What Feud Made....Hulk Hogan?? AND which one is YOUR favorite??


Getting Noticed By Management
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So i started watching wrestling in 1998 only in the WWF so i didnt get a chance to see Hulk in in his prime, and only saw in in some dvds an videos of youtube.....

so my question is what feud MADE Hulk Hogan??
was it a feud in his AWA days??
was it his feud with Andre The Giant??
was it his feud with Piper?
the Ultimate Warrior
Ric Flair
what is your opinion???

to me personally as i couldnt see the the buildups except the ones that he had when he came back in 02 i ll have to go with the most famous feud which obviously is the body slam heard around the world... Hulk vs Andre

as for my favorite ..... i cant choose pre WWE feuds becuase i didnt see them entirely.... so i ll go with his feud vs HBK....the promos were out of contro and it brought back heel HBK which even for a month was absolutely AWESOME, and the match didnt live up to the hype but it was fun as HBK kept overselling.....

so which feud made Hulk Hogan to you? and what is your favorte feud?

ps. i know this thread may have been made before so i apologize......
Great Thread Man.

As far as feuds that made a star, Hulk Hogan is a little different than most. He didn't really have a feud that made him a star. The WWE as we know it today was started by Hulk Hogan. Vince had him win the belt and had him go through every bad guy on the roster like a superhero to get over with the fans. You have to remember how different wrestling was back in 84. Before the first Wrestlemania, wrestlers got over at house shows. You didn't have the promos hyping the next weeks main event like we have now. They cut promos, but it was very different.

Hogan was already huge before he started to feud with Piper before Wrestlemain. I'll agree that the match with Andre was the biggest thing in wrestling history, but it didn't make Hogan. For a feud to make someone, the person is established as a superstar after the feud is over. 90,000 people were at Wrestlemania before the Hogan/Andre match. So it didn't really make him. It made him bigger. Another realistic argument could be made for the Iron Sheik. He was an evil foreign heal that beat the most popular wrestler on the roster. A few weeks after Hogan made his face debut with the company he destroyed him to win the belt back for America. You have to remember that this was shortly after the Iran Hostage Situation in which U.S. citizens were held hostage by Iran for over a year. It would be similar to if Muhammad Hassan was the champ a few years after 9/11, and a giant new babyface came out and destroyed him. Genius on McMahons part. You also have to remember that Hogan had one of the best looks in the history of the sport back in 84, and came out to defeat the sheik wearing a shirt that said Made in the USA. It was more of a cultural phenomanon than a feud.

To answer your second question, I'd have to go with his feud with Andre. It was the deffinition of irrisistable force meets immovable object. It was a match no one on earth thought they would see main event Wrestlemania, and it gave the WWE its best moment in history with the slam heard around the world.
Hogan made Hogan. The guy was so charismatic that when he was heel in the AWA, they had to turn him face because the fans loved him and he became the top face. Then when he came back to the WWF he started heel but "changed his ways" a week and a half later and then beat The Iron Sheik a little over two weeks after that. Hulkamania was born and he had the WWF behind him to make that push to new heights. The moment that made Hogan the guy on top of the world has to be slamming Andre and winning at WrestleMania III. He was a larger than life superhero after that.
I believe his fued with Andre was the angle that made him. He even says that beating Andre was a passing of the torch, since Andre at that point was seen as unbeatable.

But his fued with Macho Man was scripted so good from beginning to End. Starting at WM 4 and ending at WM 5.

- Hogan comes down to assist Macho Man in winning the title at WM 4.
- They soon form a friendship and a tag team, termed the Mega-Powers.
- They have one of the first tag-team PPV main events at SummerSlam
- Hogan accidently / purposely grabs Miss Elizabeth's butt during the celebration
- Macho Man starts to get jealous as Miss Liz is now managing Hogan.
- At Survivor Series Hogan hogs the spotlight after Macho did all the match work
- at SNME all the jealousy and truth come out and Macho attacks Hogan
- then at WM 5- the MegaPowers face off with Hogan taking Macho's title.

For the record- Everything Macho claimed was true. Hogan couldn't stand to be out of the spotlight, Hogan was jealous that Macho held the title. And Hogan started to weasle himself between Macho and Liz, which was digusting.
I think Hogan's feud with Shawn Michaels made Hogan the wrestler he is today. Without HBK, Hogan would have been nothing in the business.

I'm being sarcastic but no doubt some of you smarky WWE lovers believe something so illogical since you know nothing about wrestling history. Hogan made Hogan. He didn't need a feud. He was wrestling. He was bigger and will always be bigger than wrestling. Feuds get over guys like Shawn Michaels. Guys like Hogan have always been bigger than the business and never needed feuds.

If there was a feud that molded Hogan the most it was his feud with Randy Savage.
It was a feud that never really ended. It was based on Hogan never letting the first guy that came after him in the title scene have the full spotlight he deserved. Hogan did the same thing to almost everyone who came after him. The feud didn't make Hogan, but it did mold Hogan into the spotlight hog he would become. He shoulda let Savage pin him, since Savage was the only guy in the 80s and early 90s deserving of such a push until the Hitman and Flair who were both deserving of such a push.
Awesome thread! I'm going with his feud/WWF title win vs the Iron Sheik as the feud that made Hogan. This was the start of a reign that would last more than 4 years and as others have stated, he went through each and every big heel in that time-including Andre, Volkoff, Orndorff, Piper, Kamala, Bundy, etc...

The Iron Sheik win gave him the title and like Tuffy stated, there was that link to real life politics/world events with Iran that I believe is a key element to almost all great feuds. That win was the START of Hulkamania and absolute dominance and mainstream exposure of Hogan and wrestling the next 4+ years.

I'd actually have to go with his feud with Andre the Giant as my favorite...this was when I was first getting into wrestling, so maybe there is a sentimental bias, but the culmination at Wrestlemania 3 is still one of the greatest matches of all time in my opinion.

I actually didn't like many of his feuds after the Andre the Giant feud until he turned heel/nWo. I thought he was quite stale as the super hero always winning from the Wrestlemania 3 match with Andre until he turned heel in 1996. The Savage WWF feud was huge, but even as a kid I thought it was very corny how they were fighting over a chick, it took away a lot of the coolness factor for me. Great thread!
Vs. Rocky Balboa.

This is the feud that made Hogan a big deal. Before this he was a generic big man that was a heel and did nothing special. He had a decent little feud with Andre and a feud with Tony Atlas. Other than that he really had nothing special going for him at all. He leaves to make the movie and is fired for it, but then he's the hottest thing in the world. Gagne signs him, Hulkamania is born, Vince Jr. takes him back three years later. It was Rocky.
whilst i dont think it made him his feud was warrior was the best work he did as it also inclued the back story of dino bravo and earthquake.

you had one of the first smark wtf moments at the rumble and the drama at the next snme

as earthquake was after a title shot he first took out hogan andwarrior made the save then vice versa a few weeks later

the nature of the business then was heel and faces, tweeners hadnt been invented and i am struggling to think of face v face matches never mind feuds

their match quite rightly was pwi match of the year and the only time hogan has done the honours cleanly

infact it is quite the shame it didnt really elevate warrior as he was not fit to lace hogans boots
i would have to agree that hogan made hogan but if one feud did put him "on the map" my vote would be for the feud vs roddy piper and it was my personal favorite--there just seemed a natural hatred there and piper was so hated at the time that everyone wanted to see him get his payback and who better to do that than the immortal hulk hogan? just an amazing feud.
I am taking a different approach to Hogan feuds. I say it is his feud with Bobby Heenan. The Brain for years threw wrestlers at Hogan trying to take down Hogan. He managed guys like King Kong Bundy, Rick Rude and of course Andre the Giant. He was a true antagonist for Hogan.
It's already been said that it wasn't a feud to make Hogan, It was Hogan that made other people feuding with him so I will move on to his best feud. For me it was his feud with Andre the Giant. At the time it was so shocking for Andre to turn heel and a match with Hogan the most anticipated match of all time. Even after the match They came up with the Survivor Series as a tease to get the two back in the ring together. Their rematch was just as anticipated as their first encounter. This was also a huge part of, in my opinion, the great story line ever when Dibiase tried to buy the title and Andre won the belt for Dibiase. This feud went on for over year and never got old. They even brought Randy Savage into the mix and they main evented the first summerslam. They didn't get near the mileage out of any other feud with Hogan or anybody else.
I started watching wrestling when Hogan was already a god. I cant name the feud that put him over, but the Macho Man Randy Savage one was very good.

My fav Hogan match was either against Warrior or HBK, not because Hogan was in it but because they were. I am surprised Hogan let Warrior win clean, spotlight stealing butt head that he is. My fave feud was against HBK as he was hilarious mocking Hogan on that 'talk show" awesome HBK classic, and the best bit was in HBK's DVD he said it pissed Hogan off. Awesome x2
obviously wm 3 made hogan some will argue that bundy in the cage was epic but hulkster was on fire from wmIII -IX favorite feud without a doubt macho madness seeking the destruction of hulkamania. it was an epic story of a madman consumed by jealousy that unfolded from summerslam(ish) all the way to wmV excellent program from beginning to end. and even the revivals later on in both careers weren't too bad. who can forget macho man delivering like 5 elbows to hogan and elizabeth covering hogan so macho man didn't deliver another?
Vs. Rocky Balboa.

This is the feud that made Hogan a big deal. Before this he was a generic big man that was a heel and did nothing special. He had a decent little feud with Andre and a feud with Tony Atlas. Other than that he really had nothing special going for him at all. He leaves to make the movie and is fired for it, but then he's the hottest thing in the world. Gagne signs him, Hulkamania is born, Vince Jr. takes him back three years later. It was Rocky.

See I was gonna say that feud but, wasn't it Thunderlips that had the match with Rocky?

Na, gutted someone posted this before me as, quite clearly, it was Rocky 3 that got Hogan into the mainstream and made things be able to go the way they did. Still one of the best Hogan matches I've ever seen too!
Hogan made Hogan the man was a larger than life superhero and when WM3 happened and he slammed andre it just made him bigger no mere feud made hogan. You could go to anybody in the world someone who has never watched a wrestling match in their life been living in a cave the past 10-15 years and ask them what wrestling is they'll look at you and say its that thing hulk hogan does. Hell if anything hogan made wrestling.
I believe Hogan's feud with Piper in 1984 and 1985 put him over. There was the cross-over effect with the whole MTV thing, Cyndi Lauper, and Mr. T, plus you get Wrestlemania I.

As far as a personal favorite, his feud with Paul Orndorf in 1986. As a kid, I felt betrayed when Orndorf turned on Hulk and their cage match on Saturday Night's Main Event was epic. Twenty-five years later that match and the one at the "Big Event" still hold up.
I believe Hogan's feud with Piper in 1984 and 1985 put him over. There was the cross-over effect with the whole MTV thing, Cyndi Lauper, and Mr. T, plus you get Wrestlemania I.

As far as a personal favorite, his feud with Paul Orndorf in 1986. As a kid, I felt betrayed when Orndorf turned on Hulk and their cage match on Saturday Night's Main Event was epic. Twenty-five years later that match and the one at the "Big Event" still hold up.

I couldn't agree more.

How in the hell could Hogan make Hogan? If he had no one to go over or if Vince threw his money behind a different wrestler Hulkamania would never have been born. A wrestler can't make himself because he's only as good as the promoter and other wrestlers putting him over.

Piper was the one who got things really rolling. Piper was hated more than Hogan was loved. IMO still one of the best heels ever.

My favorite feud ever was with Andre. The passing of the torch and with Andre being "undefeated" it just made it feel special. I was just a kid and I wasn't sure Hogan would even win.
The feud against Randy Savage was undeniably his best, it was like the Orndorff feud on steroids. Orndorff would be #2 for me. The emotion in both was incredible, but the Savage one felt very real, which is ironic since it later became very real. The match against Savage at Wrestlemania V is my favorite match of all time, but I'm a Hogan mark.

The feud that made him...well, the Piper feud was huge, but when people talk about Hogan, the first thing they bring up is Andre, so I have to say that one.

How in the hell could Hogan make Hogan? If he had no one to go over or if Vince threw his money behind a different wrestler Hulkamania would never have been born. A wrestler can't make himself because he's only as good as the promoter and other wrestlers putting him over.

Hulkamania existed before Vince McMahon put any money behind anything. Hogan came up with the term in the AWA and was making huge money selling his own shirts. Part of the reason his relationship with Gagne fell apart is because he refused to share the money with Gagne, since he was paying for the shirts to be made himself and was selling them himself. Hogan was already a national star due to the Rocky III role. Which he filmed while not a member of the WWF.

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