What if MVP won MITB at WM 24 instead of Punk?


The Abdi
I made this thread because MVP was released because he wanted to be. Once MVP got drafted to SD he kept getting worse and worse not due to him not performing well due to bad booking. I reflected on MVP's wwe career earlier today. It's actually sad that MVP was never pushed, he was so entertaining and over whether it's heel or face. He was one of the most over faces in the WWE he kept getting bigger pops after every week whether he lost or won. As a heel the man was even better then he was as a face because he was pretty hated. He changed alot in 2008, he went from US Champion to his infamous losing streak. What if at WM 24 MVP actually won? It would have benifited him way more than it did with Punk. No disrespect to Punk, he's gold but everything about his first title reign screams stupidity. I mean he never looked like a champ, he looked like an underdog that got lucky everytime. His heel reign was amazing though. So What do you think would have happened if MVP won MITB
I think he would have

-Lost the US Title to Matt Hardy
-Then enter a feud with a main eventer and win cleanly Batista, Big Show or Jeff Hardy
-Then build him up to being a true superstar and have him cash in on Triple H at the time or have Batista beat Edge at NOC 08 and cash in the next day.

What do you think?
Ok, let's say he did win. He might be in the main event, or maybe the WWE would've learned the Jack Swagger expirience a little early. I have a feeling that the WWE was destined to drop the ball with MVP. I think there could've been bettter ways to win him over instead of slapping the briefcase on him at Wrestlemania. MVP just wasn't meant to hold WWE Heavyweight gold. Not hating on him, but its true. He's a midcarder at best and I hate to say that.

Let's also look at the other side. CM Punk would've never won, he wouldn't have became the massive heel he is today. Let's not forget CM Punk cashed in on Jeff Hardy to get him over as the best heel in the company. His Wrestlemania 23 MiTB win didn't do the trick, but the second, was a success. In my honest opinion, i'd rather have Punk over MVP any day. Again, not hating on MVP, I love him but he just wasn't main event material.
Excatally Punk's first reign was a disaster. Punk would have won the title though still and would have turned into the epic heel Punk we all love. It's just that his first win did nothing for his career he went down just to have 2 forgetable title reigns (IC and World Tag Team) his 2nd run did him well. If MVP did win MITB it would have done him wonders I think, WWE was high on MVP they just never knew how to use him.
First off, let me say that there is no way MVP would've or should have won that Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

That being said, I still think he would be in the same position as he is at this point in time. Had he won that match and won either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships, I believe he would have floated back down into the mid-card after a mediocre reign as world champ, just as Punk's first reign. There is a small chance that he would have possible found an open spot as a solid main eventer, but that would not be very likely. It may just be me, but I never saw anything in MVP besides average mic and ring skills. Morrison, Jericho, Kennedy, and Benjamin would all have made better choices than Montel Vontavious Porter in my opinion. However, Punk was the best choice.

So all in all, even if MVP was to win MITB and cash in to become a world champion, in my opinion he would still have been in the same position he is now, or would have a very slim chance of still being employed with World Wrestling Entertainment.
I honestly thought he was going to win that year (I attended that WrestleMania btw:) ) but hindsight is always 20/20 and there was obviously no way he was going to. It should be noted that Jeff Hardy was tagged to win MITB that year but naturally, as Jeff Hardy always does, he screwed up and got himself suspended. CM Punk was a last minute plug in so I think no matter who won MITB in Jeff's place that year was doomed to have a similar reign. MVP would have virtually done the same thing Punk except as a heel and end up in the same position Jack Swagger is in now.

Come to think of it, I'm beginning to wonder if Swagger winning MITB was a last minute thing like Punk at WM24. As soon as Swagger lost the title he was forgotten much like Punk up until he turned heel. Different topic for a different thread....

Just realized I fucked up my whole post. Wasn't thinking. Punk won at WM24 and WM25. Sorry people. Lulz. Punk's Wrestlemania 25 win was the start of his heel gimmick. I see what your getting at now. Since Punk's win at MiTB didn't do shit for him the first time around, it would've made sense to want to go back and name someone else who you would've rather have won. Guys in that match could've used the push way more then MVP. Punk won the match and we can't change that but where would CM Punk be with out his first MiTB win? Punk probably wouldn't have learned from anything and his secoind reign would've probably been shit along with his first. I know MVP is a great wrestler but like I said in my first post, he's not main event material. There's no way he'd be up there with the likes of Cena, Orton or Edge today. he would've still had his job at WWE no doubt, but I don't think he would've ammounted to anything huge.

Again, sorry for the fuck up.
I can't understand some people. Another guy is released and people are just ready to devaluate him, just because WWE devaluated him. I'm sure people would have talked the same about Miz if he was the one who slowly went out of the picture and booked the same way MVP had been. Average this, average that; so who is above average, current champ? Some people are ready to become the advocate of WWE. I guess they just want to make the WWE management's life easier...

MVP couldn't win the MITB because of the same reasons that he is out of WWE today. If you don't know the reasons just read from wiki about his life and you will see. It has nothing to do with his age/ youth development etc. Just check how old is the current WH champion and how old the guy who he feuds against for the title.

If MVP would have won the MITB which also means he wouldn't be discriminated then he would be a great heel champion. He could have a great feud against Cena, who is the exact opposite of a heel MVP. I would love to see such a feud. Since Rock he was the only guy made me laugh when he is on the mic (add Jericho as well) And thats mediocre? Then who is the guy that isn't mediocre? Does anyone really enjoy Miz more than they enjoyed MVP 2-3 years ago? Just because someone is pushed at your face and someone else is faded away, don't let it blur the reality.
MVP was a great heel when he came into the company. He was brash, arrogant, flashy, and "better then you." He had an impressive US title reign, the longest in Smackdown history. But MVP simply wasn't main event material.

If MVP had won the Money In The Bank briefcase at WM 24, it would have been a total disaster. He just didnt have what it took to have the longer, main event style matches within WWE. He wasn't powerful enough to wrestler a brawling style, and wasn't athletic enough to wrestle a fast paced style. He's a below average wrestler that got over because he drew tremendous heat and had a great gimmick.

But if he had won the World Title, his shortcomings in the ring would have been exposed. Can you name a match of MVP's that really stood out as being "career defining"? Other then his series of matches with Benoit, his 4 year career in the ring was mostly forgettable. It would have been worse if he had been main eventing.

As for Punk, his first title reign was bad. But that wasn't his fault, he was booked improperly. WWE righted the wrong with his 2nd and 3rd reigns, and he became the hottest heel in the company for awhile. He could do that both because of his gimmick, and his tremendous wrestling ability. That's the advantage that Punk had over MVP. MVP's heel gimmick was tremendous at times, but he would have been exposed in the ring as the mediocre wrestler that he was if he had been main eventing. WWE made the right decision by not giving the briefcase to MVP.
im sorry but the MVP hating has to stop he was an under utilized talent who didnt get nearly enough of a push. i think him winning the MITB wouldve been great but he wouldve had to be the smackdown champion becuz he couldve carried things ova there as the top heel im not to sure he couldve done that on raw. i do believe wwe creative clearly drop the ball here i jus hope MVP doesnt piss his career away and go to tna
Can you name a match of MVP's that really stood out as being "career defining"? Other then his series of matches with Benoit, his 4 year career in the ring was mostly forgettable.

The guy never had a programme worth tuning into again after that point. He had some one off US title defenses and then went into that abysmal fued with Matt Hardy, which all the Matt Hardy fan boys praised as being amazing, probably simply because Matt had been given something to do to make him relevant again.

Back then, i seriously couldn't believe what i was watching on SD every week. It started off well with the US matches, and then winning the tag belts to get Matt to leave MVP alone, and then it was weeks of ridiculous challenges that had nothing to do with wrestling even, never mind the fued.

And once that was over, MVP began jobbing to literally everyone. And then they started that 'incentive bonus' shit to go with it, saying 'this is MVPs last opportunity to get a bonus pay check'. But instead of just saying that once they decided to say it every week for about a month and a half.

'Last chance, last chance, last chance' over and over again for weeks, over something the audience truly couldn't care less about was pure stupidity. It was just an excuse to keep him jobbing non-stop.

Then he turned face and never did anything again. Some waste of time 2 minute mid-card title reigns and that was it all the way until today, where he's jacked it all in.

So in four years MVP was given one fued that was worth watching.

They gave him an interview segment that was rarely used, to the point where he and Swagger had a match where the winner would host the VIP lounge, and i had forgotten that the VIP lounge had ever existed........ actually, to further that point, when was the last time they had a 'Peep Show'?

Anyway...... The reason i think MVP never had another great match like he did with Benoit, was because he was never given an opponent of the calibur of Benoit ever again after that fued ended, maybe due to that whole urine test bullshit we heard about a while back.

Look at Mr. Kennedy. Everyone though for sure he'd be a main eventer, and even had some great matches with HBK, Taker, Batista, Booker T, Kane, Rey Mysterio. They fed him ME'er after ME'er to learn from, whereas MVP got Kane and Benoit at first and was pretty much told 'sink or swim' after that, and considering some of the crap that he was given to do in his career, i'm surprised he stayed afloat as long as he did.

It would have been worse if he had been main eventing.

Couldn't have been worse than Swagger's or Punk's first reign.

Can't honestly see the point in asking for his release now though. Ok so you're not happy with the way you're being used and assume you're going to get released anyway. Surely it's better to earn that larger paycheck until they release you rather than just jacking it in, just to become someone who gets snapped up based purely on the fact that you used to work for WWE. He's got to wait 90 days anyway, but surely it would have been better to earn that extra money in between wrestling bookings, wouldn't it?
I think he would probably have flopped as a champion.

Yes he is charismatic and an excellent heel, but I could just never seen him as world championship material. His matches were just below average and uninspired.

However, I did like seeing him in the mid-card, the MVP CHARACTER was entertaining and I enjoyed his series of matches with Matt Hardy and Benoit. I think he found his level at mid-card which is no bad thing. I just dont think people would have bought into his as a world champion, and he would have been a transitional champion
I liked MVP as a face. I mentioned it in another thread, he simply had that connection with the crowd. Even with as horrible as he was booked and treated, he still got a hell of a lot better pop that some people that are constantly thrown at us and begged to love. He had a personality mesh along the lines of Rock/Cena, had his own "people's elbow" (ballin') and did numerous public appearances and charity functions. He could have definitely been in the main event and held a spot. Not everybody is top tier straight out of the gate. I think if they would have given him better feuds to give him more experience and focused on pushing him more to give him a little extra motivation in amping up his promo work just a little bit, he would've nailed it. He was a very good heel, and maybe they rushed the face turn, but let's face it. He was very charismatic and extremely likable. I mean honestly, if you want to know what this brings to mind, it would be Booker T.'s WWE run. All the momentum coming in from WCW, excellent transition, great initial career, but after a while was given more lackluster storylines and pretty much left less of what he was when he started. They did drop the ball with MVP, and could have easily had another main eventer that could float between face and heel with ease, all he needed was a little tweaking work which they just couldn't be bothered to give him. And before you say "he should've done it himself", I'm willing to bet you've had to ask a question or two and/or get some assistance at your job at least once or twice in your lifetime...
When MVP debuted he was on fire. Then Kane actually set him on fire. The guy had great promo skills and a ton of catchphrases. But the only thing he was ever really given was his feud with Benoit and his feud with Matt Hardy crumbled with Matt's injury leaving MVP in the Twilight Zone for the better part of 4 months. Maybe if his feud with Matt had ended when it should have, he would've actually won. But with WWE's resent change of scenery, I doubt he would've lasted. Just recall his deal with that girl from The View. It accomplished nothing. Didn't even get much exposure.
Honestly..... I think he would have ended up being the first guy to fail at cashing it in. OR he would have lost the case to someone, like when Kennedy dropped it to Edge.

I think WWE or creative, has always liked MVP's skill set. Or at least really liked his talent on the mic. I think he never received the push most people expected, because of his past to be honest.

I think they have always liked him personally and respected that he turned over a new leaf in his life and changed himself. Yet, they were still reluctant to put him directly into the spotlight, or forefront of the company.

I think if he would have won the MITB, WWE would have regretted it shortly after and as I said, either had him fail, or just lose the case completely before an attempt to cash it in.
Hey guys I'm new here. Well let's go to it. The truth is if MVP had the MITB instead of Punk, he would have never had cashed it in on Triple H. Maybe Edge, Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker would all willing to do the favour but not against Triple H and he could forget about beating Batista for it. Triple H and Batista were too high up the political pyramid to put over MVP. It could only happen if Vince demanded it, which I don't think he would.

I hate that MVP left, but he was being poorly used in WWE and might enjoy his time more in TNA, if they decide to pick him up.

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