What ever happened to the Rock's BIG return?

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
I didnt spot a thread like this so here goes:

So I just saw a post on the Wrestlezone website

While this was never announced, and the show was taped in the arena last Monday without them being there live, the cable guides for tonight's Raw lists Will Ferrell and Mark Walhberg as tonight's Raw hosts.

Ferrell and Walhberg co-star in the new film "The Other Guys" alongside Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson.

I could not help but notice the Rock's name. It got me thinking. A while back, around late 2009 through early 2010, there had been a big buzz about the Rock's return to the WWE. At first it was "believed" that he would guest host a Raw on January 4th. However, Bret Hart was the host for that show and at the time, Dwayne Johnson had been promoting the Tooth Fairy (I believe) and did not have an open schedule. Shortly after this, it was said that the Rock would return at Wrestlemania to take on John Cena. But that, as we all know, did not happen. A few days (or weeks) later, the Rock himself said in an interview that he would return in the summer to do something special.

Well, here we are, in the summer (August), and there is still no sign of the Rock. So these are my questions to you guys

1. Do you see the Rock actually returning in the summer? Or do you think he will end up "holding off" his return until sometime later this year or possibly next year?

For which ever response you choose for the question above...

2. How do you invision the Rock returning?


3. What do you think he will do to make his return impactful?

Thougts everyone?...

[EDIT: In case you guys thought so, no where did I say that I (as in myself) "hoped" that the rock would return as a "wrestler or in some wrestling capacity...I am simply asking you guys on what you think his status of returning is and what will he do? (could be anything)]
personally i would love to see him be the gm. i dont think that they have used his catchfrases yet, and he was known for catchfrases. but realistically i could actually see him coming back to fued with cena and put him over. to be the man you got to beat the man, and cena never got to face the rock or stone cold. this doesnt seem to likely.

maybe he'll just be a guess host, but get involved in some way. if all he did in the show was give someone the people's elbow, i think that would be enough to make everyone happy.
For starters - if the Rock ever comes back, before 2025, it will NOT be in any actual wrestling capacity, so get that thought out of your head right now.

The Rock actually plainly and boldy said ealier in the year that he would love to come back this summer to promote this movie. BUT, if WWE remained PG, he absolutely would NOT do it.

He actually stated this multiple times and was very adomant about it. Unless the EEEE changes its target audience, I'm afraid we've seen the last of the Rock for a long, long time.
Umm are you serious? You think he wouldn't come back to WWE because they are PG? The last 5 movies he has made were freaking Disney movies.

Anyway I think if he is coming back hes the GM/behind the Nexus.
I would killto get The Rock back in the WWE in any capacity, face/heel/gm, who cares as long as he is back. I think he would return for a guest host or som esort of special anniversary show. If he did come back, i would and think he would actually wrestle. Could imagine the IWC if there is announcement or rumors that The Rock is gonna come back and wrestle Cena, Orton, or even everybody's bandwagon Miz. The results would be record breaking!!!!!!!!
In case you didn't know, yes The Rock said he would like to return to the WWE but ONLY if they allowed him to be The Rock. That basically means that The Rock in a PG environment wouldn't work because of the way he entertains. I know you wouldn't wanna see The Rock get toned down like Stone Cold was when he guest hosted a while back. And BTW, why keep hoping and waiting on someone like THE ROCK to come over to a little kid, PG rated, Power Ranger show like WWE. There's a reason why he was huge in the Attitude Era.
Umm are you serious? You think he wouldn't come back to WWE because they are PG? The last 5 movies he has made were freaking Disney movies.

Anyway I think if he is coming back hes the GM/behind the Nexus.

Dwayne Johnson made Disney movies because of his daughter and a 5 movie deal with Disney. THE ROCK said point blank, he is NOT coming back ever, and the rock means ever....in a PG environment.

And if you're not down with that, I got two words for ya.....

Bring it
Please dont insult the power rangers by comparing them to the cena wwe (of course im thinking of the original rangers I dont know what there like nowadays) Now I would compare todays wwe to todays nickalodien. Austin Rock were wrestling equivalents to Stalone and Arnold, whereas cena is the wrestling equivalent to spungbob, im getting off topic though sorry.

I do remember the hearing the rock had something big planned this summer but summer will be wrapping up in another month. Sadly the rock probably wont be comming back anytime soon. A very good point has been made, if the rock came back like how he wants to come back and like how we wants him to come back wwe well he wouldnt be able to, it would be a very watered down and less entertaining rock. We can always hope but dont get your hopes to high.
I gotta say. I love The Rock. I don't want anybody to get that twisted.

But IMO Dwayne Johnson is just a different person. Movies are what he wants to do. He's always wanted to do that if I'm correct. But I just DON'T see Rock coming back.

I think its all talk. And even if he does appear, that's all it will be. Is an apperance ..

But ok , ill entretain you with my thoughts though. As of right now, if he did want to return, id have him interfer in the 7 on 7 match and just Rock Bottom someone. It really wouldn't matter who , because Rock would be back. Wherever it goes from there I would be happy with.

I will always accept Rocky Maivia into the WWE again. He was and always will be one of the greatest gimmicks of all time. The Bramah Bull , The Peoples Champ .. I remember the good times LORD I do. And they were good. He would do well today, and I wish he would have never left.
I read he has all these movies he is going to be filming, so who knows. I would like him to be the Raw GM considering he got the pin that ended WCW and concluded that incasion angle, so maybe he will come in because the Nexus is also invading, but since he left he has maybe only a few appearences, and the last two were taped interviews. A glimmer of hope is that the one person the GM has quoted yet is The Rock, so maybe they are saving that for when he actually comes back, but maybe that is just wishful thinking from an Rock fan.

Edit: It is pretty messed up that Mark Wahlber and Will Ferrell can make time for the WWE but the man who has his career thanks to the company can't. Not cool my friends.
Well earlier this year the Rock said he was wanting to come back to work with the WWE. He said he was planning something interesting for the summer with Vince Mcmahon. The reason for the summer is because of filiming in spring. So I personally think The Rock might be behind the Nexus Angle. I know the WWE said the leader of the group might be John Cena or Triple H but I could see this as a cover up. They or just throwing out a couple of names and we expect them to be the leader than it's The Rock. I think their planning it on being the Rock they just want it to be a big Surprise when it is the Rock. He might reveal himself at Summerslam or hopefully before.
It's obvious he does not want to be apart of WWE and it has been for years. If he was really motivated to come back for just 1 night, he would of by now. I'm not talking about his stupid titantron videos, I'm talking about going to the event.

In the end, what's the point? We all want to just see him at an event, but really, it won't be anything huge at this point. The significance of the name "the Rock" is really dieing down along with the older fan base. The younger fans do not know how awesome he was, and they only cheer if older fans cheer, and the older fans at the events are slowly going away. To have a special moment of the Rock returning, the atmosphere makes it. Us freaking out at our houses in front of our television screens may be cool and you'll think that's good and all, but for it to be a moment, if you have a pretty bad crowd reaction, it will take away from the moment in my opinion. That is why the longer he takes to come back, the worse the return will be.

Do I think I'm positive the fan reaction will suck? Kind of. I love reactions similar to Triple H in 2002 (oh great someone yell at me cause I said something positive about Triple H) because those reactions make moments. I want the Rock's return to be a significant moment to remember, but if he gets a reaction to what I would expect it to be (bunch of clueless kids and their parents clapping along with some who know who he is), it will disappoint me. But to get to my point, the Rock in general is a long lost name with nothing to it anymore. His name 5 years ago would make someone fall out of their seat, nowadays, all you get is false hope and disappointment. Suit up fans, we have a better chance of Cena going heel and you all liking Triple H than the Rock returning.
listen to this kid above. the rock has died down. if he were to be named gm and they use a quote. think of how many actual fans watch the show. just because they dont go to the events means they dont watch. once they hear if you smell what im cooking. or just bring it. perhaps jabroni trust me from then all them attitude fans will be there. you think that just because only 8-12 year olds go that means we all still dont watch. fuck i dont go either but still follow.
The rock has said many many times that he would like to return to raw
But not as a guest host or that crap he said he wants to entertain the fans like they have never been before maybe a final match.But who knows only time will tell
Can I ask a dumb question, it might have been talked about before, but why are we in the PG era?? I can see why The Rock doesnt want to come back, and SCSA's return was sad. Where did this PG era come from?

P.S Tyler44, You complement HHH all you want!!!!! He is Awesome!!!
Sorry but the rock is coming back to TNA.
He said himself he doesn't want to come back because of the pg thing and it doesn't work with his character.. well guess what, Tna is TV-14 and he has more friends in tna. sorry guys but Dixies surprise is THE ROCK.. if you smell what I'm cooking.. hes going to debut on the whole f'n show impact following hard justice.
The Rock is the Peoples Champ, The Eye Brow Raising, Pie Eating son of a gun. Dwayne Johnson, the very successful Actor, family man, blah blah blah. They are to complete opposites of each other. As for Summer Plans for his return, the Summer season in the US is almost over and all of the storylines are about to come to head, eg Undertakers attacker, NEXUS.

The Rocks return willnt be for awhile, as he doesnt suit the current product of being PG, and half the Fans dont know THE ROCK they know Dwayne Johnson and thats it. also its every year at around Summerslam time the reports of The Rock comr back pop up, nothing comes of them, and then they resurface again at Wrestlemaina Time and then disappear and come back up at you guessed it SummerSlam and the Circle goes around and around till The Rock finally Returns, Maybe in two years at the Hall Of Fame, (as next years is said to be WCW themed) and then he disappears for awhile and the reports come back and the circle comes back.
Sorry but the rock is coming back to TNA.
He said himself he doesn't want to come back because of the pg thing and it doesn't work with his character.. well guess what, Tna is TV-14 and he has more friends in tna. sorry guys but Dixies surprise is THE ROCK.. if you smell what I'm cooking.. hes going to debut on the whole f'n show impact following hard justice.

If that happens i will set up a webcam, shave my pubes, cook them in a pie and eat it..... Anyway i would love to see the rock back in the E but i dont think his character work's in this PG era. I would love the E to say "fuck PG " but that aint going to happen. The rock was great in the attitude era so lets leave him there till the PG era dies!!!!
I believe the PG rating is all about creating a build-up for a new TV-14 type era somewhere down the line. Similar to the cottoncandy-doink the clown-cartoon era from the early 90s to BAM attitude era no holds barred late 90s!! Think Vince's famous line "i know what the fans want better than they do" and lets face it he's been sucessfull with this theory.
Now to the point: In order for any kind of return for The Rock to work would have to have careful planning by the booking team and rocky himself, now he is currently filming a movie according to imdb.com and has two others in pre-production. Then 3 further movies announced. Personally, i cannot see him returning for anything other than a guest host or special referee gig based on his movie schedule. Can you imagine the movie studio waiting while Mr Johnson flys back and forth to do raw tapings? think its gonna be a long while before we see the gr8 one in an E ring again...however....isn't TNA taped in a film studio?..interesting

p.s. those questions are rhetorical
i give pg maybe 3 more years till the kids hit peuberty and as for the last attitude era it grew up with its fans from kids to basically adults who love contreversy and learn all the things the wwe presents that aint family friendly. so once again it will do that till the kids actually grow into adults and stop watching and then back to pg. back to tv-14 back to pg back to tv-14. yes i believe the rock will suck it up and do a pg stint one night only till tv-14 is back then well see the rock 4-5 times a year.
People are saying if the Rock was gunna return, then he would of done it now, seen as though its only for a Guest Host role. Dont you understand?! The Rock doesnt want to return just for 1 night! He has said many a time if he returns it has to be something special. If the Rock returns I see it been for a good month or 2. He doesnt even need to wrestle! Although "one last match" would be the perfect send off.

Heres how I see things going. Nexus beat Team WWE on Sunday. Nexus and their new leader (gunna be Cena or Trips) take over the WWE. McMahon cant control them so he enlists the help of a WWE Legend. The Rock comes back for a few weeks, does his stuff with Nexus , ends his short stay with a match (probs a lumberjack match at a PPV with Cena) which finishes Nexus off.

Everything back to normal!!!
Sorry but the rock is coming back to TNA.
He said himself he doesn't want to come back because of the pg thing and it doesn't work with his character.. well guess what, Tna is TV-14 and he has more friends in tna. sorry guys but Dixies surprise is THE ROCK.. if you smell what I'm cooking.. hes going to debut on the whole f'n show impact following hard justice.

I have never laughed so hard at 10 in the morning before in my life. The Rock would never EVER go to TNA, they would have to pay them with their lives, Let Rock run the show, and let him take his size 13 boots shine em' up real good and shove em' up Dixie's roody-poo candy ass!!

lol, now that I got that out..

The Rock said he was going to return a few times, either on WWE himself [titantron] or in an interview we see on here. I remember a good few years ago he appeared on the RAW titantron reading a newspaper, said he was going to return blah blah blah, but nothing, I was quite dissapointed. He mentioned coming back again for AT LEAST the gm role during the Smackdown episode, STILL nothing. Now there is a quote from him on the site saying he wants to do something special for the summer, so this is the last chance I'm giving & if he no-shows again it proves that he REALLY could care less about coming back as sad as that sounds.

But none the less I hope he does return, and they let him say what he wants. It's not like PG stops him from making his jokes, or laying the smacketh down on anyones candy ass, PG means Parents WATCH WITH YOUR KIDS CAUSE THERE CAN BE SOOOOOOOOME BAD THEMES AND LANGUAGE! But thats not for this thread.

So here's to the on-going hope that the Great One returns and raises some well-needed hell.
Sorry but the rock is coming back to TNA.
He said himself he doesn't want to come back because of the pg thing and it doesn't work with his character.. well guess what, Tna is TV-14 and he has more friends in tna. sorry guys but Dixies surprise is THE ROCK.. if you smell what I'm cooking.. hes going to debut on the whole f'n show impact following hard justice.

LMFAO! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

In Canada, WWE i also rated TV-14...(weird, right?) He's not going to TNA. I don't know what shit crazy news thing your reading, but he said he wanted to return to WWE in the summer and so something more than guest host.
Sorry but the rock is coming back to TNA.
He said himself he doesn't want to come back because of the pg thing and it doesn't work with his character.. well guess what, Tna is TV-14 and he has more friends in tna. sorry guys but Dixies surprise is THE ROCK.. if you smell what I'm cooking.. hes going to debut on the whole f'n show impact following hard justice.

Read the spoilers for the 'whole f'n show' or whatever TNA is calling this free pay per view that they HAVE to put on because they wasted there PPV for August. There is no Rock on TNA, and there never EVER will be.

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