What Happened to the WCW Hall Fame for this year?


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So last year i believe the day after Wrestlemania rumors started flying around about how WCW is going with a WCW type Hall of Fame since Mania was going to be in Atlanta. So far we havent gottewn a full list of the Hall of Famers besides HBK and HOOOOOOO but does this mean that the WWE has decided to change their minds on the WCW thingamajig or are they just trying to find the right legends who arent beat and broke down. Even though Jim Duggan was in WCw he isnt really well known top-tier name. So what do u guys think have they stopped the WCW hall of fame or are they just looking for well known legends
I don't think they ever were really looking to do a WCW-based one. It's just like the other years where they will induct several people they want to (HBK, Duggan, Road Warriors) and a few from the region where WM is.

"Bullet" Bob Armstrong is from Marietta, GA, which is just outside of Atlanta.
Abdullah The Butcher is rumored, and he owns a rib joint in Atlanta.
I'm guessing Arn Anderson will go in as well.
I think the rumor was based around all the Goldberg talk, when then it'd make more sense, without a big WCW name like him or Sting or something, it doesn't make sense to have a WCW HOF and the biggest names be Road Warriors and Arn Anderson
I personally don't think that it was ever intended to be a WCW themed Hall of Fame, it is just one of those things that the IWC started because of talks about the yearly rumours of Goldberg and Sting before WrestleMania each year, I look forward to the same rumours in the next 10 months! Not really.

If it was going to be a WCW themed one then it is pretty fucking stupid to add Shawn Michaels as the number 1 inductee and the main attraction for that night since he has never done anything in WCW if I am right.

It was never going to happen and if it was going to happen, it probably already would have happened closer to the Invasion angle ending I think while some of the other guys like Sting hadn't signed to TNA or gone on to do other things.
If they don't have Sting or Goldberg, WCW's 2 biggest homegrown stars to go into it, then the best thing they could have done was nix it. Sure, they have Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors and while they were both heavily influential on the company, neither are really deserving of leading a Hall Of Fame class. They have to have a big star and Goldberg and Sting are the biggest that aren't already in.
Goldberg, Sting, Kevin Nash, etc. Did anyone actually think, after HBK's induction became official, that the WWE would have another huge name on that list? It's HBK's night.

At some point in time, this WCW thing may go through. But when you have a name like HBK, someone who meant as much to your company as he did, you don't need another huge name. I just cannot see Vince attempting to pull someone else from the hat at this point. Mid-carders will fill the rest of this list.
As a few others have said, I'm not all that sure that it was ever the WWE's intention to do a WCW theme for this year. It may very well have been just another example of the internet rumor mill starting something up and it took a life of its own. It was repeated so much and so often that it became true in the minds of a lot of fans.

For this year, I think that the idea is to include a lot of wrestlers that were well known within the Georgia territory. Bullet Bob Armstrong is already in and, based on what I've heard, Abdullah the Butcher will also be inducted this year. Abby owns a resteraunt in Atlanta, he's well known in the city because of that in and of itself. I've heard talk that Ron Simmons might be going in as well, but who knows at this point.

Having a WCW themed HOF would be a fun idea but it'll only feel completely right if they have the biggest stars there.
It's very very very simple - these websites don't really have any inside information. Almost all the rumors are wrong and there is no validity to back it up. Fans on the internet put together Atlanta and WCW and thought that's what it should be. Next thing you know, it doesn't unfold that way and we are wondering why.
Somewhat related to a WCW theme, I wouldn't be surprised to hear Ted Turner announced, at least if he's interested in being inducted. He lives literally 2 blocks away from the Georgia Dome and Philips Arena (where the HOF induction is taking place).

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