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What happened to Drew McIntyre, Kofi Kingston, and R-Truth?


The Icon
At Elimination Chamber, Kofi Kingston was feuding with Royal Rumble Winner Alberto Del Rio, and as of this moment he isn't on the WM Card, even though it's expected for him to be on The Big Show and Kane's side to face the Corre.

Drew McIntyre was in the World Title Elimination Chamber and had an awesome showing in the match. He was doing amazing and was a very bright spot in that Chamber match. As of now, he also isn't on the card, but there isn't a rumored match for him to even be in. With it seeming more and more that Christian is going to be in the World Title match, could they have McIntyre make a random turn and be with Kane, Big Show, and Kofi to face the Corre?

R-Truth was in the RAW Chamber, but got eliminated very quickly and is pretty much nowhere to be found. Like McIntyre, there isn't anything rumored for him, and not even anything I can think of for him.

My point with these 3 is that they were all very big parts of the last PPV which is on the Road to WM, and with WM being a week and a half away, they are nowhere to be found. If MITB was around, they could easily all have been in that match along with Evan Bourne who had a nice return, and then died off. Also DiBiase could be in it, Mark Henry, etc. Why do you think they were all pushed to then be de-pushed for Mania? Especially McIntyre and Kofi
WM is only one PPV after all. Not everyone can be a part of it. Even guys who are on the verge of joining the main event picture, like John Morrison, had to be forcibly squeezed onto the card.

Drew and Kofi are good guys, but currently they are not very hot commodities. I think they will get there, though. Their time will come. Only not just yet.

As for R-truth, well, he's got a job. Let him be happy with that.

Also, keep in mind there is always some dark match before the show, which ends up on the DVD. It's quite possible all the guys mentioned will be in some sort of battle royal.
I agree with you that if MITB was on the card, many of these guys would be in it and on the card. Both Drew and Kofi have a lot of potential as does many midcard talents and if there was a MITB match then it would give them a chance to shine on the biggest stage of them all.

In saying that, it is one ppv so we shouldn't worry about them not being on it. I don't see much with R-truth but Drew and Kofi are making great potential and over the course of the year they will grow and unless something dramatic happens, I can see them on the card for WM28...maybe not main event but you never know.
not everyone can be apart of the big show. at wrestlemania 21 booker t was left out and he was on the verge of being a main eventer. i think there is still time for at least kofi to get a match. as far as mcintyre and truth they will be the final 2 in the pre-show battle royal
A 30 man battle royal, with the winner receiving a title match of their choice at Backlash would be an excellent addition to the card. It would get everyone involved and have something to do.
My simple guess would be that none of these guys are big enough names to draw in any more viewers or buys for such an important PPV. WWE usually reverts back to the same few names for every Wrestlemania as they know that these particular guys can draw and help them make money.

If you look at the card, every match has a major player involved who has been a proven draw or the match has some major star returning to get involved (Trish and Stone Cold). That is all apart from Sheamus Vs Daniel Bryan, but I guess this will go on first.

The 3 guys you quoted are not draws and therefore do not make the card (Unless a Money in the Bank match is added, which I hope for)

I also get the feeling we may be seeing some surprise departures in the post Wrestlemania clearout. I think R Truth is already packing his bags and I get a sneaky feeling Kofi could be the shock departure. I guess the Scottish one will stay as he is "The Chosen One", but lets be honest, this guy wrestles as well as haggis tastes. Shit!
I get that it's only one PPV, but it is THE PPV, and I'm not huge on R-Truth either, but I'm just surprised that it's a few of these guys who aren't being included. And I do remember about Booker T not being on the WM21 card which was pretty shocking then, but I just thought with these guys playing huge parts in the Road to WM, they would be in WM (not the pre-show battle royal)
Maybe this is evidence of WWE being saturated with talent. Well, aside from returning legends (Stone Cold, Rock, Trish, UnderTaker and Triple H) stealing the spotlight. In the Attitude Era, pre-Invasion I don't think it was like this. Its seems like in the past almost everyone, and atleast guys that you would say were at the time on a similar level to McIntyre and Kingston were definitely going to be on the WM card. And, in the midst of a transition to a younger generation we are in limbo, where the future stars (Morrison, McIntyre etc.) aren't stars yet and the last of the Attitude Era are still lingering (Taker, Trips, Edge, Kane, Big Show) taking up time on TV... not to mention the dozens of talented superstars in between. And they're still building the roster with NXT and Tough Enough... while soon they will be weeding people out with these cuts, and we can expect some retirements hopefully from Trips, Edge, Taker, and Mysterio.
But on the WrestleMania topic there should definitely be an ON-AIR battle royal for a title shot in my strong yet humble opinion between these mid-carders who are on the verge yet aren't given storylines going in Mania. Definitely bull.
I don't think a 30 man battle royal would be a good idea. Thats just the Royal Rumble part 2. Possibly a 10 man battle royal, but then honestly why wouldn't they just do the MitB at that point? However to original point, I do agree it seems a bit odd to have them all to the sideline. I mean Truth on the sideline is a given pretty much always, lets be honest, he's peaking. But Kofi is over with the crowd right now and Drew is doing some of his best stuff in the WWE (not that he has much to compare it to). However with all this unused talent I am suprised they are not doing a MitB type match.
i am pissed when i think that Dew is not on the WM card!!!

Put Christian on the World Tittle match!! And give Drew a semi.face turn, and put him in The Corre match, where he can betray his partners or something!!!

The guy deserves a good push, we can all see that he have been improving, even on that romantic scene with KK (that i think that was absurd ending that storyline, since we can all say that was good material)
Kofi and Truth are so useless right now becuase they are "faces"..

Granted Kofi is Intercontinental Champion all his top challengers are busy already.

Swagger with Cole
Rhodes with Rey
Dolph with Morrison
Del Rio moved up the card

Mcintyre would be the best move to face Kofi for the title at mania but they have made no move to book Kofi in any revelant fued for mania.

The best possiblity is a random 3 or 4 for the title that Kofi will win.

and as for Truth.. He needs a revelant heel turn desperately (like he was in TNA) but like someone already said..

he's lucky he still has a job..
That's the thing about this WM, now the only way you can be part of it is if you are good enough to be in a feud. MITB was a tired concept, but the matches were great. Despite the great match it was, there was never a storyline involved. It was pointless, and to me, it was for people not good enough to make a storyline. Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre i'm really nervous for. They are both exceptional young talent, and they need to be part of Mania. R-Truth is a lost cause, and it's obvious WWE wouldn't want to use him, especially for his age. The same goes for Mark Henry, also, he's very untalented. Ted Dibiase has been destroyed by Maryse, it's easy to see why he's not included in WM. It's really disappointing that Evan Bourne is not in WM, he's an amazing talent and I think he could be really useful. I was thinking of this possibly solution.

Drew McIntyre joins The Corre.

The Corre, Barrett, Jackson,Slater,Gabriel,McIntyre vs Big Show,Kane,Kingston,Bourne,Santino or Kozlov

This probably won't happen...
not everyone can be apart of the big show. at wrestlemania 21 booker t was left out and he was on the verge of being a main eventer. i think there is still time for at least kofi to get a match. as far as mcintyre and truth they will be the final 2 in the pre-show battle royal

I agree with this statement about Booker T. He was excluded but than got a big push. And look at The Miz in WM 25, he was excluded. And next year... HE BECAME WWE CHAMPION. Not big deal for these wrestlers...

Actually the truth is, they should be in the card. Wrestlers like Kofi and Drew deserve it, it's a damn shame it could not happen.
Kofi Kingston is as interesting as a white wall. He should be optmistic that he still even holds the Intercontinental Championship at this point. Has very little charisma, is too much of a babyface and his microphone skills are as boring as watching grass grow.

Drew McIntyre is kayfabe, "fired", and anyways he hasn't done anything important in a while, so what would be the point of adding him to the card. Also, once again, "The Chosen One" hasn't been refered to that in over five months. Oddly enough, since the Smackdown AFTER he and Tiffany had that fight a few months back.

Drew McIntyre, is no longer "The Chosen One", Alberto Del Rio is more of a Chosen One than Drew at this point.

R-Truth sucks sooo bad!! I didn't even like him as Ron Killings, but he has nothing which gets him over. And at this point, after two years, can he stop saying "What's Up?" The only thing going up is his name, on the WWE future endeavoured list.
All 3 of these guys don't draw so why find a place for them on Mania, the travesty is Santino gets the biggest pops and he draws, yet not on the card!

Also what's funny is going to a live event and Mark Henry and Zack Ryder get pretty good heat and response, yet Drew and R-Truth get zero reaction. Kofi does get the kids though. I don't understand why people are so high on Drew, I've seen him 3 times live no one cares to boo or cheer for the guy, plus you can't understand a fucking word he says.
Kofi is the IC champ and the IC title should be defended at WM. In fact all titles should be defended at the biggest PPV of the year. There's still time to find a program for that title whether it involves Kofi or not. One suggestion could be a multi-superstar type match i.e. triple-threat or fatal 4-way. Or instead of putting a MITB brief case up, why not put the IC title up in a ladder match. Kofi's a good spot freak, you'd just have to find a suitable opponent. That's the real challenge.

As for Truth, maybe he should re-load as K-Kwik lol. Seriously, time for him to return to TNA where he was a big fish in a small pond. I also believe he's being somewhat punished for the "wrong city" thing a few weeks back. The only thing that could maybe save him is a heel turn. Become darker, stop the dancing and rapping and just beat people up. Could work, but who knows?

Drew McIntyre is the epitome of blown opportunity. He was given the billing of "The Chosen One" right off the hop and has gone downhill since. Maybe the pressure got to him and maybe it's time for a change of scenery like going to Raw.

I think a spot on the WM card should be earned though, and I think if you are a champion than you get a spot, but not everyone else does. If you have been nothing but a "filler" for most of the year, then maybe you don't get on the card. As much as everyone blames creative, there is plenty of blame to put on the Superstar that hasn't done enough with the opportunities given to them.
Why do people think Drew deserves to be in any sort of event at Wrestlemania? The guy comes out to crickets every Smackdown. R-Truth and Kofi deserve some sort of spot at Wrestlemania though, and I think we might get to see Kofi have a bout with a RAW superstar, either R-Truth or Evan Bourne. It could be a short interpromotional match that gives two more guys on their way up the WWE ranks a little time at Wrestlemania.
WWE could've easily put these guys on the card. I thought with Vickie feuding with Kelly and this whole storyline between Kelly & Drew, that it could've been Vickie & Dolph vs. Kelly & Drew at WM. I was hoping Truth could face Morrison at WM cause both mens styles are alike, I've always said Truth is a black Morrison. Truth & JoMo are a tag team, they are friends, they could've just had one of em turn heel on the other to set up this match. As far as Kofi goes, I don't know what they could do with him but there's plenty of options as he is IC Champ.
Kingston is an awful wrestler. He's the equivalant of a black John Morrison.

Drew McIntrye is as dry as you can get. His mic skill's suck, his peraonality is that of drywall, and he's no longer the Chosen One. He's just a midcarder.

R-Truth is old, sloppy, and just there now. He's forgetting what city he's in, and his rookie won NXT, but we haven't seen him either.

Some guy's just aren't ready for the big time yet.
I think that there will be a MITB match at WM27, it is just one of those unannounced matches. i believe the reason they did not have qualifying matches is because they do not have time for it with the rock/cena/miz feud, jerry/cole feud and the corre going on. i think that these three will be in there.

kofi kingston may have a match with wade barrett for the IC title at WM27

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