What If: King of the Ring Winners?

The Reaction

Dark Match Jobber
If the KOTR tournament were still active since its last significant (IMO) tournament in 2002 (minus its brief return in 2006 and 2008), who do you think the winners would've been?

2003: Chris Jericho
2004: Randy Orton
2005: JBL
2006: Booker T (official winner)
2007: Mr. Kennedy
2008: William Regal (official winner but should've been CM Punk; bad booking by WWE)
2009: MVP (if I were booking things)
2010: john Morrison (see above)

Who do you all think would've been the winners?
King of the Ring should be brought back in its original format, ie all matches in a single PPV, spreading it out over a few weeks isnt as good.

I agree with the winners but id have John Morrison in 2009, Shelton Benjamin in 2007 and maybe someone like Mike Knox or Kofi in 2010
I agree with the others, but I'd have Jericho take it this year. It would be awesome. He would bring some prestige back to it, and the promos would be epic.
Why should CM Punk won the KOTR last year? he was MITB winner so it made sense for WWE to pull the swerve and considering who Punk faced getting into the finals and who Regal did Punk was made to the look the strongest out of the tournament.

If they return it every other year so next year being the return I'd say someone like Shelton/Morrison depending on where they're singles careers have gone, if they're stunk in the upper mid card section then sure let them bid for the KOTR if they're hitting the main event scene I'd look towards someone like Bourne, Kidd or David Hart Smith, or maybe even someone like rey mysterio to give the tournament that quality feel.

Either way I truly believe that the King of the Ring should be the staple of a one RAW per year, along with the draft.
2003: Eddie Guerrero. I think it would've been done so his WWE title push wouldn't seem so out of the blue.

2004: John Cena. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain wrong. Orton didn't need it, he was world champion by Summerslam. And Batista was gonna be the Rumble winner. Therefore it would've definately gone to Cena.

2005: Edge. It would've fit perfectly, 6 months before his first WWE title reign. They would've ran a "first ever 2 time KotR winner" angle. Edge would've won in a fashion truly introduced his Ultimate Oppotunist gimmick and put him over like crazy as a heel.

2007: Bobby Lashley He was the next Brock Lesnar. Kennedy didn't need it, he was getting a push as a main eventer anyway and was very over.

2009: John Morrison. MVP doesn't need it. He'll be getting MitB or a Rumble win next year, so KotR goes to Morrison in a final against Jericho.
Why should CM Punk won the KOTR last year? he was MITB winner so it made sense for WWE to pull the swerve and considering who Punk faced getting into the finals and who Regal did Punk was made to the look the strongest out of the tournament.

How about this? Get rid of the MITB Ladder Match. Yeah, it can sometimes be a good match but ever since its inception, the winner of it wins the world title in a rather stupid way that devalues both the world titles and the secondary titles.

"OMG! Randy Orton just got hit in the head with Triple H's sledgehammer, Batista bombed through a table, had the figure 4 put on him and just got hit with Cena's 'you can't see me' fist of doom.....Wait! Here comes CM Punk or Edge. They'll do one friggin' move and all of the friggin' sudden, they're a World Champion!!!!!"

Good thing that their world title reigns were meaningless and quickly forgotten. Oh wait, that's not good for wrestling. It took Shawn Michaels 7 years in the WWF, moving his way up in the tag division, the IC title division, a friggin Royal Rumble win and an Iron Man Match to win his first world title.

CM Punk and Edge's title reigns? What a friggin joke! And a slap in the face towards legends like HBK, Undertaker and Bret Hart.
I honestly couldn't predict it, There had been a few iffy winners before in the tournament.

I would love the Pay Per View concept back, It made a few people main eventers shortly after there win. Years past the tournament was full of upper midcard, And main eventers, To put others over. The winner was always given a title shot at the following PPV as well, It actually meant something more than having a license to be a snobbish asshole.
I agree that giving it to Morrison would be a great idea. I've really liked him for a while and over the past year, his wrestling abilities have really improved. I hope he keeps moving up the later and gets more wins.
Yup King of the Ring definately needs to be brought back to it's original format, it was way more exciting and definatley more ENTERTAINING!, In the format it is now, I just don't get the same sort of excitement from it. I remember when Kurt Angle lost in the final, what I can't remember is the year though. But, Angle whooped ass that night, he beat 2 dudes that night and lost to Edge. It was an amazing feat of skill and athleticism. As I recall they were pretty brutal matches too. No wonder the guy is in the state he is now. The point being that it was much, much more exciting. I have always been an Angle fan and that night was great from an audience standpoint.

In it's current form though, it is little more than a joke. William Regal won it last! William f'n Regal. What the hell happened there? That was an inspired choice. I wouldn't really mind but it went absolutley nowhere, it sucked! They need to restore it to the way it was before and that will inturn raise the prestige of the tournament as a whole. They also need to get people who are worthy of winning the tournament to do so. Regal is a prime example of someone who is going nowhere fast. The OP said Benjamind an Morrison. I would be quite happy if either of these guys won it. They are young enough to go on form winning it and do other stuff. Regal is nearly finished. Overall I don't even think the WWE care about the tournament anymore and that is a damn shame.
KOTR was a good concept have a tournement to see who will be the best but now having it over a few weeks insted of the one ppv were it would ocur and also if they decide to keep doing KOTR they need to use the original format

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