What if Sting had come to WWE?


The Wrestlezone Savior
I was watching some of Sting's work recently and I realized how good he still is, not to mention how good he was in his prime.
What if Sting had come over to WWE after the wCw buyout by McMahon? How would the Invasion angle have been different with him? Would he have been world champion and stayed a main eventer? How many reigns and when would he have won the title? Would we have seen some classic matches with him and some WWE guys (Taker, Austin, Rock, HHH, etc.), would he have ultimately ended up in TNA?
I'll post my 2 cents later.
I am a huge Sting fan and have been for a very long time. I believe that had he came to WWE he would have been a main eventer at first, but I think that he would have gotten pushed at of it after a while. Vince McMahon has tried to talk Sting into coming to the WWE many times and almost had him when he bought WCW out, but Sting said after seeing how Vince used WCW talent such as the Rock saying to Booker "who are you" Sting changed his mind and was afraid he would be used wrong.

I do believe that Sting would have won the Championship a few times, but the thing about Sting is this . . . He does not have to be Champion to be popular. Sting is like the Undertaker alot. If you think of Sting's title reigns none of them stands out as spectacular because he does not need them to be who he is and that is one of the most popular wrestlers ever!
Sting coming to the WWE could have had one of two results. He could take the "Flair" route, where he becomes even more popular than he was in WCW, and making his legacy all that more spectecular or he could go the "goldberg/nash/steiner route. All 3 were pretty big names but all 3 had less the spectecular runs in the WWE. Goldberg was one of the WCW's most over face, Steiner was a great heel and nash could do all 3 but all of their WWE runs(since WCW ended) have been nothing special. Nash was out with injurys so was Steiner. Even when Steiner wasn't injured he wasn't getting the response he should and ended up feuding with Test. Goldberg has a forgetful title run and nothing really special happend. I would hope since Sting is leagues better than thoes 3 and an Icon in sports entertainement that he would get the proper push and hold the title for a while and get the right fued. Sting would get such a huge reaction that it would be almost impossible for him not to get a proper push, but with the WWE you never know.
He would have been misused, and eventually leave for TNA I reckon.

Alot of WCW stars were following the buyout and even with Stings popularity, I dont think he would have lasted too long tbh.
You never know what would happen. maybe a good sting VS. Taker fued that could be good, ECW could use him for sure.

Sting vs 'Taker would be immense, I agree with you there. Actually, him coming to the WWE would be good altogether. I'd love to see it.

It could have happened, but even if he had I reckon he would have been misused and end up back in TNA.
Nowadays, if Sting was in the E, he would be used in a manner much like he is for TNA, on a limited basis, like others have indicated, almost like how Taker is used. The question then becomes, how much money would it take for it to be worth it to Vince AND Sting for him to sign on the dotted line? Personally, I don't think that Sting likes the WWE style as it's been, at least up until recently. With the E making things more "kid-friendly" and toning down the sex/language, it could make a difference to Sting, who is a well-known religiously led man.

Now, as far as back in the day, I think if Sting would have signed with Vince, he would've been used much as Booker and DDP were upon their entrance into McMahon-land, pretty much as being inferior to the WWE's "own" superstars. It probably would have given Vince a big woody to take WCW's longest-running star and systematically demolish him. Or he could have made him the second coming of Ultimate Warrior or Hulk Hogan, who really knows?

What if Sting was the enemy of Mr. McMahon instead of Stone Cold? How would the Attitude era have played out then?
I'm glad he never came to WWE actually. He's easily the biggest American star to never be there and he's made it faily clear that he hasn't wanted to. To me there's no doubt that he could have been so huge over there its uncanny. With him having charisma to burn, his in ring ability being very good to great and having a great look, there's next to nothing that could have stopped him from being a star. However, I can't believe that Vince wouldn't have tried to turn him into something that he wanted more. In the late 80s, Dusty Rhodes was the second biggest star in the NWA and Vince put him with a basic comedy gimmick. That's what is keeping me from thinking Sting would have dominated in WWE: Vince having not created him.
It wouldnt have amounted to anything at all. Sting was happy that WCW was closing. He was getting burned out on wrestling by this point. If though something did happen where he came over. He wouldn't have done much at all at that point. He would've feuded with the Rock. Plain and simple. After that he wouldve probably waited for his contract to expire. I hate to say it because I am a huge Sting fan, but if he came over to WWE at THAT point. Nothing special except for a match with The Rock wouldve happened.
I think he could be the FACE of ECW he would do great there i'm starting to like what ECW is doing but if they had someone like him it would improve there roster greatly.

i dont think he would be misused there.

if sting had come to wwe im most certain he wouldnt have been in ecw
seeing how he is to big of a star for it and ecw's main eventers are considered mid carders on raw or sd.

but it would have been really interesting and new to see sting in the wwe i would have loved to see him and taker go at it and trips and hbk it would have been new and freash but i doubt any of these matches will ever happen and it sucks if wwe had'nt made wcw look so weak and pathetic we would have seen those matches. =/
This is my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own.

I think that Vince would have tried to somehow kill Stings image because I'm pretty sure Vince hates acknowledging the competition of past and present so why would Vince want to make a wrestler who was a major star of his biggest competition a major star on his product?

On the other hand, Vince does love money so he could use Sting to sell a lot of merchandise if he let Sting have a run with the WHC as I would assume a wrestler of Stings calibur and legacy would debut live on RAW.

That's just my opinion though.
I don't think Sting would have made much of a splash if he had joined WWE after the death of WCW. He was a phenomenal worker back in the mid-90's, but nearing the end of the decade, he became nothing special. Also, Vinnie Mac hates competition from the past, so he might have been buried, as have countless others (although admittedly, some made it) if he had been brought into the InVasion storyline.

I just don't see Sting in WWE doing much.
I think it greatly depends on when he would have entered the WWE.

If we are talking the mid 90's WWF, I think Sting would have stood a chance. The bright face painted Sting would have fit well in the cartoony booking and possibly could have gotten through being buried by Vince's lust of burying former NWA/WCW champions to become a major player. But would his character have had the same evolution into the Sting we see today? I don't know.. He could have fit well into the Ministry storyline....

Now after the Purchase of WCW I think he would have been lost in the shuffle and he would have probably not resigned or have been wished well in future endeavours. There was just to much talent at that time and not enough stories to go around.

Currently... I really don't see him getting a better deal than he has in TNA. From what I know he does not want to be on the road that much anymore, who could blame him, so the limited dates work for him and TNA. I think it would be a kick to the groin to some current WWE talent if he were to sign and get a cushy schedule. While some current talent has that, they have earned it in the eyes of the locker room. While Sting, even though he is a legend, has not earned a easy ride in the WWE.
I'm glad Sting didn't go like it has been said Vince would have did him wrong like has done to everything that was WCW. Alot people say Nash but Nash started with as Diesel but I stop watching wrestling around 01 for a while especially after they bought WCW I knew then the wrestling industry would go down for the reason of having no competition. I would love Sting to wrestle the Rock,Taker,HBK or Triple H; didn't mention Austin cause they had that match in WCW. From what I can tell Goldberg reign didn't go good cause he knew wasn't going to re-sign with the company plus they never could get Goldberg vs Austing which was always the dream match all wrestling fans wanted.
I think Sting probably would have gotten a similar push as Goldberg, but maybe longer. I saw an interview on Youtube with Sting where he admits that WWE did negotiate with him and he decided not to pursue it (after the Rock was in the ring with Booker T after WCW had just been bought out, and the Rock said 'Who are you?' Sting basically didn't want to have all his previous accomplishments ignored or overshadowed because he used to be a WCW guy, and then have to earn his stripes all over again, and assumed that that's what would happen, even though guys like Tazz, the Dudleys and Goldberg were all pushed from the get go and then later on was when they sank or floated).

I could see Sting doing some amazing matches with Shawn Michaels, the Rock, Austin, and Undertaker, whether it would happen or not is a different story.

I've always viewed Sting as being WCW's equivalent of the Undertaker. Obviously not in his blonde haired rainbow face paint days, but once he adopted the Crow image, that's how i've always viewed him. Whether that would make them decide to repackage him or not, i don't know, but that could have led to a great programme imo. Similar gimmicks, totally different wrestling styles, equally willing to put on a wrestling clinic and do crazy spots too.
I have been a fan of Sting since I was a kid when I saw him face Flair at I think it was the first Clash of the Champions. I think if he would have come to WWE, McMahon wouldn't even be able to hold him back because he is and will always be so over with the fans. I always wished he would because there were so many match ups that I always wanted to see him in...with Undertaker, Rock, Stone Cold, and most of all HBK. Could you imagine Sting/HBK in their primes. That would probably be one of if not the greatest match of all time. Sting made some of the worst wrestlers look good, and it always pained me to see at the end with WCW they were having him job constantly. They were so far up Goldberg's you know what, Sting was losing to him clean on a Monday Nitro without no build up or anything. I still hold out he may come and sign for the last few years he has left, but just a little.
For some reason, if Sting had come to WWE, I see his character getting watered down BIG time. I just don't see Vince letting him keep the whole rafters deal, or cut promos in the way that Sting is so famous for. On top of that, booking would be a huge issue. As much as WWE tries to book in a chaotic Russo-esque fashion every now and then, it never works. I just don't see them using Sting in the manner that made him so huge. Not to take away from his ring work, I'm a huge Sting fan, he's great in the ring. But a big part of every superstar's success is how they are booked. Like so many other greats from WCW and ECW, I would imagine Vince would try to turn Sting into WWE's Sting and completely demolish his legacy and his character's history.
i think he would of got to reigns. with wwe. i wish he would of came and ended up on smackdown. how ever i dont believe the angle would of been different the invasion still would of been the same. sting probably would of feuded with taker at wrestler mania and maybe triple h when hhh was heel.
im sure others have said this and im sorry if they did but sting is a legend for not coming to wwe and still being a hugh star and big name. i cannot for the life of me think of anyone who is a bigger star then him that never went to wwe its really quite cool. if he had come to wwe i think vince would have treated him like shit mabye as a heel title contender for a while but then push him down to mid card status. personally im glad he never did makes him all the more special :D

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