What happened to the Champion's big entrance?


Occasional Pre-Show
Just posting a thought for discussion. I have noticed on several occasions Shaemus as Champion either being introduced first in his matches or in the ring already after the commercial (like tonight on RAW vs Morrison) without even airing his entrance on air. What happened to the days where the Champion would come out after his opponent(s)? Do you think this takes some credibility away from the Champion? And on another note...does anyone find it annoying how most superstars wear their merchandise out to the ring before their match?
I don't think its that big of a deal. If it was on PPV or something that would be different especially if there was a back stage segment then it goes back to the arena and he standing there but on Raw i don't have a problem with it but that us just me.
No an entrance on Raw doesn't take any credibility away from the champion. What takes credibility away from Sheamus is the fact that he never wins cleanly. Sheamus only wins by Dq's or interference it's funny. Back on the entrance topic im sure Sheamus will be introduced last in the six pack challenge. Now on to the merchandise question. Does it really matter if a superstar where's their merchandise to the ring? No absolutely not it's a stupid question. Kids see their favorite wrestlers wearing their gear to the ring and they want it.
I wonder this too. I think it does because the champ is supposed to be more "Important".As you should have the honor of making his Opponet wait on him. That's how it seem back in the day
I told everyone i was watching with the same thing, every time sheaumus comes out they go to commercial, but always show cena's entrance. To me Sheaumus and Morrison are the 2 best wrestlers on raw....PERIOD
Whom ever holds the top title in the company should be given the Chmpion's treatment. Always top billing. It's a reflection of the title's cred in some ways too.
I do agree that he needs to get a ligit clean win over Cena. I'd love to see the Ginginator destroy Cena.
I don't mind the tshirt thing. However I think it's little annoying when it's the only thing they wear. Morrison wears it, but has his entrance gear. All in all it doesn't really matter. MMA guys do the same thing. It's about branding yourself to the audience.
I agree that the champion should come out second or last depending on the match type, the first time I remember seeing it reversed was WM15 when Austin came out second against the Rock but it does happen more and more now.

Also I think that they won't have Sheamus come out last at Night of Champions, they will have Cena come out last for the big crowd reaction.
yes and this bothers me because it should show some inportance to the champ but i think it depends (sort of) on the crowd reaction if the champ gets a hot reaction or not i think the person who gets the bigger reaction (at times) goes out last
It all depends on who's wearing it. Sheamus, though the Champion, doesn't get as much of a reaction as Cena or Orton, and the WWE would want the guy with either the biggest pop or the biggest heat to round out the entrances. At the beginning or at/next to the end is good for the Champion. Just don't put him in the meat of the order cause he'll get lost in the shuffle.

As for after backstage segments, as long as the Champion talks a little bit, I think it's alright is he's suddenly in the ring talking.

A superstar wearing their merchandise to the ring is no different from celebrities wearing nice clothing at awards ceremonies or a guy in a movie wearing a cool accessory all the time. You see that The Boondock Saints wear wooden Celtic crosses everywhere, you're bound to want it too.
It really makes no difference to me at all. I've read a few posts where people have pointed out the same thing, and it seems a bit to picky for me. I just hope they continue to announce their names and introduce the superstar(s) in championship matches like they do. Both of them in the ring, no music playing, and Justin Roberts introducing and announcing their name(s) to the crowd. I love it because you get a clear indication of what the reaction is, and I love hearing the boos for Cena.

Plus, they've been doing the whole champion coming first for more than a few months now I believe. Sheamus doesn't lose credibility for coming first, not having his entrance aired, etc. In fact Morrison could use the attention more, and Sheamus credibility his hurt with his VERY cheap/weak wins in championship matches.

Just curious, what difference does it make on who comes out first or not? I truly want to know,
Whom ever holds the top title in the company should be given the Chmpion's treatment. Always top billing. It's a reflection of the title's cred in some ways too.
I do agree that he needs to get a ligit clean win over Cena. I'd love to see the Ginginator destroy Cena.
I don't mind the tshirt thing. However I think it's little annoying when it's the only thing they wear. Morrison wears it, but has his entrance gear. All in all it doesn't really matter. MMA guys do the same thing. It's about branding yourself to the audience.

Sheamus has beat cena cleanly in a tables match (u can call it luck aswell but it was still clean) and also destroying Cena will hardly look good to the younger audience who adore him and see him as unbeatable, Also you dont need clean wins to gain cred as a champion Triple H is one of the best of all time and as a champion gained very little clean victories over the rock and austin and as evolution leader nash goldberg and many others, however he destroyed them out of matches many times which is what sheamus can do for more cred than hes already got. hes already destroyed triple H and if WWE give him storylines on which he can do that it will look even better.

Dont mess with people from ireland youll just get burned.

On the topic, entrances mean very little unless something is happenin during them, we just want to get the wrestlers to the ring and get on with the show, thts my opinion
Just posting a thought for discussion. I have noticed on several occasions Shaemus as Champion either being introduced first in his matches or in the ring already after the commercial (like tonight on RAW vs Morrison) without even airing his entrance on air. What happened to the days where the Champion would come out after his opponent(s)? Do you think this takes some credibility away from the Champion? And on another note...does anyone find it annoying how most superstars wear their merchandise out to the ring before their match?

His name is Sheamus. If you're going to make a thread about the guy at least spell his name right. It doesn't matter if the Champion is introduced first or last, there's still an intimidation factor there. If you come out first, you're letting your opponent know that YOU come to the ring first because YOU are the Champion. If you come out last, you're just showing that the person that's walking to the ring is the person that you have to wait for, and the person that's going to come to the ring and destroy you. I always thought that when Triple H came out to the ring. I always used to say "If I was in the ring and I saw Triple H coming towards me, I'd shit my pants right there."

No, I don't find it annoying how most superstars wear their merchandise out to the ring before their match. How else are we supposed to see that they've got some merchandise? It's all marketing my friend, get used to it. You're forgetting that the chairman of WWE is Vince McMahon. He's best friends with money.
Believe, it or not they once said (kayfabe i presume) during the edge-john cena TLC match in Toronto back in unforgiven 2006 i believe was the PPV, that the champion chooses which order he comes out it. That way allegedly edge came out first so the crowd could pop heavy for him (the hometown boy) and be all worked up so they could boo cena like no tomorrow (which they did)
the only time it matters to me when the Champion comes out last is in a title match, other than that who cares when he comes out, Sheamus to me is a good champion, i dont hate all the DQs or Interference wins because Sheamus is a heel, yes he should win some cleanly, but WWE now has heels usually cheat alot.
WWE is a business. It's really not about "Cred" or "Champion's Treatment". They chose who comes out first to illicit the best responses from the crowd and to maximize TV exposure. Bottom line man. Watch "Rise and Fall of WCW". Even back then a champ was CHOSEN by a 8 member panel. "CHOSEN"!!! Champ's don't win or lose based on what order they come out it. They win or lose according to what Vinnie Mac tells em, or sometimes maybe tells the Ref in his earpiece.

And as far as in ring gear. Annoying? If you find self promotion annoying... why even watch tv? Posters above have it right, guys wear their gear so fans who don't internet shop can see it, OH and so kiddies at live events can BEG their parents for the new John Cena shirt. Which by the way is marked up about 50% at a live event.

Dude, I love WWE, I have been watching for 25 some odd years. I know its fake. I know it's a business. Get with it brosef.

there you have it.
My brain tells me that the face in the matchup comes out last, to elicit the huge cheer from the audience and get them that much more invested in the upcoming match.

My heart tells me that the only champion who comes out first in the real world was Rocky Marciano.
I don't think it matters whether the Champ comes out first or last, I prefer when both men are in the ring and then Justin Roberts (or whoever is the announcer at that time) introduces the two men, I don't know why I prefer it I just do.

Onto the merchandise, I don't see why it's a bad thing to wear your merchandise to the ring. How are the fans supposed to know that you have new merchandise out and it's also a mental thing for the fan to want to look like their hero. Take David Beckham for instance whenever he got a new hair cut everyone would have to get the same hair cut the next day just so they look the same.

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