What if?....Part 2


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What If The Ultimate Warrior wasn't money hungry and didn't screw Vince over and was dedicated to wrestling just like Triple H, Undertaker, and John Cena, Where do you see his character going?. Does it evolve. Do he switch it up or make it better. How would wrestling be today?. Do you guy's think wrestling would be the same?. Would some people would of stuck around to fued with the guy?, Your thoughts....
First off, no disrespect to you but Warrior didn't necessarily screw Vince and the stories of him being "money hungry" are far from proven fact. Warrior did however, believe his own hype. I can't fault the man for being upset though. He completely stole Hogan's thunder and clearly Hulk was his usual jealous self and stopped Warriors momentum in its tracks. Warrior's run was going great (He actually had quality matches with Rude for the WWF Title) But then they put him in the feud with Savage, made him drop the belt to Slaughter, which was a disgrace, and Hogan then won the belt back from Sarge. So Warrior had reason to feel shafted.
I'm not the biggest Warrior fan ever, but I thought he was awesome for wrestling and was truly larger than life. When I was a kid I remember his and Macho's career ending match being the greatest thing ever.
Its a shame he didnt have a steady long run with the company but to be honest, Im not sure if history would be much different as far as wrestling is concerned. Maybe him and Hogan could have had a rematch and Hulk would have actually let Warrior run with the title for a longer period of time. Maybe Warrior could have finished his damn feud with Undertaker. The build to that feud was amazing for those who remember. Jake really f*cked with Wariors head. Maybe Warrior would have ended up leading the new generation and having some quality matches with Razor, Shawn and Yoko. Who knows but either way his career would have been done by 2000 and he would be an afterthought by now.
He is deserving of a hall of fame nod but I'm sure him and Savage are never gonna get the respect they deserve.
Warrior was a big part of my childhood wrestling memories and for that, I remember him for the entertaining stuff and I think those who bury him can only do so because of his limited move set. Other than his limits in the ring, Warrior was a great character and I wish they would have done a serious dvd rather than a set showing how much of a joke people thought he was.
I agree with you dynamitekid518 I wish he would have finished the feud with taker then went on to jake roberts not a big warrior fan but the guy was larger than life back then I thought he was a true bad ass back when I was a kid he never will get any respect from vince same goes for savage and roberts I also think bigelow and bossman won't get any respect either
Well if the warrior was around today things wouldn't be too different. I could see him as a mid carder who doesn't win another world title for the rest of his career. It could be one of two ways. WWE would use him like they do Vladamir Koslov and just beat up jobbers, and other mid carders. Getting a title shot every once in a while but losing. Or they could use him at the intercontinental, ECW title, or United States championship level and have him with one of those belts. Kind of like when Kane or Big Show won the ECW belt and they were promoted as just crushing the competition and having a dominate run as champion.

His character would not change because that guy loved being the Ultimate Warrior he even had his name legally changed because of his love of the warrior.
The Warrior

had the belt taken away from him because he wasnt getting the hype vince thought he would.. so they had no choice but to give it back to Hogan.... Everything he got in wrestling was made by himself....

He was blessed with several chances long after Hogan was gone and still screwed all of them up....

Even when he went to WCW he screwed things uo there because he is Money Hungry....

But the question is would things of been different had he kept his head on striaght... I would have to say yes..... He would have been a greta player and brought the WWE into the new generation.....

He would have headlined more then just ONE wrestlemania

But in the end he did screw things up... and his legacey will only be a What If Story..... Cause the truth is he is a real has been..... Way worse then any other wrestler out there..... And in no way is he HOF worthy... the day he gets in is when the HOF becomes a joke....
But in the end he did screw things up... and his legacey will only be a What If Story..... Cause the truth is he is a real has been..... Way worse then any other wrestler out there..... And in no way is he HOF worthy... the day he gets in is when the HOF becomes a joke....

How do you figure?

It's already a joke today. How would inducting a former 2-time IC champion and WWE Champion who was one of the most over wrestlers in the world at one time be a bad move? You could induct far worse into any HOF.
Ultimate Warrior wasn't money hungry?....are you serious dude?. Do you watch any of the DVD's WWE put out?. Vince stated clearly and back up by few. Ultimate Warrior storm into his office and demanded like $500,000 or 1 million, something crazy like that or he was going to walk. After Ultimate Warrior went on, Vince fired him and then bought him back a few months later. Now can we get some people who was actually fans in that Era and continue with the "What if?..."
Ultimate Warrior wasn't money hungry?....are you serious dude?. Do you watch any of the DVD's WWE put out?.

Are you serious dude? You watch a couple of WWE produced videos and now you know the whole truth? The Self-Destruction dvd was a total sham and very slanted to favor whatever agenda Vince has with Warrior. That's like Fox News giving you fair and unbiased political news... it's not gonna happen. :schild13:

And so what if he is "money hungry" he deserved every penny he could get from Vince and the WWF. The McMahon empire was built on milking every single dime he could get from his wrestlers, they are the ones that bust their ass in the ring, they sell the tickets, and are the face for all that merchandise that Vince makes his insanely amounts of money from. Why is not in the rights of the performers to reap the fruits of their labor? Vince demands the money, why can't they? What's good for the goose is not good for the gander??
ThaWrestlingGawd or what ever the hell you are. You are clearly going to defend the Ultimate Warrior cause you clearly are a Ultimate Warrior fan, I'm not ask you about his money nor what was said in the DVD. It's a "What if" Topic so follow instructions.

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