What does Cena do after WM / Wyatts?


Getting Noticed By Management
At WM, Cena is taking on Bray Wyatt. Now, the logical outcome should be Bray going over, thus ending the feud right there and proving his point, but hey, we know Vince. He won't let Cena lose at WM to Bray. Oh well, let's assume that, even if Cena wins, the feud carries on a little more (like until the next PPV). Where does Cena go from there?

It seems that lately, they have moved on from needing Cena into the main event scene. He lost the unification match, which was the main event, then he lost at the RR, which wasn't technically the main event, and then lost again in the EC. And now he is facing Bray Wyatt, who, even thought he is hot, is still a mid card guy. So it is kinda safe to assume that this feud is a mid-card feud that has people interested because it has Bray and Cena in it.

Have they moved from an era where Cena had to be everywhere and are using him to help other talent? It seems to me that way. What happens when the feud with Bray is over? Is Cena gonna be utilized to get other stars over? Who is in line to shine through Cena? A Shield member? Cesaro?

I personally think that it will be Reigns. We all know the love the WWE has for the guy so he will be probably be the guy that will feud with Cena next. Of course, the WWE announced that they want to push Cena after WM so this is a bit worrying.
Personally, I think Bray Wyatt will go over Cena at WrestleMania. Vince is said to be extremely high on the Wyatt character and when you consider how much effort is being put into pushing fresh talent for WrestleMania XXX, it's a perfect opportunity to elevate Wyatt. I'm not necessarily saying that he'll go over clean, though I was surprised when Bryan went over Cena at SummerSlam with a clean win, so it's not impossible.

IF Wyatt goes over Cena at WrestleMania, I expect the feud to continue through Extreme Rules at least. I don't see the feud ending with a single match or without Cena getting at least 1 win in order to end things on a more equal level. As for what happens after that, I think it's possible to see Cena's program with Daniel Bryan starting up during the summer. It's possible that it could culminate at SummerSlam in a title match with Cena looking to avenge his loss to Bryan a year earlier.
After WrestleMania? ah....the always hard to answer question that no one can truly ever answer until the night after 'Mania. Honestly I think John Cena should keep feuding with The Wyatt Family, possibly throwing a six man tag match together or something like that. I personally cannot see the WWE have a straight up rematch between the two because this would devalue the fact that it happened at WrestleMania XXX.

An option I suppose is John Cena and The Rhodes Brothers vs The Wyatt Family at Extreme Rules. I don't really see a place for John Cena in the WWE World title picture anytime soon and infact I don't see him in the title picture for any of 2014. I think Cena goes the whole year without being in the title picture and then goes into 2015 to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 31. It's the one and only thing he has yet to do at this point.
I suspect Cena will continue to feud with the Wyatts until June. More than likely Bray will get the win at Wrestlemania, followed by two consecutive rematch victories for Cena in some type of Extreme/Hardocre rules style setting.

After that, Cena will be back in the title picture against Daniel Bryan. More than likely they'll do a sequel to their Summerslam match from last year only this time with Cena winning. WWE loves 50/50 booking where both guys trade wins. Especially with Cena. Whether it's Rock, Miz, or Del Rio, Cena always gets the last word. He will with Wyatt and Bryan as well.

I'm not sure how long they'll keep the title on Bryan after Mania. I think Bryan will fall into the same category as Benoit and Mysterio in which he gets a feel good underdog run with the title for a few months only to inevitably drop it to Cena. Most likely by Summerslam.
After WrestleMania? ah....the always hard to answer question that no one can truly ever answer until the night after 'Mania. Honestly I think John Cena should keep feuding with The Wyatt Family, possibly throwing a six man tag match together or something like that. I personally cannot see the WWE have a straight up rematch between the two because this would devalue the fact that it happened at WrestleMania XXX.

An option I suppose is John Cena and The Rhodes Brothers vs The Wyatt Family at Extreme Rules. I don't really see a place for John Cena in the WWE World title picture anytime soon and infact I don't see him in the title picture for any of 2014. I think Cena goes the whole year without being in the title picture and then goes into 2015 to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 31. It's the one and only thing he has yet to do at this point.

Well, the WWE has a history of overdoing things. WE had Wyatts vs the Shield on PPV and then a rematch 1 week after, which was wrong. Let's hope that Wyatt vs Cena will be a 4-5 star match and they will never face off one on one again, otherwise the mystique of that match will be ruined.
I suppose the first question is of the rematch. I don't think there should be one; Bray beats Cena and that's it. The only thing they could do is have Cena find a couple of partners and have a 6-man but I'm not fussed.

Cena needs to have a short break during the year. From about November to May it is very difficult for Cena to leave. He should also be at Summerslam so I suppose he could have a month or two off after the Wyatt Family feud. Build on the fact that they have broken him or something. The part timers - Sting, Taker, Lesnar, HHH - could help keep ratings stable while he rests up.

I'd have him return in time for Money in the Bank at the latest. Similar to what Punk did last year. Possibly. Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Swagger, Rusev, Barrett could all use feuds and Cena could help elevate them all. A feud with Sting could work. That is a match that I'm sure he would accept given how Cena is a big name. I wouldn't mind a couple of matches with Batista either. These two worked well together and, again, would be solid. I would definitely save a match with Reigns for Wrestlemania.

Lose to Wyatt; short break before a feud with the champ who is probably the winner of Money in the Bank. This would take Cena right up to late September/October.
It seems that lately, they have moved on from needing Cena into the main event scene.

That's an interesting point, but I think it's not so much that he's not needed in the main event as that he's already been through the mill with everyone currently at the top.

Cena vs. Orton again? Cena vs. Daniel Bryan again?

No, John Cena is still the bread & butter man of WWE; don't think he isn't.....but he needs new opponents and, whether you like Bray Wyatt or not, he's a black marble; a performer so far off the norm and such a difficult match-up for most performers that it takes the likes of the #1 guy to deal with him. Plus, he's someone Cena has never dealt with previously.

Whether Cena or Bray wins at WM30 doesn't really matter; the lack of quality opponents for Cena almost dictates that the feud with Bray continue .....until, presumably, Cena finishes off the swamp rat once and for all. Of course, "finishing him off" means only that both men go on to their next program. Such is pro wrestling.

I feel that Roman Reigns will be next on Cena's list.....months from now. They need to build Reigns as a singles performer; a project that hasn't even begun yet. But new guys like Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns are the type of opponents Cena will be dealing with this coming year.

Then, when asking further what Cena will do next, I still point to turning him bad.....not just a wee bit bad, but "releasing the hounds of hell" bad. Make him so evil that it will satisfy even the most ardent Cena-bashers.

At this point, the man's image and influence is so immense I can't believe WWE management would worry that he'd hurt the feelings of the kiddies by turning heel. The vast majority of people understand the dividing line between the personal and private lives of celebrities. Cena could keep doing his Make-a-Wish stuff while making us "love to hate" him during working hours. After all, even Randy Orton at his baddest is still seen smiling as he poses with kids during photo ops, right? Other heels, too.

You want to know what next to do with Cena? Make him a bad guy....giving him a whole new set of opponents to deal with, new situations to conquer, new storylines galore. Have him tell the fans: "You want to boo me? Fine, I'll give you something to boo about, you ungrateful shit stains on the ass of humanity."

It would be huge. Huge, I tell you!
I suppose the first question is of the rematch. I don't think there should be one; Bray beats Cena and that's it. The only thing they could do is have Cena find a couple of partners and have a 6-man but I'm not fussed.

Cena needs to have a short break during the year. From about November to May it is very difficult for Cena to leave. He should also be at Summerslam so I suppose he could have a month or two off after the Wyatt Family feud. Build on the fact that they have broken him or something. The part timers - Sting, Taker, Lesnar, HHH - could help keep ratings stable while he rests up.

I'd have him return in time for Money in the Bank at the latest. Similar to what Punk did last year. Possibly. Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Swagger, Rusev, Barrett could all use feuds and Cena could help elevate them all. A feud with Sting could work. That is a match that I'm sure he would accept given how Cena is a big name. I wouldn't mind a couple of matches with Batista either. These two worked well together and, again, would be solid. I would definitely save a match with Reigns for Wrestlemania.

Lose to Wyatt; short break before a feud with the champ who is probably the winner of Money in the Bank. This would take Cena right up to late September/October.


It is obvious that Daniel Bryan will continue to feud with either Batista(more likely) or Orton post-Mania for the title. Thus, I don't see Cena getting back into the title picture. There is also the very very slight chance of a CM Punk return(unlikely but...) which would probably see him enter the Main Event scene IF he were to return.

I say, have Bray and Cena feud upto the PPV Post-Mania, and have Cena written off of TV for a little while. Hopefully, someone like Sting can come in to help prop up the ratings whilst the likes of Bray,Roman(the Shield by extension),Cesaro and the Main Eventers will also hopefully be of a high enough level to allow Cena time off for a couple of months.

I do see Cena in the Main Event scene at some point, because I think he will get the strap, even if as a transitional champion, because since it has been unified, he hasn't got it and you know, the WWE will be itching to give him a run, however long it will be.
You want to know what next to do with Cena? Make him a bad guy....giving him a whole new set of opponents to deal with, new situations to conquer, new storylines galore. Have him tell the fans: "You want to boo me? Fine, I'll give you something to boo about, you ungrateful shit stains on the ass of humanity."
LMAO That was a classic. Unfortunately I don't see even Cena getting away with saying something like that. I feel we're just going to see more of the same with Cena after Wrestlemania. Even still, Cena turning heel has lost all its meaning for me, especially since all the other times he could've turned for much better reasons, his crappy year in 2012, etc. Most likely Cena will get his win back, go on to face whoever the WWE Champion is, beat them, and then drop the belt in about 6 months to Orton again in their 1,000,000th rematch.
Once Wrestlemania is over and done with, I would personally have Cena take Five months off. In this time Bray would be able to continue targeting different members of the roster and possible add one or two Superstars to the Wyatt Family along the way. This would allow John some much needed time off to really heel up and possible change his look a little. Then the night after Hell in a Cell, John could finally make his return and lead a team against The Wyatt family in a Traditional Survivor Series match before facing Bray one last time one on one at TLC. after this I would have John feud with some of the younger guys on the roster until after the Royal Rumble where I would have him either take on the Streak or face Bryan in the Main Event for the title.
I think that there's going to for sure going to be a couple matches between Cena and Wyatt. It won't just be 1, regardless of the outcome at WM.

Cena will be back in the title picture at some point but I'm not sure how soon. Depending on how quickly they want to push Reigns and Cesaro, I could see him feuding with one of those two for a couple months leading into Summer Slam, where he'll have a main event feud.

What they SHOULD do but won't is give him an IC title run or a US title run. Not only would it would it immediately elevate those belts, but it would bring back interest in those belts and would help get someone like Cesaro or Reigns over. Before you all mock this thought, I'm not saying they will do it. There's no chance they would do that but I think in the "lull" period after Wrestlemania, they should.
He'll be back in the title hunt. If it wasn't for The Wyatt Family's interference at RR and EC, he may have been champ.

It just depends on who's champ. If Bryan's champ, I could see Cena facing Batista or Orton, to establish himself as a WHC title contender.

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