What does Music Mean to You?


I am The Last Baron
I am reviving an old topic that I created a while ago, some of you may recognise the concept from then.

But onto the full concept of the thread. Using one word try and come up with a concept that describes what Music means to you. And then explain why you came up with that word for it.

For me music is about Discovery. This is not necessarily as simple as the word would imply. It is not just about discovering new music to me, but discovering parts of a sense of self, which is a struggle for me to come to without music. I evolve my tastes as I grow through discovery of new music. This is not meaning new as in Justin Bieber new, but new music as in music that I had never heard of before, like right now I am listening to Holland by the Beach Boys which is something that I have never listened to before.

So Discovery is a word that encapsulates a majority of what I feel about music.

What word is it for you?
To me, music is all about Therapy.

Music is my therapy. It is my refuge during dark and depressing times. It is my joy during my happy times. My fuel. Music often keeps me relaxed and is often the one thing, I know I can escape to if I ever have a shitty day. While abrasive rap or heavy rock often get people pumped up, it calms me down a lot. When there's music blasting in my headphones and I'm bobbing my head to some good shit, everything that has happened throughout my day simply dissolves for three to four minutes at a time. Music allows me to live for the moment. Music is what I want, when I don't need it. A day without music is like a day without food. I need my therapy, I need to be able to hear it on a day to day basis. Food, Water, Air, Music- that's how I'm able to live.
Music is my Best friend. :)

Two words, I know.

It has all the qualities I'd ever ask from a friend.

I can relate alot to Hamler's post, it pretty much explained what I have to say.

There's not a day I do/will go on without Music playing a role.

To me, Peace is just turning up the volume and letting Music drown out Reality.

It's a great way of expressing ourselves, and there's nothing better than songs you can relate to.
Music for me is an escape. A chance to enter my own world of random thoughts, flashbacks, analysis on things going on in my life, and contemplations on the various mysteries of the world we live in. When I listen to music then, depending on the song, various memories will come back to me or perhaps if I am working on something it might stimulate my creativity. It is a way for me to completely escape from reality. I can still multitask when listening to music despite using it as an escape or for opening a time capsule of memories. However if someone tries to talk to me then that breaks my concentration and brings me back to real life. It is strange, but it happens. That is why I primarily listen to music when alone and needing a temporary escape.
Music? Music is everything, music IS life. Is the one thing that brings me to tears, that can draw a smile in my face, that special place where all my anger goes to, that thing that makes me think about myself and others. Music is also a place where I can discover and even understand diferent periods of time and cultures that aren't mine.

Music reflects every aspect of life, whatever could have happened to you, there's one song where you identified with. Even if it doesn't have any word the song, there'e simply a transmission of feelings. Music is not only my life, music is life itself.

There's simply nothing bigger or more beatiful than music. It's the right portrait for life. I've always said it, if there's one thing than life needs, is a soundtrack for every moment and aspect of life.
Music to me means


Daydreaming while listenning to music is awesome! It gives you a feeling that you the creator is epic. its like your own little music video of dreams!
ive been able to come up with some crazy ass mental music videos over the past few years. music never meant much to me before i acossocaited it with IMAGINATION!
Music is my savior

I grew up in an abusive house, not sexually, but I got beat alot by my father. Im okay talking about this since Im 28, and past it, but the meaning of music, is its, everything.

Music is what kept me from doing no more than just slicing my arms, I would have killed myself if I didn't have music as therapy, and to get me to have a place to escape my house life.

To this day, It helps calm me, and is all around more than entertainment to me.
I'm with everyone who has posted on here. For me music is an escape, escape from the everyday bullshit called life. Its a way to release emotions when you have no one to release them too. There is music for all emotions that you need for when you need to release them. Music to me is my life. It helps me and a day with out it is a day that im lost and confused. Music is my cup of coffee I always need it. Its just my solitude. The words and lyrics and that connection to be able to release how you feel with who your listening to is amazing. I live, eat, breathe, music. I love Metal and Rock for its what I connect with it.

Music to me is and escape and at times changed and saved my life when ya so called friends can't answer ya calls. Throw on some Korn, or Hatebreed or Cold and just listen away. DAMN I LOVE MUSIC!!

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