What if they really were the Real Americans?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Let me start by saying that I am not a huge fan of the Real Americans but I do see potential. Start with Zeb Colter. Seeing as though he is amazing on the mike he could be better used as a mouthpiece of some other wrestlers that lack that skill. On to Cesaro and Swagger. They already have some fan support but what if they turned face with an all American manager? Hogan, Slaughter, Duggan etc...Hell they could go full circle and give the song Real American back to a tag team. I see them as still patriotic but in the real sense of "Don't tread on me". Keeping their catch phrase and everything. Just losing the racial undertones. They could even battle The Authority. Personally I think they could be the Stone Cold of the tag division.
Firstly, I am really enjoying The Real Americans in their current format. I think Coulter is absolutely fantastic on the mic and Swagger/Cesaro back that up in the ring. Those two really are top performers and its a shame they are lacking in different areas. I'm not overly keen on splitting them up or taking them away from Coulter because there is still plenty they can achieve.

The thing about a face tag-team that are "Real Americans" is that it has been done before. To be fair, an "anti-America" factions have been done but these three are Americans that love their country and Coulter has taken it to a different level. It's not as simple as coming out and waving a Union Jack or the Maple Leaf.

In a dream scenario, maybe they could bring back Hulk Hogan and have him manage them for a bit. I don't think they are an ideal fit but it would be fun for a month or so. If they were going to split them then this would be a decent last month for Swagger and Cesaro. The Real Americans are a great heel tag-team and I don't think that turning them face is the right option. However, seeing them with Hogan (and only Hogan, not Slaughter or Duggan) wouldn't be horrible.
I wasnt a big fan of this at the beginning but now I'm loving the Real Americans.I can live with the fact that Cesaro and Swagger lack in the mic area. I can still love them as performers cause they bring in the ring big time.

Zeb is just amazing on the mic.His mannerisms , and just everything he does is good.The gimmick of the racial undertone is perfect for them cause it adds to the tag-team a lot.If they were just some "Happy Go Lucky We love America FUCK YEA but but but but WE ARE SERIOUS AND EDGY ARGGGGGG" dudes I dont think it will work out as much.The only reason they got support from the crowd is because a lot of people actually agree in real life with what Zeb is talking about and it got the Tag-team and the catch phrase over ( it is a good catch phrase and its easy to say and has a nice ring to it ) + people love the big swing.

Remember his first promo?What?.......what?...........what?................................what?...........................................................what?.............then nothing, people started to listen.This racial undertone brings more to the table and if they were faces that would mean that their opponents would have to be those awful gimmicks that we see of people being forced to play their "native" gimmick that hates 'Murika.

Just leave them as they are.They can accomplish a lot more as heels rather than as faces.
Cesaro has to go baby-face, IMO, that giant swing is a money move for a WWE protagonist. I wouldn't mind seeing Swagger go too. I do not like a lot of turns but if you look at guys who have been heels going on 3-4+ years, Swagger is begging to be a baby-face. Zeb is so good as a heel, so I'm 50/50 on him. (Barrett would be a great baby-face too but that's for another day)
Turning Cesaro face would destroy him. I hate how every time any athlete starts to get a good reaction, the IWC immediately begins clamoring for him to turn face, and then when WWE eventually does turn him face, the IWC turns on him.

Anyway, what WWE needs to do with The Real Americans is have them go on a dominant winning streak, beating all their opponents with ease. After a few months of not getting a title shot, Swagger & Cesaro turn on Zeb for holding them back for so long and attack and injure him, writing Zeb off TV permanently. Then at WrestleMania Swagger & Cesaro win the WWE Tag Team Championship and go on a lengthy title reign.

But, that will never happen. What is far more likely is that The Real Americans will continue to job to Los Matadores for the next six months before that gimmick ends, then they'll split up and become nobodies.
Maybe it would be too cheesy and people would hate it but if they were to turn face and keep the real American deal I'd like to see them dump Zeb and have someone come in with The Patriot gimmick. (Not one of those two but a third person.) I'm sure there's someone on the roster or in NXT who can wear the mask. If it were to fail it wouldn't hurt their credibility too much in the eyes of the casual viewer who probably wouldn't know who was under the mask anyway so it would leave them the option to be repackaged later.

Have Zeb align with new wrestlers to feud with them.

I'm not sure where they would go from there but it could play out for a few months at least and with three wrestlers involved on both sides you could mix up the matches so we don't see the same ones over and over.
It's strange. All these years of xenophobic angles and now the xenophobe is the heel. I liked it better the old way, but times have changed and fighting evil foreigners doesn't really play anymore. So no, a baby face Real Americans won't work.
I think what I really envisioned is anti-heroes. Politically they could really play off the middle. Not being part of the left or right but being independent and decisive. True patriots. Saying Thomas Jefferson freedom and constitution quotes. Give them the right obstacle to overcome and I think it would work. Do it right and you could have an APA or even better, LOD kind of team. Real, gritty and tough.

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