What is going on with Naomi?


With the safety off!!
When AJ was around, Naomi was a face trying to get a shot at the title. After Mania this year, with AJ leaving and Paige out filming a movie, they did what every other smart company does....turns their only face Diva a heel.

So what transpires after that happens. Nicki Bella for about a month becomes a face, Naomi bombs in her efforts to become Diva Champion. Paige comes back, and Nikki goes back to being a heel, and Naomi becomes well I just don't know what. I think I have that right.

In my opinion she's been a terrible heel. When I look at someone like Seth Rollins or Kevin Owens, you can almost believe that they are charming, debonair and only when they open their mouths, the bloom comes off the rose. They become smarmy and obnoxious, but they have already got your attention. Which to me is how a heel should work.

Naomi on the other hand, just comes across as being a very angry woman, who should never be given the microphone. Instead of using her looks and body to entice men, she puts everyone off with that screeching laugh of hers. I liked Naomi at one time, well except for the finisher, which is the worst in the WWE. But in saying that, she is very athletically gifted, and isn't bad inside the ring.

It's outside the ring that is the problem. I find her mannerisms over the top, and off putting. And because of that, it makes me just want to turn the channel, or leave the room when she comes on. Putting her with Tamina didn't do wonders for her either, and I'm afraid the two of them will drag Sasha Banks down. Out of the three sets of Diva's, B.A.D. is the one I want to see the least. And it's a shame, because I think Sasha Banks is great.

This Diva's revolution could be one of the best things to happen in a long time, and I'm so glad to see the NXT girls step up. it seems though that Naomi has taken more than one step back. Thoughts?
I like Naomi. I liked the fact they turned her heel because they weren't really doing anything with her as a face besides have her beat Cameron a bunch of times.

Some strange reason WWE don't want to pull the trigger for to finally get some big wins. Sasha hadn't been on the main roster for 6 months yet she already got a clean win over Paige. Meanwhile Naomi stay losing to Paige and she never beat AJ either.

I was excited for the Tamina/Naomi pairing, I thought Tamina could be her bodyguard like she was for AJ and perhaps Naomi could win the title and Tamina could interfere to make Naomi a threat and get booed since she was so likeable as a face.

If they're going to have Naomi keep getting overshadowed by Sasha, they might as well turn Naomi face soon especially with The Usos coming back soon. It wouldn't hurt to have a Naomi/Sasha feud.
Wwe is racist!.(KIDDING kidding).....seriously though wwe has Naomi playing an angry (black) women but its not who she is. Not everyone can be a heel and Naomi is one of those people. She's generally a nice person(same as Natayla) and is being forced to play a character that she just isn't. From what I've seen on Total Divas, besides from that forced feud between her and Cameron Naomi hasn't had any problems with any of the divas. Even on swerved when Paige was pranking Naomi, she said that she wanted to see how Naomi reacts because she's usually a very quiet chick....So why force her into a roll that's not for her?

I like Naomi and hate these go and stop pushes she is receiving. First she gains numerous pin falls over AJ (the then almost undefeatable champion) only to be put in a multi-divas match at Wrestlemania. Then she still loses and wwe books Paige (a rookie) to be the one to dethrone AJ. Then she's given wins over BOTH Bellas in singles matches (multiple times) only to be put in a battle royal and lose her contendership to Paige.

Naomi actually has untapped potential but she needs to be given a chance. If She would train down in the performance center for a little while and actually get her moves together she would easily be top 3 best divas wwe has. Over the years she has used some very unique moves for a diva like the spider twist, split leg moonsault, head scissors driver/DDT, Wheelbarrow Stunner and yet she's stuck with The Rear View? She needs to start using some of these as her finishers instead. All wwe has to do is turn her face, give her a legit winning streak with her new finishers, and they have a top face on their hands.
The Main Reason why Tamina and Naomi are Paired up as they are Family By Marriage and I think they are great as a Team. Plus Naomi turned Heel in London this Year when Paige also a Heel won a Battle Royal as Paige only won the BR was due to it bein in England. Paige was getting Cheered that Night due to she's a Brit and she was a Heel as at WM it was The HEELS Team of Paige & AJ Lee vs The Faces of The Bellas. The Bellas have been the FACE in all this as they've used the Whole Eddie G method perfectly that Face can Cheat to win still. As even Reigns has Cheated by using Distractions to win or Cena, Cesaro, and Orton when they won that 6 Man Tag vs Owens, Rusev, Sheamus as the won cheaply. As far as Naomi she reminds me of Jackie Moore and IDK if she'll be Face again or stay Heel as if you listen to Jimmy her Hubby on Commentary he states that he tries to stay outta her Biznizz. So idk if when Jey returns from Injury if they'll have The Uso's Face or Heel. So hopefully by 2017 Naomi has at least 1-2 Reigns in as Divas Champ while Becky, Charlotte, and Sasha all have 1 in at least and Paige hasn't won it again at all.
I understand where you are coming from. While I do like the fact that their are different groups but over time it's going to be boring seeing the same teams face each other. I know most people won't like what I'm about to say but what if they decided to add a WWE Women's Tag Team Championship.
Putting her with Tamina didn't do wonders for her either, and I'm afraid the two of them will drag Sasha Banks down.

I've been thinking that, too. Tamina and Naomi are showing only anger and 'bully-ism' so far, and even while that becomes boring after awhile, it could be hell on the effectiveness of Sasha Banks, who has to work with them. Fortunately, Sasha seems to be the leader of the trio, even as it appears illogical for a rookie to come up to the main roster and immediately become the boss of two veterans. Ability-wise, it makes sense, which doesn't speak too well of Naomi & Tamina.

As for Naomi, I would say the statement 'It's easier to play a heel than a face' applies in this case. She just doesn't have a personality that lends itself to being a face.....especially with that atrocious finisher. As a good guy, a 'butt to the face' maneuver makes her look like a fool......at least as a heel, it's not as laughable, as long as she can sell it.

Still, because of the diva revolution, Naomi's getting air time, which is good. I'd sooner ask: Whatever happened to Cameron?
Yes, She really took a great leap back. With the personality Sasha Banks and Tamina (Her looks make her a perfect heel), Naomi is way too behind them. Sure she can outshine most of the Team Bella members inside the ring, but she doesn't show any credibility in the team B.A.D. Don't you think the name itself was underwhelming?

Naomi was fresh and good as a face. She had fans behind for her inring ability but unfortunately the typical Divas treatment has plagued her. Instead of just showing the cocky gestures, if she could make some good promos or at least some backstage attacks on the other Divas, then of course She certainly is the leader of Team Bad!

In my opinion she's been a terrible heel. When I look at someone like Seth Rollins or Kevin Owens, you can almost believe that they are charming, debonair and only when they open their mouths, the bloom comes off the rose. They become smarmy and obnoxious, but they have already got your attention. Which to me is how a heel should work.

So she's terrible at being your type of heel. I happen to find nothing charming about Rollins or Owens. Rollins is a pompous ass-hat while Owens is the rookie (though really a vet) with a huge chip on his shoulder.

Naomi on the other hand, just comes across as being a very angry woman, who should never be given the microphone. Instead of using her looks and body to entice men, she puts everyone off with that screeching laugh of hers.

She's supposed to be coming off as a very angry woman. Her whole reason for turning heel (kayfabe) was that she was continuously being overlooked even after she had pinned Nikki Bella a couple of times. She failed in her attempts to take the title afterwards, even more reason to be pissed off, and then has to invite herself into the "revolution". She's not supposed to be enticing anyone because she's not a charming or "cool" heel. She's putting off everyone with that laugh of hers? Great! No one liked when Melina would screech at the top of her lungs when she valeted Morrison, and they weren't supposed to.

Putting her with Tamina didn't do wonders for her either, and I'm afraid the two of them will drag Sasha Banks down. Out of the three sets of Diva's, B.A.D. is the one I want to see the least. And it's a shame, because I think Sasha Banks is great.

I was very skeptical about her heel turn at first, but all for her pairing with Tamina. The E just dropped that ball with their half of an explanation as to why they were together, if it weren't for this board I'd still be lost. Nonetheless, Sasha Banks is winning in just about every aspect of this. She's the only champion out of the group next to Nikki, and has more wins under her belt than Naomi and Tamina have probably racked up combined. If anything being paired with these two are making her look great in comparison, not dragging her down.

This Diva's revolution could be one of the best things to happen in a long time, and I'm so glad to see the NXT girls step up. it seems though that Naomi has taken more than one step back. Thoughts?

In case you couldn't tell, I disagree. :p
Completely disagree. I think Naomi has really come into her own as a heel. I think she's doing a really good job and Team BAD is head and shoulders above the other two "factions."
She's been a better heel than she was a babyface.. After that tiny chick left earlier this year Naomi was getting a good heel run, something happened along those lines that derailed her push. I remember them turning the Bellas face because they wanted them to feud with a newly heel Naomi, after that Naomi went into limbo, as a character she's been good though.
I actually liked Naomi during the early stages of her heel run. I remember her argument with Paige on Smackdown being one of the best verbal exchanges within the Diva's division in a long time. Naomi seemed genuinely pissed.

However, she's been regulated to second fiddle once Sasha got involved. I like Naomi, but her charisma pales in comparison to Sasha's. Now it seems like her mannerisms are being played up to where she's more...I dunno, almost comedic? Her toughness doesn't seem as pronounced right now, anyway. I feel bad for Tamina even more though because she's just...there. She's rarely used in matches (on TV), rarely talks and always seems to be getting her ass kicked or her appearance made fun of (be a star, WWE!).
Naomi started off with a terrible character in the Funkadactyls and once that was over she's seemed to be at a loss for an identity.

I remember a lot of people on the forums that actually like Divas wrestling talking about how athletic she is and how that was just being wasted by the whole gimmick.

Well now that gimmick is gone and she's shown she doesn't have much personality. And that athletic ability is still being wasted.

She's a bad heel because (not everyone) people don't dislike her because she's good at making them dislike her. People dislike her because she's horrible at playing a heel character. She isn't believable. If she didn't have Sasha around right now I think she would be largely ignored. She's getting attention by association.

She could be better as a face if she just relied on her ability and didn't have some forced shitty gimmick. Let her put on some serious matches and see what she can actually do when she doesn't have to dumb stuff down for people like Cameron or try to force heel tactics into matches. Put her in the ring against someone like Sasha and let her be the face in the match.

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