What if The Rock was here?

Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
Hey guys I found this online. Some guy does this segment where roleplays what would happen if The Rock was still in the WWE. They are pretty funny in my opinion. Here's an example: This is The Rock blasting Michael Cole and the Raw GM: THE COMPUTER :wtf:

Rock: The Rock says this. The Rock has been looking at Monday Night Raw as of late and he can understand why they have a PG rating. That’s right, the Rock has figured it all out. In fact, the Rock has actually identified what the letters PG stand for. That’s right, the Rock can now confirm that the letters stand for…

(Hears beep from computer)

Cole: May I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the general manager….

(Fans boo)

Cole: And I quote…

Rock: WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA Michael Cole! There is only one person that deserves to be quoted and that’s the people’s champ, the Rock. The Rock says he don’t give a flying piece of monkey crap about you, the general manager, or that piece of crap you call a haircut. The Rock can’t believe you have the audacity to actually read letters that are written in Times Roman font. The Rock…

Cole: Rock, if you don’t be quiet, I would like to read this email from the general manager…

(Fans Oooo)

Rock: Hold up… Did you just shush the Rock?

Cole: I…

Rock: Wait a minute. Has Michael Cole finally grew those tiny little things that he calls balls out and actually shushed the Rock? Well the Rock says this… read your stupid email Cole. Let me hear what Mr. McAfee has to say…

Cole: As I was saying… and I quote…. “Rock, you may be a guest here on Monday Night Raw, but this is my jurisdiction. I do not appreciate you making fun of such an etiquette product known as WWE Sports Entertainment. Therefore tonight Rock, you will be in a match…

(Fans cheer, Rock raises eyebrow)

Rock: Well Cole… go on you Mic Muppet… Tell the Rock who he’s facing… is he facing Windows Vista? Or maybe The Rock is facing Internet Explorer 9.0.… NO NO NO NO NO NO NO… the Rock’s got it! The Rock is wrestling spellcheck! It has to be! I tell you that spell check always gets me with the I before E except out of me shit…

Cole: ROCK! This show is…

Rock: It doesn’t matter what the show is!!! The Rock says this… the Rock is tired of turning Raw on his DVR every time Monday Night Football goes off the air. The Rock wishes that just for one night he can see Stone Cold Steve Austin drink a couple of Steveweisers (cheer). Just one more time, the Rock wishes he can see HHH to tell the censors to Suck It! (cheer) Heck, the Rock wishes just for one more time he can see some Hot, Lesbian, Action!!!!

King: (On Commentary)WOOHOO! I’m with you there Rock!

(Rocky chants, Computer Beeps again)

Cole: Rock, as much as I appreciate your allegiance to the “attitude era,” it is time for you to get a taste of the kid-friendly era. And with that, you will be facing a former number one contender for the WWE title. And that match is now.

(Cole steps down and returns to the announce table as Rock looks up the ramp)

Cole: King, I don’t know what’s gotten into the Rock, but nobody disrespects the GM, or the GM’s voice to the people, me. I hope Rock gets what he deserves.

King: Well Cole, the Rock has to face a former number one contender to the WWE title… I mean, it could be anyone… it could be John Cena… it could be Sheamus… it could be…

(Zach Ryder’s music hits)

King: Zach Ryder?

Cole: Zach Ryder? What is the GM thinking? Is this some sort of joke? Ryder is a tool…

King: Just like you Cole…

Cole: No I’m not…

(Ryder gets into ring with microphone)

Ryder: Woo, woo, woo, Rock. I am honored to meet you and have this match with you Rock. Being that I’m a former number one contender to the world heavyweight title, don’t expect me to go easy on you.

(Rocky chants)

Rock: Go easy on me? Zach Ryder, the Rock wouldn’t expect you to go easy on him. In fact, the Rock expects you to (motions hand) Just, Bring It!

Ryder: Well then Rock, let’s…

(Rock connects with the Rock Bottom)

Rock: Ring the got-damn bell referee!

(Referee rings bell, Rock goes for the cover)

Fans: One, two, three! (Referee rings bell)

Announcer: Your winner, the Rock!!!!

(Rock picks up microphone)

Rock: The Rock says this to you Monkey Cole, and to that GM… The Rocks says that neither of you never ever, and the Rock means EVER try to pull such a roody-poo, candy ass stunt like that ever again!!!

(Rock climbs turnbuckle)

Rock: If you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllalalala…. What the Rock…… is…. Cookin’!!!!

If you guys like this I can post more. I hope this is the correct section.
I think you made this up and you were too embarrassed to admit to it because that is just fucking awful.
Load of shit.
1) I never liked the Rock in the 1st place. Just an unenjoyable man made more unenjoyable by starring in shit films.
2) That was the most unfunny piece of cock I've ever read.
Come on guys. Go easy on him. I mean, sure it wasn't that funny but you don't have to be mean about it. Give the dude a break. Maybe he thinks its was funny. So what? We all have our opinions...
Load of shit.
1) I never liked the Rock in the 1st place. Just an unenjoyable man made more unenjoyable by starring in shit films.
2) That was the most unfunny piece of cock I've ever read.

You didn't like the Rock? The hell is wrong with you?
Come on guys. Go easy on him. I mean, sure it wasn't that funny but you don't have to be mean about it. Give the dude a break. Maybe he thinks its was funny. So what? We all have our opinions...

Man!!!! Sympathy always kinda sucks but I do respect your opinion.

Anyway its not like it was my creation anyways
Load of shit.
1) I never liked the Rock in the 1st place. Just an unenjoyable man made more unenjoyable by starring in shit films.

1) You tell that to the millions...AND MILLIONS of Rock's fans. Seriously, unenjoyable? Maybe as Rocky Maivia but other than that you are a moron.

You didn't like the Rock? The hell is wrong with you?

He is probably butthurt that the Rock decided to make millions and keep his body healthy doing movies than to make millions and trash it on the road 300+ days a year.
You didn't like the Rock? The hell is wrong with you?

Nothing, like the guy above me says;
"We all have our own opinions"

And I just didn't like the Rock, there you go. He didn't do anything for me in terms of entertainment. I liked different wrestlers to other people, fairs fair right?
Please don't tell me I was the only one who enjoyed it.

Hey thats nice. I enjoyed it too but thats probably the reason I made this thread. I have another one with Jericho and Rock but I guess that not everyone will like it.

I loved The Rock's saying that his opponent will be Windows Vista:lmao:

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