What happened to signature taunts and catchphrases?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As many of us know, most of the new talent/gimmicks in WWE are very bland and boring, or at least they are not as good as characters/gimmicks in previous years.

One thing I've noticed is why do most of them not have a signature taunt anymore? If you look at current and past main eventers; Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, HBK, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, John Cena, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho etc; they all have signature taunts that kid fans would mimic. What new guys have one? Kofi Kingston, that's it. The signature taunts are a way to play to the crowd, they get the momentum up etc and I think it is good for wrestlers to have one.

Likewise, no one has catchphrases anymore. Again, a lot of the known main eventers have them; Stone Cold, Undertaker, HBK, The Rock, Triple H, Mick Foley, John Cena, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, etc. Whenever they say those catchphrases, the audience says it with them, for example listen to the next time Undertaker says R.I.P, or when John Cena does the five knuckle shuffle. Like the taunts, an over catchphrase helps to develop a wrestlers character and gets the crowd behind them more. But again, which of todays superstars have one? Kofi Kingston again.

This is part of the reason why I think getting over is more difficult for the current talent, because they have little to them unlike in the past. Not long ago, they had no problem getting talent over; remember when the crowd during Mr Kennedys announcements? MVPs Ballin' chant? They just don't give talent things like that anymore

Even their music all sounds the same. I've said this before but if you listen to the entrance music of all the main eventers I have named, they are all unique and the second they play you know who it is. But if you listen to the entrance music of all the young stars today, they sound so awfully similar.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Nothing happend to the catchphrases and the Signature taunts.

R-Truth still has his catchphrases here and there, John Morrison has his hand in the air pose before doing the standing shooting star press, and Kofi Kingston has his boom boom boom thing.

That's just part of it, the majority of the main eventers still have their mannerisms in catchphrases or taunts (all depending on whether they need / should have a catchphrase, seeing as Randy don't have a catchphrase, don't need one, but has a signature taunt and vice versa)

What I'm trying to say is that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the current catchphrases or signature taunts, they're there, and they're used on a regular basic, so really.

And about the music, no it's not the same, unless you count the god awful NXT theme song that all the rookies are using now, but in the end, while it's drawing from the majority of the same genre, rock, alternative rock / alternative metal, hell Triple H being heavy metal, it doesn't matter what genre it's from really.

But in the end, there's absolutely nothing wrong with anything in those directions.
They are there, they just suck sweaty balls.

The quality is what is lacking. Triple H, Orton, Cena, Undertaker, (HBK) all have good signature poses and mannerisms easy to mimic. Behind them? Not really anything worth looking at twice. Matt Hardy has his hand thing, Ziggler plays with his hair or someth... whatever, its there, they just suck.

Catch-phrases are severely lacking though. The only two I can even think of is "You want some? Come get some", which is rarely used, and "Rest In Peace". They are limited on what they can possibly come up with though, since its scripted for them.

The entrance music also sucks. Some songs are really good, but most of them are just bland and boring, nothing better than a filler track on a mid-level rock band's third best album. Half the time I'm not sure which new(er) guy is coming out, simply because there is little difference in their music. Its completely generic.
One good thing I saw (hopefully it wasn't edited post taping) was when MVP returned to Smackdown and hit the 'Ballin Elbow' the crowd went nuts! After a terrible stint on Raw, it's good to see him get such a loud response on Smackdown. The 305 looks much better than the Playmaker too. Anyways, people still have their taunts and catch phrases. "Cuz I'm Straight Edge, and that makes me Better Than You."
R-Truth still has his catchphrases here and there, John Morrison has his hand in the air pose before doing the standing shooting star press, and Kofi Kingston has his boom boom boom thing.

What I'm trying to say is that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the current catchphrases or signature taunts, they're there, and they're used on a regular basic, so really.

I said the majority, not all, but before 99% of the guys had them because it adds to their whole persona. And if you look, I did mention Kofi Kingston. John Morrisons thing is hardly different to just raising your hand up, which is used by anyone who doesnt have a taunt. If you name main eventers, past or present you could come up with so many signature taunts and catchphrases, but none for the majority of the recent stars.

And about the music, no it's not the same, unless you count the god awful NXT theme song that all the rookies are using now, but in the end, while it's drawing from the majority of the same genre, rock, alternative rock / alternative metal, hell Triple H being heavy metal, it doesn't matter what genre it's from really.

You said the music is not the same, then you said its all the same genre (or sounds similar), which is what I meant by the same. In other words it is the same, they sound too similar and none of them are unique, unlike in the past where almost all entrance music was unique. When I said they sound the same, I did not mean the exact same song, I meant they are generic as Twist said.

They are there, they just suck sweaty balls.

The quality is what is lacking. Triple H, Orton, Cena, Undertaker, (HBK) all have good signature poses and mannerisms easy to mimic. Behind them? Not really anything worth looking at twice. Matt Hardy has his hand thing, Ziggler plays with his hair or someth... whatever, its there, they just suck.

Behind them? There is PLENTY behind them! Their taunts and catchphrases are a part of their character, when the audience sees Undertaker do the cuthroat taunt, they stand up and cheer, when Shawn did his jump up thing, the crowd got exited, when Cena does the hand thing, the crowd chants "you cant see me".

Matt Hardy does have a taunt, but he was from the same time period as a lot of the guys I mentioned, he's just not a main eventer, but he is still from the time when they gave them good taunts etc. Dolph Zigglers hair thing isn't really a taunt, he just does it during his entrace, its not something he would do anywhere else, you couldnt really imagine him just doing it in the middle of a match, say like HHH does with his taunt.

Catch-phrases are severely lacking though. The only two I can even think of is "You want some? Come get some", which is rarely used, and "Rest In Peace". They are limited on what they can possibly come up with though, since its scripted for them.

Exactly, I mean those catchphrases are over, but we need other people to have them as well. Remember when the Rock would say "it doesn't matter what your name is!" and "finally the rock is back in...." etc the crowd would go crazy, and when Austin said "gimme a Hell Yeah!" and "I'm gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry!" they did the same thing. Why can't they give guys great catchphrases anymore?

The entrance music also sucks. Some songs are really good, but most of them are just bland and boring, nothing better than a filler track on a mid-level rock band's third best album. Half the time I'm not sure which new(er) guy is coming out, simply because there is little difference in their music. Its completely generic.

Exactly, same goes here, I constantly get confused with whos coming out because they are insanely similar.
for catchphrases off the top of my head we have

"I'm the Miz and I'm....AWESOME!" (Miz)
"I am the best in the world at what I do" (Jericho)
"I'm an all American american" (Swagger)
plus CM Punk and R-Truth already mentioned.

For taunts there's Cena's Kofi's and MVP's routine during their matches...seems like having a catchphrase has become mostly a heelish trait and having taunts/routines is for babyfaces these days??
I can't believe no one has mentioned the Miz. How can you not think of his "Cuz I'm The Miz and I'm awesome!"? He gets the whole place going with that, good or bad.

R-Truth has his "What's up?" though rather unoriginal it gets most of the crowd going.

CM Punk has his "I'm straight edge and I'm better than you." That whole stable gets people going. Punk especially.

They're there and they're not all bad. Some new ones can be. Like Cody Rhodes is still developing his but looks rather plain right now. Same with his old counterpart Dibiase Jr.

Everyone knows Goldust's taunt, as strange as it may be. Big Show has his chokeslam scream pose. Most of the tag teams come in in their own original ways. Though we're starting to lose that with all the makeshift tag teams they're throwing together.

A lot of people don't need that though. Randy Orton doesn't really have a phrase or a taunt. Does he need it right now? Hell no.

The point is you're gonna run into some bad ones when you've got so many wrestlers in 2 or 3 shows, depending if you count NXT. But there's a lot of good ones that you've overlooked.
Was it Stone Cold or someone who back in 2003 said that they were hampering the wrestlers' creativity by wanting to script and come up with everything themselves? That could easily lead to the lack of creativity and generic wrestlers we're seeing a lot of. When you have a creative team literally coming up with everything, it'll be much more difficult to keep coming up with new and original things. I don't know how much that has changed since then, but may be the reason behind what you're talking about. And I totally agree about the music for a lot of the guys.
I assure you they are there, they just aren't over-the-top like taunts and catchphrases were back in the day.

So far I haven't seen Zack Ryder mentioned. He has the "Woo Woo WOo" and all that going for him. I swear that is a throwback to what you are talking about.

And Dolph Ziggler does his usual routine of pausing at the ropes before going in, usually chewing gum.

Many have already been covered like The Miz, Morrison, etc. but another one that should stand out more because they are in the Main Title picture is Cena and Orton. They both have signature hand gestures (Cena's "You Can't See Me" and the Okay signs he throws up/Orton's cold stare and "Greek Statue" pose)

They are there, just not overdramatic ex. The Rock's "Bring It" hand gesture.
I said the majority, not all, but before 99% of the guys had them because it adds to their whole persona. And if you look, I did mention Kofi Kingston. John Morrisons thing is hardly different to just raising your hand up, which is used by anyone who doesnt have a taunt. If you name main eventers, past or present you could come up with so many signature taunts and catchphrases, but none for the majority of the recent stars.

I can only really name one wrestler that hasn't got any taunt or catchphrase that I can think of, and that is Drew McIntyre, so therefore it's not the majority of the people that doesn't have some kind of signature sign, taunt, catchphrase or whatever you wanna throw out there.
I could easily go through the list, but the reply would be too big of a cluster fuck to read properly.

You said the music is not the same, then you said its all the same genre (or sounds similar), which is what I meant by the same. In other words it is the same, they sound too similar and none of them are unique, unlike in the past where almost all entrance music was unique. When I said they sound the same, I did not mean the exact same song, I meant they are generic as Twist said.

Certainly they're from the same genre which would be the only similarity there is, the themes doesn't need to be of different genres to be entertaining or worth listening to, because in the end I think the most fitting stuff really is in the rock genre, but that's more from the whole "Yeah awesome song I'm getting hyped / pumped by this!!" thing that some of the theme songs could easily throw out there.

And even if they're from the same genre, every artist has their own way of singing, which makes it unique in some kind of way, maybe the way it's handled could sound alike, but in the end, all songs are different because of the singer, and the actual way the instruments are handled, I really don't see the similarities to any of the themes, except for genre based.

And you said in your original post it's easier to point out the main eventers from their theme, which isn't true, because only the NXT wrestlers are tough people to point out "oh here he is" cause, as I said before, they use the same lame song.
If it was tough to point out who's gonna be coming out from behind the scenes, it wouldn't make any sense why people start cheering the living shit out of a guy like Kofi Kingston, who isn't a main eventer.
I can't believe no one has mentioned the Miz. How can you not think of his "Cuz I'm The Miz and I'm awesome!"? He gets the whole place going with that, good or bad.

R-Truth has his "What's up?" though rather unoriginal it gets most of the crowd going.

CM Punk has his "I'm straight edge and I'm better than you." That whole stable gets people going. Punk especially.

They're there and they're not all bad. Some new ones can be. Like Cody Rhodes is still developing his but looks rather plain right now. Same with his old counterpart Dibiase Jr.

Everyone knows Goldust's taunt, as strange as it may be. Big Show has his chokeslam scream pose. Most of the tag teams come in in their own original ways. Though we're starting to lose that with all the makeshift tag teams they're throwing together.

A lot of people don't need that though. Randy Orton doesn't really have a phrase or a taunt. Does he need it right now? Hell no.

The point is you're gonna run into some bad ones when you've got so many wrestlers in 2 or 3 shows, depending if you count NXT. But there's a lot of good ones that you've overlooked.

Swagger calling himself an All American American isn't a catchphrase, its a nickname, just like Triple H calls himself the game and Undertaker is called the Deadman

CM Punks isn't really a catchphrase, it is just something he says. A catchphrase is more something that the crowd knows as them, what CM Punk says is more statements if that makes sense.

You can't use Big Show and Goldust, because I said most of the newer stars don't have taunts or catchphrases. Big Show and Goldust are from the time when most stars were given them.

And sharmaq, I already mentioned that Cena and Kofi have them.... but Cena is one of the main eventers I was talking about, I said most of the NEW guys don't have them
I know, I was just listing the catchphrases and routines that ARE present today, that's all. I would disagree about Swagger, as he does pretty much use it the same way every time - "As a 2-time, all american, american..." - he incorporates that phrase into most of his promos. I think there is a place for catchphrases and routines in the WWE but the crowds these days are a lot more choosy and unforgiving of which ones to adopt so maybe the WWE doesn't attempt to introduce them as much?
Carlito - "That's cool" (and it's variants)

The Miz - "Because I'm the Miz and I'm awesome!!!" / "Really? REALLY? Reaaallly?"

R-Truth - "What's up" / "That's the truth" (and other variants)

Zack Ryder - "Woo woo woo" / "You know it"

CM Punk - "Straight Edge means I'm better than you."

JTG - "Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo. Yo. YO!" / "It's your boy JTG, aka _____"

Kofi Kingston - "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

MVP - "Ballin'!" / "Big things poppin', little things stoppin' (etc)"

Shad Gaspard - "It's MY time." (plus it looked like he wanted to get that "1, 2, Shad's coming for you. 3, 4, shut your door." thing over, but I hope it doesn't catch on)

Skip Sheffield - "Yip yip yip, what it do" (ugh lol)

Daniel Bryan - "Snap or tap"

Yup. No catch phrases or anything there. They can't give something to each and every superstar. That requires extra effort on the part of Creative and frankly, lots of wrestlers don't deserve a catch phrase or taunt that would become popular because they themselves aren't going to matter.
CM Punks isn't really a catchphrase, it is just something he says. A catchphrase is more something that the crowd knows as them, what CM Punk says is more statements if that makes sense.

Ummm.... correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't catchphrases things people say?

I think that WWE is trying to get recognition of superstars from the merchandise side of things. Notice how a handful of them come out wearing their own merch?

The money isn't in catchphrases or taunts, it's in t-shirts and hats. Granted, the catchphrase is printed on the shirts for the most part, but just saying "I'm awesome" isn't going to draw in cash. It's when it gets printed on a shirt that they can make real money off of it.
Dude I have no idea what you're talking about..

Kofi- Boom clap
Edge- pulls his hair and gets on a knee
Randy- Slithers
HHH- stupid flex
Batista- Shakes the Rope points down
Cena- the five knuck shuffle is basically
JoMo- Hand raised
Rey- raises his hand in before doing the 619
Danielson- #1 taunt
Goldust- the little hands going up the chest what ever u call it
MAtt Hardy- both hands in the air and tingles his fingers
CM Punk- Lately been putting his fingers through his hair
Big Show- Raises the fist instead of the hand..
MVP- Ballin' shot
Taker- Slit Throat/rolls eyes.....


Taker- Rest in Peace
MVP- Ballin
Kofi- Boom Boom Boom
Carlito- now that is... cool
Ryder- woo woo woo
Santino- mispronouncing everyones name is basically good enough
Slater- one man rock band
Otunga- A-List as an adjective
Edge- I'm Rated-R
Finlay- I like to fight
As many of us know, most of the new talent/gimmicks in WWE are very bland and boring, or at least they are not as good as characters/gimmicks in previous years.

One thing I've noticed is why do most of them not have a signature taunt anymore? If you look at current and past main eventers; Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, HBK, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, John Cena, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho etc; they all have signature taunts that kid fans would mimic. What new guys have one? Kofi Kingston, that's it. The signature taunts are a way to play to the crowd, they get the momentum up etc and I think it is good for wrestlers to have one.

Likewise, no one has catchphrases anymore. Again, a lot of the known main eventers have them; Stone Cold, Undertaker, HBK, The Rock, Triple H, Mick Foley, John Cena, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, etc. Whenever they say those catchphrases, the audience says it with them, for example listen to the next time Undertaker says R.I.P, or when John Cena does the five knuckle shuffle. Like the taunts, an over catchphrase helps to develop a wrestlers character and gets the crowd behind them more. But again, which of todays superstars have one? Kofi Kingston again.

This is part of the reason why I think getting over is more difficult for the current talent, because they have little to them unlike in the past. Not long ago, they had no problem getting talent over; remember when the crowd during Mr Kennedys announcements? MVPs Ballin' chant? They just don't give talent things like that anymore

Even their music all sounds the same. I've said this before but if you listen to the entrance music of all the main eventers I have named, they are all unique and the second they play you know who it is. But if you listen to the entrance music of all the young stars today, they sound so awfully similar.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Did we forget about MVP already? He's probably the closest thing to The Rock as far as the signature taunt.

I think you don't really need them these days, though, and it would have been foolish to have relied on them at any point in wrestling. A wrestler should be over because of his skills in the ring and the psychology of the match, not because of some little hand wave.

Think about this: that there are so much fewer of them makes the wrestlers who have them and the signals themselves stand out that much more. If *everyone* was doing some sort of little jig before hitting a move, it wouldn't be as interesting anymore.
Dude I have no idea what you're talking about..

Kofi- Boom clap
Edge- pulls his hair and gets on a knee
Randy- Slithers
HHH- stupid flex
Batista- Shakes the Rope points down
Cena- the five knuck shuffle is basically
JoMo- Hand raised
Rey- raises his hand in before doing the 619
Danielson- #1 taunt
Goldust- the little hands going up the chest what ever u call it
MAtt Hardy- both hands in the air and tingles his fingers
CM Punk- Lately been putting his fingers through his hair
Big Show- Raises the fist instead of the hand..
MVP- Ballin' shot
Taker- Slit Throat/rolls eyes.....


Taker- Rest in Peace
MVP- Ballin
Kofi- Boom Boom Boom
Carlito- now that is... cool
Ryder- woo woo woo
Santino- mispronouncing everyones name is basically good enough
Slater- one man rock band
Otunga- A-List as an adjective
Edge- I'm Rated-R
Finlay- I like to fight

For god sake! How many times do I have to say it?! I am talking about the new stars; Undertaker, MVP, Edge, Finlay, Santino, Carlito, Randy Orton, HHH, Batista, Cena, Mysterio, Goldust, Hardy, Big Show - DO NOT FALL INTO THAT CATEGORY. I said the stars they make nowadays mostly do not have signature taunts and catchphrases like the current main eventers and past main eventers who were made stars a while ago.

Carlito - "That's cool" (and it's variants)

The Miz - "Because I'm the Miz and I'm awesome!!!" / "Really? REALLY? Reaaallly?"

R-Truth - "What's up" / "That's the truth" (and other variants)

Zack Ryder - "Woo woo woo" / "You know it"

CM Punk - "Straight Edge means I'm better than you."

JTG - "Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo. Yo. YO!" / "It's your boy JTG, aka _____"

Kofi Kingston - "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

MVP - "Ballin'!" / "Big things poppin', little things stoppin' (etc)"

Shad Gaspard - "It's MY time." (plus it looked like he wanted to get that "1, 2, Shad's coming for you. 3, 4, shut your door." thing over, but I hope it doesn't catch on)

Skip Sheffield - "Yip yip yip, what it do" (ugh lol)

Daniel Bryan - "Snap or tap"

Yup. No catch phrases or anything there. They can't give something to each and every superstar. That requires extra effort on the part of Creative and frankly, lots of wrestlers don't deserve a catch phrase or taunt that would become popular because they themselves aren't going to matter.

Again, you have named some stars who I was NOT talking about, CM Punk is already established first of all and that is not really a catchphrase, more a statement, is it something the audience could ever say along with him like they do with Rest in Peace, You can't see me or Heall yeah? No. To be fair R-Truth isn't a new star, he is 38 and has been in WWE before and was in WCW. I am talking about the new stars, the young guys who have debuted in the past 3 years or so. Barely anyone watches NXT so not many people would know or even count their "catchphrases". MVP like I have already said debuted during the time when they gave basically all their gimmicks catchphrases and taunts. Kofi Kingston I said right at the start had one. Shad Gaspards isn't a catchphrase, it is just part of his current "push", he won't use it after, a catchphrase is something they can constantly say, he can't say its my time for his whole career. I'll give you the Miz, but I never said no one had one, I said most.

[ACA-CT] Nic;2023602 said:
Ummm.... correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't catchphrases things people say?

I think that WWE is trying to get recognition of superstars from the merchandise side of things. Notice how a handful of them come out wearing their own merch?

The money isn't in catchphrases or taunts, it's in t-shirts and hats. Granted, the catchphrase is printed on the shirts for the most part, but just saying "I'm awesome" isn't going to draw in cash. It's when it gets printed on a shirt that they can make real money off of it.

Well yeah they are something people say, but thats a vague way to put it. CM Punks "I'm straight edge and im better than you" is not a catch phrase. I have said this already; yes he does say it all the time, but it is a statement, not a catchphrase. Could you imagine him saying it all the time regardless of being a face or a heel? Could you imagine the crowd saying it along with him like they do with other over catchphrases? No.

But the point you said about the T-shirts is actually a very good point, I completely agree actually, I'd never thought of that before. But while phrases on T-Shirts sell merchandise, catchphrases and taunts are better to have on the program than seeing merchandise advertised. But merchandise is better for business as we know, and WWE is all about the business these days unfortunately
okay so there are out there taunts and cathprases but cmon man!!!!there is only one that can be maineventer "IM AWESOME!!"FUCKING GREAT at first it was meh..but it becam CATCHY see what I was trying to do here??who else "whats up" is bs is really really lame!

Oh and about the themes of new guys well I dont know if CM counts as a new guy but "This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage is brilliant! and also the song of Sheamus I chant the parte with the Ohs lol
For god sake! How many times do I have to say it?! I am talking about the new stars; Undertaker, MVP, Edge, Finlay, Santino, Carlito, Randy Orton, HHH, Batista, Cena, Mysterio, Goldust, Hardy, Big Show - DO NOT FALL INTO THAT CATEGORY. I said the stars they make nowadays mostly do not have signature taunts and catchphrases like the current main eventers and past main eventers who were made stars a while ago.

Again, you have named some stars who I was NOT talking about, CM Punk is already established first of all and that is not really a catchphrase, more a statement, is it something the audience could ever say along with him like they do with Rest in Peace, You can't see me or Heall yeah? No. To be fair R-Truth isn't a new star, he is 38 and has been in WWE before and was in WCW. I am talking about the new stars, the young guys who have debuted in the past 3 years or so. Barely anyone watches NXT so not many people would know or even count their "catchphrases". MVP like I have already said debuted during the time when they gave basically all their gimmicks catchphrases and taunts. Kofi Kingston I said right at the start had one. Shad Gaspards isn't a catchphrase, it is just part of his current "push", he won't use it after, a catchphrase is something they can constantly say, he can't say its my time for his whole career. I'll give you the Miz, but I never said no one had one, I said most.

Well yeah they are something people say, but thats a vague way to put it. CM Punks "I'm straight edge and im better than you" is not a catch phrase. I have said this already; yes he does say it all the time, but it is a statement, not a catchphrase. Could you imagine him saying it all the time regardless of being a face or a heel? Could you imagine the crowd saying it along with him like they do with other over catchphrases? No.

But the point you said about the T-shirts is actually a very good point, I completely agree actually, I'd never thought of that before. But while phrases on T-Shirts sell merchandise, catchphrases and taunts are better to have on the program than seeing merchandise advertised. But merchandise is better for business as we know, and WWE is all about the business these days unfortunately

You still have Otunga, Danielson, Slater, Sheamus, Shad, GTG.... 6 new gimmicks/catches/taunts.
Well yeah they are something people say, but thats a vague way to put it. CM Punks "I'm straight edge and im better than you" is not a catch phrase. I have said this already; yes he does say it all the time, but it is a statement, not a catchphrase. Could you imagine him saying it all the time regardless of being a face or a heel? Could you imagine the crowd saying it along with him like they do with other over catchphrases? No.

Just gonna comment on this.

Yes, that could very easily be considered a catchphrase, and yes people could very easily say that alongside you.
It's the exact same thing with Triple H "Cause I'm that damn good" it's a statement, but it's also one of his catchphrases when being a single wrestler.
The same goes for Jericho talking about being "The best in the world at what I do"

All of the above mentioned is a statement made by all 3 wrestlers, and could easily function as a catchphrase, it's the same as Stone Cold's "And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so" it's a statement that "it's the bottom line" and it was considered one of his catchphrases.
Just gonna comment on this.

Yes, that could very easily be considered a catchphrase, and yes people could very easily say that alongside you.
It's the exact same thing with Triple H "Cause I'm that damn good" it's a statement, but it's also one of his catchphrases when being a single wrestler.
The same goes for Jericho talking about being "The best in the world at what I do"

All of the above mentioned is a statement made by all 3 wrestlers, and could easily function as a catchphrase, it's the same as Stone Cold's "And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so" it's a statement that "it's the bottom line" and it was considered one of his catchphrases.

No it could not really, Triple H's "Cause I'm that damn good" has never been one of his notable catchphrases, a lot of people wouldn't know that as his catchphrase, but still it is something the crowd could say along with him, no one would ever say that a long with CM Punk. None of the ones you mentioned are like Stone Colds "and thats the bottom line coz stone cold said so", that was much much more of a signature catch phrase
You forgot the miz "IM THE MIZ! AND IM AWESOME!!!"
Kofi's boom boom boom taunt and chant (you got this)
r-truth and his little rap "WHATS UP!!!" quite frankly im not sure whether thats a statement or a question

but yeah idk, midcarders have blandish gimmicks now a days \:
Was it Stone Cold or someone who back in 2003 said that they were hampering the wrestlers' creativity by wanting to script and come up with everything themselves? That could easily lead to the lack of creativity and generic wrestlers we're seeing a lot of. When you have a creative team literally coming up with everything, it'll be much more difficult to keep coming up with new and original things. I don't know how much that has changed since then, but may be the reason behind what you're talking about. And I totally agree about the music for a lot of the guys.

I know Austin had said something about the wrestlers not doing much creatively today that they used to do back in the beginning of the Attitude Era in "The Stone Cold Truth".
Most of us know that WWE is lacking alot of things in the current age of wrestling. For some reason, I do not find wrestling to be as entertaining as it was just since 2008! Alot has changed, and it may be because of the pg crap. Or it could perhaps be dumb writers. Nonetheless, it's not as great as it once was. ABout the signature phrases and taunts, well they do have some just like the others said. CM Punk, R-Truth, MVP, John Cena, Zack Ryder, Shad, JTG, Chris Jericho, Edge, Undertaker, Carlito, The Miz, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, and Jack Swagger all have signature phrases. Carlito has not said his phrase in a while but it is still around. And Chavo and John Morrison used to have signature phrases. As for signature taunts, John Morrison, MVP, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Undertaker, Triple H, Batista, Kofi Kingston, John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton, Christian, Big Show, Matt Hardy, JTG, Chavo, CM Punk, Chris Masters, Chris Jericho, The Miz, and Goldust all have some.
Part of it is time. A wrestler can't establish a mannerism or taunt that the crowd will know and copy if he isn't over. And he isn't getting over without time.

Along with the above comes the usual qualm about talent. There is no way anyone will repeat you if you're not over, and you're not getting over if you're not talented enough to make the crowd care.

For the amount of people who are legitimately over, you have plenty of taunts though.

  1. Kofi has "BOOM BOOM!"
  2. Evan Bourne has that arm thing he does before he goes Air Bourne.
  3. Batista shakes the ring ropes.
  4. Cena has "You can't See me," "You want some? Come get some," "The Champ is Here."
  5. Taker has "Rest In Peace" and the eye thing he does before he goes berserk on someone's ass.
  6. Edge has the weird, psycho spear thing.
  7. Orton pounds the mat before he RKOs.
  8. Swagger used to do push-ups, but now I think he just does the chest punching thing.
  9. Triple H does his weird full body explosion arm movement. It's whatever he does before he gets in the ring when he spits the water everywhere.
  10. Punk smiles his creepy pedo SES smile when he's winning, or yells at his SES to help him out when he's losing.
That's most of the main event, and they've all got their little moves to get the crowd riled up. The only problem is that they're not all that flashy. But to say that there are no signature taunts and catchphrases in the WWE these days is misguided.

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