What if... ECW returned?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now I know ECW could never return (under the name ECW anyway), but lets say Heyman were to start his own company again and run it just like he did ECW.. (I'm sure he'd get alot of talent, given his mind for the biz and his ability to get ppl on board with his ideas...) so Heymans new company was just like ECW was in its prime. Cutting edge, and extreme, and let's say they had a tv deal where they could air a weekely show... I was thinking to myself... would TNA go under? Or would Heymans promotion be a flop and fail right away? I'm pretty sure ROH would go under, because some talent would for sure be swept up by heyman, and ROH would not longer be in the "big 3".

But I'm curious to hear every else's thoughts on this. I really think Heyman would give TNA a run for its money..
If Heyman was in charge, it would fail. Not right away, but it would fail. TV deal or not. He's a horrible businessman with little to no grasp of the financial side of the professional wrestling business. I wish more people understood that Heyman is a great on-screen character, but behind the scenes, where it really matters, he's pretty much shit.
ECW's whole deal is problematic. If every single match is cutting edge and extreme, it firstly becomes boring. (How many people are impressed when Ric Flair bleeds profusely from the head? if you see it every week, it loses it's shine.) And there's only so far you ccan push wrestling before it just looks ridiculous frankly. I'm roughly the size of the Undertaker. Same height (REAL height that is) I don't train but I'm a pretty strong guy. I know that were I to hit someone in the head with a steel chair, they would at least be knocked out instantly. When you start thinking about people the size & Strength of Hernandez, Ryback, Goldberg, Batista... These guys hitt you with a chair you will die.

ECW, in all it's incarnations had to one-up themselves every few months, aand itt becomes laughable.
Actually a few months ago because WWE did not re-up the copyright of ECW a businessman in upstate NY bought the name. Heyman is the most creative guy ever in wrestling. From a business standpoint not so good but just the wrestling product most of the time Heyman is untouchable. ECW would of closed its doors at least three years before it did if it had another person in charge. I think Heyman has learned from his mistakes in ECW and would hire a intelligent person who is involved in the business community. The one area most fans would love to see is if you had a promotion that had no DQ's and I don't mean using weapons all of the time and not having crazy run-ins like Russo has done. Every match you have a winner and you can still further storylines but without the same wrestling story crap with DQ's and countouts!
My first quesion is would they be able to get away with that stuff on TV now days during a reasonable houred time slot. I mean with all of the concussion awareness, and wrestling deaths including Chris Benoit, would this type of wrestling be frowned upon in the mainstream? Although Heyman lacks the business side of the package when it comes to wrestling I think by now he would have maybe learned to hire someone to handle that for him. I am just not sure how far they could push that extreme envelope today. All that being said I think TNA would be safe unless there were some sort of talent raid. ROH I am not to sure about as I have read they are on life support anyway. Not sure if that is true though. As far as my opinion goes I think the days of extreme wrestling like that have come and gone, and while I wouldn't mind seeing a more agressive product today I don't think we could go back to those days and have ECW be a major success.
I don't think Heyman even would want to re-create the same material he did in the original ECW. I think you can be aggressive without all of the blood. To be honest in alot of those matches Heyman IMO went over the top. From content as far as the storylines and promos you can be aggressive but the in-ring action should be physical and fast much like the original ECW. I am in favor of having a winner in every match. I mean even through creative you can insure there is a winner without all of the weapons and run-ins. You can further storylines without DQ's and countouts and still be successful. I have heard from fans of different promotions that are tired of matches ending without a winner whether its on weekly tv or the PPV's
Fans have moved on from that era/generation of wrestling. Either they've adapted this new PG WWE or switched to TNA or stopped being a fan. ECW will never come back, look at the WWECW. That lasted 4 years. Heyman won't be leaving the WWE to start anything, especially with having both CM Punk and Brock Lesnar on his hands. Paul Heyman is noway near being labeled as a great businessman. Heyman is good for being a manager and being a mouthpiece. Heyman couldn't run a promotion if he started one tomorrow. Back to him and Punk, I don't think CM would want to go back to the ECW type of wrestling enviroment. He started there because he wanted a chance in the WWE to move on up. I don't know, I just can't take Paul Heyman seriously enough to successfully run a professional wrestling promotion.
TNA had a great idea with the Belts being able to change hands as a result of a DQ... I thought that was really interesting.

More power for Ref's I think is the answer, It means more work for creative, but I think the industry needs it.
I think any fan that thinks Heyman couldn't run the wrestling end of a promotion is either to wrapped up in WWE or just doesn't know much about the industry. Many of the former ECW Stars including the ones Heyman still owes money to have always said that promotion wouldn't have that far without Heyman. If you were to put egos aside and have a promotion run by Heyman and the business side by VKM that promotion would be way more untouchable than WWE could imagine. I am in favor of better wrestling in WWE that enhances the storyline way more than a backstage segment and stop jerking the fans around with DQ's and countouts and always have a winner. The physical fast pace wrestling is what I am in favor with and not so much blood in every match and using weapons all of the time
I don't think it could succeed...it was risque when it started but nowadays there are promotions like CZW where everyone just stands around slicing each other open. The success of ECW came from its unique atmosphere, unique fans, risque entertainment, and set of characters...it evolved naturally in a way that couldnt just be replicated by reviving the brand.
ECW in its original format will never return. You've got companies like CZW and JCW that focus a great deal, if not all, on the hardcore style of ECW and neither of those companies are going to be big deals outside of the independent scene. A big reason why is because, frankly, television as a whole has changed.

As a whole, the country is far more politically correct now than it was during the mid to late 90s. That's a good thing in some ways and a bad thing in others. ECW was pretty damn raunchy at times and almost always controversial. That raunchy, hardcore style mixed with controversial angles is what got ECW noticed but, at the same time, is one of the key factors that limited it & ultimately led to its demise. Even when ECW landed a deal with TNN, which is now Spike TV, a lot of the heart of ECW had to be cut in order to be shown on television.

Personally, I was never a big fan of ECW. When I first discovered it, it had a novelty about it in that it's hardcore style was different from what we saw in WWE & WCW at the time. The novelty, for me, soon wore off when I saw that ECW was pretty much a one trick pony. Every match was under hardcore rules, every match was filled with wild or crazy spots, there was blood all over the place in damn near every match and the few matches I saw that weren't all that hardcore flat out sucked because the VAST majority of the ECW roster couldn't do anything but hardcore wrestling. I soon lost interest.

Another problem is Paul Heyman, as has been pointed out, is a terrible businessman. Heyman has a lot of creative ideas, some of them good and some bad just like everyone else, but he had a poor head for business and that was another big reason why ECW kicked. I like Paul Heyman as a on-screen character. He's a lot of fun and he did have some innovative ideas but, personally, he's not some godlike figure in my eyes as he is to some.

As I alluded to earlier, you couldn't put a lot of stuff on television that made ECW what it was without pissing people off, or pissing people off who run the network your show is broadcast on. Heyman said it best on Raw this past Monday during the CM Punk celebration segment at the end of the show. Fans use Twitter and forums to cry about the good old days of ECW and the Attitude Era, but look at all the whining that's taken place over segment with Jerry Lawler's return a couple of weeks ago. It was genuinely controversial because it made people uncomfortable. That's usually what real controversy does and is supposed to do. It's supposed to shake you up. Most wrestling fans don't seem to want real controversy, they want tired old cliches of the wrestlers swearing with every other word, women wearing as little as possible and blood in matches. Compared to some of the stuff that went on in ECW, Punk & Heyman poking fun at Lawler & Heyman faking a heart attack was tame. Just imagine the kind of outrage it'd spark if they did something like the crucifix angle way back when in ECW. It offended Kurt Angle so much that he threatened to sue if his likeness was broadcast on ECW, as he was at that particular show.

On top of it all, there's all that we've come to learn about the true amount of wear & tear wrestlers go through. We've learned more about concussions and head trauma since the Chris Benoit murder-suicide, we're more aware of the physical effects wrestling has on the wrestlers and that goes especially for hardcore wrestling.

ECW is gone and it should stay gone. It wouldn't fit in with wrestling today, a lot of what made it unique wouldn't make it onto television and hardcore wrestling is basically like fighting chickens, only using people instead.
I don't buy into the PC argument. Actually on tv today there is more sex and violence than ever before. I do think if ECW was to come back and I don't think thats a possibility but if it did they would have the same amount of fans today as they did when they closed its doors. WWE would of not defeated WCW without taking some creative concepts from ECW and thats a fact that both WWE and its loyal fans can't deny. WWE was more of a softer version of ECW and if Heyman isn't the most creative guy in wrestling then tell me who's even close to him with original concepts?
People keep saying he has a fantastic mind for the wrestling world. These same people seem to forget just how terrible he was on something else that's kinda important for wrestling. Finances. He could pull out the best indy product ever, but unless he has proper financial help, and I don't mean something like Sinclair to ROH, I mean something like Turner to WCW, I don't think anything he'd to could take off. ECW's product had a hard time getting to PPV because of how it was and in this day and age getting a new product to TV is certainly not easy. If it were something under WWE with Heyman in charge then yeah. But him alone? I don't see it going too far.
TNA had a great idea with the Belts being able to change hands as a result of a DQ... I thought that was really interesting.

More power for Ref's I think is the answer, It means more work for creative, but I think the industry needs it.
World Class used to let titles change hands by DQ also. I hated it.

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