What if Taker debuted in this Era?


Getting Noticed By Management
Everyone knows the legend that is The Undertaker, but I'm willing to bet that a majority of E fans today don't realize the Taker character today was nothing like it was when he debuted at Survivor Series 1990. At that time, the WWF had many over-the-top, comic book type characters. Taker when he first showed up was this almost non-speaking, deadman with alleged supernatural powers.

Today he's really more "humanized". More to fit in with the so called Reality Era that the E is today. If the Undertaker though were to have debuted in this era like he was back then, would he actually get over enough, and become the legend that he is? I'm thinking not. Wrestling in general today is real life characters with almost real life names. There is no The "name of gimmick" type guys anymore. TNA or E. So seeing a deadman with supernatural powers with today's smarky, fans prolly wouldn't fly too well.
Everyone knows the legend that is The Undertaker, but I'm willing to bet that a majority of E fans today don't realize the Taker character today was nothing like it was when he debuted at Survivor Series 1990. At that time, the WWF had many over-the-top, comic book type characters. Taker when he first showed up was this almost non-speaking, deadman with alleged supernatural powers.

Today he's really more "humanized". More to fit in with the so called Reality Era that the E is today. If the Undertaker though were to have debuted in this era like he was back then, would he actually get over enough, and become the legend that he is? I'm thinking not. Wrestling in general today is real life characters with almost real life names. There is no The "name of gimmick" type guys anymore. TNA or E. So seeing a deadman with supernatural powers with today's smarky, fans prolly wouldn't fly too well.


Take a look at that, and have a rethink. Of course, Taker wouldn't be booked to be the same as he would have been back then(1990), but I am sure that given his evolution in all aspects over the years, he would have definitely made a huge impact, and I am sure it would be the same for the majority of top stars that have been in the WWE and have gone on into retirement, etc.
I think that kind of dead man gimmick aquiring power from an urn just starting out today I think would get kind of laughed at but I do think The Undertaker himself had enough talent to make it big in any era, Just would of had to tone down some of the supernatural comic book stuff they did in his debut.
I agree with LeoSach BatiGol/Larisano. Wyatt is being booked very similar to The Undertaker's and it is universally working. Undertaker was the best creation ever by Vince McMahon.
I think they would have went about his debut and character a little bit differently if he was just starting out today, but Mark in his prime was big, athletic, had much experience as a wrestler and I think would probably get rocket ship pushed to the top (has everything Vince McMahon wants and the "wrestling fans" would be accepting of his skills).

Barring that though and assuming they went with an emotionless mute supernatural force, I think that wouldn't be seen as that intimidating these days and a bit comical. They would have to evolve it a little more quickly then they did in the old days

I HATE YOU GUYS.........


If the Undertaker made his debut today......

You "SMARKS" would rip him a new one and having him jobbing to DB.


I am serious though....

Look at the his body of work......

He was a big athletic guy who just had a unique look. He didn't have mic skills. He had a "limited" wrestling arsenal that consisted of mostly chokes, power moves, clothes lines and punches. He made his big splash at a major WWE PPV and a year later HE WON THE WWF CHAMPIONSHIP BY BEATING THE MOST DOMINATE WRESTLER IN A DECADE IN THEIR FIRST MATCH TOGETHER.......

Somewhere Roman Reigns is shaking his head in confusion!

Oh and no the fans DIDNT pick him to go over Nerds. Vince seen something in him and plucked the trigger. The difference is instead of SHITTIN on him we waited and watched and realized this kid might be something.

To be honest I remember Mean Mark Calloway and I thought he STUNK! He was walking the ropes even then but it didn't matter. The Undertaker persona actually helped him TREMENDOUSLY!!!! Oh and don't try to say you guys would have loved Paul Bearer either because you would have shredded him as well.....

Nope in today's era you guys would be calling Undertaker another MUSCLE HEAD and would be booing one of the greatest RR performances EVER by Ric Flair because he was an old guy who was already a 7 time champion and he didn't need the belt anymore to put him over so they should put it on someone like Lanny Poffo who wasn't getting pushed properly because he had a more appeasing high flying style and had great mic skills (before you say how stupid that is remember Sandow stole Lannys gimmick and y'all LOVE IT) because he was the FUTURE.....

Oh and you guys would have had a heart attack at RR 92 because the final 4 was Savage, Flair, Hogan and Justice.....

All old guys and Bodybuilders and the most technical guy Dibiase was eliminated in about 2 minutes......

Kind of ironic isn't it?
Oh and before you guys revise history and talk about how great Taker was at the time....

I have his first official match in the WWF.....

Watch it closely....

No submissions.... No 720 splashes....

Just punches... Chokes..... And clotheslines.... Everything you guys HATE today.....

Oh and can you imagine how many he isn't ready remarks he would have gotten for beating Hogan just a year later....



You new age fans are just TOO SMART TO JUST WATCH WRESTLING.....




Many long time fans will come on and attack the theory posted. People will say that the modern fan doesn't indulge in kayfabe. People don't want to use their imagination even when watching fictional programming.

But really, that's how the WWE was doing things back then, and they paid for it by having to take on the NWO. The era of job gimmicks and over the top powerful monster guys was just a very temporary phase in the scheme of things. Before there were all these crazy characters, the people that were over, before over was a thing, were guys like Dusty Rhodes, Nick Bockwinkle, Bruno Sanmartino, Bob Backlund, Ric Flair, and many others who were showmen, not gimmicks. If The Undertaker had debuted any time other than the early 90's than he would have had a different gimmick.

So to say that he wouldn't have gotten over is probably technically true, but there is no doubt that someone who got so deep into that character would have done the same for another. Someone with such great in ring skill, adaptability, mic skills, and longevity would have been a top performer in any era of wrestling.
The Undertaker was absolutely terrible until about 1997.

Terrible gimmick, terrible matches, terrible feuds.

Might not be a popular thing to say, but it's true. And he got insanely boring after about 2007 too......save for his fantastic matches at Mania with Shawn Michaels and also really good ones with HHH. He became a very good worker for awhile, capable of really putting on a great show in a big match. But overall if you look at his career? Way more bad feuds, ridiculous moments related to his gimmick, and unremarkable matches. Extremely overrated in the scheme of things.

I usually hold my tongue on Taker, and this will probably get many fanboys worked up but it is how I see it. I don't go for those clown ass gimmicks.
It wouldn't work in this day & age because fans are too jaded and/or too unwilling to put smarkiness aside to suspend disbelief for a character like that. The "supernatural" aspects of Taker's character would probably be snickered at by fans and dirtsheet writers alike.
It wouldn't work in this day & age because fans are too jaded and/or too unwilling to put smarkiness aside to suspend disbelief for a character like that. The "supernatural" aspects of Taker's character would probably be snickered at by fans and dirtsheet writers alike.

Rightfully so too. Unless you're 10 years old at the time, it looks flat out ridiculous.

And if we look at the history that small era where that kind of stuff was popular is the exception, not the rule in wrestling.
The Undertaker was absolutely terrible until about 1997.

Terrible gimmick, terrible matches, terrible feuds.

Might not be a popular thing to say, but it's true. And he got insanely boring after about 2007 too......save for his fantastic matches at Mania with Shawn Michaels and also really good ones with HHH. He became a very good worker for awhile, capable of really putting on a great show in a big match. But overall if you look at his career? Way more bad feuds, ridiculous moments related to his gimmick, and unremarkable matches. Extremely overrated in the scheme of things.

I usually hold my tongue on Taker, and this will probably get many fanboys worked up but it is how I see it. I don't go for those clown ass gimmicks.

There is truth to this but it's not as cut and dried as you are stating.

Taker was very mediocre as a worker until 1996, but that's because he wasn't given the opportunities against other opponents. He was literally fed monster of the quarter and later month until Mabel accidentally crushed his eye socket. It was literally that event that changed his path, they began to rethink how to use Undertaker and once Mankind was available it led to them unlocking the talent they didn't realise Taker had - for learning quickly from better workers.

From late 1996 onward he improved literally by leaps and bounds with each person he worked with. Foley taught him some more "hardcore" and psychology elements, Bret taught him more technical ability and helped make his work crisper and smoother, Shawn helped build the show element to it being the true "phenom" level and Kane enhanced the storytelling side and allowing him to finally work with a big man who could actually go, rather than be a burden in the ring. Make no mistake, Mabel doesn't nearly KILL him, Taker is cut by 1998 as he'd have ran his course.

Anyhow, back on topic.

In today's world it's just not possible to debut a character like that... ever.

Undertaker was arguably the last of the signings WWE made who fans would not realise were from WCW/had been high profile. Remember just months earlier "Mean Mark" was fighting for the US title on WCW PPV and as part of the high profile Skyscrapers team. He had also just filmed Suburban Commando with Hulk (who got him the gig in WWE in essence) but when he came out in WWE he was in essence a brand new man. NXT and the system today stops this from ever happening, the web would have prevented the surprise and you couldn't have a surprise today where it isn't actually an unknown coming in... big surprise debuts have to be massive names already.

Taker was also given MASSIVE rub in that first match, despite the clear botch of Brother Love as his manager. He manhandled the then Tag Team Champions, a former NWA World title and Koko B Ware... he didn't "beat them all" but it was enough to show what he was capable of and the potential. By teaming him with DiBiase it also made him seem more than "just a gimmick", although it's a shame his nadir was also involving DiBiase in 94.

There were no vignettes for him, indeed there was even a decoy with the Egg/Gobbldeygooker. That is often much maligned but the reality is the "shocking surprise debut" was Taker and the egg was the decoy... if they even want to get someone into the building secretly they have to go to airports out of town etc.

After Taker debuted pretty much everyone was known in some way or another, guys like Ric Flair, Lex Luger etc were obvious, guys like Hunter, Nash and Hall were always a major part of WCW syndicated shows, so everyone had seen them in WCW prior to their debuts... Bam Bam had been seen in the WWE prior... Giant Gonzales, Foley, Simmons, Dustin and Austin had all been major players in WCW above what Calloway had been. The last time a true repackage worked like that was Undertaker... you knew Goldust was Dustin, you knew Cactus was Mankind, Faarooq was Ron Simmons... even Kane you knew was still Isaac Yankem in disguise.

To do it today, they'd have to bypass their entire new developmental system, the performance centre and work on someone so secretively that it'd be impractical... the best they can hope for is someone like Bray Wyatt, who gets a gimmick that works, debuts and then steadily improves when given the chance to shine. They tried it with Nexus and The Shield and right now Reigns is in the exact spot Taker was in in 1991 when they were trying to make him champion... too soon... it took Taker 6 more years to get the belt again/recover fully... they don't have that time with Reigns or the like.

Even a guy like Kurt Angle was already known for the Olympics, it's nigh on impossible to think of similar case since where there was no "bedding in period", no developmental, just the debut and it was running... possibly Muhammed Hassan at the outside.
I don't think so, although I could be wrong. I don't think Undertaker's in-ring abilities would stand out so much by todays standards. He seemed much more impressive back then when the top stars were guys like Hogan, whose in-ring abilities were limited. If Vince chose to push him, I'd expect a Roman Reigns-esque backlash. Part of Taker's appeal is his lengthy history with the company. WWE has gone out of his way to protect him even after his prime had passed, in total contrast to Kane.
I think the reaction would be mixed: The casuals would love him, and IWC would shit all over him because he isn't a 220 pound spot-monkey. That said, after a few tweeks to his character that were more or less era specific and he'd still get the monster push and he'd still get a long-term spot in the main event scene just like he did in '90s
How quickly people forget that Undertaker had help to get over. Paul Bearer, anyone? Since WWE no longer uses Managers in that sense, I do not see where Taker gets over. You needed someone like Bearer to plant the mystique, as Taker was not going to hold the urn himself. Since people today no longer respect kayfabe, Taker would have been over like a lead balloon. Nobody would get it, nor respect it.

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