What if Shane buys TNA??

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Mighty NorCal

So maybe instead of starting his own show, Shane just buys the competition. As a TNA fan, how would you feel about it? What changes of additions do you think would be made? Given the current talent in TNA (which I understand is rather good) do you think they could make a run at being a serious threat to the WWE?

From what i can see, TNA has a VERY talented, strong roster, and can do well for itself. I think Shane bringing his savy and experience would only help them, especially from a marketing and story arc continuity aspect. It also ensures Russo and Ferrara go far away from you guys
Russo and Ferreira haven't been that bad, and as far as I know, JB was still the main writer/creative.

As far as Shane running things, I wouldn't mind. He can definitely bring in some know-how, and would be able to spot the bad seeds and clear them out to help improve the show. He's seen firsthand what works, what doesn't, and what is so bad it doesn't make it to TV. That's something that every company can use.

I'd just be afraid he would try to make it too much like his daddy's company. The reason I like TNA so much right now, is because it's not WWE. It doesn't have the same recycled storylines and angles, and feuds don't go on for 3 years unexplained (see: Orton/HHH).

Overall, I'm happy with the way things are, as they seem to be ehading in the right direction. If a major change were to happen, this is one that I would back.
I would like it, I don't really like Shane but he knows how the business works. He could really light a fire under TNA, and help them become direct competition towards WWE. This would force the WWE to really improve their product to avoid being topped by TNA.
Shane would never do this as it would tear the McMahon family apart.

But this is a huge enough move to capture the interest of the entire wrestling fanbase. He would give Vince a huge run for his money, put it that way. I have no doubt that Shane would put out a better product than what Vince is currently putting out.

I would love to see him take his father on and show him how it's done. I just can't see it happening, and I don't know if Carter really has an interest in selling the company. Best possible thing that could happen to the wrestling business, though.

Let Vince stay PG while Shane goes TV-14, and we'll see who wins out.
Shane would never do this as it would tear the McMahon family apart.

True, but there is a way for this to happen, and not kill the McMahon family. What if Vince bankrolls it? Shane "bought" WCW, although it was a lot different than what it would be if he "bought" TNA.

Buying WCW was all part of a storyline, and done in kayfabe. If Vince buys it, under the guise of Shane McMahon, then it could work much the way it did when he was backing ECW. It boosts the competition, making your own product more relevant, and it all works out in the end.

Do I think this is a good idea? No. It just spells the eventual end of TNA as we know it. I'll always prefer it doesn't happen, but if it has to, I'd prefer it's just Shane on his own.
I don't see it happening in any way shape or form. While he has the pedigree ('scuse the pun) it doesn't seem that he has interest in booking in any way. I'm sure (given what we know) that Stephanie is the one being groomed to lead the WWE product into the future.

Shane always seemed to be pushed out into the media-internet side but he did it with little (public) complaint. He seems to have a decent relationship with his parents so working for their (nearest) rivals, especially if he wants to retain his share of the inheritance.

I suspect Shane will work for Linda in some form. I think if he comes back to wrestling, it will be for Vince.
I actually was thinking about this earlier today. If Shane bought TNA that would be quite interesting. I think with all his know-how for the business he could greatly help TNA get to the next level. Unfortunately I don't see it happening at all. Shane would never betray his father like that.
It'll never happen because you guys are forgetting that he is still one of the major stock holders in the company. Why would he make competition agains't a company he has a shit load of money invested in?
In other news, Stephanie McMahon is going to quit and buy ROH.

Come on! You really believe Shane McMahon is going to start a family feud by buying his family's "competition" (if you want to call TNA competition)? Something tells me Shane wants to be involved in something other than the pro wrestling industry. Damned if I know what he's going to do. Help his mother run her campaign, form a new internet company, buy a Starbucks somewhere in Greenwich.... I don't know. But buying another wrestling company that has little ratings power and is in direct competition with his own father is NOT going to be what he does.

You all must have missed the point that this whole discussion is a big fat "What If...?". Of course we know Shane isn't going to really buy TNA. It's just a fun situation to ponder.

Like I said earlier...They did it in the past with Shane and Stephanie "buying" WCW and ECW respectively. Why not do it again (if the situation were right)? They would obviously make a ton of money, and at the same time, make their own product more relevant...
Ok, so like we've pretty much all realised, Shane wouldn't buy TNA as it seems he has interests elsewhere, but anyway, if he were to buy TNA it wouldn't have to be kayfabe i don't think and i don't think he'd be interested in that again anyway, plus lets face it, it wasn't spectacular with the 'invasion' thing, but i also don't think it would 'tear the family apart' Vince must know now that his company thrives on 'healthy' competition and what better than a little family rivalry. They both have the money and the knowledge to do it and it would up the game of both companies and so i couldn't see if being a bad thing for anyone. But what i can more likely see happening is Shane buying TNA (or it's equivalent) in a few years when he's tried his hand at something else and realised that he actually knows tons more about wrestling. By that time, who knows, it might be Stephanie running it and do you really see him having a problem competing against his sister? and that would be awesome for everyone else concerned. Though if i'm honest, i reckon Vince is already helping TNA somehow, even if it's just by shipping them talent that he has no use for, or that need building. I mean as someone reminded us before, he did fund ECW for a while so why not do a similar thing for TNA, I mean Kurt Angle 'defecting' to TNA was massive news, but he aint a stupid guy, he'd have spoken to Vince about it first surely? I'm gonna get hated for that, but it's what i think.
I think it would be entirely dependant on his intentions. If he has inherited his fathers passion for big men and big boobs then the talent would be culled and it may be a disaster for the company.

If he could book a genuinely entertainly product that would bring in more viewers by his name alone, it could be interesting. But we have never seen him book a show over a consistent period of time; he is extremely untested - to have him replace Russo (Ferrera would be irrelevant) would be a massive gamble.

Even if he stayed away from booking, it would all be about his intentions for the brand and the product. Could they benefit from his investment? Sure - they've never made a profit in their history and Dixie's dad is keeping his little girls' whim going. So far, it's working and maybe they don't need Shane involved.
Of course this is just a BIG "what if" because as far as I can guess, I don't think TNA is for sell or plans on being for sell anytime soon.

Now to answer the question, it would be a bad idea. I can see it ended up just like it did when it happened to ECW and WCW. It's something that has been done before. I wouldn't want to see it again just because it's a different promotion. To tell you the truth, TNA is fine with not having a McMahon. If he decides to do something with sports entertainment I would like him to make his own product. I just don't see him leaving sports entertainment to get right back into it.

He'll prolly do something with his mother, start his own MMA promotion, or do something completely different, something we as fans would have never guessed.
If shane was to buy tna what would happen?.. I think it would be wwe vs wcw all over again. Another invasion storyline because you never know what might happen with any mcmahon.. So if shane does buy tna it would be a big shocker but i wouldnt be too thrilled to see the invasion storyline happen all over again.
I haven't thought about this to be honest, however, I don't see why Vince would be entirely opposed to this.

It seems as if the McMahons could really take advantage of this, with cross promotional shows and such (yearly event, maybe even Wrestlemania in a 4-sided ring, and BFG in a 6-sided ring, both cross promotional).

On top of that, it would give Shane to do things his way. It's always appeared to me as if he wanted to be a wrestler (he's got more talent then half the guys on the active roster). He could channel that energy that his father maybe suppressed and use it in his own company.

I don't think it would cause a family war, I think Vince would welcome competition from his son.
What is it with you people and your obsession with TNA being bought out and with a McMahon controlling every wrestling fed? Can you people think outside of the box for 1 second? It would be horrible. The last thing we need is for a McMahon to get their paws on other companies trying to grow, trying to give opportunities, and make the dreams of superstars. Monopolies are not good! All a McMahon wants to do is buy a company to put it on the shelf for their own video library. Nothing good can come out of it. As a wrestling fan this doesn't benefit me or you so enough with the Vince, Shane, or any McMahon buying TNA talk! Hopefully TNA will never be in the position to be bought out.
I know it would be a good thing in terms of having a good strong leader who truly understands the wrestling product. But I really like the way that TNA has been going these last few months and I don't know that this wouldn't push the balance out of whack again...

Just My Opinion
It would be cool if he did buy TNA and had some say in proceedings, according to you Americans TNA never advertise, I imagine thats something he'd deal with. Apart from that I couldnt fairly comment, all reports suggest that Shane is left out while Stephanie handles most of the shit in WWE. He'd probably just flood the company with money.
Not actually, but I thought about this earlier today.

With Hogan signing, and now rumors about Austin floating around, and Macho Man, and all of these other guys, I think someone that if TNA got a hold of that could create huge buzz for them is Shane, who recently resigned from WWE.

Dixie seems to be trying to create the glory days of WCW, so why not start the way it ended? Make the storyline that Shane bought the company, and not Vince, and have this Monday Night Wars II (which apparently TNA is striving for) thing start with a lot of buzz. Hogan is older now than he was 15 years ago (duh), and was old then. Bringing in Shane as a non-competing acquisition would be huge for the company's publicity without taking up space for the younger guys.

There's probably no chance of this happening, but having Shane lead the "fight" against WWE would be priceless, and no doubt have WWE fans tune in to both programs (upping TNA's ratings I'd imagine)
Using the Invasion angle would be terrible to do. That debacle was plum terrible and was the worst botch of a potential cataclysmic change in wrestling in the history of the business. Shane would be good for a financial stand point. An on-air personality wouldn't work. Because although Shane did leave the WWE, it's not like he hates his dad or something.

And to be honest, Dixie Carter doesn't know what she's doing and would probably balk on even hiring Shane McMahon. That's how unsound of a wrestling mind she is. She wouldn't know what she had if it was in front of her face.
This would be completely awesome, I think I'd start watching TNA again. Seriously though, the WCW thing was awesome enough to me, an actual war like this, which would gain TNA A LOT of publicity, especially if WWE acknowledged them, would be huge for them and great to watch. Of course, McMahon wouldn't acknowledge it unless TNA was making repeated statements/attacks on WWE etc. And even then there's only a small chance he would - why allow his fans to think of TNA, some, I'm sure, aren't even aware of it properly?

It's be a great 'invasion' to watch though, I loved the last one.
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