What is Love?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Sorry for the cheezy title. Well I decided to ask the question what is love. By definition it is :an intense feeling of deep affection however many people feel that love is so much more or so much less. So I bring up the question what is love?

Personally I feel that love is simply a state of mind that occurs when you are deeply attracted to a person whom you feel you have a great connection to.

However, there are several other ideas that could explian love so in this thread I ask yo what is love to you.
To me, love has a different definition for different settings and situations. At it's most basic- love is a positive connection you feel towards another person. Whether it be family or romance, that is the one part that holds universally. In fiction, love is almost magic. It's usually "meant to be" and something that's apparently predetermined by the universe. Many believe that this holds true to real life. As most psychologists would tell you- there's no such thing. No one has a "soul mate". The connection of love can be one-sided, and it can be strong in some, weak in others. To me, love is caring for someone's well being, and wishing them happiness.

In a very abstract way, I can say that I love all of humanity.
Love is part of a chemical balance in our brains. So, in a way, Macois you were right in saying it is a state of mind. According to my psychology professor, love can be broken down into three sub-categories, lust, attraction, and attachment. Love plays a critical role in our cognitive thinking and even our social stature. Love is one of the many(more importantly)emotions that is often commonly placed as a human emotion and some people would say it is one of the emotions that truly makes us human. Which is false to an extent,apes, for example share a deep attachment to one another, more or less the mothers and their offspring. Since when share almost 99% of our genes with apes, this really doesn’t come as much a surprise. Other animals to a lesser extend feel love, not the intense emotion we are use to but lower doses of simple attachment. I can’t really explain how love works and we it has become so important to us. To me it is just one of those things I don’t bother to question it since it is probably beyond my understanding. Love is something really hard to control and even harder to understand so I don’t ask about it anymore and I just kind of flow with it. This is the extent of my knowledge, fairly limited since I don't bother to try and comprehend it, just my two cents.
Love is when a man sticks his pee pee in a womans va jay jay

I think you're greatly mistaken. You are reffering to the act of "making love" when it is clear that the subject at hand is of the emotion of love. Making love is more what you do when in love.
To me, love is a feeling stronger than need and want. There are too many degrees of love to define it. I love my wife. I love my son. I love my step daughter. I love my parents. I love my brother. I love my family. I love my friends. I love WrestleZone. I love WWE. I love TNA. Surely, you know I don’t love all of these the same, but nonetheless, I love all of these listed.

I also love Specs Appeal (hot chicks with glasses)!! Some green for you, Xemnas.
Love is when a man sticks his pee pee in a womans va jay jay

I think you're greatly mistaken. You are reffering to the act of "making love" when it is clear that the subject at hand is of the emotion of love. Making love is more what you do when in love.

No kidding.

Love is a strong relation you feel with a person. A much closer relationship than mere friendship. You feel love for a person, its hard to spend much time apart from that person because of the connection you have. Not just to your significant other or parents. But to the people who truly mean the most to you.
A deep affection/attraction towards someone. Something that makes you feel like there's something to look forward to and be content about. When you want the best for the that other person and keep them happy.

How about the 6 types of love?

Eros – A passionate, physical and emotional love. Think about what they call "Love at First Sight."

Ludus – A love that is regarded as a conquest. Like "Looking for the right one." Care towards the person ofcourse, but no such deep emotional attachment.

Storge – An affectionate love that grows from friendship. When there are similarities/mutual interests between eachother.

Pragma – A type of love where the lover is more likely driven by the head, than the heart. Where the person think realistically about their expectations in a partner.

Mania – An obsessive love where the lover gets jealous and possessive easily. So attached they are to the partner that they view marriage as ownership.

Agape – A spiritual, self sacrificing love. These kind of lovers view their partners as blessings, and wish to take care of them.

You might think it's BS but personally, I'm really into it.
I think its something that can't nessicarily be described but you know its there when you have like... a true and unwavering allegiance with that person. Like no matter what you either couldn't manage to piss each other off in the 1st place or if you did you couldn't stay mad for long at all. You are a cohesive unit with that person and you are on their side right or wrong. Also I feel if you love someone you act as your true self around them , no inhibitions and no fakeness. you could also talk to them about literally anything without feeling uncomfortable.

Storge – An affectionate love that grows from friendship. When there are similarities/mutual interests between eachother

I think that this one , is how people develop true love

There are too many degrees of love to define it. I love my wife. I love my son. I love my step daughter. I love my parents. I love my brother. I love my family. I love my friends. I love WrestleZone. I love WWE. I love TNA. Surely, you know I don’t love all of these the same, but nonetheless, I love all of these listed.

This is sort of what I'm talking about , one day when I have a girlfriend whos awesome enough to actually work their way into the same sentence as "I love my brother & sister" then I think that is the point at which I'd want to get married to them
Love is what you feel for someone that you care about. Whether that be a significant other, a family member, or just a close friend. If you genuinely care about them, want them to be happy, and feel bad if anything bad happens to them, risk things of your own in order to benefit someone you care about, then you love them because you feel strongly about them in a positive way.... Then those are all examples of different types of love.
Alright, i'm about to post something which will seem totally fucking stupid. I know I will be heavily ridiculed over this post and am willing to deal with this because it's the best definition of love I can come up with. For this post, I will be using excerpts from J.R.R. Tolkien mythology of Middle Earth largely taken from The Silmarillion and honed by The History of Middle Earth. Enjoy what may be the most odd post in the history of this website.

In the start, there was one entity. One god who ruled over the universe named Iluvatar. This god created beings of less power than himself called the Ainur who were considered gods by the eventual peoples of Middle Earth. The Ainur were made from Iluvatar much like children and were given everything they knew and learned from him. One day through somewhat unforeseen circumstances, the world named Arda(Earth in Tolkien legend) was born. Iluvatar knew this would happen for he had planned for it. He knew he would need a place for his children to roam, live, and prosper. To me, that is the true definition of love. It may be weird that I am comparing a gods love of his children to the love a man and woman share, but it holds true. Having such deep affection for somebody or some people that you would do everything in your power to make them happy. You'd give them the world if possible. You know that there is nothing you wouldn't do to make their lives better or easier. That to me, is love.

I shortened the story up for this post, but the message is the same I believe. Those last few sentences are the true definition of love. It's more a feeling than anything, but you know that you put their lives ahead of your own. That's my definition of love.
What is love?


In order to avoid spamming, on the topic of love, it's a rather difficult thing to define. To me, love is selflessness, when you're willing to do anything in your power to protect someone close to you from any kind of harm or ill will no matter what the consequences may be for yourself.


I really hoped I would never hear that song that was apart of my childhood ever again, I really did. Thanks X, for making my ears bleed once more. ;)

Anyway, to me love is based on a couple of things. The first is the unconditional acceptance of another person. The ability to look at someone, imperfections and all, with no particular desire to change them. It's the ability to pose no conditions on someone, such as withholding of yourself from someone because of something they do. The basic concept is unconditional love, where love doesn't wane when the person you love, be it family, friends, or spouse, steps outside your predetermined set of conditions. Love is a constant state that doesn't fluctuates based on our degree of acceptance.

To me, another part of love is appreciation, which is a step beyond acceptance. Its when your focus is on the things that make you love another person. The ability to look at someone and feel this sweeping appreciation for who they are, their joy, their insights, their humor, their companionship, and so on. When I say Im "in love" with my wife, I mean my appreciation is so enormous for her that it sometimes consumes most of my thoughts. After almost 4 years, the honeymoon isn't over in that vein, and I still get the same joy in seeing her and being with her that I did the day we said "I Do."

This appreciation allows one to be selfless when dealing with those they love. Love is appreciation and acceptance, and this can be applied to everyone you love, not just a significant other.
I think there are 2 ways you can look at it.

It may be a sad and cynical way of looking at things but it really is just brain chemicals whose very purpose is to get you to fuck the best mate you can gain and produce the strongest off-spring. I'm not fond of this way of thinking even if I know it's true, it's breaking something wonderful into it's component parts.

In this sense love can be whatever you want it to be. Spiritual fulfillment, a meaning to your life, a sense of being unified, comfort, affection, strength, support, all of the above and more. What's amazing is all of this can come from the simplest little thing, a knowing look, a holding of their hand, hearing your childs heartbeat, these small things are so integral to our very existence that we persue them at a cost to everything else. Love has such an incredible power to change us, motivate us, make us sacrifice and devote our entire lives to it's pursuit that it's no wonder people regard it as everything.
This is the position I want to believe in, I'm a realist in everything else but love is something I need to have faith in. If you can't believe in your own feelings, I don't think you can believe in anything.

Now as someone who has, in the last month, found my perfect woman and just fell completely off my perch in love with her, I ask, does it really fucking matter about the definition? It is what it is, just enjoy it instead of trying to box it up until this clearly defined package. True love can't be constrained, defined, set aside, given rules, it is beyond restraint, sense or self-preservaton. It is the most wonderful madness :)

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