What do you want to see WWE focus on?


Championship Contender
Describe the thing(s) you think WWE should be focusing on that you think would interest you (and, ideally, other people) the most?

I would like to see more focus on #1 contendership, tournaments and qualifying matches.

I know they have qualifying matches for things like Money in the Bank and Elimination Chamber but that's about it. They'll maybe have a #1 contendership tournament for a couple titles once a year but other than that there isn't much else going on.

The thing I like about tournaments and qualifying matches is they allow a lot more room for surprises, to some extent. Sure, you can look at the bracket and say "this guy is likely to advance because this other guy won and they want a heel vs face in the next round" and that may be true but mostly because they have so few tournaments that they don't have a lot of room to make surprises.

But, for example, I virtually every time after there is a Title Match (and if there is a rematch and they lose) there should be a new tournament to either find a new #1 contender OR if the GM says the next title match will be a "Championship Scramble" or "Triple Threat" or something like that they can have a series of matches to determine qualifiers. With that you can have some surprises ... maybe someone like Yoshi Tatsu wins a match to get to the next round of the tournament and BOOM there you have a surprise! Even if he loses in the next round you at least got to see a surprise.

So that's my one big thing I'd like to see WWE focus on.

What are your thoughts?
I agree. This is to me the biggest thing pro wrestling is missing. Some type of title contender system. Having two guys argue and then a GM come out and make a number one contenders match is getting old.

Some indy's have this. I know ROH has a system where if someone beats or draws with the champ they get a title shot. Chikara has a system where 3 wins in a row gets a title shot. I don't know how well tournament would work though. Doing that for every title shot would be a bit much. But I'd like to see something.
a contender system? If people wanted some boring, sporty type of show, they'd watch a tournament, sporty show. They want entertainment. Conflict is so much better than arbitrary rankings and bullshit. Wrestling's most popular times were when they knew it was entertainment.
Contender tournaments and all that are great, I'd love to see them come back in a way that would work in this new WWE era. But IMO, first the titles have to mean something. They have to want it. These used to be prestigious titles that had history and honor. Wrestlers went to great lengths to fulfill dreams of winning the IC Title, the US Title, the Tag Team Titles. We'll leave the World titles out of it. It used to be that PPV's were built around chases culminating in title matches. Over the years many IC or Tag Team title matches have stolen the show at PPVs. Superstars have to want that belt, strive for it, do anything to get it. As a 40 year fan I just think it's an easy way to create drama, for the wrestlers to be more personally and emotionally involved, thus making the fans more emotionally involved. That's what I want to see.
I would like to see WWE build up a more meaningful midcard. Guys like Zack Ryder, David Otunga, Alex Riley, etc. should get TV time to put on meaningful matches rather than just jobbing to the main-eventers.

Right now it seems like most of the "midcard" is just the main eventers who can't fit into the World Title scene at the moment, so they just float around in meaningless matches until it's their turn.

Even Antonio Cesaro is hotshotted into a feud with a former World Champion simply because they refuse to build up any real contenders.
The Shield! We haven't seen a stable with as much potential since Nexus and that was handled badly in the end. I think all three guys could go far and WWE should maintain their dominance for as long as possible, with a few twist and turns along the way.

I personally would LOVE to see them screw Punk at the Rumble, with the big reveal that Rock was the one hiring them all along, as a means of ensuring in his absence that things ran the wa they wanted and he got his shot at Punk. It's obviously never, ever going to happen but a man can dream.
First of all they shall stop deciding the result of the matches the participant of the match should make the result and you are right tournaments would be great instead of foolish battle royals which have an obvious winner.
The next thing I like to see is focusing on young talents guys like punk and cena can't wrestle forever they are goona need new stars sooner or later.
and what they really have to focus on is making matches look real you saw last night on RAW CM Punk defeated Brodus Clay that was obviously a scripted match. How in hell can a small guy like punk defeat an almost giant like clay. in the first place they should avoid making these kind of matches happen and if they happen the true winner must be seen after the match not some little guy who won the match because he is the champ or was in wwe for a longer time.
What I want WWE to focus on?
Getting out of the PG era but that will never happen.
A Cena heel turn
A real push for the young talent, not the same old situation where they bring back a former superstar to get a few PPV buy rates.
I want the WWE to focus on 3 things. I want the WWE to focus on the World. I want the WWE to focus on the Wrestling. I want the WWE to focus on the Entertainment. I want the WWE to focus on 3 things, in that order.

I want the WWE to focus on the “Best In The World”. By being the Best In The World, you would think that would mean being the World Champion. In this case, I’m talking about all the Championships. I don’t mind storylines at all, but I want the storylines built around the Championships, not the other way around.

This brings me to my second point. Family, affairs and family affairs are entertaining, but not as entertaining as a Champion’s family, a Champion’s affairs, and a Champion’s family affairs. Let’s keep the Champions as a priority. Let’s keep the WWE Champion and / or the World Champion at the Main Event of every show.

The least of my priorities, but a priority nonetheless. As the current reigning and defending WWE Champions stated, you can be entertained by the Rock on the mic or by Punk in the ring, either way I’m going to be entertained, and my entertainment of choice is in the ring. If I wanted to be entertained solely on the mic, I’d go watch something else.

My idea
I’ve mentioned this before, and I certainly don’t mind mentioning it again. I think the WWE should put WWE Active to full use every day by initializing my “Elite 8” idea.


The WWE Elite 8

After looking at the “TNA’s Top 10 rankings”, I started wondering how I would use this as a “booker”. Now it looks as if TNA’s is indeed fixed to fit storylines, rather than actual fan voting. You can’t be too sure about fan voting, but that’s another topic altogether. My idea would be for the WWE to sort of use this system, with a few changes, of course. Here’s what I would do.

The very first thing Vince would have to do is push every PPV date to the last Sunday of every month, and cut the yearly PPV count down to exactly 12. For the month of May, “Extreme Rules” is more than enough and “Over The Limit” should be nixed, especially if the WWE is focusing on themed PPVs. What exactly is the theme / gimmick match of “Over The Limit”?? For the month of October, “Bragging Rights” should be nixed and the Raw vs. Smackdown matches (Woman’s Champ vs. Divas Champ, IC Champ vs. US Champ, Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown) should instead be held at the Survivor Series. Now we know that Vince is having two PPVs in October to “disrupt” TNA’s version of March / April with the Flagship Supercard “Bound For Glory” in the same month, but is it really necessary??

Now for the actual idea. Create 2 polls on WWE.com, one for Raw and one for Smackdown. Make every single WWE Star a selection in their respective polls. Voting will be open from the start of a PPV to the following Monday at 9. On the first week after the Pay Per View, the rankings are revealed. The top 8 for each respective brand are seeded as such and placed in a 4 week tournament to determine the number one contender.

Week 1 tournament quarter-finals
# 2 vs. # 7
# 3 vs. # 6

Week 2 tournament quarter-finals
# 4 vs. # 5
# 1 vs. # 8

Week 3 tournament semi-finals
Week 1 winners’ match
Week 2 winners’ match

Week 4 tournament final
Week 3 winners’ match

Then comes the PPV. Champion vs. the # 1 contender in the match type pre-determined by the PPV. The WWE could benefit from this in so many ways. They can still determine the outcomes of the matches, but the fans will have somewhat of a say in who they see week in and week out. This makes every single Raw and Smackdown just as “important” as the PPVs. The build up from the weeks / tournament is enough for the Superstar to walk into the PPV as a convincing challenge (the # 1 contender would have just won 3 matches to get there).

I know what you’re thinking, “what about the rematch clause”?? Just like the “10 / 20 second count out rule” and the “time limit draw” they can just drop the idea. We live in a world where we don’t want to see the same matches over and over again in a span of 3 PPVs in a row. At least this way, we as the fans, can somewhat prevent that. Exceptions to this rule would be the Fatal Four Way PPV. In this case, the tournament can stop at Week 3 and just insert the former Champ to fill in the 4th spot. There’s your precious rematch clause.

As for the rest of the roster, I think the Stars who ranked 9 through 16 should follow the same format but for the respective mid-card Titles (Intercontinental and United States Championships) and placing them in their own tournament. This gives the secondary Titles as much importance as the World Titles, as far as TV time goes.

Those who placed at # 17 through the end on both polls can be combined and placed in some kind of Tag Team Tournament for the Tag Straps.

Each week, those eliminated from their respective tournaments are then placed in the random matches they would have been placed in anyway. These can be used to catch the eye of the fan for the next month’s set of voting.

As for the Champ, well, I think the Champion should have somewhat of an “advantage” and take the “Hulk Hogan” route of only having matches at PPVs. They can come on the weekly shows and cut promos, sit ringside during matches, do a vignette of them training, or even have a warm up match against someone not in contention, maybe even have them on NXT once in a while.

So what do you think??
Any other tweeks needed??
Would it work in the WWE all year round??
Is this the focus we, as fans, want on the WWE, World, Intercontinental, United States and Unified Tag Team Titles??
Should we use this formula / process for the Women’s and Divas Titles as well??

I didn’t want to get into detail about the Tag Team portion of this idea, being that they are at the bottom of the barrel, but after discussing it with my friend outside of the Zone, he made me explain myself. So here goes.

There are 32 Raw Stars and 25 Smackdown Stars.
You take away the Champs (World, Mid-Card / Secondary and Tag Team Champs) and that cuts the totals down to 28 Red and 23 Blue.
Then you take away the top 16 from each show and that makes 12 Red and 7 blue.
That’s 19 Stars that can make up 8 teams. The teams don’t have to be portrayed as “random”. Teams could be made up out of the remaining Stars. Also, Teams don't have to stay together long if they are not the Tag Champs. I don’t know. I think that works. It’s easy and complicated, but what isn’t in the WWE??

The one bad part I see in this is that 3 WWE Superstars will have nothing to do till the next round of voting. Ladies and Gentlemen, there’s your 3 “featured” NXT Pros for the month. (I don’t think each rookie needs a pro, but that’s for another topic).

Other areas that the skeptics might mention are the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber PPVs and the respective stipulations.

What I would do about the Royal Rumble is to continue with the ranking system, determining a #1 contender for Title matches at RR and then have the remaining Top 15 from each brand enter the Rumble. The winner will get to pick which WrestleMania Triple Threat Elimination match he wants to enter. I know, why the Triple Threat Elimination matches?? I’ll get to that.

What I would do about the Elimination Chamber is to continue with the ranking system, determining a #1 contender for Title matches at EC and then have the remaining Top 6 enter the Chamber. The winners will then be placed into their brands respective Triple Threat Elimination match.

Now, with Raw and Smackdown having a Champion, a March Tournament winner, and at this point, an Elimination Chamber winner, the Royal Rumber winner will have to pick which one he wants to go for. I think it would be best for the Main Events to be an Elimination style match, so we can “really” determine the best of the best and still have those face to face WM moments. I never really liked Triple Threats and Fatal Four Way with the Champ not having to lose the match in order to lose the belt, and this way, it eliminates the whole, “but I never lost” $#!+.

Anyway, if there are any other bugs to work out, please let me know.

Thank you all for the compliments.

I like the idea of taking my idea out during the “Road To WrestleMania”, but if this plan was implemented by the WWE, do you think the fans will upset that they can’t vote during the WWE’s “Hottest” season??

As for the WWE not trusting the fans, he doesn’t necessarily have to trust us. We’re merely voting for who we want in the tournament. We, the fans, are not determining who the number one contenders are. We are just telling Vince, “Hey, give this guy a shot!! Hey, give that guy a shot!!” Vince can still decide who’s main eventing the following PPV. We’re just pretty much writing Raw and Smackdown for him, at least the important parts of it.

Imagine if an 8th seed “upsets” a 1st seed. Then on the following week, the 1st seed costs the 8th seed his semi-final match. There’s your non-title feud match for the PPV. Let’s face it, if Vince wants Randy to be the number one contender, no matter where we vote him at, he will have three wins between the last PPV and the next. Why not make it look “real”??

Guys, this would be out chance to push Cena down to contending for the Mid-Card Title. HA#@HA#@!! Another example would be the Nexus. Let’s say the WWE took this idea and ran with it. The Nexus could have easily interfered in every tournament match here, taking out 7 of the Top 8, leaving Orton as the winner (or something along those lines). There’s your Team “Against Us” vs. Team Nexus. Anything is possible in the WWE, so why not make that statement as close to the truth as possible??

King Patrick said:
I guess it all depends on what you want to see on TV.

Do you want to see matches that mean something every single week?? Do you want to see a deserving number one contender who went through fan voting (trying to place in the Top 8 in our eyes) and 3 matches face the Champion at the PPV??

Do you want to see Vince come out and tell you who the number one contender is, and for the next 4 to 5 weeks, we get to see the Challenger and Champion p!$$ each other off, placed in random Singles / Tag matches, saying the same $#!+ over and over again, and if we’re lucky, we get to see it for another month because the loser has a rematch clause at the end of the contract??

To promote the Main Events at the PPV, all you need to do is show the graphic of the PPV, put the Champ and his Belt to the left, and a silhouette with a question mark on his face to the right. The buildup can come while the tournament is going on. Let’s say Vince does indeed want Orton to be the Challenger. They can start building him up at the very first match of the tournament and continue throughout all the way to the Final. The fans are going to buy the PPV if they were going to buy it anyway. Let’s say we have Sheamus vs. Orton or Sheamus vs. Santino. If you planned on buying it, would you change your mind if Santino was the Challenger?? Would you be p!$$ed if Vince decided to “shake things up” a bit and have Santino shock the world??

Either way, I think it’s a good way to get the fans involved and a good way to keep Katie Vick out of storylines. If someone is looking for the non-Title matches on a PPV, those can be put together as the eliminations occur each week.

After reading that back from 2010, I think the gist of my idea could still work today. What do you think??
I don't know the answer to this. It kind of makes me feel like my wife must feel when she has to tell me what to do to make her happy. I don't want to tell the WWE what I want to see. I want them to come up with things to entertain me. That doesn't mean I'm happy with the product, but if I wanted everything to go the way I think it should at any given time I may as well write wrestling fan fiction and amuse myself.

I do know that a bunch of arbitrary tournaments and contenders matches would bore me to tears.
I agree with the OP. We all know it's scripted and WWE makes who they want to make, the #1 contender but I'd like to see them at least focus on the chase for the title or to get into a title match. I think as fans we'd be far more interested in a match, even if it's wrestlers we don't necessarily like, if we've seen them have to win some kind of tournament or somehow demonstrate that they're the #1 contender, rather than just having a guy come out do a promo and then have the GM name that person the #1 contender.

Also, I'm getting tired of rematch after rematch. Have a title match, have a rematch, and then you're done. It gets old when there's a string of 5 PPVs in a row with the same guys fighting for the same belt. Want the feud to continue? Then either take the title out of the mix, or after a rematch, make the loser work his way back into #1 contendership.

Next, I'd like to see more of a focus on the storylines for non-title, non-main event feuds. It seems like lately there are no good or compelling midcard feuds. They focus on the midcarders with either the IC or US title but really no one else. You don't need a title to have a compelling feud.

If they would develop their midcard storylines, a lot more guys would get over.
I want the WWE to focus on 3 things. I want the WWE to focus on the World. I want the WWE to focus on the Wrestling. I want the WWE to focus on the Entertainment. I want the WWE to focus on 3 things, in that order.

I want the WWE to focus on the “Best In The World”. By being the Best In The World, you would think that would mean being the World Champion. In this case, I’m talking about all the Championships. I don’t mind storylines at all, but I want the storylines built around the Championships, not the other way around.

This brings me to my second point. Family, affairs and family affairs are entertaining, but not as entertaining as a Champion’s family, a Champion’s affairs, and a Champion’s family affairs. Let’s keep the Champions as a priority. Let’s keep the WWE Champion and / or the World Champion at the Main Event of every show.

The least of my priorities, but a priority nonetheless. As the current reigning and defending WWE Champions stated, you can be entertained by the Rock on the mic or by Punk in the ring, either way I’m going to be entertained, and my entertainment of choice is in the ring. If I wanted to be entertained solely on the mic, I’d go watch something else.

My idea
I’ve mentioned this before, and I certainly don’t mind mentioning it again. I think the WWE should put WWE Active to full use every day by initializing my “Elite 8” idea.

After reading that back from 2010, I think the gist of my idea could still work today. What do you think??

Yes, I like this idea.

Some people are saying they would be bored by "arbitrary tournaments" but they would really be anything but arbitrary. They WOULD have purpose. Every match would be to advance further in the tournament to hopefully be the #1 contender.

No longer would we have to have so many matches like Sheamus vs 3MB. Tell me, what's the point of THAT match? Well, the point is to make Sheamus look strong even though 3MB technically won the match by using the numbers advantage but making Sheamus made and Brogue kicking them each for the 3rd or 4th time in a couple weeks. Talk about an arbitrary match.

With a tournament system every match would mean a lot more.

If the fans got to vote on it it would be good because WWE would get feedback on who people really want to see. Hey, who knows maybe people want to see Justin Gabriel in the main event? They might give him enough votes to be in the top 8. Now, Vince can then give him a surprise win but lose the next match or he could surprise us even more and make him win the tournament and get a title shot. At least if he did he would have seen there was X number of people who wanted to see him.

Just look at how many people really want to see a King of the Ring tournament again? Why? Because it makes things interesting just by the nature of it. You get to see a bunch of different match-ups which have purpose and you probably get to see an upset victory or two and at the end you have a guy who has been given a 'push'.

And if the WWE would have more tournaments then even if, say, the King of the Ring winner goes on to a title match but for some reason the fans don't get behind it then, fine, re-set and have another tournament for #1 contendership and ask the fans "Who do YOU want to see in this tournament?" and the fans will tell them who they want to see.
I want the WWE to build, Build Build Build. WWE has a way of taking the ball and running with it when something works (Team Hell No, AJ) which is great, and has the potential to be very entertaining and innovative. Would anyone have guessed where Kane, D-Bry, and AJ would have been this time last year ? Taking into account the amount of screen time and the reaction of the crowd, I'm guessing not.

But on the flip side WWE has a way of fizzling out immediately when they seem to be in a creative funk. They spent all that time hyping Kharma, it didn't work, and they're attitude came off as, "Well what the Hell are we supposed to do now ?" Similar to the Embrace the hate angle and even the end of Nexus, Hell we can take it back to Swagger. When something starts to slow down or doesn't quite fit they way they want it to, they kind of scrap what's left and start again, instead of going a head to try and make it work even though it's not exactly what was planned. The point of this babble is that WWE needs to work on building upwards, instead of stopping and starting a dozen times with one idea, superstar, or division.

Another quick point I've said before, WWE has a way of taking on elementary, one at a time, ways of handling things. They spent a lot of time on reconstructing their tag team division, only to completely forget about all the teams they built when Team Hell No busted on to the screen.

So I guess what I want is a balance between taking the ball and running with it and still being able to build ideas, superstars, and divisions they've already spent time developing.
I would like to see an NCAA Tournament style for the #1 Contender for the WWE Title! Or Bring back how the King of the Ring used to be. A one night tourney of 8-16 competitors and the winner is the King of the Ring and #1 contender!
More inventive ways to debut new talent. The Corre/Nexus/Shield/Next Stable of No-Names in Black Shirts is getting old.

There need to be more characters. Not necessarily gimmicks, we don't need more Repo Man or Doink the Clown, but guys need to have personalities and characters.

I'd also like to see a more fruitful Diva division but we all know that won't happen.
1. Make the WWE or World titles the main event on every show. It is absurd that CM Punk comes out at the beginning of the second hour to wrestle a mid-card guy. At PPV events all championship matches should be contested after non-title matches, with the exception of things like guys going after the streak and things like that. Format should go lower card matches, mid card matches, Diva's Title, Tag Team Titles, US Title, IC Title, WH Title WWE title. WH and WWE title matches could swap but you ALWAYS have one before the other and ALWAYS have those matches at the end of the PPV.

2. Cut down on the number of PPV events. One a month is too much. I am only 29, but I remember when there were the big 4 Rumble, Mania, Summer Slam, and Survivor Series. All the programing was built around hyping these events and everyone wanted to tune in when the PPV actually happened. I am not dumb enough to think that WWE can only do 4 PPV events a year so I propose keeping the big 4 and adding the actual King of the Ring PPV the way it was when Bret won it. Make the winner the #1 contender at Summer Slam. Then do one theme PPV. TLC, Elimination Chamber, Hell in a Cell, Exreme Rules...doesn't matter. They could actually do those five PPV events and rotate between themed PPV events once a year. To compensate for the lost PPV events, they could do an old school WCW Clash of the Champions type thing and make Main Event a 2 hour mini-ppv...both on network television of course.

3. Resurrect the Tag team and cruiserweight divisions and create a TV title that has to be defended once every two weeks on any show. By resurrect the Tag team division I mean get guys in there who came in to the business as a tag team and want to make their mark on the business as a tag team AND DON'T SPLIT THEM UP! Bring in some cruiserweights. Raw is 3 hours long and Smackdown is 2, I think they can pull this off and put wrestling on TV instead of 30 recaps of what went on last week or earlier on in the night. Get a TV title. Having one will allow people who tune in to know for a fact there will be a title match on for them to watch and will allow lower/midcard guys to get valuable ring time and continue their development.

4. Have #1 contenders tournaments just don't overdo it. Whatever happened to somebody coming out and challenging the #1 contender for his spot or a champion challenging a solid looking contender btw, I know it is scripted but come on. Build storylines around having and trying to keep or acquiring championships first and foremost. I am not saying "personal" storylines and feuds shouldn't happen, but the focus should be on what all the guys there are supposed to be chasing and that is a championship of any sort (this also includes the streak, sorry guys it has to always be taken into consideration).

4. Coerce Joey Styles to do play-by-play by himself. (Ok maybe I am thinking out loud.)
I don't know the answer to this. It kind of makes me feel like my wife must feel when she has to tell me what to do to make her happy. I don't want to tell the WWE what I want to see. I want them to come up with things to entertain me. That doesn't mean I'm happy with the product, but if I wanted everything to go the way I think it should at any given time I may as well write wrestling fan fiction and amuse myself.

I do know that a bunch of arbitrary tournaments and contenders matches would bore me to tears.

This is pretty much how I feel when it comes to what I think WWE should focus on. Whenever I sit down and think about writing what I think WWE should do, who they should push, how they should push them, etc.; it can quickly slip into the realm of fantasy booking. Fantasy booking is one of the IWC's biggest problem when it comes to pro wrestling as a whole. If what we're seeing doesn't match up with whatever the vision of fantasy booker has in mind, then here come the criticisms.

However, what I personally think WWE should focus on is basically touching up some stuff. I think the tag team division has lost just a little bit of steam in recent weeks. There's still work to be done and I hope they don't just flake off the tag team picture whenever Team Hell No drops the titles. It'd just be a waste of so much time and work. The Diva scene almost always needs work, if not an outright overhaul, especially now that Eve is gone. I think WWE's mid-card picture overall is strong. I know that it's really only a handful of wrestlers in the mid-card scene that really get any large degree of attention but that's how it almost always is in wrestling. The mid-card is going to have a small number of top guys and everyone else is there basically to help make those top mid-card guys look good while working towards possibly getting a push into one of those top spots themselves.

It seems that the idea of tournaments & #1 contender matches has some support here. Arbitrary tournaments and #1 contender matches would quickly become boring in WWE. TNA has done stuff like this at various times in which they break out a tournament or some sort of #1 contender match variation whenever someone turns around. They haven't in quite a while. Tournaments should be rare, in my opinion, so that the novelty of them feels fresh. When the unique becomes standard operating procedure, it stops being unique.
I want them to go back to one thing that always worked in the Attitude Era....no, not cursing, TnA, TV-14, etc....WWE needs to go back to having storylines that intertwine. Here's an example I posted earlier in another thread....

Like I've been saying all along, any division is better when there are intertwining storylines. Right now, it's Hell No against RS, but PTP looked to be having a decent start to a feud with HN....can they be involved in a feud with another team, and still cost HN a match? This goes for anybody, whether in the tag division, mid card for a title (or not for a title), or for anyone in the Main Event.....can we have wrestlers involved in a primary feud, but also have a secondary feud that is used to plant seeds of a future feud when the timing is right or when the stakes are bigger? The biggest reason the Attitude Era was so popular and successful, in my opinion, wasn't because of the cursing and the t.its and a.ss, it was because nobody ever looked like they were feudless and sputtering their tires.....any feud that was going on was the culmination of a smaller feud that started while both wrestlers were involved in other feuds. I'm waiting for WWE to go back to that.....that's when people will stop complaining about boring RAWs and predictable storylines.

I didn't know this until the other day, but apparently, Stone Cold and Rock have only had 5 one on one matches ever. That's incredible to me, since I thought it would have been more, but it's very telling.....back then, despite these two being the biggest stars and many times being on opposing sides, WWE was able to hold off on overdoing this feud by always having each of them involved with other people at the same time.
Fantasy booking is one of the IWC's biggest problem when it comes to pro wrestling as a whole. If what we're seeing doesn't match up with whatever the vision of fantasy booker has in mind, then here come the criticisms.

So very true. Well said.

And it's in that spirit I want WWE to focus on something that is very possible and (for me at least) would improve the product drastically: replace Jerry Lawler with William Regal or JBL and start looking for the next Jim Ross yesterday. Cole and Mathews are capable for the time being, but the search for young talent shouldn't be limited to the locker room. An enthusiastic play-by-play man would inject some life into the show, while Regal and JBL are probably the best color commentators we'll see until CM Punk retires.
More reality in the booking. When you're in a damn cage and you get hit with the cage door or are slammed into the cage, you blade. If you're hit with an object on the head (ladder, knucks, title belt), you blade. I'm not saying you have to bleed like a stuck hog, but make it realistic in the sense of really hitting someone. Nothing sold feuds better than bloodshed.

Also, in relation to the reality in booking, have them use less scripted promos and simply ad lib and hit bullet points like back in the older days. You can CLEARLY tell backstage things are scripted and they're poorly executed. I'd like to see the older school version of interviews, too. Have a wrestler speak into the camera while being interviewed by Josh Matthews or Striker, put over the match, why it's happening, and what's going to happen. End of segment. It's the wrestler that has to sell the promo, not the promo selling the wrestler.

The commentary's fine. JR won't come back full time, and that's alright. I do want to see a heel Lawler tho. Either a heel Lawler or an impartial Lawler on commentary.
Honestly, I'd like them to focus a bit more on the Diva's division. Its gone to shit. You got what, 3 diva's left? Ridiculous.
In the past, you had female wrestlers like Lita, Torrie, Sable who could actually wrestle and looking freakin' hot.
And now, it's just eye candy. TNA has females who aren't just hot, but they can wrestle.
So very true. Well said.

And it's in that spirit I want WWE to focus on something that is very possible and (for me at least) would improve the product drastically: replace Jerry Lawler with William Regal or JBL and start looking for the next Jim Ross yesterday. Cole and Mathews are capable for the time being, but the search for young talent shouldn't be limited to the locker room. An enthusiastic play-by-play man would inject some life into the show, while Regal and JBL are probably the best color commentators we'll see until CM Punk retires.

I agree and if I were WWE, I'd reach out to Edge. I think he'd be very good on commentary. He obviously has a great understanding of wrestling itself but also of the entertainment aspect but Edge is a guy that, IMO, could always connect with the crowd. I'd love to see him on commentary.
I would like to see the WWE put more or, most of it's attention towards the Championships (And not just the World Titles but especially those), the "top build feud" of 2012, the Main Event of WrestleMania wasn't for the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship, and that was the second time in three years that it's happened.

I'm not a big fan of having your top feud of the year not be for a Championship, nor am I not a big fan of any other match besides a World title match main-eventing a Pay-Per-View. The WWE Championship main-evented. The WWE Championship main-evented 3 PPV's this year, the World Heavyweight Championship main-evented none, now, I don't know about you, but to me, that's unacceptable... how are you going to have John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis main-event over CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship or Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship? It seems completely idiotic, yet that's what happened at Over the Limit.

Make both World Championship's mean as much as they used to... it's sad to see how much the prestige of both Championship's have dropped over the past few years, and that actually goes for every championship in general. They need to make smarter choices when it comes to that. That's what I want WWE to focus on in 2013 and every year after that.
I'd like to see a solid midcard put together in the WWE that actually gets some exposure time other than the U.S or I.C Champion having a squash match or a regular match that gets ruined by their rival or whatever.

So much time is focused on the top stars of the WWE, whether it's for the WWE Championship or not. The titles are what used to stand out and that's where the focus should be again. Not only does this make the titles important again, but it also gives superstars something to chase, which is what they should be after to begin with or something.

Some sort of tournament should be held from time to time or a battle royal or a triple threat. Something that includes more than just superstar A and superstar B going at it in the ring.
Intriguing storylines.

I always see people come up with these elaborate tournaments and ideas, but my belief is, keep it simpe. All WWE needs to do is create great storylines and that's it. You don't need all this other elaborate stuff because it's all window dressing.

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