What exactly defines a good worker?

In pro wrestling there seems to be a certain standard of what is required to be a good worker. Sometimes it comes out to be a double standard, but all in all there really doesn't seem to be any set list of requirments. In your opinion, what does one require to me called a good worker? What do you look for in a good worker?

To me, a good worker is a guy who, simply put, can put on a good and entertaining match or promo. Sure being great on the mic or in the ring is a nice thing to have, but if the guy is considered "average" and he can entertain the fans I don't see any reason why he can't be considered a good worker as well. Especially if the guy tries hard, then in my eyes he definitely deserves the title of a good worker. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but today's wrestling fans have an extremely unrealistic set of ideals and requirments in what they want in a wrestler. Then at the same time, they'll call certain guys so good, when in reality they are less than adequate. Well, like I said, a guy who entertains me and tries hard certainly deserves to be labeled a good worker.

What do you guys think?
To me its someone who gets better and better week in and week out. Someone who realizes that they are never the best they can be and keep getting better. They need to be able to entertain me in the ring or during a promo. While outside the ring they are going out making apearances doing charity work. This would be a hard worker. Of course not all of these need to be met to be a hard worker but one or 2 would be adequate.
A good worker is someone who can come back from numerous serious injuries such as a neck injury or an achilles injury. Someone who is loyal to the product or promostion they work for. Someone who doesn't go out and embarrass themselves making youtube videos criticizing everything a company does. A good worker needs to show loyalty regaurdless of the position they are in within the company. I know this pretty much what it takes to be good inside the ring but loyalty shows within the superstar through what they do inside the ring. Which leads me to entertainment...

They need to be entertaining period. There is no getting around this at all. Either you entertaining or you should chose a different perfession. A good worker needs to be able to handle themselves oin the mic. Their ability on the mic needs to be superb. If you can't talk, then a good worker would need to back it up in the ring with amazing moves. If you don't have the mic ability or in ring ability then you aren't entertaining and you're obviously not a good worker.

That's pretty much it in my opinion. Loyalty to whatever the company has you doing and you have to be entertianing. These are the requirements to be considered a good worker in my view.
A good worker is someone who can manage to get over with the crowd be it on the basis of his in ring skills or his mic skills. A good worker is someone who can get the desired reaction from the crowd as soon as he enters.

The other fact that makes a worker good is if he is a company man. He should be ready to job to a guy when it is required to do as well as become the champion of the company when required. A good worker is a guy who would never complain about his position in th company.

Those are the only two requirements in my eyes at least.
The show is a work. A good worker is someone that is good at getting people to suspend disbelief, making the audience forget it is a work. There is no one way to do it but it tends to describe in-ring work a little more than other stuff but ultimately it is just about being entertaining and putting on a good show. Maybe it is good promos that get people caught up in them and the story or maybe it is good ring work that people believe or connect to if the story is told in the ring as well. Good worker is all about cultivating interest in what the character they are playing does.

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