What if the Undertaker turned heel?


Dark Match Winner
I love the Undertaker but I wouldn't mind a final badddd heel turn before he retires but probably won't happen now becuase he is so close to retirement..he already does bad things...to bad people and sometimes its so unjustified...so no matter what he does will it always be cheered?
I would love to see a ministry type scenario again, where he does demonic evil things to people, weak people good people like attack kofi for no good reason, or rey mysterio!! I'd love it

What do you guys think- and this "turned heel thread" is not over done like the cena heel turn thread!!

I love the Undertaker but I wouldn't mind a final badddd heel turn before he retires but probably won't happen now becuase he is so close to retirement..he already does bad things...to bad people and sometimes its so unjustified...so no matter what he does will it always be cheered?
I would love to see a ministry type scenario again, where he does demonic evil things to people, weak people good people like attack kofi for no good reason, or rey mysterio!! I'd love it

What do you guys think- and this "turned heel thread" is not over done like the cena heel turn thread!!


I think a lot of people will say he can't be a heel because he will still be cheered, but I don't think that's true. Yes, he'll still be cheered, but he's good enough to still be a heel while being cheered. Jericho does it every night he's out there.
Yea I don't know how well it could work. Believe me I would love to see that as well. But I just don't know if he could get over as a bad guy this late in his career. Everyone loves him and we saw how much they do in his feud with HBK. So as much as I would love to see that happen I don't think it could happen now.
An Undertaker heel turn would be ill advised and shit. Kane is about 1 third as popular as Taker, but has to do evil shit every 5 minutes or the crowd start cheering him. Undertaker is too old and toorespected by the WWE audience to be a heel now, and it just wouldn't work. It'd be like Flair, Flair could have cheated every week, and did, and people loved him. Undertaker as a heel wouldn't have much momentum, and the crowd's reaction to it would be half arsed to say the least.
Yeah, great idea, and I loved The Undertaker as a heel, but like Ric Flair, Sting and Hollywood Hogan in 2002, the fans would just cheer him regardless.

Unless he could become the most evil version of his character he has ever been, that could be interesting...
If the Undertaker turns heel, I still think the fans will cheer him more than they boo him. The American Bad Ass persona worked so well because he was a different character rather than the heel Ministry Undertaker. Even then, I didn't hear him get many boos. He's at the point of his career where I don't think fans are going to boo him for anything.
People have cheered Taker during both of his last 2 runs as a heel. He only ever seems to get boo'ed when he's doing a backstage beat down or attacking someone in the ring for no reason.

During his 'Big Evil' run he was crushing people's throats with steel chairs and still got cheered. He took the title from Hogan AGAIN and the people still cheered.

I'll tell you now what would happen. Taker's fast, high paced style with the top rope dives and the high risk spots would stop, and he'd start wrestling much like Orton does. Cheats a lot, beats you down, chokes you repeatedly, hits his finisher, end of, and that's be every match. Except instead of getting beaten all the time, or needing stable members to help him out or slapping the ref, Taker would simply destroy everyone or get DQ'd all the time. Hell, he lashes out at the refs now and he's a face.

He'd also talk a LOT more, but thankfully his promos would feature a lot LESS of the Rest In Peace stuff or the 'I've come for your soul' routine and be a lot more about crippling people and taking what he wants with references to the occult and stuff thrown in here and there.

Fans however, would still cheer. He's the number one ass kicker in the company. You know if Taker's wrestling, someone is going to get beaten black and blue, or they're at least in for one hell of a fight. Difference between face and heel? Face Taker tends to be flashier, heel Taker will just beat you.
Undertaker as the devil would be awesome have him bring back the casket burried alive matches and just destroy all the faces while cutting promos like the ministry undertaker
Does anyone remeber when the Rock faced Hogan at WM 18? Hogan went in as the heel and the fans still booed the shit out of the Rock. Undertaker is and has been at that point in his career for a while now, where as it doesn't matter whether he's a heel or face, he will get cheered regardless. I would like to see Taker do a couple of sacrifices here and there, and send other wrestlers to hell like he did Edge at last year's Summerslam.

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