What if Punk pulls a Angle and goes to TNA?


Getting Noticed By Management
-First of all I would like to state if reports are true with Punk having issues with upper management he could be the #1 FA
-I am not saying he should leave WWE cause Punk is a longtime WWE fan but clearly his ideas of his character direction has many differences than VKM and others in the company
-For the most part we aren't sure the nature of his biz relationship with most in WWE but we do know from losing the WHC to the Undertaker up until a few months before MITB '11 Punk and Steph have had a very rocky professional relationship hence why he was jobbing for that stretch of time
-We also know from VKM's past he doesn't always treat talent who made themselves before WWE he doesn't always them the same chances as talent that VKM did make
-For argument sake lets say VKM told Punk the same thing he told Angle where they will void his contract until the talent gets in a better emotional state and is re-charged to come back to WWE within six months
-Punk has a few options in going back to ROH or returning to TNA
-I am not sure if Dixie has the same business partners that she had the last time Punk was in TNA
-We all know some of the disagreements Punk had with certain management in TNA but I believe most of them are gone
-Bischoff would be licking his chops if he could get his hands on a character like Punk
-I do think the first night Punk would be on Impact they would get at least 2 mill viewers
-IMO the first logical opponent for Punk would be Angle
-I have no doubts Kurt would enjoy putting Punk over for his first program
-All the matchups for Punk are endless
-Punk I would believe would be used as a tweener
-I also believe within a few months Punk would be the X-Division and World Champ
-I also believe Punk would have full control of his character within reason
-That would hence that Punk would be World Champ for at least 18 months
-I know Punk has been on the show Talking Dead not sure if hes a regular but if he is that would give TNA mainstream appeal
-If Punk was to go to TNA what do you fans think his character be like and who should be his first few opponents along with how long should he wait and be the WC
I don't think he would waste his time at such a disorganized promotion after reaching the pinnacle. Unlike Kurt Angle, Punk doesn't have rampant drug problems preventing him from working in WWE. I would say there is 0.00000% chance of Punk ever stepping foot again in TNA.
-I am not saying he should I am saying what would it look like if chose to go back to TNA
-The main reason Kurt left wasn't so much to do with his pain killer addiction but because his neck issues
-I am not defending TNA but they are a little bit more organized know with Bisch than with other creative controllers in the past
I've heard varied stories on that situation with Kurt. He definitely has neck issues, but I think the pills are tied into that. Anyway I don't mean to speculate, it's neither here nor there now that I understand what you mean with the thread.

I don't mean to be derisive towards TNA either, I just feel they seem to build up potential to reach the next level and then shoot themselves in the foot with odd booking decisions. They have plenty of talent, talent I would love to see against Punk in the ring.
CM Punk was the WWE champion for 400- something days. That suggests the WWE are a big fan of his. He faced the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, faced the Rock and is clearly one of their biggest assets. TNA can give him what? Punk is at the top of his profession and TNA would be a step down and very very unlikely.

If he was to move to TNA than I'm sure he could have some great matches and feuds. It would be great to see him re-ignite the feud with Hardy as well as facing of with Aries, Styles, Joe and Bobby Roode. There is certainly talent for him to feud with.
Punk going to TNA would be a major coup for them. He'd be the first "WWE guy" that went to the company without being physically over the hill, substance abuse issues or legal problems hanging over his head.

While I don't think it will happen, TNA would probably bend over backwards to accommodate Punk with a top offer, and probably a heavily reduced schedule compared to WWE. He won't make as much money, nor will he ultimately wrestle in front of as many fans on television, ppvs or house shows. Money, however, might not be a serious issue. Based on what I've read in the past, Punk is financially secure.

If Punk hadn't ultimately been elevated to the level he's at in WWE, he probably would have legitimately split back in 2011. The fact that Vince McMahon made Punk the longest reigning World Champion in WWE for more than a quarter century is a strong indicator that Vince is more than satisfied with Punk and what he's been bringing to the table. If Punk wasn't drawing and wasn't making WWE money, then he simply wouldn't be such a major player. I wouldn't read too much into the alleged heat between Punk & WWE creative. For instance, Punk allegedly got his way when it came to his promo last Monday. He didn't come off like a whining heel, which I think is initially what was planned. He did it his way and things are said to be good for the time being.

But yeah, IF Punk did leave WWE in the near future, as one of the most legit over stars on the roster, and went to TNA, it'd be huge for them.

He is taking some time off to heal up, that's all. The whole "leaving" thing is a work. Come on people! Would CM Punk be dumb enough to leave WWE for TNA? What would that prove? Being the TNA champion means nothing, compared to the WWE champion. He just main evented wrestlemania against the undertaker after having a 400+ day championship reign, and main eventing two PPVs vs. The Rock.... Yeah, WWE is treating him like shit and he should go to TNA. Sure sounds like it.
Hulk Hogan is more likely to win the next Money In The Bank match than CM Punk is going to TNA.

Punk seems to be completely driven to truly be 'Best in the World' at what he does. Not trying to take a shot at TNA, as I do enjoy their product, but the only place to truly do that is the place with the biggest crowds and most exposure, WWE.

I'm not even sure that Punk, who has a history of clashing with promoter's and authority figures, would want to step in to TNA and work under Dixie Carter, who is still very green when it comes to running and promoting a wrestling organization.

I feel confident in saying that Punk will be in WWE till he hangs up the boots and moves on to the next challenge in life he chooses.
this thread is stupid. first of all. tna wouldnt pull 2 million viewers because of one guy,they had hulk hogan and jeff hardy debut on the same night and dint do that well. Secondly,Angle doesnt need to ''put over'' Punk, he is already an established main eventer. Third, just because he would be given 'full control'of his character doesn't mean he will be champ for 18 months, its all about ratings. Maybe that would be good for ratings, maybe not. Punk won't go to TNA
Vince Mcmahon may be stubborn but he isnt stupid. He knows how important Punk is to the company and you can bet your life he wont let him leave. Much like Lawler does, Punk will be holding the majority of the cards, and will have a lot of control. If Punk did hypothetically leave and join TNA, it would certainly make me watch it. However, I personally think Punk would venture back to ROH or even over to UFC (perhaps not as a competitor but elsewhere in that industry) as he is a huge fan of both productions.
Vince is too smart to let that happen to him again. It would never happen. IF he let Punk go, there would be some sort of lengthy no-compete clause for any company. Plus, Punk is a smart businessman too, he's not going to jeopardize his future and legacy by going to TNA.
It seems Punk is having problems with WWE based on reports. But Punk being off TV is purely a storyline. Nothing more.

Will he be jumping ship at any point? I wouldn't bet as much as a penny on that. But I can tell you what it'd be like if he did. Nothing would change. Everyone would continue to watch WWE and a LARGE majority of the very people who may acknowledge him as the best in the world today would begin to create excuses as to how that is no longer the case merely because he's not featured on the show they've watched for years. It's the sad truth. Anything TNA touches, people will crap on. That includes the "best in the world."
Even if the reports of backstage turmoil and Punk nearly splitting on the company are true, I seriously doubt he would ever strongly consider TNA as an option.

As long as ROH is up and running that would be the next destination for Punk post-WWE. I'm sure that TNA would try to sway him, but ultimately they couldn't offer him more money than he could make between ROH and traveling the country and the globe taking advantage of all the booking options that he would be presented. Hell, he might would even take some time off from wrestling, and take a shot at MMA for a while. He has legit Muay Thai and Jui-Jitsu training and an interest in the sport that could drive him to give it a go.

Strictly playing the "if" game though, I do think that for TNA he could cause a ratings increase, an exposure increase, and have a lot of quality potential programs. The chance to see him go against the likes of Angle, Daniels, Joe, AJ, Aries, Roode, and others, many of which would be reviving old ROH match-ups, is definitely intriguing from a fan's perspective. I just Don't see it as a realistic possibility in light of the consistent criticism that Punk has had for that company.
Let's not kid ourselves here. Phil Brooks wouldn't sign with TNA, nor could TNA afford to offer him the money that Phil is making in WWE. And that's not a knock against TNA (huge fan, actually) that's just TNA's situation. Phil, as others have pointed out, knows that he stands to make more with Ring of Honour and other various independent bookings than iMPACT! could offer him. And with Phil being a smart-business guy, I can't imagine him taking any deal that was worth less than he knew he could be making.
-I don't think Punk would leave but we all don't know what goes on backstage
-If Punk was to go to TNA which would be a longshot it would be done just to be out of spite
-I do think if Punk made the jump he would insist on working in ROH as well
-I just mentioned the idea not based off of his promo but the difference of opinions he has on his character with upper management
-Money wouldn't be an issue with Punk as he cares more about his legacy
-Form hearing interviews with him he refuses to negotiate his character with people he believes that don't have a clue about him nor the wrestling biz
-I will mention once again I don't think he would make the jump but don't count anything out it all depends on his thinking at the time when he is highly frustrated
Punk's dislike for TNA is well documented. Hes taken several shots at them since signing for WWE seven years ago and before that he was a lot worse. I believe he originated the ROH "fuck TNA" chant they would chant before, during and after shows with a blood boiling passion. They also fired him for a fight with Teddy Hart outside a restaraunt and kept Hart on for another two weeks until he got into another row because hes a hothead. So him joining TNA would probably never happen.

If he left WWE and continued wrestling he'd probably go back to ROH. Delirious is the head booker, they wrestled one another a ton of times, he has other friends there like McGuinness, The Briscoes, Jimmy Jacobs and so on, hes already a popular name with the following, they have his early library of footage and so on so forth. If not ROH probably Japan, as has already been mentioned or simply give up altogether.
So after Punk got the SES, he was given New Nexus, then AJ, the we had to sit through that never-ending reign of his. Then he had a WM-match with Taker. Is poor CM butthurt that he's not champ again? This guy had the cushiest treatment in years and I don't know what his problem is.

If he wants to retire in 2015, let him! He's simply not that big a draw to be that big of a dick. TNA isn't exactly a drug-free environment, with Aries, Angle, RVD and Hardy over there and he won't be a good fit.
First of all, Kurt Angle went to TNA because he wanted to work less dates and Vince wasn't having it. He and Vince are still on good terms and when his contract expires he can go back if he wants to.

Punk isn't going to TNA. Everyone takes time off throughout the year Punk will be back for the next pay per view in Chicago in the main event to blow the roof off the place. Jeff Hardy wouldn't let Punk get above the X division in TNA anyway. Hardy's just as big of a draw and is more established as a TNA guy than everyone on the Roster outside of AJ
I swear, people absolutely can not read. The title says WHAT IF. Nobody said it's going to happen. It's not going to happen, that much is obvious. With the amount of hate CM Punk has towards TNA, the only driving force TNA would have are that Russo & Jarrett aren't booking anymore and that Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Christopher Daniels, and Austin Aries are there... guys he's been in the ring with in the past and that could work for him.

I honestly think his time in TNA would suck ass if he were to go back. TNA has a lot of talent in their ranks but not enough time to develop them all. I'd rather see him go back to ROH if at all possible and see him get in the ring with Steen or Corino.
You can never say never in wrestling[or entertainment]. If Punk got disillusioned with his place in WWE and TNA came along and made a huge money offer for considerably less dates I believe he would consider it. Would he go? Who knows? It is well documented that there is no love lost between Punk and TNA. My personal view is that he'd go back to ROH before setting foot in TNA. But there would be endless dream match potential in TNA for Punk. As a fan that would be great to see. Vince McMahon isn't stupid though and I think he realizes how valueable Punk is to WWE right now. Who is carrying WWE right now? John Cena & CM Punk. WWE will do whatever it takes to keep Punk there and barring unforeseen conflict between management and CM Punk, I think it'd be unlikely this would happen. But that is indeed the good thing about "what ifs".
If you want to talk about a big-name WWE guy going to TNA, CM Punk is the wrong one to look at. He's the WWE's baby right now, and all of this "disagreement with management" stuff you hear about is stuff you are being fed to make him look like more of an anti-establishment hero. Steve Austin used to have 'disagreements with management' on the dirt sheets too.

Randy Orton is the guy I'd peg to jump ship whenever his contract runs up. They're using him right now to keep other guys warm, and he's obviously in the doghouse over his drug suspension. Coinciding with CM Punk's rise and Cena's inevitability, Randy Orton might not have a spot to be put back into. The people the top guys fight in the WWE change all the time, but the top guys don't. Then, look at TNA- Kurt Angle is already starting to scale down his appearances. He's not 'over the hill', or anything silly like that, but I haven't met the man yet who's gotten younger, and he's going to be reducing his time in the future. TNA would be able to get a lot of mileage out of Randy Orton, and it would seem that all the various stars are aligning to make that deal make sense.
He's the WWE's baby right now, and all of this "disagreement with management" stuff you hear about is stuff you are being fed to make him look like more of an anti-establishment hero.

Logical. So much of what we've read about his discontent has been built into the storyline, it's impossible to tell how much might be real, but while I suspect most of it is fake, there's a chance he has become a prima donna, especially if his exalted standing in the company has gone to his head. It wouldn't be the first time a celebrity has decided they're as great as their public tells them they are.

Still, even if Phil Brooks has saved his money well and invested wisely, I doubt he's set for life financially.....and as a young man, he has many years of earning power left. This being so, why go to TNA or some regional promotion and do the same thing he's doing now.... for a fraction of what he's paid in WWE?

Even during the Summer of Punk, when he claimed to have "one foot out the door" the same problem remained. Unless he planned to change professions entirely, why devalue the worth of your services by demoting yourself after you've already attained the top of your profession?

Personally, I hope he's a happy member of the WWE fold, simply playing a disgruntled employee....and doing it very, very well.

Or, maybe I've got the whole thing wrong; perhaps he's dying to find a way to get free of his WWE contract so he can do his wrestling act his own way.....in front of 75 fans in a junior high school gym in Wheeling, West Virginia.

Lotsa luck, Phil.
-Some of the mentioned frustration I think is real but I don't think at this point hes ready to walkaway
-I do think his professional relationship with writers and Steph at times are highly toxic
-Punk knows he can probably never be face of the company because of his attitude towards fans at times but he honestly believes he should have as many title runs that Cena has had
Nah. Punk would stay with WWE cuz no matter what issues he and management have they always work it out and he comes back. Hell they let him LEAVE with he Belt, legitmately and he came back. He's a WWE or nothing kinda guy until proven otherwise.

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