What If Michael Vick Was White: ESPN


Staff member
I was just watching CNN and they were talking about some new article which discussed how the Michael Vick story may or may not have been different if he were white rather than black. While I have not read the article myself, I understand that it analyzes the hypothetical effect of Vick's skin color on his life: on his career pre-incarceration, his time in jail, his perception by the public due to the dogfighting crime, and his eventual return to and success in the NFL. It even featured a picture of Vick as a Caucasian.

Apparently the writer of the article is pissed off because the title of the article was changed and the picture was a late addition, which he was uninformed of. Either way, it has apparently sparked heated debates from lots of people. ESPN stands by their position, but it has sparked a lot of controversy.

Any of you guys read this yet? What are your thoughts, whether or not you have read it?
Here is the article for those who want to read it:


I thought the article was extremely well written and definitely was a great read. The article isn't really about how Vick would have been treated if he was white, it's more about how that question isn't really a realistic one. It provides a completely new perspective on that question that many people have asked and I agree completely with the writers thoughts on the matter. I can also see why the author would be upset at the name change of the article because it doesn't really fit the point that he was trying to get across. However, from ESPN's perspective, changing the name of the article to "What if Michael Vick were White?" is going to bring more publicity and draw in more people to read it.

You really have to read the article completely and not just skim through it to understand what the author was getting at. Michael Vick being white doesn't just change the dog fighting situation and everything involved with it. It changes his entire life.
Michael Vick being white doesn't just change the dog fighting situation and everything involved with it. It changes his entire life.

Really this is the end of any talk about it. You can't just change someone from white to black or Mexican or whatever, and think it just changes one thing. It would be his whole life. Something tells me he would not have been born as athletically gifted as he is now. Blame me for playing a race card, but you look at it, and you see that most black quarterbacks have amazing mobility to escape pressure in the pocket. Vick is arguably the best when it comes to mobility, and when he can pass the ball too, shit, not many people can touch him in overall ability.

It's tough to say what he would be like. Depends on if it was with both parents, a single parent, the neighborhood, school, cliques in school, all of that. So many factors go into it, and I like how the writer basically says it's impossible to say.
I am a Eagles fan bred into me since birth and I like to give my thoughts?Vick hung out with the wrong people who were going no where in life.He looked around and thought this life of dog fighting was just normal!If he was white doesn't mean he couldn't of been in the hood but he choose the wrong friends.I'm glad that he's fixing his life now.

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