what i hate about Wrestling fans


Just Talk about the things that wrestling fans do which you hate.
For me it is that almost all of them say WWE is predictable Honestly if you think it is run a poromotion for the years WWE has and see how unpredictable you can be.
Second, WZ has a prediction Contest if WWE is predictable then join it and get throphies or whatever it is you get when you win
it would have to be specified for any kind of fan, since most have different reason to be hated

WWEtard: the guy is soooo loyal to WWE, that he basheds any other company, even if it offers a better product, when a company starts to get exposure the WWEtard starts "(insert company here) suckz and.. derp derp derp... WWE iz better.. derp derp derp...Cena rockz...derp derp derp... nuff said", they don't stop that a product is better because of the production values more than the entertainment/wrestling aspect, they cheer for whoever Vince shoves them down their throats...their philosophy is "WWE is the end all be all of Pro Wrestling" or "if it's not WWE it sucks" (lol), if someone gets released by WWE is "useless", if someone leaves WWE on his own right he's a "traitor" (double lol) and criticize TNA or ROH for having old guys, but except for Angle and RVD no one of the veterans is in the title picture anymore, yet WWE still gives Taker, Batista and HHH title runs (triple lol, the lol of lol's).

ROHbots: alias the "Little Meltzers", at one hand, i like ROH, they have great talents, maybe they lack better booking, more storylines and variations, but the talent aspect is on a high level. anyways those guys are annoying as hell, they praise cornette no matter how stupid his ideas are, they think everything Russo does is a "clusterfuck" and live in a fantasy world where they think Homicide and Kendrick should main event TNA and where Roderick Strong and Danielson can draw a dime, i don't say they will nevr do it, but thy lack a lot of things that could make them draws (look doesn't really matters, but they lack important things like mic skills, storytelling, confidence...). They hate hardcore matches, they hate gimmicks and everything they consider "Sports Entertainment", yet they call ROH "the new ECW" when the only points in common are that bith are/were based in Phily, their shows took place in the same arena, both were a talent pool to carve for the Big Two and both have/had Jerry Lynn and Corino, but aside of that ECW was gritty, edgy, rebellious and had something for everyone, from the most traditional Pro Wrestling fan, through the Sports Entertainment fan to the fan of Brawls and Hardcore matches, in fact they were the pioneers of the Attitude era, in the other hand ROH is more like a traditional enviroment based purely in athleticism and "competition", and while it's not a bad thing, i don't see anything rebellious about that, also ECW could make shows in that bingo hall and make it feel as if it were the MSG while ROH is still lacking that intensity, so, little in common there.

Indie Posers: most of them are former WWEtards who entered in their pubescence and became MTV Emo-core kids, then they wonder "how would i do to look mmore alternative?" and they start going indie rock shows, then indie Wrestling shows for the sole purpose of looking alternative, they try to look mean by starting loud mouthed chants and swearing with no purpose, but their look scream "too pansy to hang out with Old scohol/90s Wrestling crowd"

TNAs Crucial Crew: the only sector in the TNA crowd that's idiotic (on the other hand most of the fans are either Old Scohol fans or 90s Attitude era guys like me). those guys call themselves "TNA Loyalists" but it looks more like they're ROH/PWG leftovers sent to TNA with the purpose of maikng TNA look "Indie". as everyone noticed; they claim to support the TNA Originals, but if you saw them, in an X Division match they were cheering for Kendrick over Kazarian (ROFL smarks). Contradictory in a lot of wats, like saying they are TNAs biggest fans yet they claim to hate Sports Entertainment, which is a big part of TNAs product, they call themselves TNA loyalist yet they think that TNAs becoming WWE and want it to be like ROH (TNA is TNA, as ROH is ROH and WWE is WWE, period)...

and what cranks me up about today's fans in general... they can't understand what a slow build up means, it's like when Freddie Mercury was singing "I want it all,i want it all, I want it all, I want it Now!", the instant satisfaction society is holding a lot of aspects back, a build up is what keeps the fan hooked and the whole intrigue keeps him guessing, now with the internet and fans being younger and younger, i know that it's hard to get it.

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