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now i dont know what is happening, has hhh done this or has vince woken up to want we want, or is it poor ratings
what im talking about is the direction wwe is going
you have signiicant improvements
the tag division has been revived big show and kane, corre, nexus, its getting more interest and im liking it
mid card euds are back, sin cara vs chavo, rtuth vs rey, barret vs zeke
the divas division is improving mostly cause o kharma
managers are coming back
and most importantly me as a wwe supporter has become interested
and im excited or the uture

so what do you think has caused this shit into a higher gear?
and who do you see beneiting mosty rom in?
and what do you see as the next impact on shiting higher?
are you excited or the uture
Man...this topic is a disaster area.....

Anyway, to answer your question (?) I think that the change is something that happens all the time. Wrestling works in cycles. I think that them abandoning the Tag division made people want it....and now it's new. However, I STILL think they aren't really working on it well. We need teams that are DEDICATED tag teams. Slater and Gabriel come close, but for the most part all the teams are singles wrestlers. We need teams like the Dudleyz or the Rockers. I don't know if tag teams are still high priority yet but until they get rid of putting the titles on guys who are just singles wrestlers they have no current idea for, I'm not on board.

As for mid-card feuds, they've always been there. There's just a few more interesting ones as of late.

And you can't say the Divas division is even remotely improved yet. McTaker is gone, and she's probably their top wrestler right now (not in my opinion). You have Kelly Kelly, who does almost nothing on Raw, and Eve....while she's TRIED to put on a decent match, there's really nothing unique about her. If she's got a Judo background, she should seriously use a modified Judo style like Keiji Mutoh used to do in his early days. No excuse as to why she's not better. And while Kharma will probably be a big deal, all she's done so far is kill the terrible Diva wrestlers so far. She hasn't even had a match yet. So just from her doing after match attacks, you can't say the Divas division is improved yet.

Hope I answered all your big points. Good luck getting your computer keys fixed, try taking apart your keyboard and see if something is jamming the button(s) you are having problems with.
I sense something's different too. The matches have become better. Last week's Smackdown is totally worth watching, so is the Orton vs Christian match the week before. I hardly watch "Superstars" at all, but watched it nonetheless last week... and I was hugely impressed by the Trend Brareta vs Tyson Kidd match. Even the Chris Master vs Drew Mcintyre match was amazing. Don't believe me? Go watch it on Hulu.
I think it was just a matter of "have a bit of patience and things will come good eventually".

I still think the WWE has a way to go and a few aspects to improve before I personally become as entertained/interested as I used to be but the potential has always been there over the last couple of years. I feel the young talent is as good if not better than ever and all they need is a bit of creativity as we could end up with one of the best rosters for years.
they re trying to make the wwe worth watching i love some of the things there doing but i love orton is the champ on smackdown but i think christian should have held the belt a lil longer then the divas title is gonna be in kharma hands but u know she is gonna lose it then she gonna be a jobber i think they should do better wit the tag teams
so what do you think has caused this shit into a higher gear?
and who do you see beneiting mosty rom in?
and what do you see as the next impact on shiting higher?
are you excited or the uture

1) this is how wrestling works, there are high points and low points. you go with the flow, plus wwe are finally getting some decent teams put together.
2) i see it benifitting everyone, hopefully more guys will be noticed and and they will get some much needed attention and maybe some good wrestlers will be used and more of them will be used.
3) i dont know, thats is for the wwe to decide and us to find out but hopefully they keep getting better.
4) i am very excited for the future!! cant wait to see what happens next.
For some odd reason, Vince McMahon can go loopy on us for a while and then finally wakes up at the point of no return and still manages to spin things around.
(Trust me, I have a few things to say about McMahon behind his back and to his face)
So saying that is obviously proving Vince McMahon knows what to do.

It is almost like Vince knows what he needs to do, which the majority of the time we want (like Vince McMahons head rammed up Big Show's ass, priceless).

Look at 2010, pretty shit year to be honest, some good spots, nothing brilliant. Then, you begin 2011 with ADR winning the Royal Rumble, OK. Then The Rock returns to host WrestleMania XXVII and WrestleMania XXVII comes and goes and gets shit ratings (personally I liked it) and then on RAW 24 hours after Mania John Cena vs The Rock for WrestleMania XXVIII is made. That revived the spirit. Forget that juice Doc had in Back to the Future, just whisper in his ear The Rock vs John Cena WrestleMania XXVIII.

I am loving the way things are going with Tag Teams. Big Show and Kane as Tag Team Champions is good, but why did they split them in the draft. We now know once they lose the belts they can't team again :(.

The Usos, need to do something because there is something there.
Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel, a tag team with potential to be the 21st Century Rockers
The Corre as a whole is an alright stable, getting better with this Corre vs Zeke thing
The New Nexus is OK, getting better as Mason Ryan has finally started wrestling (Spear - Batista, just get him to that Saliva studio)
Santino and Kozlov, 'nough said

Anyway, just a few teams that can do something great. The Usos have history, the Corre is OK and the New Nexus can be CAN BE the nWo 21st Century.

The Divas, I think, will always be WWE's low point. But, come one WWE, in 2010 you didn't have to send it that low. Kharma is atracting the most attention (for once a Diva is attracting the attention. Must be the looks :)) and the divas are actually getting better at wrestling. But, wait, they can't do that if WWE aren't a wrestling company. Oh well.

Very much looking forward to the future.
2 months ago it looked like the PG era was over, cena did a low-blow, orton made punk bleed...

though since then we havent seen REALLY something of it, seems like PG continues, Stefanie quited, lets see what will happen now.
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