What If Kurt Angle Had Never Left The WWE For TNA?

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
What if Kurt Angle had never left WWE to go to TNA, where do you think he would be today in terms of WWE?

I think Kurt if he were still around in WWE and he had never left back in 2006, to me I honestly think Kurt Angle he would have won a Royal Rumble Match had he stayed in WWE.

Who knows he probably would have had more WWE and or World Heavyweight Championship reigns, further cementing himself into WWE immortality

Kurt would have been drafted from ECW to RAW and he would have been a mainstay on RAW only to get drafted to Smackdown and become either the top face or the top heel there

But I guess we will never really know now, will we
Thats a good question.. nobody really knows but.. i would assume that yea he would have got drafted back to Raw or Smackdown. I think he would of had a few more title reigns. Think he would have been like what HBK, and Undertaker were in their roles, Main Eventers not really needing a title, and putting and elevating talent over.

People dont really acknowledge it anymore but, i think one of John Cena's best fueds and programs period was with Kurt Angle, the ones they had on Smackdown and on Raw to me are classics. Angle brought out the best of Cena to me out of anyone he has ever worked with.

I think a wrestler like Jack Swagger could use Kurt Angle alot to have a program. like a fued or like a 2 man stable of Angle and Swagger, imagine that. A lot of guys could benefit from someone like Angle being there.

Not going to lie, Kurt Angle and HBK are the only two wrestlers that im pure bias about as far as... to me they were the best at making people look good in a match(not on the MIC) but im talking about in the ring..

Kurt Angle would have still been a main eventer, would have had a few more title reigns, and would be making young guys look good and putting them over. Like HBK, It didnt matter if he won or not after a while, it was all about him looking good while making someone else look good in the process.
Yeah he could still be the world champion today if he hasn't left WWE. He was one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. He could be the one carrying SmackDown instead of Randy Orton.

I'm a wrestling machine!
Yes Angle if he were still in the WWE, he could be the face of Smackdown, the top 2 face alongside Orton who would of course be the top face, they could carry the brand together
honestly, if kurt staye, i think he'd be dead. while he looked like he was still on top of his game he said he was hooked on many pain kilers and it was a struggle to get out of bed. i think if he stayed even a year longer, he's be with eddie and chris. as much as i want him back in the E, TNA is the best move for his health and lifestyle
Those feuds would be really unique and interesting, especially Del Rio, Punk, and Sheamus.

His feud with Orton would be better this time around then the first little stint they had. It was so short lived that all i remember is Orton getting squashed at the ECW ppv, 1 night stand i think.

One last match with HBK indeed, and i also think it would of been great to have him challenged Undertaker for "The Streak".. would of had a good story and build up because I think Kurt Angle is the only man ever to make Taker tap out, it was back in 2002 on Smackdown i think, the triangle hold(correct me if im wrong)

But that could be part of the story " i made you tap, im the only one to do that, and will make you tap at wrestlemania" think about it?
I think Kurt would of just been released, he'd bet put in upper mid card bouts and putting talent over whilst getting more and more into substance abuse. He would then in 2008/2009 would've been a shock release after failing the Wellness policy one too many times.

He would've been used once or twice in an enhancement role for future champions, making title reigns seem more legit.
honestly, if kurt staye, i think he'd be dead. while he looked like he was still on top of his game he said he was hooked on many pain kilers and it was a struggle to get out of bed. i think if he stayed even a year longer, he's be with eddie and chris. as much as i want him back in the E, TNA is the best move for his health and lifestyle

That's the thing. If I remember correctly, Kurt Angle asked for some time off for his body to heal so that he could come back and be %200, because the painkillers along with the amount of travel time was starting to catch up to him. But the powers backstage weren't gonna allow it, so when Kurt had a chance to leave, he left. I can't say I blame, but I sure do miss him. It's a shame what's become of him now.

If Angle was still in the WWE, he'd probably be the top face on SmackDown and I think we would still have the cocky, Legend Killer Randy Orton to this day, but we'll never know. It would've been interesting to see how Angle would fit in today's storylines though. Maybe he'd be the guy to take on Undertaker at WrestleMania....
If Kurt angle could have player by the rules and taken a break like they wanted then maybe he would still be...Ahhh who am I kidding His ex wife is still a ****e and would have found another guy in the locker room to sleep with and then Kurt would have gotten his first DUI and then his second the WWE would release him, and he would have no choice but to wrestle for TNA. So it would have delayed the enviable. Kurt is self destructive and has realized it yet.
Can I just start by saying Kurt Angle didn't leave WWE to go onto a career with TNA. The reason why Kurt Angle left the WWE is was because like always, the WWE were overworking their top star in Kurt Angle and had wrestled hurt on some house shows. The WWE didn't respect his wishes in asking for some time off so he resigned peacefully with the WWE and went onto wrestling for New Japan Pro Wrestling. Him coming to TNA was never a reason for him to leave WWE.

Now if Kurt Angle stayed with the WWE? Hm, that is a good question. Much better than the original question that made no real sense at all. Well, who knows what would happen with Kurt's career if he stayed in the WWE. He was the top star in the WWE at the time, I am sure he would continue to main-event. But then their would be a point where he would either become the WWE's shovel in terms of burying any talent the WWE gave up on. Or allowing stars to go over him and being used to push other stars.
IMO Kurt would be dead, WWE's schedule was to demanding and his addiction to pain killers was close to getting the best of him. he made the right decision, staying in WWE would have killed him
Kurt was one of the foundations of WWE, he was a fantastic technical wrestler. But they over worked him because he was one of their top starts.

Besides, TNA needed it.
Angle is a legend! he was awesome back in the WWE, whether it was the geeky face character or the heel character he was brilliant! his intensity in the ring was great, when he used to rip his shoulder straps off his vest thingy and go all red in the face, that was awesome! He would defo of had a few more title runs, a shot at Takers streak and probably would be wrestling part time, putting youngsters like Swagger and Dolph over!
I would like to believe that if Kurt Angle had stayed with the WWE, he would have been a multiple time ECW Champion. Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam. Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show. Kurt Angle at December to Dismember would have help the PPV buys, I’m sure. He could have replaced Sabu in the Extreme Elimination Chamber. Things might have turned out better for Paul Heyman had Kurt stuck around for a while longer. Angle could have been ECW Television Champion and one half of the ECW Tag Team Champions as well. Okay, maybe not. He would have probably been drafted to the Red or Blue Brand 2007 or had a great feud with Chris Benoit when he was drafted over to the Black Brand.
That's one question , a good one infact . He wouldn't have left the WWE had Edge not beaten him in a Shaved Bald match , you guys remember that match , anyone ?? ( can't remember the venue though ) .

Kurt was a good wrestler , and He still is To this day . I guess Why TNA ain't that quality to that of WWE .

My best wishes for the Gold Medallist , that's the best I can do for him right now !!
That's a good question. The reason why Angle left mainly due to WWE not granting his wish to give him time off to rest his injuries. Had WWE let him take time off to rest, I think he would've stayed a little while longer. However, everything happens for a reason and now Angle is with TNA/Impact Wrestling. In this current era, I don't want to see Angle come back to the WWE for a full time schedule because now his age is starting to take a toll on him. It would be nice if Angle was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, but only time shall tell.
Angle is amazing! He had all of the tools: Mic skills, charisma, wrestling skills, and in-ring psychology.

I think he would have been the new HBK in terms of not needing the title and elevating talent. He was just that damn good. Its true. Its damn true.

I do hope he makes a return to the WWE. Possibly even be inducted in the HOF. As being the first ever olympic medalist, he deserves it.
If Kurt Angle never left the WWE, it's likely that he'd be too broken down and injured by now to still be competing. It's well known that Angle left the WWE with many bumps and bruises, as well as some issues with pain medication he needed to take care of. TNA allowed him to continue doing what he loves, but at a pace that accommodated for his injuries.

If he had stayed with the WWE, I'll bet he would have continued to be a main eventer, winning another WWE or World title, before eventually being used to put over the new talent. He's up there with guys like Triple H and Shawn Michaels and would probably be only used sparingly by this point, or not at all. As much as I miss the old Kurt Angle, I'm glad he did what he did.
I think his role would slowly be decreasing as he gets older, unlike in TNA where he's remained the top guy for so long. I think he would be more of a Triple H where he stays involved in storylines but doesn't wrestle much. An authority figure role would be perfect for him at this point in his career. He definitely would have had a few more years at the top had he not left, but he would be winding down now and having to step into less active roles. Although he might have left anyway out of dislike for that possibility, so that he could go to TNA and win their title a million times despite having as many DUIs as he does title reigns.

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