What do you think of TNA's new storyline with Abyss and Wolfe?


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Ok so this thread is about TNA's storyline between Abyss and Desmond Wolfe.I want to know what you guys thought about how it started between them i also would like to know what you guys would have changed about how it started or if you guys would have left it like this.

For me i wish they wouldn't have revaled who the "attacker" was so it would be eating me inside wanting to know who attacked Chelsea and tuning every week to find out who it was.I think they could of almost could of done it like when HHH ran over HBK that it took about 2 or 3 weeks to figure out who it was that ran over HBK.

Also i want to know how you would carry the storyline about what will Abyss do.

I personnally belive this is the right time to make him The Monster Abyss once again just going on a rampage against Wolfe for humilating him to go to jail and beating the crap out of anyone that is wolfe's friend.

So i would like your take in this topic.

(side note its my first thread so if you got some way that i can make threads better it would help thanks )
Thats actually what i first thought when i saw this story taking place, i thought it was going to be a few week long search by Desmong Wolfe much like HHH did a few years back with HBK. I actually would have been interested if it had been done this way, just to see how it played out would have been an easy way to keep the two of them in a story together instead of (in my opinion) having abyss wasting time with Hogan on impact in the ME scene where under this chracter with the HOF ring he does not belong.

Now i agree with the OP that this could be the chance to try revert Abyss back to the monster, but even if he did go back to the monster, which they have tried before. Last year i believe after he returned from the insane asylum was supposed to be the return of the monster but turned out as a lackluster dissapointment. The only way Abyss would ever be able to be the monster again would be if James Mitchell was back as his manager and his voice, cause lets face it a monster shouldnt really get or need much mike time themselves.

So in conclusion i think this story with Wolfe has already dissapointed as it could have like the OP and myself stated done the HHH search for the attacker and so on. I think this fued will just end with one PPV match with Abyss picking up the win and if memory serves he would win Chealsea too, but we all know this fued was just filler between the two rival teams Hogan and Flair which is also a major dissapointment, to me anyway
The secret attacker gimmick. Always a good classic, if used properly. Your right about them keeping it a secret for the time being. At least a good month, have them reveal it at a Pay Per View. Makes a good chance for a high rated segment.

Then again, the secret attacker should always be someone that no one ever thought it was going to happen? Like Brutus being revealed to be Hogan's attacker in the 90's when he jumped ship. Or DDP turning out to be the Taker's stalker in 2001. Something that would blow your mind. So, I would of stayed away from the secret attacker angle.

I would of gone with a good one on one feud. Desmond Wolfe needs a good feud with someone that can sell, and Abyss is that guy. Nothing like Desmond Wolfe getting an upper hand the first match, and pulling a win off. That can really make a heel. Especially if a weapon is involved, and Abyss is beaten to a pulp. This can set up for a good hatred filled feud. Then the 2nd match is just a good fight to the finish. Just a classic Heel vs. Face.

Plus, nothing wrong with the secret attacker angle, just, it works better with the main event guys, it's a waste with the mid-card guys.
What secret attacker? Once i saw that she had been "attacked," I knew right away it would be Abyss. Come on guys, it wasn't that hard to see.

I would have changed Abyss' reaction though. Instead of the blubbering baby he was, he should have just been simmering. Simmering to the point where the next week he just snaps. He destroys everybody, including the champ, RVD. Abyss only calms down when Hogan comes out. Hogan goes to leave the ring with Abyss, and when Hogan turns his back...Abyss beats the living hell out of him, and we no longer see Hogan ever again. Kill two birds with one stone. Turn Abyss back and get rid of the Hulkster, dude!
I love desmond wolfe, but Abyss' Hulkamaniac attitude made me despise him, i'd love the feud if it was the REAL monster Abyss vs. Desmond Wolfe (A GREAT TECHNICAL I MIGHT MENTION), and the fact that Abyss going to jail can make him a monster again, and he could become a MANIAC!!! This feud should be a solid one, I just want to see Abyss turn on Hogan and see him become a monster once again
The secret attacker gimmick. Always a good classic, if used properly.

Yeah, no, this angle died in 1999 and should have stayed dead. It's pretty terrible. Rarely past 2000 has it been used effectively. It either ends blandly and predictable or so "shocking" because the reasoning is shit.

Your right about them keeping it a secret for the time being. At least a good month, have them reveal it at a Pay Per View. Makes a good chance for a high rated segment.

The best thing TNA did with the angle was have it end quickly as to not waste time for multiple weeks. The entire reason it happened was to justify a bullshit stipulation for Sacrifice (That was announced before this all happened) any way.

Then again, the secret attacker should always be someone that no one ever thought it was going to happen? Like Brutus being revealed to be Hogan's attacker in the 90's when he jumped ship. Or DDP turning out to be the Taker's stalker in 2001. Something that would blow your mind. So, I would of stayed away from the secret attacker angle.

The problem with this is that when it's someone no one expects, the logic behind it is almost always missing. When it's logical and makes sense, it's predictable (ie. Last Night). Simply the way things are.

I would of gone with a good one on one feud. Desmond Wolfe needs a good feud with someone that can sell, and Abyss is that guy. Nothing like Desmond Wolfe getting an upper hand the first match, and pulling a win off. That can really make a heel. Especially if a weapon is involved, and Abyss is beaten to a pulp. This can set up for a good hatred filled feud. Then the 2nd match is just a good fight to the finish. Just a classic Heel vs. Face.

I can agree with this.

Plus, nothing wrong with the secret attacker angle, just, it works better with the main event guys, it's a waste with the mid-card guys.

Quick point, Abyss is considered "Main Event". He challenged for the title not two months ago, was in the Main Event of Lethal Lockdown, and has closed the show often since then.

Not to pick on you Cuddlebuns, your post was the one that was most eloquently stated. Take it as a compliment.
The whole mystery attacker angle has been done to many times for anyone to care about it. They still should of stretched it out for at least a couple weeks.I don't see this angle between them lasting to long. I'm really tired of the hall of fame rings being a main focus of a feud. I don't want to see Abyss winning Chelsea either. That's another storyline that's been run into the ground many times over the years.
I don't want to see Abyss winning Chelsea either. That's another storyline that's been run into the ground many times over the years.

What if Abyss wins her, and turns heel? Think about it for a minute. Abyss can turn her into jello every week for a month. Just make her life miserable out of fear. All the while, Wolfe is steaming. He only wants to get her back. He turns face or tweener, or what have you. That could shoot Desmond up tenfold. I think it could happen and be pretty good. Have Desmond still be the cocky dude, but he still does the right thing. I know it would be sudden, but I think it could work for both Wolfe and Abyss.
I'm glad it ended the same week it started. It was obvious who it was considering they have a match Sunday with the stipulation of "Ring vs Chelsea" although I know Abyss is gonna win which annoys me since Desmond if more of a future for the company than Abyss and winning the ring would be a good way fro Desond to break away and be on his own again. It served it's purpose of getting Desmond & Chelsea heat while making people wonder how Abyss will react Sunday and furthering the feud. That's what is was supposed to do and it did just that. The shear number of people wondering if Abyss is gonna be different at Sunday's PPV shows that.
Okay, this is one of the reasons, I hate tuning into iMPACT, what happened to abyssamania, now i'm not a fan of it, but has that ended, i mean he still has the HoF ring doesn't he. TNA should finish story's before starting new ones. Abyss turns heel, what does hogan do? is he going to turn heel aswell? How will this affect TNA?

TNA try too much at once and it isn't good. As for this feud now, its repetition, TNA keep doing it, secret attackers, we still haven't heard who ambushed Samoa Joe? if it was really even an ambush. TNA start feuds without knowing how to even end them...

Come on Wolfe, win the ring of Abyss and regain some momentum.
This is an angle that would have worked, or at least had a chance of working, back around 1999 or 2000. The moment it took place and it was said that "someone attacked Chelsea" it was completely obvious what was going to happen. It would turn out to be Abyss who attacked Chelsea and it would be revealed, somehow, that the attack was all a ploy by Desmond Wolfe. If done properly and professionally, this type of storyline could potentially work. Most times, however, the story just comes off lame and cheesy like it did Thursday. Like most of what goes on in TNA, it was pretty much a clusterfuck from the beginning. Anything connected with Abyss as he is and in the spot he's be put in by Hulk Hogan is going to rot right before your eyes.

And now, you can almost guarantee that Abyss will win at Sacrifice and that Chelsea will be his for 30 days. I just hope it last longer than the 90 seconds the first match between Abyss and Wolfe lasted.
I knew it was Abyss from the moment i saw Chelsea crying however i hated seeing it be a frame up. I figured this would be a good stepping stone to Abyss turning heel, turning sort of psychotic monster Abyss.

If Abyss does win Chelsea, which i will absolutely hate with a passion, i hope it does end up like one of the posters speculation where Abyss makes Chelsea miserable turning Wolfe into the good guy trying to save his lover. I too think that will spring Wolfe up the charts even more than he already is. I also think thats the only way to truly keep me interested in this fued. I mean as of right now its most likely gonna be Abyss beating up Wolfe for a month and thats it. Predictable at its worst.

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