What Drives Them To It?


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Every day around the world, at least one person dies by the hand of someone else (as in murder), as well as at least one person takes their own life in suicide.

That's quite often, and it's not just 1 person average per day, there could be tens, hundreds or thousands of people every day that fits into the category of unnatural death causes.

So really, what is it that pushes these people over the edge? What is it that makes them perform these actions, or more accurately - What is it that drives them?

There could be many many different reasons, tired of the world, money problems and the guy got in the way, all kind of things that can be displayed in both the suicidal aspect of this thread, as well as the murderous aspect of this thread. So there's really no wrong answers to this thread, just your opinion.

And that's what I want to see - What is your opinion on this matter? What do you think drives someone over the edge into such actions?
I think for someone to be drived to murder someone is maybe they are engulfed with anger or deep animosity for that person. Now suicide I'd think that when someone wants to kill themselves its that they think they have no other option when in reaity they do. Now I might sound like a jerk but i dont respect for people who kill themselves. I mean they are other ways of dealing with things then just killing yourselve. Really I dont think you could explain what drives people to do it unless you murdered somebody or kill yourself and we can't really talk to either of them can we
I am not in any way, shape, or form condoning suicide, but I can understand why people would want to. Say there is a guy, married with 3 kids, then got laid off from his job due to the economy, then his wife leaves him for another man, takes the kids, now he has rent to pay with no way of paying it and she also takes the car so now you dont have a way to even get a job. Sometimes situations can seem like there is no way out, and you're in so much pain, and all you want to do is make the heartache stop, but you dont know how.

So suicide seems like an easy answer but its the wrong one. Do you think those kids would ever want to see their dad again? You bet your ass they do. It would hurt them beyond words if their dad wasnt here anymore. You can only try to make things better for them.

And for those wondering, this was me just two nights ago. And no I never had any intentions of killing myself, but I can understand the feeling of wanting to.
The front man of some no name band played at a festival in Belgium a couple of days ago, and less than an hour later, he climbed a security tower and jumped head first into the car park.

Why would you kill yourself after just playing a set at a foreign festival? Surely everything is going your way?

Why do ********s go and jump off train bridges to kill themselves and fuck up several hundred people's day in one selfish act? It's not like you can hang around to see how pissed off everyone will be. And there's no such thing as 'i'll die knowing....' because 'knowing' ceases at the moment of death, so honestly, what is the point in that?

My instant reaction to 'why do people kill themselves,' is that they feel in need of a truly desperate act that will immediately end their suffering, usually not taking into any account the number of people who've had it a billion times worse than them and who still wouldn't dare commit suicide.

That'll seem really harsh, especially after Captain Jive's post above me, but does anyone's emotional misery truly compare to the literal 'living hell' that life must be for the lucky few who actually reach adulthood in the poorest parts of places like Africa, where you're born into constant hunger, dirt, disease and labor, with literally none of the comforts that the majority of the world take for granted every single day?

Is the end of your misery worth inflicting a different yet equally intense misery on everyone who cherishes you?

The night is always darkest before the dawn...... yeah, typically i use a Batman quotation to make a point, but it's still valid.

As for murder, another truly selfish impulse drives that action and all that keeps it from happening is the individuals ability to control that animalistic urge combined with their regard for human life. Sadly too many of us lack one of those two elements completely.
I don't take it as being harsh, but honestly, when someone is in a lot of pain, they're not even thinking about starving people in Africa.

Take my situation, I'm going through a lot, but could it be worse? Absolutely. I wouldn't want to be in there shoes at all. But I know its wrong and I swear I'm not trying to be a dick towards them, but thats not my life, its theirs. When my wife took my children, thats all that went through my head. Not knowing when I will see them again, waling past their rooms knowing that you are alone. Coming across my oldest sons toy and remembering when he left it there, tiny little reminders like that on a daily basis really gets to you.

And also just for the record, I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER CONSIDER IT!! I just wanted to clarify that so people wont think otherwise.
Interesting question...

I believe people murder others becuase of the negative emotions that goes through their body when they are encountered with something or someone they do not like or despise. Anger, Jelousy, Frustration, Stress, these are all factors that lead to a clouded mind. When a mind is clouded, it does not think very well and therefore makes irrational decisions.

When someone...lets say...betrays your trust. The first thing to come to your mind is anger. But this anger in turn leads to a darker feeling, hatred. The feeling that often leads to wanting revenge. Now when you want to have revenge, the common man (or woman) will do anything to get it. But the problem is that when they try getting revege, their mind is still clouded with anger which means they don't think properly. What happens next? You get your revenge. Some of the most common types of revenge are "killing", maybe people don't think they will go that far, but when you are in the process of a negative emotion, your mind functions with limited knowledge depending on how strong these emotions are.

As for suicide, it is really not that much different from murder, the only real difference is that instead of anger, one often feels sadness. There are many ways that lead to people commiting suicide. Some of the most common ones are when people aren't "satisfied" with their lives or haven't lived up to the expectations they had for themselves. Stress, the emotion felt when you cannot deal with the events occuring around you. This is a great cause for suicide.

In the end, I believe these murders or suicides come form the negative emotions that are developed as you are exposed to something or someone that is not on "common" grounds with you. Its sad really. But as long as their is hatred in the world, the murders and suicides will never stop.
The front man of some no name band played at a festival in Belgium a couple of days ago, and less than an hour later, he climbed a security tower and jumped head first into the car park.

Why would you kill yourself after just playing a set at a foreign festival? Surely everything is going your way?

First of all, people don't kill themselves just because things aren't going their way. It's usually because they believe their situation is so bad and so helpless, that they must find a permanent solution to it. Suicide isn't usually some impulsive decision either. It's not like you wake up one morning and think, 'holy shit my life is bad, i'm gonna kill myself.' It's a long depression-ridden road, and i'm sure the front man of that no name band thought his situation was dire for a while, and playing a set at a festival wasn't going to change that.

Why do ********s go and jump off train bridges to kill themselves and fuck up several hundred people's day in one selfish act? It's not like you can hang around to see how pissed off everyone will be. And there's no such thing as 'i'll die knowing....' because 'knowing' ceases at the moment of death, so honestly, what is the point in that?

First of all, i gotta say, i find this to be very insensitive. Over one million people commit suicide every year, to call them ********s and say they're comitting a selfish act...it just seems insensitive. These are people who are obviously desperate, most likely severely depressed, and at the end of the day you don't know the situation that lead them to suicide. Anyway, are you asking whats the point of killing yourself when you don't get to see people's reactions? Seriously? If people decide to kill themselves, they don't care about how people view them or if they're going to create a fuss. Sometimes attempted suicide is a desperate plea for a attention, but when someone does some so definitive as jumping off a train bridge, they obviously don't care about knowing what others think. They just want all their problems to go away, forever.

My instant reaction to 'why do people kill themselves,' is that they feel in need of a truly desperate act that will immediately end their suffering, usually not taking into any account the number of people who've had it a billion times worse than them and who still wouldn't dare commit suicide.

That'll seem really harsh, especially after Captain Jive's post above me, but does anyone's emotional misery truly compare to the literal 'living hell' that life must be for the lucky few who actually reach adulthood in the poorest parts of places like Africa, where you're born into constant hunger, dirt, disease and labor, with literally none of the comforts that the majority of the world take for granted every single day?

I believe that pain and misery are relative. People who are (unfortunately) born into a world where they are forced endure the worst of conditions, eventually become accustomed to their surroundings. Meanwhile, a person who has not been subject to much emotional/physical distraught reacts more dramatically when they suddenly have to endure similar conditions. For example, say there was a man who lived in a little town where everything was always perfect and he was suddenly forced to move to a really rough town. He would be alot more affected by his surroundings than somebody who had grown up in the rough town, right? I'm not saying he has it worse off that those living there, but he would inevitably feel worse off than them.

Is the end of your misery worth inflicting a different yet equally intense misery on everyone who cherishes you?

When someone decides to end their life, a huge factor in it is usually because they feel alone. Those who commit suicide don't think 'i have so many people who love me, but i hate my life so i'm going to end it anyway.' No, that's not how it goes. They feel like there is nothing or no one who can improve their situation. They believe that they have nothing and they have no one. Even if it's not true, that's the mentality of someone who is suicidal.

The night is always darkest before the dawn...... yeah, typically i use a Batman quotation to make a point, but it's still valid.

This may be true, but someone who is suicidal obviously doesn't think this. Surely at some stage in your life you have thought things/your situation wasn't going to get better. If it did or didn't is irrelevent, but that feeling multiplied by a hundred is how someone feels prior to taking their life

As for murder, another truly selfish impulse drives that action and all that keeps it from happening is the individuals ability to control that animalistic urge combined with their regard for human life. Sadly too many of us lack one of those two elements completely.

While for the most part i agree that murder is a wrong and selfish act, i believe it is sometimes justified. I believe certain things can happen to lead someone to a state of mind where they no longer in control of their actions. There are so many possible scenarios that could push a normal human being to kill somebody, i'd name some but they're usually more effective if they apply to your personal situation.
I do not believe that there is ever a reason to commit suicide. No matter what your situation is, not matter how bad everything seems, someone SOMEWHERE is worse off then you and has not killed themself. Its called being a man/woman whatever and dealing with life. Ya ive thought about suicide a while ago and it was over the dumbest shit like my girlfriend dumped me or i pissed off a friend or something like that. Theres just never an excuse. We always have a choice. In my own opinion if i was left with nothing at all i would rather go out fighting and suffer through the hurt rather then just give up in hopes that the pain will go away (which it technically would but what if you believe in an afterlife?). I mean i do feel bad for people that do it and think to myself no matter who it is what could have i done to maybe stop it even if i didnt know the person/people. But i dont feel as bad for people who do it for reasons i once thought about doing it. That be relationships or something stupid

As for murder im using a rorschach quote (hey someone did a dark night quote so why not?) its that "they saw society's true face and chose to be a parody of it" which ironically is what i learned in my psychology class. While not worded the same way of course its more along the lines of they want to give society what was given to them. I dont condone murder in anyway shape or form. But thats just the main reason i think people kill. Sure theres a lot of reasons but just from what i was taught that is the main reason
I believe the reason for people killing themselves is being a coward and being really dumb because once you put that gun or sharp object or in you or even pills you have no turning back it's all death from there then it screw's up people's life then it not only kills you but kills you family emotionally so there is no reason to take your life. If you feel like there is no other option there always is. Even if it's humiliation like going into therapy to get those thought's out off your head or if it's just kicking back and enjoying life there is always an option take Bob for example for his life he was told he only get the worst grades there were but to top that off he never do anything with his life he was told and has never once thought about suicide . So he has to put up with all that crap and suicide does not go though his mind now that's a miracle considering he does not want to take that option. The point I am trying to get across is there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Ill try my best to answer this one from the best standpoint I know, as a mental health therapist. A failure to develop coping skills.

I think those that are driven to murder are fueled by such an intense pain from within, one that makes them want to take that pain out on someone else. They simply can't handle whatever cirucmstance they're dealing with, and it drives them over the edge. Its something thats been brewing inside them for a long time.

Infidelity, financial problems, bitterness,and jealousy: These are all secondary issues to that person's state of mind. Some people have developed coping skills that allow them to move on with their lives, and move on in a relatively healthy manner. Those that don't may simply kill somebody because they looked at them wrong: they were unable to cope with said situation, and felt that this was the best choice for them at the time.

I suppose insanity could be the defense for EVERY murder that takes place in the world. Whether its a cold, calculated attack from a spurned spouse, or a fit of rage, one could note that it's their state of mind that drove them to do it. And really, it is. Its such distortion of thinking and an inability to control their emotions that lead to it.

As for suicide, the same could be said. Whether its the person who plans the time, date, method, and manner of execution, to the person who makes a seemingly split second decision, its because they feel like they have no way out. I believe they look at it as they have nothing to live for, and feel like this is their only option. Again, this goes back to my original point: these people have failed to develop coping skills at such an EXTREME level that they lack the mental function and ability to properly cope.

In both the cases of murder and suicide, I feel its a slow deterioration. So often, Ive sadly heard from grieving family members "I never saw it coming." Many times they dont. One of the lapses in developing a coping skill is being able to show that there is anything wrong at all. Even the person who seemingly commits an act of murder in a fit or rage: it came from somewhere. Not everyone would react the same way in the same situation.

Id like to think that most people would be able to consider their options and find a way out. Its those that CANT, and ultimately DONT, find that way out, whether it be a seemingly snap decision, or a process, are the people that do. Just my opinion based upon what Ive sadly seen first hand.

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