What Ever Happened to "Feast or Fired"?


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What ever happen to "Feast of Fired" ? It was fresh and entertaining, so i dont get why TNA doesn't do it anymore. It felt like the royal rumble and MITB match rolled into one. How awesome would it be if they brought it back at Lockdown, can you imagine FoF in a Cage Match ? Do you think TNA should bring back FoF with the cage ?And which superstars would benefit the most from the match ? Is there anything you miss that TNA doesn't do anymore ?
It seemed like their own version of WWE's "Money in the Bank", but the rules for TNA's FOF set up were so much weirder and less strict. You ended up with guys wrestling each other for each others' cases, stealing each others' cases, etc. I even remember Tara "winning" back her own pet spider in one of the last instances of it.

The concept needed refinement. Were it always set up to give guys an automatic shot at each title, and had the rules after each man/team won been a little more strict as to how they could use or lose it the concept would probably still be around.

The other thing I was never much of a fan of was that they put the briefcases on a pole, as I hate "on a pole" matches, period. IMO each FOF match should be a ladder match, or a ladder should be needed to take down one of four contracts/briefcases hanging during the match.

All in all I'd love to see it come back, but only if they refine it and tighten the ropes a bit.
Dont you think thematch would be more interesting if started in a cage and the briefcases were setup on the annouce tables, so the Superstars have to escape the cage then run up the ramp to the annouce table to claim their prize ?
LOL love the whole cage for no reason gimmick.....so TNA of you man........FoF was TNA's answer to MITB from WWE

I would prefer if TNA didn't continue doing it because WWE did their version of the match better, longer....TNA needs to take pretty much every gimmick WWE has and NEVER do it because it will be the only way to completely seperate them as a brand
While I liked the idea on paper, I really could not stand the match when watching it. Too many briefcases and too predictable.
To answer the person that said that wished that it was a ladder match, I must ask: how would the logistics of that work? How do you suggest dangling four items? Logistics and common sense make it easier to be a pole match.
The match has a chance to be good, it just needs to be refined.
Fresh and entertaining, are you joking? It was a lame excuse to stroke Russo's "random shit on a pole" fetish while introducing a wild slew of stupid gimmicks and "wacky antics" involving people stealing/trading briefcases only to discover the wrong Title shot opportunity is in them, culminating in a pointless "firing" of some random talent just to have an artificial "return" some months later that everyone saw coming.
I can't believe that its gonna take 5 replies to point out that the match as called "Feast OR Fired" not of.

Anywho, as for a match, they don't need this gimmick. TNA needs to focus on building up the home grown talent, and when they were using FOF, they did it to "fire" Christopher Daniels to put him on his Curry Man gimmick and to give Scott Steiner a X Division title match... and I believe Tara won an item that was stolen from her.

The matches tend to be messes and too easy to predict.
Feast of Fire was simple, there was four posts and attached to those posts were briefcases. Three of those briefcases contained a title match of some kind and one contained your departure from TNA. I get that it sounds like a MITB rip off, but it was way more unpredictable.

I honestly loved the concept and believed it was a way to make potential Main Event stars out of X-Division stars and those who need it. It also gave you a chance to see who would "switch" briefcases like Steiner and Williams did before.

As for what happened, I think that since it was a Cornette idea TNA decided to do away with that and the King of the Mountain match, unfortunately.
I miss feast or fired too. I think it would of been great for D'Angelo Dinero. I really miss King of the Mountain too. This is what I wanted to do when I found out there was no more king of the mountain :banghead:
Feast or Fired needs to come back. I always enjoyed it and felt that it was a good answer for TNA when it comes to WWE's Money In the Bank concept. The Feast of Fired match provided the federation with cash in's for each championship tier, and a "fired" briefcase which could be used for someone needing time off or a gimmick change. It should be an annual tradition that is looked forward to each fall, and it should be brought back as a PPV exclusive event. There is really no reason to not bring it back, they need to because it was one of my favorite TNA events. It should not be with Lockdown though. It has the word FEAST in it, so logic would dictate that it should be alongside the November PPV event around Thanksgiving.

They should have five briefcases. The World Championship, the X Division Championship, the Television Championship, the Tag Team Championship with a partner of the winner's choosing, and finally the fired case. The Knockouts can get a match too with three briefcases. One for the Knockouts Championship, one for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship with a partner of the winner's choosing, and of course one that gets fired. This was an awesome part of TNA's product that I miss. The best moment it ever provided was the hilarious moment when Curry Man thought he had won the "Fire Championship" and was (kayfabe) fired so Christopher Daniels could be himself again.
I agree completely with IDR on this one. The concept was enjoyable enough, but it needs a lot of tweaking if they want to make a comeback with it. interesting enough, WWE took it off of WrestleMania, and FoF disappeared... *shifty eyes*

Something a lot of people complain about is that they would win the briefcase, and not open it until the next episode of Impact. That basically meant it didn't matter which one they won, and it made it all the more obvious there wasn't anything "random" about the concept. Obviously, it's all scripted anyways, and since the entire concept of pro wrestling suspends the imagination this was never a deal-breaker to me. But there's got to be a way, if they're going to put up multiple "feast" and "fired" cases, to open them right away.

Also, if you really want to pick apart the idea, who would want to risk their career to get a shot at a title? I mean, yes it's important and it makes the belt seem like a bigger deal. But if you work hard enough, you can get their without the gimmick. I don't really want to see anybody on the roster fired, and you can pretty much tell from who wins the cases what the outcome will be. I think it's a neat idea, but nothing huge ever really came out of it.
I think TNA should bring back the Feast Or Fired match…with a few modifications, of course. I loved this concept 112%, but a few need to change in order to fit in the current Title scenes in TNA. First thing I would do is add a case for the Television Title. That makes 5 cases to go after. I’d use the four corners like before and have the 5th case hang from the rafters in the middle of the ring. Second thing I would do is have a Feast Or Fired match for the Knockouts, but with only 3 cases, for obvious reasons. The last thing I would do is have these matches take place at Final Resolution. That gives the case holders 11 months before Bound For Glory to cash in. Storylines write themselves.
Again? Wasn't this asked already? Like 5 freakin' times? The match sucked, the results sucked, the rules sucked, the gimmick sucked. It was a bad knockoff that led to nothing. No caseholder ever won the TNA Championship with it. The pink slip led to comedy. X-Pac and Kevin Nash won Tag Team titles in 2010 because of it. Yeah, scrap it. End of story. It did nothing. No substitution or adjustment desired.
I was thinking about the FoF match a few months back, and like others have already mentioned -- it wasn't the best concept. The "real" excitement of the match didn't happen until the briefcase's contents were revealed, and that usually didn't happen until the episode of Impact following the PPV when the actual match happened. To me, the real excitement of a match-type like this is seeing what each case holds. The way FoF was set up, there was no "real" excitement (at least in my eyes).

If TNA was able to tweak the FoF match concept enough to make the payoff happen immediately (similar to how the WWE's MitB match is: you know who is getting a WH Title shot immediately), then the match would hold more weight. The concept as it last was, was ultimately flawed and I don't think it should return the way it was.
Feast or Fired needs to come back. I always enjoyed it and felt that it was a good answer for TNA when it comes to WWE's Money In the Bank concept.

No it wasn't, it was too convoluted. In theory, it may have been a good concept, but the concept was awful in execution. Any time you have a poll match with Vince Russo booking, it's bound to fail. I've never seen a good poll match in my life.

The Feast of Fired match provided the federation with cash in's for each championship tier, and a "fired" briefcase which could be used for someone needing time off or a gimmick change. It should be an annual tradition that is looked forward to each fall, and it should be brought back as a PPV exclusive event. There is really no reason to not bring it back, they need to because it was one of my favorite TNA events.

There are plenty of reasons not to bring it back. For one, the execution of the matches sucked. It would make much more sense if you had separate matches amongst the divisions for the title shot, but when you have multiple cases on the line, you have people waiting around just to kill time. It's like a completely screwed up Battle Royal, and it makes no sense. Why would someone risk getting fired by grabbing a case? It just doesn't make sense.

Further, these matches always sucked. They were boring and utter messes of matches that were hard to follow because of so many people. And it's not as if they were entertaining spotfests like MITB, they were boring (essentially) Battle Royals. The only positive to come out of them was they set up future storylines.

They should have five briefcases. The World Championship, the X Division Championship, the Television Championship, the Tag Team Championship with a partner of the winner's choosing, and finally the fired case.

This would be an even bigger mess. Why? How would you set it up? There are only 4 ringposts, so how would you set up five cases? Again, the Fired concept of it is just insane, because why would wrestlers beat each other to a pulp to grab a case that could potentially end their career? The argument could be made that a title shot could be worth the risk, but I don't see it. It's like the storyline where Beer Money put up the Tag Titles, with the understanding that if the challengers lost, they left TNA. The reward just doesn't equal the risk.

Now if you suggested bringing back King of the Mountain, Id be all for it. But Feast or Fired just didn't work for me, either through match quality or logically.
Who cares? I mean seriously. It was one of the worst match ideas ever.

Actually, what really made it bad was the "fired" part. Do you really think that having someone "fired" every year only somehow not be fired is a good idea?
interesting enough, WWE took it off of WrestleMania, and FoF disappeared... *shifty eyes*

Ha ha ha, pure gold! I solemnly swear to never skip a post of yours again...

The match sucked, the results sucked, the rules sucked, the gimmick sucked.

Ha ha ha, two in a row, I love this thread! I agree. In fact, after seeing it on TV I came right here to Wrestlezone to see if anyone could clear it up for me. It kind of felt like someone took wrestling and "Let's make a deal" and rolled a spliff out of it. I didn't give a rat's ass who got fired; it didn't make any sense to compete for something that you could very well lose your job over?

Poll matches usually wind up looking like an orphaned Ladder match. There's usually some awkward waiting around peppered throughout the match and we don't even get the accompanying high risk death drops that we get from Ladder matches. Remember Sting's "Cole Miners Glove" match? Just forget about the damn glove and beat the shit out of him already.

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