What if Shawn, HHH and 'Taker...


Pre-Show Stalwart
What if the currently sidelined superstars; Shawn Michaels, Triple H and The Undertaker all decided NOT to compete again in WWE? Hung up their boots.

Triple H - Would become a GM no doubt. Or he would be a manager for a young star. Take over as WWE's on screen owner?

HBK would dissapear? Family life? Become commisshioner again?

'Taker would cameo at Mania taking someone out in a segement of the show?

Would they even be involved anymore? Would they be like Austin appearing now and then? What do you think?
HHH has some good years left in him, so I'm just going to skip him for now.

I have a bad feeling HBK is going to stick around wrestling for a lot longer than he's going to be useful, but who knows, he might be successful as a non-wrestling personality. I don't think he'd be a GM long-term, but I could see him being a very good manager, especially a heel manager for a cocky young superstar.

I also have a kind of bad feeling about Taker. I feel like he'll be used in comedy segments or segments when a heel is talking, and you just want to see them get their ass kicked, but nobody on the current roster makes sense. For instance, Santino will come out, do his shtick for a few minutes, and then all of a sudden the lights will go out, and when they come back on, Taker will be standing right behind Santino, waiting to chokeslam him. Or maybe he'll come back to give some grim words of wisdom, kind of like when he told HBK sometimes it's hell getting to heaven. Either way, he deserves better, and if he's smart he'll stay away from the ring after he retires.
HBK will leave wrestling for good, he will retire to save his body the harm unlike most who end up either injured or on drugs, Shawn wont be that guy, he will bow out when his time comes, I dont see him being an agent or anything other then himself, he tried that before but couldnt adjust.

Taker IMO is going to give someone the rub and then leave, I just hope he doesnt keep his streak before he bows out otherwise hes gonna follow that long list of guys who selfishly put their careers before giving young guys the rub and actually passing the torch.

Trips will remain as part of the company in whatever form, he will probably help stephanie manage things and hopefully give a wrestlers perspective, because stpehanie cannot run the company alone and i think he will be damn good at it.

eitherway when the time does come no matter what has been said they all will sorely be missed.
Triple H if he left would remain an on screen personality. Either as the one on screen that is running things, or as a manager, there is no way he would be gone.

Michaels has already said he wants to leave and spend time with his family while his kids still want him around. And if he is able he would be willing to come back when they are teenagers and no longer want him around them all the time. If he does come back after that I doubt it would be a permanent in ring role. I would think commish or manager that gets in the ring when needed.
Taker IMO is going to give someone the rub and then leave, I just hope he doesnt keep his streak before he bows out otherwise hes gonna follow that long list of guys who selfishly put their careers before giving young guys the rub and actually passing the torch.

Taker has already stated in the past he doesn't mind losing the streak. He is all for putting younger talent over and for this reason him and Triple H butt heads. H wants to always be at the top, Taker thinks the younger guys should step up. It is Vince who is keeping the streak alive. If Taker retires with streak intact it will be Vince's doing, NOT Takers.

Now onto the question. When Taker leaves I believe it will be either gone for good, or a yearly Mania match to continue the streak for as long as Vince can get him to do it.
It will be a LONG time before Triple H retires, but, given if all 3 of these men would retire tomorrow, I agree with all that Triple H will stick around and take on some kind of role long after he is done in the ring. I can see him being a Ric Flair.

I honestly dont know about Michaels. He has actually suprised me over the last 6 or 7 years. Back in '98, when he had his last match with Austin, at the time, I thought that he would take a break for 6 months or so, then return. After he was away for about a year, I thought, "Wow, he really is retired." Then, he returned in '02, which I thought would only be for a couple of matches. But, so far, that 4 or 5 year hiatus, really has added years to his career! I personally think if Michaels retired tomorrow, he would show up from time to time, but I dont think he will take on a recurring role. This time, once he is done, he is done.

'Taker will wrestle his last match then we will never see him again. I honestly feel that he is not one of those "spotlight" kind of guys. He goes out, does his job, and returns to his personal life.

As far as 'Taker giving "the rub" to somebody younger than him. Well, normally I agree with an older wrestler on their way out to "pass the torch" to a younger, active, future Hall of Famer. But, in the case of the streak, there is absolutely NO WAY, they should ever, EVER, end that streak. It would be totally stupid to let him go 17, 18, 19, or 20-0, and end that streak. When 'Taker retires, he should retire where he started, at Survivor Series. I know, "Wrestlemania is the biggest stage of them all. And with 'Taker being as big of an Icon as he is, alot of you probably think his career should end at a Wrestlemania. But, this instance is different. There is not 1 active wrestler on the roster that deserves to end that streak. Honestly, I dont see anybody ever deserving that rub. Not Cena, not Orton, nobody!!
It will be a LONG time before Triple H retires, but, given if all 3 of these men would retire tomorrow, I agree with all that Triple H will stick around and take on some kind of role long after he is done in the ring. I can see him being a Ric Flair.

I honestly dont know about Michaels. He has actually suprised me over the last 6 or 7 years. Back in '98, when he had his last match with Austin, at the time, I thought that he would take a break for 6 months or so, then return. After he was away for about a year, I thought, "Wow, he really is retired." Then, he returned in '02, which I thought would only be for a couple of matches. But, so far, that 4 or 5 year hiatus, really has added years to his career! I personally think if Michaels retired tomorrow, he would show up from time to time, but I dont think he will take on a recurring role. This time, once he is done, he is done.

'Taker will wrestle his last match then we will never see him again. I honestly feel that he is not one of those "spotlight" kind of guys. He goes out, does his job, and returns to his personal life.

As far as 'Taker giving "the rub" to somebody younger than him. Well, normally I agree with an older wrestler on their way out to "pass the torch" to a younger, active, future Hall of Famer. But, in the case of the streak, there is absolutely NO WAY, they should ever, EVER, end that streak. It would be totally stupid to let him go 17, 18, 19, or 20-0, and end that streak. When 'Taker retires, he should retire where he started, at Survivor Series. I know, "Wrestlemania is the biggest stage of them all. And with 'Taker being as big of an Icon as he is, alot of you probably think his career should end at a Wrestlemania. But, this instance is different. There is not 1 active wrestler on the roster that deserves to end that streak. Honestly, I dont see anybody ever deserving that rub. Not Cena, not Orton, nobody!!

I agree with this all the way! As involved as Triple H likes to be in the WWE I dont see him ever truly stepping away when he "retires". Now as for HBK, I do see him going away for a time to be with his family then doing a show or 2 every now and then just because he loves the business. The Deadman on the other hand will disapear forever when he retires. I don't see him coming back even for a yearly Wrestlemania appearence. I also don't think that they should ever end the streak. It gives the younger guys a reason to try. If I were a wrestler I would try as hard as I could to BEAT the streak. I also believe the Deadman W@ILL end his career where it began, at Survivor Series. His storyline is just practical like that.

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