What happened?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok. This is my second thread, still learning. made a pretty successful jay lethal thread. So my question/ topic of this thread...
What happened to THE "GENESIS"?
On the season finale of NXT, all eliminated rookies attacked kaval. I kept expecting them to attack Kaval after his losses to drew and chavo, but the group didn't . i saw the fcw results, and all members are competing. although riley's on raw, serving a lance cade to chris jericho role, i don't think that will stop him from being in the group? what do you think happened, and when will the genesis strike?
The "Genesis" won't strike. We already have Nexus, who are in jeopardy of disbanding anyway. I feel the 6 NXT season 2 rookies currently not on TV will return eventually, but not all at once, and definately not aligned with eachother. Percy Watson should reunite with his FCW tag team partner, Darren Young. Titus O'Neil and Husky Harris could both be pretty dominant on the Smackdown mid-card scene. Michael McGillicutty may be the one who starts a feud with Kaval. And I honestly have no idea why Eli and Lucky are still employed. Long story short, no Nexus 2.0.
They won't strike. WWE writers may not be as great as they once were but there's no chance on WWE re-creating the nexus angle on Smackdown. I don't think an actual group was formed at the end of NXT. I believe the whole group just got jealous of Kaval's win. They will eventually be brought back but only as single wrestlers. Nothing more. The Nexus angle has run its course, they wouldn't rip off the nexus angle especially so soon. I wouldn't hold my breath on a Genesis formation.
I think that the WWE realised that this was a bad idea and decided to pull the plug on it which is a good thing, Nexus was so succesful because no one expected it to happen. With Genesis everyone would have seen it coming and I think it would have bombed. I'm sure the NXT 2 guys will show up eventually or atleast some of them, we already have Riley i'm sure Mcgillicutty and Harris will both show up at some stage aswell.
I also dont think they will strike because it wont have the same effect as Nexus this is what I would do with each of the other NXT competitors.

Percy Watson- Put him with his FCW partner Darren Young . Add depth to the weak tag division.

Titus Oneal- Bring him in as a heel on Raw, with Abraham Washington as his manager I think that could work well.

Husky Harris- Have him be the enforcer for the new Mcintyre/rhodes team. It would also be focused on the tag division. When the lose the title all three men can go their own ways.

Micheal McGuillitity- Have him come to smackdown and blame Kofi for being the reason he lost. Starting a program between the two.

Lucky Canon- I think he could become like a "colin delaney" lovable jobber on Raw.

Eli Cottonwood- Fire him he is a waste of space.
I agree with most of the posts above me. I think the biggest reason why WWE didn't go ahead with the "Genisis" idea is because it would just be copying Nexus but not as good because it wouldn't of been unexpected. I do think that some of the NXT 2 "Rookies" will return but not all of them, maybe one of them could feud with Kaval for the title shot thing that Kaval won because he won NXT 2.
Perhaps Nexus will do a play on history with DX. After HBK lost the title at Wrestlemania 14 and left, Triple H noted how he was taking over and it was the "genesis of DX".

Perhaps after Wade loses (I'd rather he not), that someone else (lil Mr. Perfect?) get rid of him and say "This is the genesis of Nexus" in which those who lost in NXT Season 2 would join the original version of Nexus, making a ten-man strong unit. This unit would then go out and do what Nexus was suppose to do...
PLEASE Vince, as Josh Isenberg would say, Don't have A-Riley serve as protege to Miz. Make them an actual tag team! PLEASE! I was rooting for riley the whole season o nxt, cuz miz is my favorite wrestler and eventually i really like the varsity villian himself.
Fire Luck Cannon and Cotton wood, they both are gimmickless, and a waste of space. Lucky, i semi liked for 1or 2 weeks, then he turned out to have horrible mike skills.
Cottonwood is far too much like khali in my book- except you can understand what eli is sayin.
Percy, done town the gimmick. In nxt, he was all talk, some times he impressed me in the ring, but then he would say UN Un Un O ya!
Husky, as someone said, be enforcer of rhodes and mcintyre, the best new team since i started in late 07
Kaval already won so he'll be intercontinental champion by february
Titus o neil, awesome finisher, idk what they will do with him.
I don't think the Genesis will happen, it would've been entertaining to see all the new guys, but we don't need another Nexus, things would just get too crowded. Some guys like Harris, Hennig and Watson might come back for single careers. It seems that the WWE have waited too long to bring these guys in and not many people would invest much of their time in it.
I don't think it will happen, but for a different reason. FCW lost 8 wrestlers when the nexus was formed. Yes Darren Young was booted and sent back down, but that's still 7 guys off the roster. Take off Kaval & Riley (who may be a dick but a good heel with great mic skills) and you have 9 guys off the roster. Taking the rest of them off would total 15 guys. This would do 2 things, deplete FCW of any tallent people would go there to see, and overload a WWE roster already filled with talent. Maybe when we see the Nexus disband we'll see Husky Harris and little perfect, but not until then.
When it comes to "Genesis", I never really read anything about it actually happening. Most of what I read were rumors and ideas and thoughts being spread by the IWC rather than anything from an article on a website. Of course, I might just have simply missed a few things. But, there was never all that much buzz about it.

The WWE doesn't need to create another faction using the Rookies from NXT Season II. One reason why The Nexus has worked out is because it was completely unexpected. The original 8 NXT Rookies' beatdown of John Cena was epic and was quite possibly the single best segment of any wrestling show to air on television in years. I do think the WWE made some mistakes here and there in the long run, but The Nexus worked and "Genesis" probably won't. They'd be seen as The Nexus 2.0 and it would simply come across as a generic example of lazy booking.
The "Genesis" was a rumor spread by the IWC who thought that a new faction was going to form due to McGillicutty's hilariously bad speech at the end of NXT2 and the beatdown that came afterwards. It was never official, and there were no reports about it. And really, if WWE ever planned it to happen, they probably pulled the plug right quickly when they saw how terrible that beatdown and everyone involved in it was.

I'll let TV Tropes describe what I'm talking about:

TV Tropes said:
The entire ending sequence to NXT Season 2 was just such a train wreck that it may have stopped several careers in their tracks. It started off with Kaval winning, which was about the only thing that went well here. After the announcement was made, runner-up Michael McGullicutty was handed the mic, and he cut a very narmy promo where trips over his lines. In that promo, he basically promises a Genesis of the career of Michael McGullicutty. Then he leaves the ring. Kaval tries to cut a celebration promo, but is cut off when the rookies eliminated in the previous weeks come in and attack him. The WWE Pros try to intervene, and we get what ends up being the very anti-thesis of what made The Nexus work. During the NXT Riot, everyone involved scored their own Crowning Moment Of Awesome. During the Genesis of McGullicutty, each rookie earns their own Dethroning Moment Of Suck.
  • For starters, even the people in the nosebleeds could have heard the spots being called and the refs yelling instructions to the angry rookies.
  • Titus O'Neill (who placed 8th for a reason) accidentally no-sells MVP Yakuza Kick in the corner, making everyone wonder why he was on NXT to begin with.
  • Eli Cottonwood, who was already a joke after his "Mustache" promo, ends up going back to his home planet and is not standing tall in the ring when NXT goes off the air. Worse yet, at one point, Michael Cole ends up referring to him as "Aloisia". Aloisia is the 6'9 rookie who was slated to be on the Divas-only Season 3 of NXT.
  • Lucky Cannon really could have Taken A Level In Bad Ass here, but the fact that he got most of the offense in this segment ended up bringing it down even further.
  • Husky Harris did not look too bad in here (at least in comparison to everyone else), but there was one point in the brawl where he executed a Uranage on Kaval, while the WWE Pros who were supposed to be the Big Damn Heroes in this brawl were just watching, even though they could have stopped him. This made the Pros look completely incompetent.
  • Speaking of the Pros, they just kind of left off-screen shortly after that, leaving Kaval to get decimated. The only ones that were seen on camera after that were Laycool, who at least look liked they cared as they watched Kaval get destroyed.
  • Now we come to Percy Watson and Alex Riley. Riley and McGullicutty, the rookies that were eliminated that night, would eventually join in on the brawl. At one point, Riley would attack Watson and plant him with a Michinoku Driver, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE ON THE SAME SIDE! It was at this point that this moment went from Wall Banger territory to So Bad It's Horrible. As the show was closing, Percy Watson would yell his OH YEAH! Catchphrase, which might as well have poured more Nightmare ******ant on the Genesis stable.
  • Finally, we have the Genesis of Michael McGillicutty himself. Let's examine the last couple sentences of the promo that started this whole thing.
    >>"See, I am the future of this company. I am going to be a big time player in this machine called WWE. I am the Next Big Thing. I am the Next Generation. And starting this moment...from now...from this moment on...this will be the moment...starting now...of the Genesis of MCGILLICUTTY."<<

The whole Season 2 beatdown could have been the worst beatdown in the history of beatdowns. It sucked beyond belief. None of the wrestlers were cut out to be in a stable like Nexus, half of them just plain sucked in one way or another, the name "Genesis" was stupid, and honestly it's just a bad idea. Lightning rarely strikes twice. Nexus was great because it was unexpected and fresh. Genesis would have been terrible because it involved Lucky Cannon and Michael McGillicutty, and would have been predictable and stale.

Thank God it was only a rumor.The only people from that beatdown I want to see on my TV right now are Harris and Watson. Harris is a good big man and has great heel charisma, and Watson should be in a tag team with Darren Young and doing the whole South Beach Boyz shtick. Keep the rest of the failures off my TV, kthxbai.
Just as Doc and his excerpt from TV Tropes said, the guys failed miserably when it came time for them to set this up. The WWE realized that on that night and decided to pull the plug on it more then likely. We also don't need another Nexus like stable to have a big influx of superstars join the main rosters. Out of NXT II, the only guys I felt who were good enough to be on the main roster were Kaval, Riley, and maybe Harris. The rest need to report back to FCW and get more training.
Was it ever really supposed to happen? From what I can tell, it was really just an internet idea that was blown out of proportion. The "Genesis of McGuillicutty" was really just a line that he said during his promo to sort of signal the fact that he will be back one day. Also, like many above me have said, this really wouldnt have been a good idea. From what we saw on TV, moves were botched, and refs were telling the rookies what to do and whom to do it to. So, I really doubt it was ever supposed to happen anyway.
Yeah, i don't remember having read anything in stone about 'Genesis'; it felt to me that most of the IWC were having a lovely time playing 'You're the Booker'. Sure, there was obviously something to build on i.e the brawl, but it slowly slunk off and was never mentioned again. To say Alex Riley and Kaval have both been on WWE TV for a month and neither have so much as mentioned the brawl suggests to me that there was never any plans for 'Genesis'.

It felt to me that they tried to replicate Nexus but realised it would bomb and just pulled the plug. The majority of the talent was in NXT Season 1, not 2 so Genesis was always going to be at a disadvantage. Plus, Nexus was all about working as one; the moment Riley piledrived Watson suggested to me that even the talent didn't know what was going on.
If the officials had any idea of another faction to counter Nexus or be on Smackdown it would of been dropped after the weak attack by the season two rookie's.
Just as Doc and his excerpt from TV Tropes said, the guys failed miserably when it came time for them to set this up. The WWE realized that on that night and decided to pull the plug on it more then likely. We also don't need another Nexus like stable to have a big influx of superstars join the main rosters. Out of NXT II, the only guys I felt who were good enough to be on the main roster were Kaval, Riley, and maybe Harris. The rest need to report back to FCW and get more training.

For the most part, I agree with this (though I have to say that Husky Harris is the real deal- he has the "it" factor). Nexus is arguably the best angle to happen in the WWE in years. It was fresh and completely unexpected. It certainly is unlike anything the WWE has done since the Attitude Era. Thankfully, it looks like there will not be a duplicate faction with Genesis. Nexus works because its original. Genesis would absolutely kill the Nexus storyline and leave no room for growth of their own group. Essentially, Genesis is and should be, dead in the water.

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