What if Cena, Triple h, and Orton left permantly to do movies?

The Catacomb

Bringer of the Apocalypse
Thinking about how the Rock left to do movies and never came back and left a hole for the WWE to fill, how would it be if the big 3 left today to do movies and never came back? How would the WWE fill the void and who would get pushed and how?

I'd like to say that even with Undertaker, Batista, Edge, Jericho, Shawn Michaels, and Jeff Hardy, it'd still be a huge gap to fill. How would the three brands deal with it with the draft and storylines and other crazy ideas?
The WWE would do what they always do and just speed up the main event process. This would see Punk become an instant player along with Diabiase and MVP. However i would be willing to bet that the WWE has built in clauses that assure they get to offer their talent film roles before they can accept outside jobs
The WWE would be buggered for a while. Three of the top wrestlers leaving would obviously leave a void. However, this is wrestling. Once one big name leaves, another will come in and take their place. So in the short term, the WWE would take a hit. In the long term, the WWE would be fine. They'd just have to develop another 3 wrestlers into superstars.
This is kind of a stupid question. Of course they would be in big trouble. Losing their arguably three biggest stars, how could that not half kill them? The merchandise, the star power, the fan support, all of that would be gone in a heartbeat. The company would be in serious trouble as they don't really have that many proven main eventers to throw into the title scene right away. The mid card guys would have to be given a huge push that they weren't ready for and while it could work, it's far bigger a risk than I'd want to see.
yeah they would lose massively. cena has stated that he will never leave wrestling out and out for movies, and HHH and orton aren't good enough actors to make it big in movies, so i doubt that all 3 would leave. also, HHH is getting old, so that ship has sailed.

but if it were to happen, then yeah wwe would suffer. in the short term, HBK and the undertaker would HAVE to have reasonably lengthy title runs. mvp and mr kennedy would get monumental pushes to fill the gap, as would benjamin and punk. morrison would also recieve a huge push. jericho and christian and edge and the big show and hardy etc would have to be the main eventers; even umaga may have to get put in the spotlight! which i personally would like.

however, wwe would struggle massively!
This is kind of a stupid question. Of course they would be in big trouble. Losing their arguably three biggest stars, how could that not half kill them? The merchandise, the star power, the fan support, all of that would be gone in a heartbeat. The company would be in serious trouble as they don't really have that many proven main eventers to throw into the title scene right away. The mid card guys would have to be given a huge push that they weren't ready for and while it could work, it's far bigger a risk than I'd want to see.

You're missing the question. The question was if that were to happen (in some parallel universe where it could), how do you think the WWE would deal with it(pushes, storylines, creativity)?
No doubt there would be a gap if those three left. But nobody is bigger than the business and life would continue. Those main eventers who are left would just have to work harder and ultimately the WWE would manufacture three replacements.

People in the mid card may get a premature push in order to fill the void but this question serves as a reminder that a wrestling company should always be investing in the stars of tomorrow i.e. the likes of Rhodes and Dibiase. Cos the current main eventers won't be around for ever.

Sometimes the WWEs future concerns me as there isn't a whole lot of new stars who could just move up to main event level should something like this happen.
It would be highly unlikely to see all three of them leave at remotely the same time. Obviously they carry the load now, but if just one of them left you'd probably have the opportunity to cash in now, wait, then cash in big with Hollywood.
if HHH/Orton left to do movies, I'd only watch wwe to see shawn michaels! I couldn't give a rats ass about cena but HHH and Orton are the best wwe have to offer in terms of the world title at the moment in my opinion
if HHH/Orton left to do movies, I'd only watch wwe to see shawn michaels! I couldn't give a rats ass about cena but HHH and Orton are the best wwe have to offer in terms of the world title at the moment in my opinion

Agreed.. Well IMO Triple H has always been overall the best WWE has to offer once the Rock and Austin were out of the picture.

But that leads to my answer. WWE survived Austin / Rock walking away, though at the time there was alot of talent to take over and now there's only a few people who could realistically be a mega-main eventer.

Triple H, Orton, HBK, Edge and possibly MVP are the only guys at the moment who really shine. Though i have to Jack Swagger gave a speech on ECW that was like a cross between The Rock/Booker T so maybe he could step up

I highly doubt Triple H will ever leave to do movies, more likely he'll just stop being in the ring full time and become GM or take over from Vince's onscreen role, so thats one thing thats off the table, and when has Orton starred in a movie to even contemplate the possibility of him leaving for movies.

Who'd hire him anyway he's a boring actor LOL. Unless it was a movie he didn't have to talk in.

But yeah if the world stopped moving and some strange twist of fate meant all three of them left at the same time WWE would not be dead but would be in serious trouble till they could build someone up to take the place.
Send Cena to hollywood? You guys are joking right. He may be over with the fans, but he's DEFINITELY not actor material..take a look at the promos Cena does, and take a look at the Rocks promos.I actually laughed when I watched the Rock, not to mention: HE WAS AMAZING AT THE HOF CEREMONY! (sorry about caps, but if u didnt watch it, you missed out!)

Dont get me wrong, Cena is an INCREDIBLY hard working individual..he is the face of the franchaise, and if he does retire, he SHOULD be the spokesperson for the WWE!

LOL @ Trips going to hollywood, and Orton..not yet anyway! He needs some more time and needs a shot at a WWE movie to show his potential.

At this moment in time, the rock is still the only wrestler-turned-actor..he wont win an oscar, BUT he will (and is: his movie hit #1 in box office this week) be a successful actor!

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