What if Flair won the TNA title?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm not saying he should, or that it's ever going to be a possibility. It's just a hypothetical situation with a question I really want to get to the bottom of...

Ric Flair has been known as the 16 time World Champion for a very long time. And those titles are from all different promotions, some of which are not bundled with the WWE at all. So what if Flair wins the World Title in TNA? It sounds ridiculous to ever consider Flair a 17 time champion, doesn't it? It just doesn't fit. But what if he won it? Technically, he would be a World Champion again. It's an officially recognized World Title, and for sure TNA would call him the 17 time champ. But, the big question is, in the WWE records (where it matters), would he be considered a 16 or 17 time champion? In 10 or 15 years when we're looking back on the greats of all time, will Flair be the 16 or 17 time champion?

Like I said, I really don't ever expect it to happen. But there's always that random possibility that TNA could give him the title... He's still able to perform, and he can draw better than anybody over there. Again, most likely not gonna happen. But if it did, would WWE ever consider him the 17 time World Champion?
As for whether WWE would call him a world champion, I doubt it. They never have acknowledged TNA in the past so why do it now?

As for what would happen, the same thing that happens with anything TNA does: their marks would praise it while everyone else would say that it was completely ridiculous that a 61 year old man is called the best in TNA. You would hear words like old people and holding down young talent and David Arquette. TNA fans would talk about all of the prestige that Flair brings to the belt and what a rub he would give someone and how he's still a draw. It would be the same old same old.
No and no. Flair is still capable of wrestling, but he should not win the TNA world title. Where could TNA go with a Flair title win? Do you really think he could main event a ppv or have a reign? It might be a feel good moment to see Flair win the world title, but this type of nostalgic moment would not benefit TNA. Flair would most likely have to vacate the title, because I just can't see him seriously feuding with anybody. In the end, seeing a 60 something year old man beat one of TNA's top guys just wouldn't look good at all.

And there's no way in hell WWE would acknowledge this. Flair and Hogan were removed from WWE's intro video a while ago because of their association with TNA, so I don't think Vince McMahon would allow world title win #17 to be acknowledged on WWE programing at all.
I'd say if Ric Flair won the TNA heavyweight title, the TNA ratings for iMPACT would stagnate, fluctuating between 0.9 and 1.2 on an ongoing basis for the forseeable future.

Oh, wait now...

In all seriousness, I doubt it would have much of an impact on anything really. I doubt people would really care all that much. There seems to be a nostalgia movement in TNA these days, so who knows, maybe the TNA impact players, the TNA marks, and the IWC would be impressed with this development and it might actually be successful.

To answer the OP's question specifically, I imagine in the short term, WWE would not acknowledge Ric Flair as a 17-time champion. I imagine they really would not reference him at all. You can be sure that TNA would refer to him as a 17-time champion and milk it for all it's worth. But for now, WWE would not.

Now in another 20 years, when Ric Flair decides to actually retire from professional wrestling as an active wrestler :), WWE may recognize him as a 17 time champion, but I don't think they would as long as he's still participating in TNA.

Academic point anyway as I don't see Flair holding any major gold anytime soon. Nostalgia is one thing, but get serious.
Mark my words: Ric Flair will be TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

It is inevitable at this point. I was looking at Fortune and wondering why TNA gave AJ Styles the Global Legends of TV title when the group would seem much stronger with the world champion in it. Beer Money Inc. will get the tag titles sooner or later. If Douglas isn't joining then Kaz would be a good fit for X-Division champ. Then it hit me. Flair is the leader and is planning on having the main championship around his own waist. I'm willing to bet cash money on this one.

Oh yea, to answer your question: yes TNA will call him a 17 time world champion and boast about all the credibility he's bringing to the championship while WWE will consider him a 16 time world champ until the day they buy out TNA.
How could Flair ever become WC when he put over Jay Lethal? Twice! Lethal is about as lower mid-card as you can get. Flair wouldn't have a chance with the spot monkies, his style is slow and methodical. I'm a huge Flair Fan, but I would rather not see him wrestle at all. Being the leader of Fortune is a good role for him. If he has an occasional fight, thats cool, but no more matches please.

I can't see why WWE would consider him a 17 time champion when, by my counting, he's already won 18 titles. In an industry that exaggerates numbers I can't see why they say 16 instead of 18.

But that's by the by, they wont say 17 time for the simple fact that, although they recognise the NWA title, they don't ever refer to Christian as a former NWA champion simply because, no matter how small time WWE see's TNA, they still see them as competition.
.... first off, it will NEVER happen, that being said, I hope to god it doesn't happen, not because I don't like Flair, I love Flair, but just... no. He is quite possibly the best living american wrestler there is, but no. That being said "in the WWE records (where it matters)" is even more ludacris than him being champ again, Vince can try to create a world outside the real one and lots of marks will live there, but it still ain't real. Ric deserves every title he's ever gotten and he can still go, which is amazing, but being the head of a stable, putting over a young guy like Jay, goin on a few crazy rants, I'd say Ric is right where he needs to be and that he'll stay there.. if TNA (or if he goes somewhere else) wants to put the belt on him... good for him, bad for business
Well god help us if he's ever champion again. The only thing worse for TNA would be a return for David Arquette (well all know they're thinking about it!).

I think it would make Flair 22 time World Champion wouldn't it? All of his other NWA wins add up to 21 - just that WWE didn't want to recognise anything but the main ones he won with WCW?
no, I don't think WWE would acknowledge it, its worth noting that they don't acknowledge Christian's world title reigns in TNA.

As for if he would win the title? Anything is possible. Thankfully TNA have kept Flair away from main events (mostly). If he did win It would damage the credibility of the title beyond belief having a 61 year old who can barely go, as the champion. That's not an attack on Flair its just the truth, he's much more effective as a mic man who only wrestles sporadically.
Ric flar is the bests. He has put on better matches than anyone lately. geeze jay lethal is a pussy because Flair got absolutely smashed and thats why i like him. he isnt afraid to bleed or to get thrown around even though hes old. If people like Jay Lethal are the future (crap wrestling *****es) than im probably not going to watch anymore.
if they ever make ric flair champ i will be done with tna wrestling forever dont get me wrong im not tryin to discredit the man at all he is and will forever be one of the greatest proffesional wrestlers to ever step thru the ropes but at this stage in his carrer(that shawn micheals ended i could have swore) he is not a contender for the world title because when it comes down to it he couldnt defend it every ppv or be the world champ target that happens when your champ plus tna has so many other great younger wrestlers that deserve that belt ric flair is one of the bests but its time for him just to mentor and pass on his great knowlodge

and on the wwe reconizing it if tna gave him the title i agree with most of the posts wwe would not call him a 17 time world champ untill he left tna or untill wwe buys tna cuz in the end they always by the compition
This is why I think TNA should never have let Eric change it to the Global Title. This is why I think TNA should never have let A. J. change it to the TV Title. The TNA Legends Championship could have been used for something special to the Old School fans, and kept a division between who can and can’t go. It could have been Flair’s. Imagine the feuds TNA can have with a Legends Division with the Legends Title to feud over. Flair, Hogan, Nash, Foley, Jarrett, Sting, even a few of the EV2.0 Legends like Raven, Dreamer, and Sandman.

Ric Flair as TNA Champ is not a good idea. Ric Flair as Intercontinental Champion a few years ago wasn’t a good idea, but they did it anyway. Now Ric Flair as TNA Legends Champ, that’s a good idea.

How’s this for a storyline. A. J. Styles challenges and beats whoever the TNA World Champ is on Impact right after Bound For Glory, renames the Television Title back to the Legends Title and awards is to the Man who lead him to his latest World Title reign, The MAN, Ric Flair.
Flair as TNA champion would be stupid. The man is too old to be the main attraction of a major wrestling organisation and to be pushed ahead of young talent like AJ Styles/Mr Anderson/ Pope.

If anything I could see this affecting the TNA ratings negavtively rather than positively, as most fans- other than Flair marks- would think that the company is getting even more ridiculous

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