are extremely ignorant and unfair, just like your generalised comment on FPS games. While I love Wolfie Doom and Duke, I dont understand how you can honestly argue they are better then some of the fantastic FPS games we have today other then on nostalgia value, give me Vegas 2 over Doom anyday.

Oh sorry I actually thought it was most influencial, sorry. If we're going with best one currently then I would either go with either Killzone 2 or Resistance 2. Each game is very well rounded, interesting story that keeps you hooked good weapons and some unique ones as well and multiplayers that are regarded as some of the best at the moment.
First, you're asking for best FPS and include the Gears of War games, which are actually TPS games, but it's really no big deal.

I have to agree with the OP here, But it's not just Rainbow Six Vegas 2, but all Tom Clancy shooters in general. Ubisoft goes to great lengths to make their games as realistic as possible, this even goes for the Ghost Recon games.

The one thing that turned me off of CoD was when I played the first modern warfare I asked where the cover button was. Being in the military, I know that we are trained to actually take cover and not to stand facing a wall with our weapon at firing position. We would do what the Rainbows do in Vegas 1 and 2, we would stack up against a wall at ready port and go at an enemy that way.

So yes, CoD is a run around and shoot things style of FPS. There is no such thing as actual stealth in the game, and the snow cover is a single mission in the game, not enough to qualify it as stealth. CoD is an arcade style of FPS just like Halo is.

Vegas though, you can choose how you want to enter a room or building as most rooms or buildings have multiple entry points. Not to mention the options you have when making an entry, either to smoke, flashbang, or frag.

The only thing that could make R6V2 any better is if they took the destructible environments from Bad Company and apply them, since a frag grenade would take out a portion of a wall.

So, for me it's Ubisoft's Tom Clancy titles that are the best FPS games available right now.
Ok, I must come to the video game section more often because this is right down this alley. But at the moment I am curently OBSESSED with MW 2 on Xbox Live, the online play is incredible and almost perfect in every way.

But as I said ONLINE is the thing you will play on MW 2 and pretty much any other Call of Dutys you will find. But their storylines are not exactly the best, especially in the case of the Modern Warfares, there storymodes plot is full of hole... Giant gaping holes so it depends what you see in a FPS.

The new Battlefield is also very good and you said you liked a fair amount if realism, well Battlefield has it. In most FPS you shoot a rpg at a wall. You die. In Bad Company 2 depending on what type of wall you'll knock the damn thing over or just straight up blow it up.

Another very popular FPS and probably my all time favourite is the uber popular Halo series, I have enjoyed every single one of them and out of the next gen FPSs Halo 3 is my favourite and I cannot wait for Halo Reach.

But my favourite of all time is easily GoldenEye from the Nintendo 64, that game was awesome for it's time and still is today, intact I think I still have my nintendo somewhere because I didn't sell it simply so I could play this game again at some point when I am bored or finished all my other games. So GoldenEye is my choice! Also great thread IDR :)
Um as much as I love the xbox etc. I'm going to have team fortress 2 as the best FPS. Reason being well COD gets boring (imo) and is realistic just like almost every FPS out there whereas TF2 brings something new. It just feels right to play. But if you're a console man don't get it, it's a pc game pretty much as the xbox and ps3 versions suck. (I have played all of them).
I'm going to go with Modern Warfare 2. I think that the campaign is very good, especially missions like Endgame and Cliffhanger, and the story really sucks you in, but the online for it is amazing. If you haven't played it online, for either the PS3 or Xbox 360, you really need to do it, as it is addicting and fun.
I'm gonna go way out here and say Portal. I know it's not a FPS in a traditional sense, but the way the game makes you think, the grating tones of GLADoS telling you will die, and the futile search for the cake kept me captivated for days.
I hate Halo. I just, ugh. Don't care for it at all. I am addicted to Modern Warfare 2. The online is great. It does take a fair amount of skill to do well online. It is very arcade-y in the ways you have perks, and deathstreaks, shit such as that. But it's fun. It keeps my attention for hours, and I literally mean hours every night. So it gets my favorite vote.

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