What is "Love"?


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Taken from my amiga..

What is LOVE exactly? I know, I know... that is a pretty big question that everyone seems to ask themselves. I am not talking about family or friend love, or the love you have for your animal. I am talking about the love that can bring two individuals together and make them feel the happiest they have ever been the love that can also rip your heart apart just as quickly as it made you feel the happiest you have ever felt. I believe the bible describes love in this verse very well but i think it left out a very important side about Love... don't you?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perservers. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

I want to believe that this is how it is and that when I find my true love it will be like that but what it comes down to is it isnt always like how the bible describes love to be, LOVE is NOT perfect. Love can be very hurtful and very mean, love can be decieving, Love my friends, can make you do crazy things...things you never thought you would do. Love is the most powerful feeling I have ever witnessed or have felt That is why LOVE scares the crap out of me. It can tear apart a family, it can make you want to take your own life, it can make you give up everything you have/care about for this one person, for LOVE. I believe love has two sides... good and evil just like everything in this world.

Now, what you have to ask yourself is when that time comes to "Love" do you embrace it or runaway from it? I will go with a famous quote " It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all." Love is amazing my friends dont get me wrong and love can prevail through anything as long as both parties agree to push through it... but love requires sacrafices on both sides.

There is my tangent on love. I would like to know what you believe love is and if you agree or disagree with my blog. Seriously i want to know.

I borrowed this as this is good topic to discuss and I feel Love is something important but its more of a bond that two people hold and it can lose it lust but it takes work on both parties to make it work.
I'll add more later as the topic develops, but I'll say a few words now.

Love scares the shit out of me. It has to be one of the worst, yet greatest, feelings ever. If its a one way street, you'll feel stalkerish and overly obsessive. It just happens. If its both ways, its one of the greatest feelings ever.

I've got my own problems with Love, and the idea of someone being able to break down your walls is one of the scariest prospects ever. The amount of power they can have over you is astounding.

Yeah, I'll add more if this develops.
The only person I love is my daughter. I used to think I was in love with ex wifes but once I had my girl it turned out I wasn't in love, I was just quite fond of them. You cant describe the amount of love you feel for them little creatures.
Well, I dunno if it's true or not, but a quote from The Devils' Advocate sums it up pretty well for my opinion - "No more scientifically satisfying than eating a bunch of chocolate." In which case is saying that your mind is the same with the feeling of love and chocolate.

I can't comment on children, because I don't have any, nor do I want any, but I'd agree that you would love something that you spawned.

Love for a woman or man...I couldn't say. I thought I was in love once, and it turned around and near ended my life. I hate it, yet I want it at the same time. Brian said it well, that the power that they have over you, and the amount of ... something ... that you lose when you think you're in love, is scary as hell.

So, perhaps it's a feeling that you would die without that person around, or that you can't stop thinking about them.

I am going to further my music career over love, anyday. I don't want it. It seems like you're more unhappy than happy when you're in love. That's not something I want.

Love is when you are playing tennis and you really suck...you'll probably double fault a couple times and the other guy will waste you, you score in the end is love...

but for real, to avoid getting a spamming warning, I'll give a real response

Love is an idea, a feeling. You don't know it until you feel it. If you love something or someone, it doesn't matter what else is going on, that thing or person will make you happy...without it your life would be less enjoyable.

Love makes life worth living
I don't have kids, but I think the only true love out there is between parents and kids. I also think that love is confused with addiction. How can a woman get beat up time and time again by a guy, mentally abused and tortured, and then stay with the dude and say she loves him? That is not love. It is an addiction. She HAS to have him around the same way a junkie needs his drugs.

I've seen people who were in "love" break up and do shit to each other that emotionally scarred each person for life. It's amazing how the people who claim to be the most in love can generate hate towards each other later on, hate like I have never, EVER seen, even in war!

Find someone you can get along with and tolerate. That's the best you can do. I think love is bull:shit:.
I've seen people who were in "love" break up and do shit to each other that emotionally scarred each person for life. It's amazing how the people who claim to be the most in love can generate hate towards each other later on, hate like I have never, EVER seen, even in war!

Being someone who has just got out of a relationship that involved the L word... I can relate to people doing that. While things have not gotten ugly between myself and I guess my now ex-girlfriend I do have an anger inside me. When people break up and are in Love it invariably hurts those people, and some people have a desire to hurt people that have hurt them, thus they direct anger onto the person they loved. Personally I would never get overly nasty with my ex-girlfriend but I do know the feeling of being angry at someone for no particular reason other than we just broke up.

Love also scares the shit out of me, I've only ever been in love once, and that was with the afore mentioned ex-girlfriend (I do still love her actually) and I have never opened up to anyone in my life the way I have been able to open up to her, not even my family. It's scary how that feeling of love can make you bear your soul to the person you are having the feelings for.

Personally I agree that the only true love that will last forever is the love a parent has for their children its the only bond of love that cannot be broken in any way. Romantic love can be broken, it just takes time.
I both hate and love the idea of love. At the age of 16 many peopel may say I don't know what love is. But I feel I do. The whole things scares me. He had so much power over my life, without even wanting to, all I could want in my life was for him to be happy, no matter what the circumstance was for me. It's a feeling so deep you can't really imagine living your life without them.
When people break up and are in Love it invariably hurts those people, and some people have a desire to hurt people that have hurt them, thus they direct anger onto the person they loved.

This is pretty much the truth. I don't exactly think anyone wants to hurt the ones they loved, in any type of form or fashion, be it mental or physical.. but it happens because of the pain & scar left behind from the time that won't be replacable.

When my ex fiance' & I split up, it created a huge void in my life that I hated because I never thought it'd be repairable. Its somewhat immature & naive to think that your life could be so empty just because of any one person, or that your life could be so "worthless" & "meaningless" because of anyone but your own actions.. but thats the power love has on people.

I dispised my ex, I wanted so much to simply hate her.. but I couldn't. I remember pleading with her to reconsider, to think it out, that it was a mistake. It hurt because she said to me.. "I have a lot of personal problems in my life, & I don't want to hurt you with them, so I've made the decision that I think it'd be best, if we just split up. I'm not ready for a serious commitment & relationship like what you want to give me."

It hurt, because I had no say over it. I had no control over saying "Just allow me to be there for you, allow me to help you get through the personal issues you're going through." I mean, I said that.. but it did no good. And exactly one week after our break-up, she went to a Christmas party & "I" had to hear from other friends that she was there, getting drunk & flirting with tons of different guys.. all of which that were kissing her & making out with her. And that only made me more enraged.

To think that someone "I" was going to marry, would randomly show up one day & say "Its over because I have personal issues." Then, a week later could go out & do something like that, as if NONE of the time we'd spent meant anything.. its hurtful & it made me want to take my own life.

If was that moment in life that made me realize that "I" don't need anyone, more than "I" need myself. To think someone who could show so much heartlessness could cause me to almost end my own life because of it.

The funny thing is, we talk to this day & are really good friends now, because we had the ability to sit & talk.. well, as much as talking through the internet is.. & it turns out, when "I" started hanging out with Erin, the girl "I" am now married to.. it hurt her deeply, because she felt "I" simply threw all her & I had away.. & when I mentioned that Christmas party to her.. her reply was.. "I was hurting over losing you, that I simply wanted to forget about my entire life.. & drinking at that time in my life, was the way I felt I could do it."

It took almost 2-3 years for us to reconnect on a friendship level. I'm happy that I can now say she's a friend in my life, because the one promise I always wanted to keep, with the only select few females that I ever believed I loved.. was that we'd always remain friends. And I can say that I am honestly good friends with all of them.

Love also scares the shit out of me, I've only ever been in love once, and that was with the afore mentioned ex-girlfriend (I do still love her actually) and I have never opened up to anyone in my life the way I have been able to open up to her, not even my family. It's scary how that feeling of love can make you bear your soul to the person you are having the feelings for.

Its funny because to me, my life is an open book. I don't mind telling a perfect stranger my entire life story if they want to take the time to hear it. For me, its more of a scared feeling of losing control of your emotions.

I hate when I fall deeply in love with someone, hell, when I even become so infatuated, that I feel as if I have no control over how my heart ends up in the aftermath. I love the feeling, the open-ness of how much love makes you feel on top of everything.. but its the fall that hurts worse. Its the sudden smack back into reality, especially if things simply can't work, or don't work.

Personally I agree that the only true love that will last forever is the love a parent has for their children its the only bond of love that cannot be broken in any way. Romantic love can be broken, it just takes time.

This is another funny story.. because the entire 9 month period of waiting for my daughter to arrive, all I could think about was.. "Am I truly ready for this?" "Am I going to be capable of being the best Father for this child?"

All I could ever remember wanting is the absolute best for my daughter, for my child. And I knew the moment I found out we were going to have a child, that that child was going to be the end-all, be-all to everything wonderful in my life.

Another small story is.. when my Wife & I had a miscarriage, we were trying so hard to have a child.. & we never knew she was even pregnant. We found out on her birthday, or the night right before. And that entire night, in the hospital I just couldn't quit crying. I remember hitting the wall, & then falling to the floor, begging & pleading with any God above to simply replace me with the child inside my Wife.. the child that was never given the chance to live..

A miscarriage is just as horrible as true love gone wrong.. because its something you have absolutely no power over. Its something you simply can't decide the fate of, you can't control it, it just takes its course.

So when I step back & I think of love. I think of the butterflies you get in your stomach. The nervousness you get when talking to that special someone. I think of how much, regardless of how comfortable you are with the person.. you're shaking & so scared to death inside of ever remotely losing that individual from your life.

When I think of love, I think of wanting the absolute best for that person, even if its not you.. & I think of how much it hurts having to deal with that, but how great it is, at least seeing them happy.

And when I think of love, as it regards my daughter. I see it when I look at her. I see it in her innocence, in her playfulness, I see it in her ability to look at me & simply mumble the word "Dada" & cause me to melt, because "I" know she's talking to me. But most of all.. when I think of love, I think of the security of knowing someone depends upon you to be in their life.. especially when I think of my daughter, when she hurts herself.. when she runs to me crying, just wanting to be held. Knowing that I'm there for her. Thats love to me.
It's scary to that way about a person and give them every part of your boby and soul. I had some real bad relationships and blamed myself over them. But I came to learn that it was them and their issues, because they had made the same issues with other people, And in fact are left unhappy
It's scary to that way about a person and give them every part of your boby and soul.

I hate giving my "boby" away so easily. :p (I'm giving you crap & kidding) I understand where you're coming from, & it is a scary thing to be so open on giving all you have to someone, never knowing for sure if it'll work, or last.

I had some real bad relationships and blamed myself over them.

I used to do that. The true fact is, its neither person's fault. Simply put, not everyone is made for each other. And it hurts when you love someone so much, but they just don't return it.. you can't blame them for that though.

It also sucks to have loved someone, & suddenly feel as if you've fallen out of that, but at the same time you can't live your life stuck feeling guilty or miserable, it'll only lead to hurting the other person, as well as yourself.

But I came to learn that it was them and their issues, because they had made the same issues with other people, And in fact are left unhappy

:lmao: Nothing says acceptance like "Its not me, its you." I've never been able to blame anything on anyone. Even when in selective case situations, where it really was that the other person simply wasn't ready.

Its a risk you take, again. You can't ask someone to guarantee something. Hell, I do it, I attempt to promise it, & guarantee it, & say "forever." But you simply can't. Because you don't know what the future holds.

Speaking from very personal experience.. I love someone right now deeply, with all I have.. & I couldn't guarantee or even know if that person & I would ever work out. I wish & hope every night since developing these emotions & feelings that it will work out, that somehow all the circumstances & situations involved in the middle will fix themselves, or at least show me how to handle them.. but life isn't easy.. & love is definately not a cake walk.

My heart is on a branch, so to speak. I can sense its ability to snap & fall, but at the same time, I'd rather risk it all & fail miserably, then never try & go insane with the "what if's" that'd filter through my head for quite possibly the rest of my life.
Of course!

I hate love.Everyone I ask Basically turns againist me or dosn,t text back.I think Love is like Pubrety.Everyone has to got thourgh it.
Of course!

I hate love.Everyone I ask Basically turns againist me or dosn,t text back.I think Love is like Pubrety.Everyone has to got thourgh it.

Love isn't a text message though. How old are you, seriously? Age isn't a major factor, but by the way you talk you don't seem to have a general idea on what it is. You think its someone replying to a text message?

How do you define "turning against you?" You mean, everyone you ask out turns you down? That isn't love, thats miscommunication, thats a person's opinion.
Turning againist me means they become a total bitch and go on a rant againist me and bitch behind my back.

Why do they turn against you? What do they assume, or presume that you do, for them to turn against you? Obviously there are two sides to every story on most situations.

People always talk behind other people's backs, its a human trait, doesn't make it love though. I need more detail, please.
Im not reaviling my love life on the internet.

All Im saying is:

Love is a pain sometimes.But in the end everyting is ok.

You just contradicted yourself then, because this whole argument started over you saying love was shit & this bad thing.. now you're saying everything is okay.

Its completely your opinion to reveal what you want. I'm not meaning to push you to reveal anything you don't want. All I'm saying is, your views on love are somewhat naive. You mentioned love being horrible due to stuff like bad talking & no text returned.

Love is life to me. Its everything that life is comprised of, its what people live for ultimately. Its the goal in everyone's life, whether they realize it or not. You live for companionship, you live for compassion & the ability to be needed, or wanted.

Its the best & worst feeling in the world, because it can give you the greatest high you'd ever feel.. & it'd create the world's biggest hole you'd ever been in.
Im not reaviling my love life on the internet.

All Im saying is:

Love is a pain sometimes.But in the end everyting is ok.

Damn man, why dont you do the true Emo thing, go write some bad poetry and cut yourself some? I mean seriously you give Emo kids a bad name.

Love is not a pain, when you are ACTUALLY in love with someone that feels the same way you do it's probably the best feeling in the world. This is coming from someone that split up with the only woman he has ever loved (we were together for 5 and a half years) only a couple of months ago. And since then have been chasing a girl that probably isn't going to be ready for a relationship until she finishes Uni and we will be living in different counties. Sure things suck at times but when you are in love and the other person returns that love there really is nothing better not in terms of emotion.

If your talking about relationships in general, I wouldn't worry about bitchey women man, it's just what they do. And the terms plenty of fish in the sea comes to mind. Trust me, it might not feel like there are other girls out there that will like you when you just get out of a relationship, but there are. I went from being with one really hot girl, to spending time with an even hotter one now and I wouldn't consider myself to be extremely attractive.

Dont be so down on love... it really aint so bad, it's just hard to find.
I borrowed this as this is good topic to discuss and I feel Love is something important but its more of a bond that two people hold and it can lose it lust but it takes work on both parties to make it work.

Not to rain an anyones parade here but for me love is nothing more then a chemical/hormonal reaction in the brain, a basic survival instinct if you will that goes way back to our caveman days.
It's also a social pressure point too, apparently people look at you as not 'normal' if you're not seeking a relationship and are happy on your own.
All in all love is just a means to reproduction, even in this over-populated world it's still our basic instinct to breed and keep on breeding.
Then again what do I know, I've had a pretty rough year and am pretty cynical about love lol.
Not to rain an anyones parade here but for me love is nothing more then a chemical/hormonal reaction in the brain, a basic survival instinct if you will that goes way back to our caveman days.

I think you've touched base on what the overall term of "love" would mean, through a scientific point of view. But I think the bigger question that was being asked of, is, what do you feel love the emotional side of it, anyways, would be?

What causes you to love someone, through the so-called butterflies, & the goosebumps? What causes you to take a random leap of faith, into an abyss of no return, when you have no idea whats in the blackness you're leaping into.. but not once did you ever think, or even care.

It's also a social pressure point too, apparently people look at you as not 'normal' if you're not seeking a relationship and are happy on your own.

I think thats a bit of the cynical side of you coming out, actually. I know several people who believe you don't need to be with anyone to be happy. And I know several more that told me for the very longest of times that I couldn't know what true happiness with anyone ever was, until I found it within myself first. And they were true.

You can't make someone happy, if you aren't happy yourself. You can't fake happiness, it'll always be shown for what it truly is.

Its human nature to want to feel loved, to want to feel needed. Thus, its human nature to want a companion in life.

All in all love is just a means to reproduction, even in this over-populated world it's still our basic instinct to breed and keep on breeding.

You're retouched base on the scientific point of view. How many people have you heard start of the story of their relationship, by the following quote.. "We met through intellectually connecting on the understanding that we need to reproduce to keep our Family lines going."

Thats what I thought. You're thinking too hard on the subject of what love is thought to be, through a scientific point of view, & not what love is meant to feel like, through matters of the heart & soul.

Then again what do I know, I've had a pretty rough year and am pretty cynical about love lol.

I'm personally sorry that you've had a rough year, & I know how bad it can be when you're asked a question like this, when you have to sit & think of all the shit that's piled up on you.

Everyone in life goes through a time of horrible actions, & bad choices. Everyone in life goes through pain, if you didn't, you wouldn't know the true meaning of living.. you couldn't accept what love truly was, without first knowing how much it could deeply cut & hurt you.

I hope your new year gets better for you, than the previous one did.
I think love is when two peop;e really truly love each other untill they die. love is a good thing and it feels good to have love or to even show your partner love. i was once in love with a boyfriend of mine, when i was 11 years old. he was 14. he and i loved each other very much. but when one day i found out he had moved, i felt Devastated. but now am over it and i ready to start another relationship. (Though i dont think anyone cares to read this part) i am now 16. but i have a feeling that i understand what love is and what it means.

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