What if Cena or Punk get injured?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With lesnar's limited dates,rock's return to movies and maximum top tier talent injured/suspended punk n cena are the top 2 in the company now.Its reported officials are careful with their matches because it's belived they're the only two guys who can be a top draw at the present moment.If for any reason these two get sidelined now,what will happen you think?Will vince have a heart attack?will the ratings sink in to oblivion?will merch sells go down?what can happen?
You'd see Sheamus slot in as the number 2 face and HHH would probably write himself back onto tv to be the top guy. Christian would then slot into Sheamus's spot on SD and Bryan or Ziggler could turn face to slot into Christian's void as midcard-face.

After that, Big Show and Kane would probably job out to HHH in one feud, ADR and Swagger would job to Sheamus in another and Christian could feud with Bryan or Ziggler on SD.

It would probably make for some interesting television
It all depends on the length of the injuries.

If they are out for two or three weeks then the Product would fall (further) and when they return nothing would have changed but even lower ratings.

If they were gonne fo two or three or even four months then it could be a Godsend. WWE would be forced to throw some guys a bone and when Cena and CM punk finally return.....to a HUGE pop! They will have legit challengers to face and the WWE "SHOULD" go uphill from there.
The chances of both of them getting sidelined at the same time are slim to none, but in the case that it does happen they've got a lot of talent that can take that spot if given the chance to do it: Christian, Jericho (given that he sticks around for a little while and turns face) and ReyRey isn't too far off from being able to get back in the ring so you have three people that you can make your top babyface with ease and a big undercard that's been dying for a push for a long time now.

On the other side you could always push a monster like Kane, Show or even Ryback into the championship spot and actually make them a dominate champion, crushing everyone in their path. That gives you the cliched but tried and true "Who can beat this guy?" storyline you can play off either until you build a legitimate star or Cena/Punk can return.

It's a very touchy situation because you can't have a show without something that's going to draw people in, and the sad thing is that the WWE hasn't taken the initiative to build a new face that's buyable in the top spot.
Triple H returns for a period of time whilst they push Sheamus down our throats and we also get someone such as Daniel Bryan turn face to make up the lack of faces left if Punk and Cena were to be injured.

I'll tell you this, if it were to happen, WWE creative would have to pull out something spectacular during the time and I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed Orton to return.
If that happens, this will be there moment to push ziggler and rhodes. But I think other guys like Mcintyre,barret,kofi and all these other mid card guys will might not be too ready yet. They need to have better gimmicks and the creative need to put them in bigger storylines like they used to in their early days like Drew as "the chosen one" and IC champ, and Barret's formation of the Nexus.:shrug:
Will it really do much?

Were allgoing tou tune in each week anyway right? I watch Raw to see wrestling, i only notice afterwards if someone wasnt on the show... And i'll still tune in next week.

As for storylines etc... Life barrels on like a runaway train, where the passengers change but dont change anything.

I'm feeling cynical today! So sue me.
If one got hurt they can probably just limp along with the other guy. But if both go down then WWE is gonna be scrambling to build up some top babyfaces and fast, epecially if they're gonna be down for a more than a couple weeks.
I agree with a lot of other people that we'd see more Triple H and Sheamus but I also think if they were to lose CM Punk and John Cena for a decent length of time (4-6 months) they would make a major push to bring back Batista on a 1 year contract. Which is probably very doable considering he'd be the star of the show while he's there.
Like most, if not all have said already, if they are both out for a short time, The Game comes back, to an extent, and Sheamus is pushed more. I could see Bryan getting the green light on Raw and feuding with Triple H. But, if they are both gone for a longer time like half a year or more then more is going to have to be done. Triple H. could come back full time, Maybe more old names come back like Batista, John Morrison could be brought back and given a big push. Bryan will be one of the top guys for sure and Sheamus and Barrett could rule Smackdown. Can't forget Dolph and Cody. Maybe they would finally get their big pushes to the main event level. I personally think they will both be winning MITB this year with One cashing in early and the other later in the year, maybe wait til Mania 29 and a new star is born. If Ry Back ever gets to face real competition I can see him moving up the ranks pretty quickly, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone. If they really wanna make him a big star have Ry Back take on Lesnar at Mania 29 or Goldberg, and have him destroy his opponent. Basically, there is a lot of things that can happen if these two guys get injured.IMO. WWE just have to make good story lines and bring back or create new stars. Easier said then done, I know.
If these guys were to BOTH go down with injury it would obviously be bad news. Triple H would be back on TV every week, in more of a wrestling capacity and they would probably pull some crazy angle out of their ass in an attempt to generate a bunch of interest to make up for the loss of star power. They'd have to do something like that, it couldn't just be business as usual on the next RAW episode, with the same formula to the show. Something big would have to happen storyline-wise. Of course, as has been stated, it would create opportunity for other people to step up into more prominent roles as well, which would could be beneficial to their individual careers and could possibly help the WWE out in the long run. I think if they were to somehow create an atmosphere of chaos and excitement for the show, based on the fact that now there'd be all of these wrestlers looking to seize the top spots now available, that would be beneficial.
Barely anything at all changes.
They (depending on the extent of the injury) just stay on t.v. but not in a competitive role.
CM Punk got injured a while back and their solution was to put him on commentary, it worked out fine, so if he were to be out for a similar time-frame they could simply do that again. They'd probably be able to do the same thing with Cena too. What they would probably do though would just go out and cut a promo on whoever injured them and have a video package made out of the promo they show every week to hype their return.

The only problem they face is how they fill the time that they would have been on screen, and all they need to do is make other sections of the show a slightly longer duration. Instead of a 10 minute promo sesh from cena/punk chuck in a tensai squash or a tag team match, you could even put in a Zack Ryder match or a promo from dolph ziggler.

The point is you don't have to give the injured guy's time to one person, you can spread it out over the show with filler crap like a backstage interview/assault/segment, the commentators hyping up a ppv, video packages and santino, It's also possible to elevate someone in the process, but it's a bad idea to just chuck the spotlight on someone (see; Jack Swagger) so you'd take the opportunity to give them a little extra time on a promo or a match to build them up more.

Ratings will not change that much either way, and if they do just blame it on miz. you could actually come out with a new line of merch for the guy when they return so from that angle there's not so much wrong either.
Triple H returns to the Title picture and Daniel Bryan definately turns face. Maybe even Undertaker returns for a mini run.

Would be a disaster for WWE if this was to happen.
I've never wished an injury on an wreslter before, but I actually wish Cena would get injured. Something to sideline him for six months or so (of course he'd return in four).

They need to realise how much the show would fall apart without him, because of how horribly they've booked it. No Cena, means the WWE title might actually be in the main event. They need to learn how to book the entire show again, not just book Cena and throw out whatever to fill time until Cena appears.

It's downright dangerous to build your entire company around one guy.
I was actually thinking about this the other day.

They DEFINITELY are riding the money-making backs of Cena and Punk right now, especially since they seem like they would be willing to part ways with Orton.

I still think they would be OK. If Punk was to go down then there is no doubt that Bryan would go full face almost immediately. He is already over with the crowd. Is on the cusp of being able to be the man with the strap and would easily be a solid draw whill Mr. Brooks was on the mend.

If Cena goes down it would be more difficult for them to replace. They would try to figure out a way to get Sheamus on to RAW I would think because he is the most suitable face replacement, but — as another poster said — I could easily see them get Trips back on TV for a longer period of time.

This is all based on the fact that it appears Brock Lesnar was signed for only 35 dates (and $5 million ... seriously ... wish I had that damn job) ... if he does have more dates or presents himself as "more flexible" then I think you would see him pop up a lot.

Bottom line ... the show would go on and things would be shuffled around. And it would be a real shot for someone else to come up and try to steal the limelight and show that they are main event caliber.

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