What does Drew Mcintyre have that Dolph Ziggler doesn't?

gully side adidja

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I can't understand this, ziggler had around 10 shots at the i.c title and never won it once, drew comes in after only 3 month of debuting and wins the i.c title in his first attempt, which leads the question, what does drew have that ziggler doesn't? Dolph is a better wrestler, got a better look, and is more expeirienced, drew talks a bit better but that's it, ziggler had you more interested in his matches, drew use to just attack people BEFORE his matches which then get called off,(maybe hbk has a hand in the push).

So i am begging someone, please tell me, what drew has that dolph hasn't? OPINIONS PLEASE!
Actually the question should be what does Drew McIntyre have that special ? He doesn't have a good look like Sheamus has, his ring skills are decent at best, I've still never seen an interesting promo from him. The only good thing about him is his accent which I think sounds really cool. Other than that he's just an ordinary arrogant heel. Ziggler on the other hand had been in some very good matches with Rey Mysterio and John Morrison, has a good look at least much more better than McIntyre has, and has been much much better on mic than McIntyre. Actually I don't think creative's intentions were to push him. They only gave him a stupid catchphrase and didn't even give him a character I don't even want to talk about his time in Spirit Squad which was a shame. Just look at McIntyre he debuted as McMahon's chosen one so creative wanted to push him from the start. The only logical reason that comes to my mind is that McIntyre has some support in backstage by some important people.
The backing of big names is what Drew McIntyre has over Dolph Ziggler (Vince, HHH and HBK) For McIntyre to be good in my book he has to do better in his promos or ring work, then I'll find him credible, Ziggler is better in the ring and that's why I prefer him to McIntyre
Ziggler had a seemingly endless number of IC title shots and never won it. McIntyre won it in his first. Also.... with most of Ziggler's matches I didn't think he would win. I thought McIntyre was going to win and had a very good chance of winning.

Now, as for what McIntyre has that Ziggler doesn't? Ziggler might be a better "wrestler", but he loses to McIntyre in all other categories. Remember, in ring ability isn't the only important thing, if it was then Shelton Benjamin would have more world titles than Triple H.

McIntyre is better than Ziggler in every other way because he has a better look, is MUCH better on the mic, has a better entrance, is a better heel, and is a future world champion whereas Ziggler's best bet for a huge moment is winning the IC title after another dozen title shots. THAT is what Mcintyre has that Ziggler doesn't.
The backing from triple H and Michaels is what is really giving him that push right now.
I love Ziggler. he's my favourite wrestler and i really want to see him in the IC picture very shortly.

McIntyre is better than Ziggler in every other way because he has a better look, is MUCH better on the mic, has a better entrance, is a better heel, and is a future world champion whereas Ziggler's best bet for a huge moment is winning the IC title after another dozen title shots. THAT is what Mcintyre has that Ziggler doesn't.

I agree with you in most of these categories except the Entrance one. That one has to go to Ziggler because I think that McIntyre's entrance is kind of bland.
Ziggler had a seemingly endless number of IC title shots and never won it.

Allegedly, because Rey Mysterio didn't want to job to him, which for some reason led to the creative team not wanting anyone to job to him.

McIntyre won it in his first.

Because no one said 'i don't think he should get it yet' whereas with Ziggler, the champion flat out shot him down. It comes to Morrison's time to drop the belt, and he dutifully says 'Yes boss.'

Also.... with most of Ziggler's matches I didn't think he would win. I thought McIntyre was going to win and had a very good chance of winning.

Fair enough. I thought Ziggler was going to beat Mysterio many times but apparently it was never going to happen. With McIntyre, i knew he'd win after the whole 'Operation Push Anyone Who's Still On Miz's Team After Their Survivor Series Match', and i knew he'd win it by doing fuck all except hitting the Double Arm DDT, which is near enough what happened.

McIntyre is better than Ziggler in every other way because he has a better look,

He's taller by about 3 inches and has long hair and a goatee, how is that a better look than Zigglers? Both are ripped and athletic, and yes Drew does have a more sinister facial expression, but otherwise, what's the difference?

is MUCH better on the mic

That much i agree with. One thing you can say for Drew and Sheamus, is that both are naturals on the mic. Sure they're force fed lines like all the rest, but their delivery of thier respective lines is done well enough to make you think they're speaking on their own.

has a better entrance

Correct me because Drew's music may have changed since i last tuned in but isn't it just generic guitar riff, walks down the ramp, poses, compared to Ziggler's which is exactly the same except his music has lyrics?

is a better heel

True, seems the only way you can tell Ziggler's a heel is because he wrestles against the faces, or tags with the other heels, whereas Drew (annoyingly) jumps guys as the walk down the ramp or are doing an interview. I understand that it's done to draw heat, but it tends to just piss me off because instead of getting to see him wrestle a match which would have been hyped to a small degree on the show, you just see him stomping on a guy for 30 seconds and that's it. Normally it's cool, but they do it with Drew SO often that it just makes me not want to bother watching him at all.

and is a future world champion

I don't think anyone from the UK would win, not unless a local paper made a big deal about it like the Irish paper did with Sheamus (i assume it was a legitimate tabloid). Seems that if a foreign talent gets significant backing from their people, then the 'E' gives them a title reign. We all know how popular Khali is at home, even when people hated his guts, and the 'E' gave him the title. Irish paper prints an article about Sheamus, the 'E' gives him the title. Haven't seen any Scottish papers giving the 'E' any love so i don't see Drew winning the World Title personally.

whereas Ziggler's best bet for a huge moment is winning the IC title after another dozen title shots.

If they put him in MITB i think he might surprise a few people.

THAT is what Mcintyre has that Ziggler doesn't.

Not to mention every veteran except Taker seems to want this guy to exceed in record breaking time, for some reason.
Allegedly, because Rey Mysterio didn't want to job to him, which for some reason led to the creative team not wanting anyone to job to him.

I think there might be more to it than that. Ziggler was part of the Spirit Squad, it's a miracle that he and Dykstra were able to make it as far as they did after that.

Because no one said 'i don't think he should get it yet' whereas with Ziggler, the champion flat out shot him down. It comes to Morrison's time to drop the belt, and he dutifully says 'Yes boss.'

Hmmm maybe.

Fair enough. I thought Ziggler was going to beat Mysterio many times but apparently it was never going to happen. With McIntyre, i knew he'd win after the whole 'Operation Push Anyone Who's Still On Miz's Team After Their Survivor Series Match', and i knew he'd win it by doing fuck all except hitting the Double Arm DDT, which is near enough what happened.

I think it had less to do with being on Miz's team and more to do with the fact that Morrison is getting promoted to upper midcard and McIntyre was the best candidate for the IC title because he needs to be built up before he gets a bigger push.

He's taller by about 3 inches and has long hair and a goatee, how is that a better look than Zigglers? Both are ripped and athletic, and yes Drew does have a more sinister facial expression, but otherwise, what's the difference?

McIntyre reminds me of a younger version of Triple H. Ziggler has the look of a career midcarder.

That much i agree with. One thing you can say for Drew and Sheamus, is that both are naturals on the mic. Sure they're force fed lines like all the rest, but their delivery of thier respective lines is done well enough to make you think they're speaking on their own.

Yep, agreed! They are doing quite well.

Correct me because Drew's music may have changed since i last tuned in but isn't it just generic guitar riff, walks down the ramp, poses, compared to Ziggler's which is exactly the same except his music has lyrics?

Drew has the same theme he's had.... but Ziggler's theme is worse than his old instrumental one. I've never been much of a fan of his "I am perfection" song. Drew's is an instrumental, but something about it just sounds badass. It reminds me of that instrumental Cena had when he was the rookie "ruthless aggression" guy.

True, seems the only way you can tell Ziggler's a heel is because he wrestles against the faces, or tags with the other heels, whereas Drew (annoyingly) jumps guys as the walk down the ramp or are doing an interview. I understand that it's done to draw heat, but it tends to just piss me off because instead of getting to see him wrestle a match which would have been hyped to a small degree on the show, you just see him stomping on a guy for 30 seconds and that's it. Normally it's cool, but they do it with Drew SO often that it just makes me not want to bother watching him at all.

I agree with this quote up until the last sentence. I think it helped show his potential for dominance that he attacked so many times.

I don't think anyone from the UK would win, not unless a local paper made a big deal about it like the Irish paper did with Sheamus (i assume it was a legitimate tabloid). Seems that if a foreign talent gets significant backing from their people, then the 'E' gives them a title reign. We all know how popular Khali is at home, even when people hated his guts, and the 'E' gave him the title. Irish paper prints an article about Sheamus, the 'E' gives him the title. Haven't seen any Scottish papers giving the 'E' any love so i don't see Drew winning the World Title personally.

No one saw Sheamus winning either. They seem to be going about it the traditional way with McIntyre. He'll hold a midcard title, dominate the upper midcard for a bit, then break into the main event, and win multiple world titles. I see that happening.

If they put him in MITB i think he might surprise a few people.

Ziggler? I dunno about that. I still think he's a career midcarder. After all those IC match losses he will not be taken as seriously.

Not to mention every veteran except Taker seems to want this guy to exceed in record breaking time, for some reason.

Are you sure that's not Sheamus you're thinking of? He got the fastest push in WWE history, and Drew is getting a more traditional push. He has the "it" factor to become a world champion some day and Ziggler doesn't.

I'm willing to debate this further if you still disagree.
The thing everyone has to remember with this, is that McIntyre, along with Sheamus, are Triple H and Shawn Michaels' new buddies. The two DX members are very high on both these guys, which explains the title runs they've both been given after only a few months in WWE. I've disliked Drew McIntyre ever since he re-debuted this year, and I've always been a big fan of Dolph Ziggler. His entrance song suits him, I love the bleached hair and his aggressive wrestling style, especially what he's been doing with Kane lately on Smackdown. As for McIntyre, I hate his accent, and I hate his entrance because he walks to the ring like he has a stick stuck up his ass. Nothing makes him unique; he's just a cocky Scottish guy that cuts promos about how much John Morrison sucks.
I gotta agree with most of what Dias has said.

The basic thing that strikes me as the biggest difference is Ziggler doesn't have the 'it' or 'x' factor that McIntyre has. It's that simple. Ziggler is a great mid carder, he's similar to the Miz in many ways for me. Great at what they do and are both proving themselves as good enough to hold a mid card title and always be a threat to the other mid carders but I don't see either getting a World Title in their careers.

With McIntyre, with Punk and even with Sheamus you could tell or can tell that they were going to be world champions. There was always something there that told you this guy has both the skills (mic skills, ring work etc..) and the backing (from higher up) to be a legitimate world title holder.

I do wish Ziggler was getting more title shots at the IC belt though or at least having some TV time, he's sort of dropped off the map since his small feud with Morrison. I like Ziggler more than McIntyre but I can tell which is a future world champion and I know it's not Ziggler.
Ziggler had a seemingly endless number of IC title shots and never won it. McIntyre won it in his first. Also.... with most of Ziggler's matches I didn't think he would win. I thought McIntyre was going to win and had a very good chance of winning.

Now, as for what McIntyre has that Ziggler doesn't? Ziggler might be a better "wrestler", but he loses to McIntyre in all other categories. Remember, in ring ability isn't the only important thing, if it was then Shelton Benjamin would have more world titles than Triple H.

McIntyre is better than Ziggler in every other way because he has a better look, is MUCH better on the mic, has a better entrance, is a better heel, and is a future world champion whereas Ziggler's best bet for a huge moment is winning the IC title after another dozen title shots. THAT is what Mcintyre has that Ziggler doesn't.

Drew McIntyre MAY be better in the things you mentioned, except I don't see how his entrance is any better. His music is generic and his walk is just normal, whereas Dolph Ziggler has a great fitting theme with a partly unique entrance moves.

I like both Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre, and hope both can be successful in the future. Dolph Ziggler is a bit better overall, but it's not like he doesn't have a chance to ever rise again in the future so I would just have to wait and see. Drew McIntyre has the size, is scottish, and is undefeated so he is having his time right now rather than Ziggler. I guess it also helps that those two wrestlers on Raw see him as the future.
The answer is pretty simple, if you ask me. Ziggler is generic on the mic, he has very little to offer that is original. McIntyre is ably assisted by his accent, but he also has something to say on the mic. You can tell he has a character, and he makes his interactions with rivals have a little edge that they wouldn't otherwise have. I think Ziggler is pretty boring, to be honest with you, but McIntyre has been a breath of fresh air compared to most of the other heels in the company, because his character is a mix of the usual generic showboats and sadists, which makes for more interesting interactions and matches.
Drew McIntyre MAY be better in the things you mentioned, except I don't see how his entrance is any better. His music is generic and his walk is just normal, whereas Dolph Ziggler has a great fitting theme with a partly unique entrance moves.

Honestly I preferred Ziggler's instrumental instead of "I am perfection". I'm not really a fan of that song, but I can see that many others prefer "I am perfection" to the instrumental. As for McIntyre using an instrumental being the main thing that makes him worse then Ziggler.... I don't think you have too much to worry about there. They change the theme music of a wrestler when he's getting a big push (not always, but often). McIntyre's instrumental reminds me of the one Cena used before he got the rapper gimmick. I think that we will eventually see him getting a better song more fitting of a future world champion. McIntyre has everything else that he needs to be at the top, he will get there one day. Ziggler.... I don't dislike the guy, but he's lucky he got as far as he did. No one would take a former member of the Spirit Squad seriously. If Dykstra couldn't make it, Ziggler won't get past the midcard either.
just like sheamus is friends wit hhh and got his shot...hbk apparently likes Mcintyre and sees him as 'one for the future' and everyone knows hbk and hhh has alot of pull backstage
I think it's like Tastycles said, it comes down to the fact that Drew McIntyre has more to offer on the mic. Ziggler has more charisma than McIntyre, but he has nothing to say. He usually just stuck to "I'm going to beat so and so cause I'm great" generic heel promos after he was done introducing himself. Drew McIntyre is scottish, and he's Mcmahons golden boy, two things with more mic potential than simply introducing himself.

Yeah, Ziggler is much less bland in the ring. And much less bland looking. And much bland sounding. But McIntyre has more to work with at the moment, he actually has a character, even if it's just the character of a cocky scottish golden boy. That, and McIntyre just had good timing. Ziggler was going to get the title, but Mysterio's suspension meant they weren't sure what to do. So finally, they had Morrison in a stable reign as Intercontinental champion, Ziggler's time had come and gone, and McIntyre was there to be the next heel challenger.
The answer to this question is simple, and what, at least in my mind, will always hold Dolph back is in this 8 second video I made about 6 months ago. Check it out.


'Nuff said on the matter. Dolph's a better wrestler than McIntyre, and I like him more, but I jut can't seem to forget that (displayed in video) and it will always make Dolph standout as a joke to me.
To me this is simple. The name Dolph Ziggler is what holds him back. Ziggler has a weird name. It just sounds fucking stupid. The first thing that pops into my head is Dirk DIggler from Boogie Nights. The problem is that while he's improved drastically in the ring, he's still the guy with the funny name and the bad hair. McIntyre may be fairly generic, but if nothing else there's the Scottish aspect. It's not much, but it's something different.

Another thing that Drew has that popped into my head is a title. The thing is that with guys of their level, titles mean a lot. Ziggler never won anything. His biggest claim to fame is having good matches with Rey. The problem is he lost those matches. For guys on his level, wins and losses mean evertyhing. A guy like Cena can lose a big match and stay on the same level. Ziggler loses a big match and we start to wonder what he's got left. Drew has the IC Title. He can point to that and say this is what I've accomplished. Ziggler can't do that yet.
To me this is simple. The name Dolph Ziggler is what holds him back. Ziggler has a weird name. It just sounds fucking stupid. The first thing that pops into my head is Dirk DIggler from Boogie Nights. The problem is that while he's improved drastically in the ring, he's still the guy with the funny name and the bad hair. McIntyre may be fairly generic, but if nothing else there's the Scottish aspect. It's not much, but it's something different.

Another thing that Drew has that popped into my head is a title. The thing is that with guys of their level, titles mean a lot. Ziggler never won anything. His biggest claim to fame is having good matches with Rey. The problem is he lost those matches. For guys on his level, wins and losses mean everything. A guy like Cena can lose a big match and stay on the same level. Ziggler loses a big match and we start to wonder what he's got left. Drew has the IC Title. He can point to that and say this is what I've accomplished. Ziggler can't do that yet.

He's a former tag team champion, held the belt for 216 days and had a great feud with DX. Oh yeah they don't acknowledge that. Simple thing change his name to his real name, bring up his past and bam you have a former champion there.

Though people ask what Drew has that Ziggler hasn't? How about we turn that round, what does Ziggler have that Drew doesn't? Oh yeah A WELLNESS POLICY VIOLATION. Within three weeks of his 'debut' he served a 30 day suspension, in turn ending his 'push' at the time. This pretty much had him stalled until after the Rumble of 09 then the slow level to make him look credible. Hit around Summer of last year and now we're in the aftermath of that. The problem is we all remember him going into the rumble "Hi I'm Dolph Ziggler" eliminated by Kane pretty quickly, we'll always see him as this goofy guy with goofy hair. Change the image and get bad ass.
What does Drew McIntyre have that Dolph Ziggler doesn't?

1: Drew McIntyre has the intercon title. He's had it since December. That's quite a long title run, by modern era standings. Sure, it hasn't been a great run, or really even much of a run at all, but it is what it is and that's something Dolph doesn't have.

2: Drew McIntyre has creative support. It's not the central focus of the show or anything (in fact, it really hasn't been much on the show at all). But it does show that McIntyre has friends backstage that would like to set him up for success (both in and out of storyline). As far as I have heard it, Ziggler is currently sans-title because others have refused to put him over at some time or another.

3: Drew McIntyre has Tiffany. Yes, I went there. Oh, and the Scottish thing.

Do these things make Drew McIntyre a better wrestler than Dolph Ziggler? Well, it for sure makes him a better positioned wrestler, but I wouldn't call McIntyre better than many people right now. Like Ziggler, he needs seasoning, some time to cook. I have no idea who I'm looking at when I see these two on screen ( I mean, I know who they are...). McIntyre has a bit of a gimmick that really isn't a gimmick but a flag above his head saying "Check this shit out, yo, it'll be big soon. BIG. BIG!". And I don't really fall for WWE promises very often.

Also, last two things before I go...these are more opinion than anything...

First of all, I think McIntyre's music is a joke. A bad bad joke. Something I hear on soft rock alternative "k-tampon 97 AM, the gush maker"(the entrance itself isn't bad, just the tune, mind you). Seriously, it's a Bob Seger wanna be wrapped in early 00's "Nickelback" rock guitar. It's gross. I'll take "I am perfection" over this ANYDAY.

Secondly, am I the only one who has Alex Wright flashbacks everytime they see Ziggler? Could that possibly be why he'll never be over?
I like dolph and was pissed at Rey for refusing to let him take the title and at Creative for making him loss 10 times to Morrison.Drew has a slightly better look but i dont see this "it" factor everyone see's in drew.Don't get me wrong Drew has some skill but ziggler is better.When Drew speaks he sounds Bord and lacks any substance in his rants.He has a weak move set and draws little heat.Dolph is cocky and kinda funny so when he talk i enjoy listening.He has a lot of good moves but draws even less heat then Drew.If he could get people to hate him he could get somewhere.

My answer to the question:Heat and endorsements
Well like someone said he had a wellness policy violation with in weeks of his debut as Dolph Ziggler and Vince probably wanted to test him and see how he will do. Like if he will have more violations or if he will be lte all the time and miss shows and stuff. Basically I think Vince was trying to see if he would be dependable before he tried to push him and give him a title.
Yes Dolph did fail a wellness test and proved afterwards he was worthy of a title reign but in this case politics won out and he never got a title. Rey, Drew, it doesn't matter it didn't go through and hopefully Dolph Ziggler win become a champion down the road. Drew is HBK's kiss ass imo and he may be good, but he's no Dolph. Dolph is the better wrestler and I think if given the chance, the better one on the mic and overall down the road.
As many have said before, I think McIntyre has the IT factor that I just don't see in Ziggles. I love Dolph, and I do think he could be a World Champion some day, but his character doesn't come across as a dominate heel type. At least he stopped that damn, " Hi. I'm Dolph Ziggler" crap. lol. McIntyre just comes across as the more natural heel, so it's much easier for him to get heat. The more heat that he can generate, the more they can do with him. I don't think it has anything to do with HBK being high on him. I've heard that both him and Sheamus are well liked by most of the locker room, and both bust their ass in training sessions and are always working on getting better. I do see good things for both of these guys in the future, but I see Drew with more titles in the long run.
McIntyre has been pretty impressive for me lately, as he just has that good midcard feel to him, and I dont feel at all awkward with him in the midcard. However, Dolph Ziggler never got over with me, and even seeing him in the Money in the Bank is a bit awkward for me. Ziggler just does not have that attitude that makes him a good up and comer. I don't hate him, I don't wish he would get beat up by the face, I just am blah by his presence on my screen.
I am also a huge fan of both men, but the reality is that WWE missed the boat by not having Ziggler go over Mysterio. That being said, I think that they used that as a learning experience and will not make the same mistake with McIntyre. They have to much time into the guy building him up to be the future. Ziggler probably needs to cut his losses and go back into FCW and tweak his gimmick a little more. He really has no personality, no mic time to BUILD personality, and no faith from WWE Management. I just don't see ever getting to the level that McIntyre will eventually climb to. To answer your question, the thing that McIntyre has that Ziggler don't is support.
McIntyre has a lot of things that Dolph doesn't.

First of all, he has that natural "I don't like you, you don't like me" element about him. He's easy to hate, and he comes off as the type of guy that you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley.

Second of all, he has the look. He's 5" taller than Dolph, doesn't have bleached blonde hair, and everybody, including the man himself, says that he reminds them of a late-90s HHH. And I agree.

Third of all, he has the entrance of a champion. Any time a superstar gets a 3+ second prelude in their music before they actually come out, you know they mean business. I know it probably sounds corny/generic, but it's an observation that is mostly true.

And finally, as everybody has pointed out, he has the support of the WWE higher-ups - McMahon, HHH, and HBK. That's honestly all you really NEED to advance in the E these days, but Drew has all of the above, too.

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