What does your WZ username mean?


Top Guys Out
Haven't seen a thread like this around anywhere, might make for interesting discussion, so here goes:

What's the story behind your current or previous username(s) on the WZ Forums?

I started off as FollowTheBagpipes, a tribute to my favorite current superstar Bray Wyatt and my all-time favorite Roddy Piper.

Currently, FollowTheBag-Pac is a slight alteration of the original name, with the Pac being a reference to X-Pac in conjunction with Spidey, Dynamite, R and Jam's name changes to reference the various entities of The Kliq. We shoot the shit on Skype and talk about wrestling, life and WZCW.

Submitted a request to have the name changed to BagpipesAreForever, playing off of another one of my favorites, Ric Flair's infamous line "Diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair".

Looking forward to hearing what some of yours are about.
I started with one of the shittiest names ever, so I am not going to bring that up. CM Yes! is easily recognizable as amalgam of CM Punk and the Yes chants. I am a huge fan of both Punk and Bryan, so made sense to me.

My current name is simply a reference to a genre I love, i.e. Cyberpunk. I love any theme that resembles a cyberpunk setting. My favorite game franchise is Deus Ex followed by System Shock. In fact, I was all set with a cyberpunk character before I went ahead with Veejay.
Big hockey fan, specifically the NHL. A lifelong Boston Bruins fan. If you follow the NHL at all, enough said.
I started with one of the shittiest names ever, so I am not going to bring that up. CM Yes! is easily recognizable as amalgam of CM Punk and the Yes chants. I am a huge fan of both Punk and Bryan, so made sense to me.

My current name is simply a reference to a genre I love, i.e. Cyberpunk. I love any theme that resembles a cyberpunk setting. My favorite game franchise is Deus Ex followed by System Shock. In fact, I was all set with a cyberpunk character before I went ahead with Veejay.

What exactly is Cyberpunk as a genre? I'm not familiar.
"Dias" is a tribute to Dias Flac from Star Ocean 2, and "Dagger" comes from the fact that I like Daggers as a weapon.
Lifelong nickname based on the 60's hit by Wilson Pickett. My real name is Sally and my parents were calling me Mustang Sally long before I knew it was the title of a song.
Dates back to Peter Kay, a British comedian as I was funnykay initially. I realised I wasn't that funny so it was shortened to FunKay which works a bit better for a wrestling forum.
Been PaperGhost (I went PG then PeeGee) since the day I started. My brilliant train of thought in 2010, coz I'm like a ghost on paper, you dunno who I am.

What exactly is Cyberpunk as a genre? I'm not familiar.

Cyberpunk genre mostly deals with stories set in near dystopian future with elements of Sci-Fi. Some of the most common themes are corrupt corporate controlling government, trans-humanism, ascendancy of AI, machine taking over etc. One of the best examples would be the movie Blade Runner.
Cyberpunk genre mostly deals with stories set in near dystopian future with elements of Sci-Fi. Some of the most common themes are corrupt corporate controlling government, trans-humanism, ascendancy of AI, machine taking over etc. One of the best examples would be the movie Blade Runner.

You play Shadowrun Returns at all? Cyberpunk Tactical RPG. It came with a dev kit so people have been making their own stories to run in the game. I finally got around to playing it this week, and I love everything about the game.

I'm a pretty big fan of the genre myself. Ready Player One really got me going on it in terms of literature.

Oh as for my user name, when I was younger I used T Burna as an alias as my favorite rapper Layzie Bone's nickname was L Burna. My friend then gave me the idea of going by Ty G, which I then combined with T Burna for Ty G Tha Burna, and finally shortened down into Ty Burna.
You play Shadowrun Returns at all? Cyberpunk Tactical RPG. It came with a dev kit so people have been making their own stories to run in the game. I finally got around to playing it this week, and I love everything about the game.

I'm a pretty big fan of the genre myself. Ready Player One really got me going on it in terms of literature.

I have not played it. In fact, my experience in any RPG is nil (except the computer games which have RPG elements). I first got into cyberpunk when I played Deus Ex, and then one of my friends gifted me Neuromancer. Sci Fi and especially cyberpunk became my thing then.

Shadowrun is available for PC, right?
I have not played it. In fact, my experience in any RPG is nil (except the computer games which have RPG elements). I first got into cyberpunk when I played Deus Ex, and then one of my friends gifted me Neuromancer. Sci Fi and especially cyberpunk became my thing then.

Shadowrun is available for PC, right?

That it is. It's available on Steam. It's got an old school RPG vibe to it so it might be in your wheelhouse. I'd recommend getting the Shadowrun Dragonfall campaign for it as well. After that the Steam workshop has a ton of user created material for free.

In regards to Deus Ex, I actually played Machina first. I know it's not on level with the original or the third game but I really enjoyed that to. I use Machina in my naming scheme for most of my IT work.
Attempt at humor. Missing Link's Dermatologist would not fit so I decided it would be funny to have a username that made them think, "Wait George Steele was bald" then they would remember his body hair and think, "Oh, that is sort of clever and gross".

To this day I am not sure anyone ever got it or thought it was clever.

...and because klunderbunker was taken.
M is clearly the greatest letter in existence, so logic would say that it would make for an alright username. That and I'm actually the James Bond character disguising myself as a 20 year old Australian guy.
Yaz is the short version of Yazloz, the name I've used online since my WoW days. The Rainbow is for Rainbow Dash, my favorite pony.

Occasionally I will come up with something clever like Piotr Yazputin, a play on Piotr Rasputin, my favorite superhero. Or Live Yaz, to play on the Live Mas team.

One time I annoyed KB to the point that he changed my name.

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