What if?...Part 1


Dark Match Winner
What if Owen Hart would of told Vince to screw himself and didn't go down the line that caused his death. Do you think things would be the way they still are or do you think Owen Hart would of had some type of Impact in wrestling....WWE or WCW or TNA. Your thoughts...
Well, I read somewhere once that "The Game" gimmick that Triple H has now was originally supposed to be for Owen. So for all we know, Owen could have been the big star that Triple H eventually was and has been. It's a shame what happened. Owen was an awesome wrestler and definately went way too early.
I'm not qualified to opine about beloved Owen Hart, but if Undertaker would make JR stoop and kiss Vince's bare ass on TV in own home state, then The Chairmain must have more power and muscle than anyone could imagine. Doesn't mean he's always right, but even Jamie Noble wants to keep his paycheck after getting punished by the biggest and baddest. Koslov used to complain about not having competition, but just tonight he's all smiles in another match with useless jobbers. I sure don't worry about Kennedy, he used his time off to enjoy life and I love him for it. I really respect RVD's comments posted here about not bending; it sure seems that he was never allowed to shine since that might lend credibility to the former promotion. I'll bet that Vince's ego could never allow any other franchise to be accepted or worth squat. But what do I know? He's rich and I just watch. As long as Goldust stays on tv then I'll keep watching!
Owen Hart+WCW=HART FOUNDATION vs the FOUR HORSEMAN(with Dean Malenko and someone OTHER than Mongo)! Davy Boy & Anvil pretty much disappeared by the time Brett got there I think, but we are talking what ifs here! HART FOUNDATION vs the FOUR HORSEMAN would have been nice given the animosity between Flair & Brett!
I think personally, If Owen would of up and quit, it could of went two roads. 1st. One being him going to WCW. He would of been alive and tag or had another nice fued with Brett and that would of caused a chain reaction by him not wrestling Goldberg and he still would be wrestling today. I also think, Brett and Owen would have bought quality to WCW, thus keeping Ted Turner or other Investers intrested in keeping WCW alive and we would still have the Monday night wars. Then...would TNA be around or have started?. Where does that leaves ECW?. Would the Invasion angle work better in WCW as oppose to WWE? Your thoughts....
I think that Owen Hart would have found work wherever he looked in the professional wrestling world. He would kindly and mischievously go about his work, cash his cheques and would have gone home to his wife and kids. Wrestling wasn't Owen's world, his family was. I'm not saying this because I know it from personal knowledge, but Mick Foley and Bret Hart both confirmed this in their respective books and I tend to believe them and their credibility when it comes to their brother/friend's character.

Owen would have gone on to perform with excellence for another couple years, won some more mid card titles, entertained millions with his tongue in cheek villainy and then gone home to hot chocolate on the porch. It makes me sad that a guy who was so into the simple things like family and quality time was stolen away from that so quickly.
Well, your right wrestling was not his life. According to Bret he always wanted to be a fireman. Apparently, wrestling wasn't The thing he wanted to do. But he was quite good at it. I wish owen was still alive. Because he was a funny guy. Had two little kids at home, and was one of the most funniest guys in the ln the locker room

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