What If...Sheamus Wins The WWE Title?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now, I know this topic is all over the boards right now, but I have to ask the question: What is Sheamus actually BEATS John Cena at TLC?! I'm not saying it is going to happen, because I don't think there is anyone in the world who thinks it actually can, but hypothetically, what would your reaction be!?

I know personally, Vince keeps me buying PPVs to hope Cena actually loses, so now WHAT IF it happens...to Sheamus?

I know everyone is complaining about the other mid-carders getting the match before, but this can only benefit Sheamus, as it would hurt Morrison, Miz, Kofi, Swagger etc. It would crush all momentum that they have built in a short 1 month feud with Cena. This can only elevate Sheamus.

So my question, as stated above, is simple, What would you do if Cena actually lost and Sheamus was our NEW WWE CHAMPION!?
I wouldn't mind it. The tables gimmick sets him up to have a legit chance to beat Cena without making Cena look weak. Putting the belt on him and then having Cena take it back in a TV match would be fine. It gives Sheamus lifelong credibility. Look at what it did for Kane.

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