What If?

Total Dolph

Dark Match Winner
I made this topic simply to ask what if some big situations in wrestling never happened? What could of been different in WWE?

On this topic this one question always comes to mind..

What if Eddie Guerrero never died?
many different questions can come out of this
* Would Eddie have betrayed Batista in their storyline?
* Would Eddie have won the title again?
* Would Chavo Guererro still have the Kerwin White gimmick?
* Would Rey Mysterio have won the following year's Royal Rumble, also would he have ever won the World Title?
* Would Chris Benoit still be alive?
* Would Eddie still be wrestling, or would he have retired by now?

Honestly this is what I thought would of gone down.

Would Eddie had betrayed Batista in their storyline?
Yes, with Eddie being Eddie, I think he would of turned on Batista.. Lie, Cheat, Steal!

Would Eddie have won the title again?
Yes, I remember right before he died, he was scheduled to vs Batista and... I think Orton? for the World Title on the following Smackdown. If he didn't win that match, they would of had him win the title sometime before 05 was over (he was scheduled to be in the RAW vs Smackdown match at Survivor Series). But when he did win that title, that's when I expected Eddie to turn heel again.

Would Chavo Guererro still have the Kerwin White gimmick?
I think he would of had it for quite a bit but eventually go back to his Guerrero roots.. plus who knows, If this gimmick still went on we might of never got to see Nick Nemeth become Dolph Ziggler.

Would Rey Mysterio have won the following year's Royal Rumble, also would he had ever won the World Title?
Honestly, no. I might sound like a prick when saying this but I think Mysterio got the rumble win and the eventual title reign out of sympathy.. not saying that he didn't deserve it, he's a hard worker and a good one at that.. but I never really saw Mysterio as World Heavyweight Champion material. Infact, I bet Eddie would of eliminated Rey himself if he were in it lol.

Would Chris Benoit still be alive?
This one is a hard question, I remember people saying Eddie's death could of played a part in Chris Benoit doing what he did almost 3 years ago, and there were also reports that Benoit's journal had alot of stuff about Eddie after he died, to that very moment of the incident. But then again, this whole murder thing seems to be a mystery.. only Chris, Nancy & Daniel Benoit probably know the full story to it.

Would Eddie still be wrestling, or would he of been retired by now?
Absolutely not (to the latter).. Eddie would still be in the ring, Lying, Cheating & Stealing to this very day! I reckon at one point he would of been drafted to RAW (the same year Mysterio did to be precise), he probably would of turned heel shortly around the time he died, but I think he would of turned back to a face about a year later.

So if you wanna shed light on these questions you're more than welcome. Also if you wanna make a new question, go right ahead.. there's still a whole bunch more questions I have planned to ask if nobodies got any.

R.I.P Eddie Guerrero.
* Would Eddie have betrayed Batista in their storyline?

Seems obvious to me, why was he alwasy doing those sly looks otherwise? Batista needed surgery and it would've been Eddie who screwed him out of the title.

* Would Eddie have won the title again?

See above, but he would've had multiple reigns by now.

* Would Chavo Guererro still have the Kerwin White gimmick?

Not in TNA he wouldn't.

* Would Rey Mysterio have won the following year's Royal Rumble, also would he have ever won the World Title?

No he wouldn't have won the Rumble, but he would still win a world title. He's a hige draw so I don't know why they wouldn't put the title on him at least once.

* Would Chris Benoit still be alive?

No, he still would've killed himself.

* Would Eddie still be wrestling, or would he have retired by now?

Yes, but he'd still be a heart attack waiting to happen.
* Would Eddie have betrayed Batista in their storyline?
-No. They will team up and win tag titles again. But an angle between them sometime in 2006-2007 is possible, though.

* Would Eddie have won the title again?
-Yes. I hope he headlines WM one more time and win against Cena or Triple H.

* Would Chavo Guererro still have the Kerwin White gimmick?
-Perhaps but honestly I dont like the gimmick.

* Would Rey Mysterio have won the following year's Royal Rumble, also would he have ever won the World Title?
-He will won the world title but not at WM26. i also dont think he won the 2006 Royal Rumble. He will win it on either Summerslam 06-07-08.

* Would Chris Benoit still be alive?
-Yes and he would still wrestle but jumps to main event status again. A match between Benoit and Taker at WM perhaps.

* Would Eddie still be wrestling, or would he have retired by now?
-Yes and maybe he is the current world or wwe champion right now.
Really nobody can say what would have happened to Benoit if Eddie was still alive. It's idiotic to say he would still have committed murder/suicide considering the impact of Eddie's death on Benoit. Perhaps Eddie would have spotted something wrong and the matter dealt with long before the events. Totally impossible.

Would Eddie still be wrestling today? possibly but only if his health allowed it too.

Kerwin White wouldn't have lasted, Chavo would become Chavo again.

The whole Vickie character would never have been created, which could have reduced the amount of title reigns Edge has won.

Would have been great to see a Ted Jr/Eddie feud over the Million Dollar Title, that's one feud I could have seen happen if Eddie was with us.

However, had not Eddie not died then the health of wrestlers might not have improved like they are today. The biggest example is MVP. They only detected his heart fault through the death of Eddie and the creation of the Wellness Program. We could be sitting here today talking about MVP's death than Eddie's. That's one of the most important things to remember about Eddie's death, it has potentially saved one life and potentially save many other wrestlers lives.
Would Eddie have betrayed Batista in their storyline?
I think he would betray batista eventually . But he would be his tagteam partner for a couple of years before he betrays Batista.

* Would Eddie have won the title again?

Yes without a doubt . He would have multiple title reigns.

* Would Chavo Guererro still have the Kerwin White gimmick?

No. He would go back to Chavo and become the opposite of what he is today.

* Would Rey Mysterio have won the following year's Royal Rumble, also would he have ever won the World Title?

No Rey would not win the Royal Rumble in 2006 . Because I think that year Eddie would win. Yes Rey would win the world Title maybe at a Summerslam or Survivor Series.

Would Chris Benoit still be alive?

Yes. He would still be alive and maybe facing undertaker at Wrestle Mania . If he won the ECW title? ECW would have been more popular.

* Would Eddie still be wrestling, or would he have retired by now?

Yes he will still be wrestling but within next year or two he would have retired.
thank you Total Dolph, Ive been thinking about this since...well, the day Eddie died. and as you may see in my avatar and nick Im a huge fan of Eddie:THE BEST LATINO WRESTLER OF ALL TIME!!!!(in the american wreslting lol)

but to answer your questions:
* Would Eddie have betrayed Batista in their storyline?
of course he would, I mean I think the real question was WHEN he was going to betrayed him. The smile he had on his face after his match against Batista at No Mercy,lol fucking hilarious!!

* Would Eddie have won the title again?
definitely!! even multiple times I dare to say. I even dare that he wouldve had a tweener turn and then become the face of the company and NOT CENA!!!(WHY EDDIE ,WHY?!)

*Would Chavo Guererro still have the Kerwin White gimmick?
I guess so, it was a shitty gimmick but its not Chavitos fault, he is a crappy wrestler. oh and I think it wouldve continue a couple of months and then his ass wouldve been released!

*Would Rey Mysterio have won the following year's Royal Rumble, also would he had ever won the World Title?

the RR NOT!!well...actually its a tough one. but I dont think so. become world champion really probable! but Im 10000000% sure that Rey wouldve had a feud against Eddie for the big one! cuase as I said in my thread (lol) Rey/Eddie was a permanenet feud in all the wrestling business!

*Would Chris Benoit still be alive?
I like to think so. I mean do you imagine how is to lost you best friend!!?? anyway back on topic, I think so but he wouldve been a year and a little more wrestling.

Would Eddie still be wrestling, or would he of been retired by now?
NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!!!(no put intended lol) as I said in the first question I strongly belive he would be the face of the E, right now we could have and AMAZING feud against Edge, CM, Orton....

* Would Eddie have betrayed Batista in their storyline?
Yes. He was on the verge of it, it was about to happen.

* Would Eddie have won the title again?
I believe I read reports from Stephanie McMahon that he was booked to win it at the supershow from Batista and Orton in a triple threat

* Would Chavo Guererro still have the Kerwin White gimmick?
Yes, and he would have been in that HUGE group of people that got released

* Would Rey Mysterio have won the following year's Royal Rumble, also would he have ever won the World Title?
I don't think he would have won the RR, but it's possible he could have won the World Title.

* Would Chris Benoit still be alive?
Doubt it. He had roid rage. He snapped. Eddie probably would have helped him if he could, but I still think things would have still played out.

* Would Eddie still be wrestling, or would he have retired by now?
That's a hard question. He would be in his 40s by now. He might still be wrestling, but we'd definitely be reading reports on the main WZ site about him thinking about retiring (like we've been reading about Mysterio and Batista).

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