What Has Changed Since Mania?


Championship Contender
I was on the Forum and happened to realize we are only 2 months away from the Royal Rumble! And this got me really excited, as it is probably my favorite PPV left and it's the beginning of the Road To Wrestlemania. Then I started thinking and realized just how little has changed since Wrestlemania this year. For instance:

1. The Authority is still running the show, while I do love me some Triple H this angle has been going for 27 months now...like really. It's not that good and aside from the face changing(Orton to Rollins) it's been basically the same thing since it started. Obviously the WWE loves having heels in charge and they were probably hoping for some Austin/McMahon magic but no one person has feuded with the Authority for long. No one aside from Rollins has been elevated in my opinion.
2. Seth Rollins is still champ. I'm not entirely complaining as he is probably my favorite guy on the full time roster, I just can't believe he still has the belt. And it seems the belts staying with him till Mania. He's still a chickenshit heel who can't win important matches alone. Plus he seems to have hit a glass ceiling with this gimmick.
3. Roman Reigns is getting another title shot...not against the guy but I just don't get why they don't wait till Mania here.
4. Lesnar is still barely ever there. Again not really a bad thing but an observation.
5. Sting is still losing, granted he shouldn't have beaten Rollins...just don't get why you bring him in just to lose.
6. Wyatt is still toiling with the Deadman. I see why we are redoing this feud, just odd that we had it end. Not too mention Bray hasn't really gotten elevated that much since Mania
7. Rusev is still on a downward slide. This guy can't catch a break can he? Things were going well till his feud with Cena, then they had that awful feud between him and Ziggler and now rumor is he's injured? Again? I was hoping he wouldn't turn into another Khali, Kozlov, Umaga guy but it looks like he has
8. A lot of guys are still toiling in the "undercard" this includes people like Ziggler, Miz, Sandow, Cesaro, Ryback, Stardust and a slew of others.
9. Opinion alert but I feel the US title still means nothing, as does the Intercontinental championship

The only things I feel have changed truly for the better are things like the Divas division, the addition of new talent like KO Breeze and Neville, the New Day and...that's about it I think.

Granted I'm not saying the show is bad, just was hoping for so much more after Mania. When Bryan and Cena were gonna elevate the midcard titles and Rollins was going to set the world on fire as champ, Wyatt was going to go up the card after feuding with the Undertaker. In closing, I really hope the path to Wrestlemania brings us actual change this year. Lets start with a feud to get the Authority away!
lets see what has changed....
1. We lost Daniel Bryan, Tyson Kidd, Aj Lee, and J&J Security.
2. Mizdow lost all of his momentum
3. Rusev lost his momentum
4. We gained Owens, Neville, Sasha/Becky/Charlotte, The Dudley boys, and Del Rio.
5. And Orton and Cena were removed from the main event(except for one or two PPVs).
Sadly We haven't had any big changes this year and like you said we are 2 months away from the start of on the road to the biggest Wrestlemania in years.

1. Main Event- Rollins is still the only young superstar that can be called a legit main eventer(though some feel like he still isn't there yet). And until 2 weeks ago when their feud ended him and Kane had feuded all year.

2. Upper-midcard - Reigns and Wyatt are still the only new guys that are given feuds and pushes outside of the champ.

3. Ambrose- Unless he is involved with Reigns or Rollins, he is stuck with the rest of the guys in the next list.

3. Midcard/lowercard - Sheamus, Barrett, Ryback, Cesaro, Ziggler, Neville, Stardust, The Ascension, etc were floundering with very little to do at the beginning of this year and they still are. Good example would the Stardust/Ascension "feud" going on with Cesaro(for the past month).

4. Tag scene- New Day became champs and have carried the division since.

5. Divas- Probably the only thing that HAS changed for the better due to the addition of Sasha/Charlotte/Becky. I personally wouldn't even say that has changed though considering Paige and Nikki were always in the title scene. Basically Charlotte has taken Aj's and Naomi's place(if you dont know what I mean go look at the Divas PPV matches since the Royal Rumble up until Battleground).

I was hoping that since Wrestlemania 32 suppose to be record breaking that wwe would go all in in building up to WM 32 but I guess not. Looks like wwe will be depending on legends and celebrities to break the record. (Which they should've learned that they can't always depend on legends when the ratings for the Raw in Dallas featuring Michaels/Flair/Taker/Lesnar/Austin came in.)
1. The Authority is still running the show, while I do love me some Triple H this angle has been going for 27 months now...like really. It's not that good and aside from the face changing(Orton to Rollins) it's been basically the same thing since it started. Obviously the WWE loves having heels in charge and they were probably hoping for some Austin/McMahon magic but no one person has feuded with the Authority for long. No one aside from Rollins has been elevated in my opinion.
2. Seth Rollins is still champ. I'm not entirely complaining as he is probably my favorite guy on the full time roster, I just can't believe he still has the belt. And it seems the belts staying with him till Mania. He's still a chickenshit heel who can't win important matches alone. Plus he seems to have hit a glass ceiling with this gimmick.
3. Roman Reigns is getting another title shot...not against the guy but I just don't get why they don't wait till Mania here.
4. Lesnar is still barely ever there. Again not really a bad thing but an observation.
5. Sting is still losing, granted he shouldn't have beaten Rollins...just don't get why you bring him in just to lose.
6. Wyatt is still toiling with the Deadman. I see why we are redoing this feud, just odd that we had it end. Not too mention Bray hasn't really gotten elevated that much since Mania
7. Rusev is still on a downward slide. This guy can't catch a break can he? Things were going well till his feud with Cena, then they had that awful feud between him and Ziggler and now rumor is he's injured? Again? I was hoping he wouldn't turn into another Khali, Kozlov, Umaga guy but it looks like he has
8. A lot of guys are still toiling in the "undercard" this includes people like Ziggler, Miz, Sandow, Cesaro, Ryback, Stardust and a slew of others.
9. Opinion alert but I feel the US title still means nothing, as does the Intercontinental championship

1. Yes, the Authority is still in power. They put Rollins through a gauntlet of challengers, but that's the way these things go. There may be a Triple H/Rollins payoff in the future.

2. Rollins won the title AT Wrestlemania, and has held the title since. Signs point to him dropping the belt soon though. But, he did face more than a handful of guys throughout the year.

3. Roman Reigns is about to get his first 1 on 1 title shot since Wrestlemania, against the guy who pinned him to win the title.

4. Lesnar appears with the same frequency, sure, but I doubt anyone expected that to change.

5. The fact that Sting had another match, during the fall season, for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, is something I doubt many people would have predicted.

6. Wyatt is getting involved with Taker for the second time, and is a much stronger character this time around with the rejuvenated Wyatt family. This also is likely to be an elimination tag match to fit the Survivor Series theme.

7. Rusev peaked at Mania and is not even comparable now. I doubt he'll ever return to the height of his first heel run.

8. Lots of the guys you mention are hardly in the same place they were at Mania. Cesaro was off winning tag titles, and now he's a single act that may get some momentum. Sandow was coming off a hot Mizdow program, and now is gone. Ryback and Ziggler are in similar territory, yes, but that's what happens with mid-carders. Look at how many consecutive years the same could have been said of Kofi Kingston, and look at him now. Nothing wrong with that.

9. The US title had it's best year since the mid 2000s. The Intercontinental Title had some hiccups, but is now on Kevin Owens, and the upcoming Owens/Zayn feud should be good stuff.

Yes, there are similarities. The landscape of the WWE isn't as drastically different when looking at a Wrestlemania - Survivor Series snapshot as it was in say, 2002. But, there is something to be said for consistency. Many of the bullet points made aren't negative. Some are nitpicking. Some claim staleness, and I'm inclined to agree on a few points, but the WWE don't have too many triggers to pull in terms of huge tone shifting moments.
1. Yes, the Authority is still in power. They put Rollins through a gauntlet of challengers, but that's the way these things go. There may be a Triple H/Rollins payoff in the future.

2. Rollins won the title AT Wrestlemania, and has held the title since. Signs point to him dropping the belt soon though. But, he did face more than a handful of guys throughout the year.

3. Roman Reigns is about to get his first 1 on 1 title shot since Wrestlemania, against the guy who pinned him to win the title.

4. Lesnar appears with the same frequency, sure, but I doubt anyone expected that to change.

5. The fact that Sting had another match, during the fall season, for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, is something I doubt many people would have predicted.

6. Wyatt is getting involved with Taker for the second time, and is a much stronger character this time around with the rejuvenated Wyatt family. This also is likely to be an elimination tag match to fit the Survivor Series theme.

7. Rusev peaked at Mania and is not even comparable now. I doubt he'll ever return to the height of his first heel run.

8. Lots of the guys you mention are hardly in the same place they were at Mania. Cesaro was off winning tag titles, and now he's a single act that may get some momentum. Sandow was coming off a hot Mizdow program, and now is gone. Ryback and Ziggler are in similar territory, yes, but that's what happens with mid-carders. Look at how many consecutive years the same could have been said of Kofi Kingston, and look at him now. Nothing wrong with that.

9. The US title had it's best year since the mid 2000s. The Intercontinental Title had some hiccups, but is now on Kevin Owens, and the upcoming Owens/Zayn feud should be good stuff.

Yes, there are similarities. The landscape of the WWE isn't as drastically different when looking at a Wrestlemania - Survivor Series snapshot as it was in say, 2002. But, there is something to be said for consistency. Many of the bullet points made aren't negative. Some are nitpicking. Some claim staleness, and I'm inclined to agree on a few points, but the WWE don't have too many triggers to pull in terms of huge tone shifting moments.

1. I guess it makes since to do it at Summerslam next year since HHH/Rock seems to be a lock at WM.

2. True. He's done a good job. Whoever beats him, probably Reigns, it'll be huge for him.

3. He's came a long way since the resentment he got earlier this year for his main event push, he seem to have earned the fans' respect.

4. True. It's a big deal everytime he's on TV.

5. I didn't see this coming but it's great Sting put over Rollins. WWE could have easily did a panic move and have Sting as champ.

6. This is huge for Bray. Despite losing to Reigns at HIAC, beating Taker one-on-one would put him back to where he was before he lost to Cena at WM 30.

7. The anti-American thing got stale. I would have preferred Reigns, an up and coming star to beat Rusev for the title but I see they had different plans for him. It's not too late for him to return with Lana and feud with Del Rio, maybe his anti-American stuff would be relevant with election season going on.

8. Cesaro may be heading towards Sandow/Cody Rhodes territory, comedy act.
Not much or at least nothing major has changed since WrestleMania 31.

Seth Rollins is still champion. Brock Lesnar still doesn't show up. Sting still hasn't won a PPV match. Bray Wyatt still hasn't won a meaningful feud. Roman Reigns is challenging for the title. Although they have taken a lesser role, the Authority is still in charge. You have a bunch of entertaining wrestlers not doing much (Miz, Ambrose, Stardust, Ziggler, Cesaro, Barrett, Sandow, etc.).

So, what has changed?

Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, and Tyson Kidd are injured. John Cena is taking time off. Sheamus returned and is now the MITB holder although he's doing nothing. Rusev is a joke. Kevin Owens, Braun Strowman, the Lucha Dragons, Neville, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Sasha Banks debuted. Big Show is irrelevant if he was even relevant at WM31. New Day is easily the best tag team in WWE. The Dudley Boyz returned. A.J. Lee retired.

Overall, not much has changed. We got some debuts, returns, and injuries, but WWE hasn't changed much since March.
A lot has changed in WWE since WrestleMania and at the same time a lot hasn't. That's always been the case, but I think that Kevin Owens is a pretty fucking good addition to the roster. And what about the Divas? In a month I think I've seen at least two worthy matches from the female talent. That's an improve too, don't you think?

Also the United States Championship did win something from Cena, and that's credibility. Three people held it since WrestleMania - John Cena, Seth Rollins and Alberto Del Rio. Combined we have 20 times World Champions. The one who beats Alberto will gain something from it, at least if WWE sticks with the push they've given him. A 4/5 month reign, at least until WrestleMania is good enough for a up and comer to take it away from him.

The Authority has lost a lot of the spotlight. They appear from time to time, but at least we are not seeing them every freaking time. Roman Reigns is getting a more natural push (that's an opinion), Seth Rollins has become a great heel and a credible name (can't wait to see how he's going to hold up without the title next).

Rusev, Ziggler and others maintain their midcard status, because mostly they are indeed midcarders. But usually it just takes one match, one catchphrase, one stupid thing like "Suplex City, bitch" to get over. Look at New Day. Those guy have been fun, because they are out there having fun too.

A lot has changed. The product could be a lot better, if they went away with the 3 hours and if they went back to the Raw and SmackDown brands. At least, a lot of good talent could have a lot more opportunities. The storylines are still shit or lazy and that's not gonna change.
He's still a chickenshit heel who can't win important matches alone. Plus he seems to have hit a glass ceiling with this gimmick.

And THAT has changed after Wrestlemania. He had won clean against Dean Ambrose at MITB and defeated Kane at Hell in a Cell PPV. Moreover he had defeated the then IC Champ Ryback on number of occasions. He had proved to the world that he's the man. That certainly is a huge change.

We have a new Mr.Money in the Bank, who in my verdict is a wild card. If he cases in without any banters that could be huge! They Wyatt family has reunited. Things had changed from Wrestlemania but the point is the credibility of that change isn't overwhelming in some causes.

You must've forgotten about the US Open Challenge which made the US title more relevant than ever. Certainly there are some changes!

Looking back over the last year it doesn't seem like a lot has happened, but I guess it has. While some have stayed the same, others have stepped up to the plate and hit home runs.

1. The Authority is still running the show, while I do love me some Triple H this angle has been going for 27 months now...like really. It's not that good and aside from the face changing(Orton to Rollins) it's been basically the same thing since it started. Obviously the WWE loves having heels in charge and they were probably hoping for some Austin/McMahon magic but no one person has feuded with the Authority for long. No one aside from Rollins has been elevated in my opinion.

Yes and it stinks at times. They were repetitive and boring with their long winded promo's at the beginning of each RAW. Can't believe that those who paid big bucks to see it live are happy about it, I know I wouldn't be. The less we see of the Authority the better, but I feel that they are here for the long haul.

2. Seth Rollins is still champ. I'm not entirely complaining as he is probably my favorite guy on the full time roster, I just can't believe he still has the belt. And it seems the belts staying with him till Mania. He's still a chickenshit heel who can't win important matches alone. Plus he seems to have hit a glass ceiling with this gimmick.

I love Rollins, but his run hasn't been stellar and I'm quite surprised at times he still has the belt. At the beginning he needed Mercury, Noble and Kane to win his matches, or he just ran away. He's gotten better over the last few months, but as you say he's hit the wall with the gimmick and a face turn should be imminent.

3. Roman Reigns is getting another title shot...not against the guy but I just don't get why they don't wait till Mania here.

It was only a matter of time before they pushed him again, and what better time with the Rumble and Mania around the corner. He's made strides in the last year, but if Bryan ends up coming back, then Reigns might be pushed to the side again. I have a feeling if there is another backlash, then that will be the end of any title run he'll have for a long time.

4. Lesnar is still barely ever there. Again not really a bad thing but an observation.

We knew that would happen he's not a full time roster member. He has made more appearances than before and they've gotten a couple of specials out of it. So I guess the WWE thinks it's money well spent. I like Lesnar and want to see more of him, but not holding the title again. So if he's not going to do that then I don't know why he's there. He doesn't strike me as the type of person not to go after it.

5. Sting is still losing, granted he shouldn't have beaten Rollins...just don't get why you bring him in just to lose.

I think they had more plans for him, but the injury was really bad luck. It's still questionable if he'll ever wrestle again, and it's sad to think that his last two and only two matches in the WWE resulted in losses. This might make others think twice about signing a contract in future.

6. Wyatt is still toiling with the Deadman. I see why we are redoing this feud, just odd that we had it end. Not too mention Bray hasn't really gotten elevated that much since Mania

I think it's because they don't know what to do with him. He's still losing his feuds and none of them make any sense. No he hasn't been elevated, but then again he really hasn't done much of anything has he?

7. Rusev is still on a downward slide. This guy can't catch a break can he? Things were going well till his feud with Cena, then they had that awful feud between him and Ziggler and now rumor is he's injured? Again? I was hoping he wouldn't turn into another Khali, Kozlov, Umaga guy but it looks like he has

What they've done to him is a shame. I said it before, he rode into Mania in a friggin tank with half the Russian army at his side. Last time I saw him he was in a multi man tag match on the preshow of a B PPV. I just don't know if he'll ever get that momentum back that he once had.

8. A lot of guys are still toiling in the "undercard" this includes people like Ziggler, Miz, Sandow, Cesaro, Ryback, Stardust and a slew of others.

And they will continue to stay there. The WWE doesn't seem to have the balls to try an push anyone other than Rollins, Cena and Reigns right now, and the others are left behind. Even Dean Ambrose who was crazy over has suffered. I'm not sure his pops are as loud as they used to be and it's a shame. Could have done so much with him, but they've used him as Reigns sidekick and now that Reigns has moved on Ambrose got left behind again.

9. Opinion alert but I feel the US title still means nothing, as does the Intercontinental championship

Cena's US Open Challenges were great on RAW, and if Bryan had remained healthy the IC title would have been elevated as well. He didn't and it floundered. Now that Cena is gone for awhile the US title has sort of gone back to where it used to be.

On a positive note though, New Day took a crap gimmick and turned it to gold. Xavier Woods is a diamond in the rough, and when he's there causing mischief with that trombone of his you can't help but smile. I used to hate him but now can't get enough of him. Big E and Kofi have really let their personalities shine through as well. New Day is the highlight of RAW.

We had the debuts of Kevin Owens, who has shown the roster what a naturel heel looks like, and the Diva's finally got some gals who can wrestle. So that's bonus as well.

Injury wise it's been a bad year. Orton, Bryan, one of the Uso's, Rusev, Lana, Sting, Tyson Kidd and a bunch of others have had to take extended time off due to various injuries and it's hurt the product. That is something you have to contend with in a business like this, but it's something the WWE doesn't do well. Looks like they are flying by the seat of their pants most of the time when they really should have a back up plan.

The WWE has had the entire year to elevate some and I think they've tried, but they could have done a much better job. With the RAW ratings dropping every week, I have no idea how they are going to sell 100k seats come Mania. With what they are doing now, it just doesn't seem possible.
3. Roman Reigns is getting another title shot...not against the guy but I just don't get why they don't wait till Mania here.!

This past half-year, I think so much of WWEs mission revolves around getting Roman Reigns to championship level...... and while that sounds rather limited in scope, it actually involves the entire main event scene.

There must have been tons of tooth-gnashing in the days before WM31, with the brass deciding to pull the plug on Roman's ascension to the title at the very last moment. If they hadn't done that.....if Roman won the big belt that night.....the top of the roster would look vastly different nowadays, as would the mission of WWE Creative.

In retrospect, I believe management did the right thing, because Roman simply wasn't ready.......and the mission since WM31 has been to get him prepared to be a world-class player....as well as top contender for years to come. I also believe he's getting it done; if you looked at a tape of Reigns in the ring and on the mic before WM31.....and one from the past couple months.....you'd see an immense difference to the good.

So, working on the project to get Roman ready has altered not only his path, but the paths of others in getting him there. In that, Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins have played huge roles; which would not have been played at all had Roman won the title at WM31.

That's the big difference since 'Mania.
What has changed.....lots...but first what hasn't changed

1) The Authority- i can't say this is a good or bad thing since they aren't really great like they were. they dont really get in feuds like they have and seem to be missing Daniel Bryan. when Bryan is there, the Authority is better
2) Rollins as champion- this is something i'm all for. i am a huge Rollins fan and if he surpasses Punk as champion, i wouldn't hate it, now i know he won't and he'll likely lose it soon, but i'm all for Rollins holding the title.
3) Brock being gone, but that's expected and same with Sting losing.
4) Wyatt feuding with the Undertaker
5) Roman Reigns going for the title, but this could be a good thing since it's an interesting feud. my fear was that WWE would rush this feud, but they saved it until now which is a good thing.

Now for what has changed

1) the Tag team division and i am for it. the New Day has gone from annoying faces to entertaining heels, they are great for the tag team division, same with the Dudleys and the Usos and hopefully the Lucha Dragons and the Wyatt Family also get involved in the tag team title picture.
2) the Divas division has gotten much better. i like Charlotte in the ring better than Nikki and with Sasha on the roster and with Paige getting a title push, that should make the matches much better and of course, i can't forget Becky Lynch either.
3) the Midcard titles (US and IC) have gotten more interesting too. at one point, Rollins held the US title, Cena helped the US title's prestige by having open challenges and by putting it over and the IC title has prestige with Owens holding it since he's great in the ring and can cut promos. Eventually the IC Title's prestige will get better when he feuds with (likely) Sami Zayn.
4) Wyatt feuding with Undertaker is happening, but this time, he has the Wyatt Family with him, maybe that helps, maybe it doesnt.
5) Rusev has been pushed down and that's not good because he had so much talent early on.

basically, some things have changed, some good (like championship's prestige) and some bad (like Rusev and Lana), but things have changed since WM.
So, working on the project to get Roman ready has altered not only his path, but the paths of others in getting him there. In that, Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins have played huge roles; which would not have been played at all had Roman won the title at WM31.

That's the big difference since 'Mania.

This is a very interesting point, but to be honest if you aren't interested in Roman it leaves very little for you to get behind when the company is changing to help re-push him back up. I don't think Roman is as bad as people say and I have no problem him being up there, but I don't think we should push one guy up to be the next face yet. The reason, I don't think anyone on the current roster can do it. Reigns wins the Rumble and the crowd craps on it. With any change to his character, how can the WWE seriously still think it's a good idea? And don't get it wrong, I believe they shouldn't change the plan due to 1 audience reaction, but it was crowds across the country.

I love Rollins, but his run hasn't been stellar and I'm quite surprised at times he still has the belt. At the beginning he needed Mercury, Noble and Kane to win his matches, or he just ran away. He's gotten better over the last few months, but as you say he's hit the wall with the gimmick and a face turn should be imminent.

I think it's because they don't know what to do with him. He's still losing his feuds and none of them make any sense. No he hasn't been elevated, but then again he really hasn't done much of anything has he?

What they've done to him is a shame. I said it before, he rode into Mania in a friggin tank with half the Russian army at his side. Last time I saw him he was in a multi man tag match on the preshow of a B PPV. I just don't know if he'll ever get that momentum back that he once had.

And they will continue to stay there. The WWE doesn't seem to have the balls to try an push anyone other than Rollins, Cena and Reigns right now, and the others are left behind. Even Dean Ambrose who was crazy over has suffered. I'm not sure his pops are as loud as they used to be and it's a shame. Could have done so much with him, but they've used him as Reigns sidekick and now that Reigns has moved on Ambrose got left behind again.

Cena's US Open Challenges were great on RAW, and if Bryan had remained healthy the IC title would have been elevated as well. He didn't and it floundered. Now that Cena is gone for awhile the US title has sort of gone back to where it used to be.

On a positive note though, New Day took a crap gimmick and turned it to gold. Xavier Woods is a diamond in the rough, and when he's there causing mischief with that trombone of his you can't help but smile. I used to hate him but now can't get enough of him. Big E and Kofi have really let their personalities shine through as well. New Day is the highlight of RAW.

We had the debuts of Kevin Owens, who has shown the roster what a naturel heel looks like, and the Diva's finally got some gals who can wrestle. So that's bonus as well.

The WWE has had the entire year to elevate some and I think they've tried, but they could have done a much better job. With the RAW ratings dropping every week, I have no idea how they are going to sell 100k seats come Mania. With what they are doing now, it just doesn't seem possible.

It seems like the running theme here was guys getting depushed. That and some guys have taken the crap they've been given and made gold of it...but it's very similar to last year when Cesaro, Stardust, Sandow and others took horrible gimmicks and made them better. Notice the pattern with those 3 guys? Each got a tag title run and were pushed back to the lower card hell. And maybe that's why the midcard belts still mean very little. Also, New Day are tag champs which obviously won't last, none of them will win the Rumble and most likely will be pushed back down the card. Owens could have potential to move up the card, but we'll have to wait and see.

I'm also not sold on the divas revolution yet, I'm holding out solid opinions until I've seen a continued effort up to Mania. I mean could you imagine us getting a divas match as a headline match at Wrestlemania?

And THAT has changed after Wrestlemania. He had won clean against Dean Ambrose at MITB and defeated Kane at Hell in a Cell PPV. Moreover he had defeated the then IC Champ Ryback on number of occasions. He had proved to the world that he's the man. That certainly is a huge change.

I disagree with you here. I like Seth, he's at this point my favorite guy on the full time roster...but he beat a midcard Kane, a Dean Ambrose the company isn't really behind and a Ryback on free TV. Lets look at the other matches Seth has had: he won a fatal 4 way match which is more a luck match than anything, beat Cena because of Jon Stewart, beat Sting because the company isn't that big on Sting either and retained against Lesnar because of Undertaker. You have more defenses by luck than skill. And honestly, he midcarded HiaC and SummerSlam. It's like the company itself isn't behind Seth.

Also the United States Championship did win something from Cena, and that's credibility. Three people held it since WrestleMania - John Cena, Seth Rollins and Alberto Del Rio. Combined we have 20 times World Champions. The one who beats Alberto will gain something from it, at least if WWE sticks with the push they've given him. A 4/5 month reign, at least until WrestleMania is good enough for a up and comer to take it away from him.

Let me be a cynic here for a bit. Cena lost the belt to the World Champion..but couldn't do it cleanly. Then he had to win it back, even though it made no sense at all. So Seth had a 1 month reign, to give it back to Cena(and keep in mind Seth then beat Sting so a fresh Seth can't beat Cena but a tired Seth can beat Sting) who then held it for a month to lose it to ADR. So the only 100% clean slide of the belt was when your world champion lost it. Not too mention your math is a little bit topheavy, 15 of those 20 world titles are from Cena.

And let me just say the US open challenge might have brought a bit of prestige to the belt but it also lost some when the belt bounced around stupidly. Wouldn't it make more sense to have Seth win both matches at NoC to actually establish him as a main eventer. Then he could be forced to defend it on Raw either before or after HiaC and lose it to Del Rio...you would have had a face Del Rio, one less pointless title swap, a higher up Rollins and more tension between Rollins and the Authority

Maybe I'm being extra cynical recently? I'm just hoping we actually see some change soon

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